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Any recommendations for someone who enjoyed Trainspotting? Doesn't need to be Scottish.
I liked the humour, characters, themes of degeneracy/morality. I can't really put my finger on why I liked it so much, but I found some aspects of the book very relatable, being a brit
postmodernist faggot piece of shit
James Kelman does foul mouthed Scottish low life well, he's the OG Welsh was influenced by.
Its hard to get authentic novels about the British working class, for reasons we are all aware of.
Junkie by Burroughs
Most of the other books Welsh wrote, for non-Welsh you might like Drugs are Nice.
Have you read any others by Welsh?
Exactly, have you got any postmodernist faggot piece of shit literature recommendations?
Iain Banks is decent, and bret easton ellis is like the souless american version of welsh
Not that guy but I read almost everything by him as a teen. Filth and Marabou Stork Nightmares are good, they have more of a strong narrative. Glue, Skagboys and Porno are more like trainspotting in their sprawling, slice of life way. skagboys is a trainspotting prequel and porno a sequel. his later work is not very good and gets repetitive though
this. surprisingly comfy
I wasn't super interested in reading the books in the same universe because it feels a bit like Welsh milking Trainspotting. But I could try his others.
Bret Easton Ellis sounds cool
I already read the wasp factory, but if the others are good i'll check them out.
Thanks a lot
Filth is his best. Still refer to people as a 'sad nae-mates Bladesy type'.
Very easy to make it a straightforward ACAB novel about le bad police, but it's a proper character piece. He does character so well, almost Dickens good - apart from the trainspotting lads, in Filth you've got Lennox, Bruce, Blades, Blades wife, even the footballer neighbour is vivid.
Would have loved to have been in the meeting when he explained to the publisher how the tapeworm sections were going to work.
NTA, but Skagboys is good. Porno is very mid, bordering awful. And Dead Man Trousers, the final Trainspotting book, may seriously be one of the worst things I've read from a mainstream publication/author.
Welsh's earlier short stories are good. I'd recommend the collection Acid House. Although I'd miss everything from Crime onwards, because apart from Skagboys, the rest of Welsh's work is a parody of itself.
Football Factory by John King. Although like Trainspotting it is overshadowed by its movie counterpart.
>for reasons we are all aware of
This was good and similar in some regards. Colin Barrett can also flex some prose.
The toilet scene is from Gravity's Rainbow
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Try this
Same reason you only get novels from a certain kind of hyper progressive world city cosmopolitan, the critics either came from working class life and hate it, which is why they moved to their country's world city, or are generational wealth and despise it on a genetic level. Used to be the jews, as Truman Capote pointed out, but now it's something worse. At least jews are funny.
>Capote: Well, it has brought about the rise of what I call the Jewish Mafia in American letters. This is a clique of New York-oriented writers and critics who control much of the literary scene through the influence of the quarterlies and intellectual magazines. All these publications are Jewish-dominated and this particular coterie employs them to make or break writers by advancing or withholding attention. I don’t think there’s any conscious, sinister conspiracy on their part—just a determination to see that members of their particular clique rise to the top. Bernard Malamud and Saul Bellow and Philip Roth and Isaac Bashevis Singer and Norman Mailer are all fine writers, but they’re not the only writers in the country, as the Jewish literary Mafia would have us believe. I could give you a list of excellent writers, such as John Knowles and Vance Bourjaily and James Purdy and Donald Windham and Reynolds Price and James Leo Herlihy and Calder Willingham and John Hawkes and William Goyen; the odds are you haven’t heard of most of them, for the simple reason that the Jewish Mafia has systematically frozen them out of the literary scene. Now, mind you, I’m not against any particular group adhering to its own literary values and advancing its own favored authors; such cliques have always existed in American letters. I only object when any one particular group—and it could just as well be Southern, or Roman Catholic, or Marxist, or vegetarian—gets a strangle hold on American criticism and squeezes out anybody who doesn’t conform to its own standards. It’s fine to write about specifically Jewish problems, and it often makes valid and exciting literature—but the people who have other messages to convey, other styles and other backgrounds should also be given a chance. Today, because of the predominance of the Jewish Mafia, they’re not being given that opportunity. This is something everyone in the literary world knows but never writers about.
Anon, none of these authors are conservatives, they're just not cultureless urbanites writing about cultureless urbanites. Go back and troll /mu/.
A British eg Faulkner simply wouldn't happen. You couldn't have a series of novels about Dewsbury or Castleford.
Nobody in a position to publish or edit would consider that subject matter valid for writing about, unless you rewrote it to serve a narrow political aim.
Bizarre post
I don't feel too sore about it, but that's why I'm pushing queer themes into an appalachian gothic. It just feels wrong that I have to, even though the story is about how men and my people are boxed in as some kind of abjected and erased hick, fag or witch-figure that goes bump in the night.
Has to be done sadly.
Its better than making a character a holocaust survivor for some cheap gravitas
so you like the generic atheist theme of hedonism. looks like you want more bourgeois vomit like deSade.
Love this book as well and would take any recs. I grew up surrounded in my family by alcoholics and addicts without ever realizing there was anything abnormal about it. These books help me understand and sympathize with people and their choices. God be with you anon and take care.

My recs:

Jesus' Son
Infinite Jest (the addict and recovery parts)
Bright Lights Big City
The Corrections
Sketches From a Doctors Notebook
My Year of Rest and Relaxation

If alcoholism is good enough:
Leaving Las Vegas
Long Days Journey Into Night
The Iceman Cometh (my used copy is dedicated to an AA sponsor. Guess he already had a copy lol)
The lost weekend
My Struggle, especially 1, 4, 5
Studs Lonigan
Berlin Alexanderplatz
Saturday Night Sunday Morning (and other Sillitoe)
John Barleycorn (booze, but may be of interest)
A Drinking Life
I thought Under the Volcano sucked but you might like it.
Hem and Fitzgerald, if that's your thing. no one does a drinking story like Hem. Many of his short stories capture it well.
The original concept for Crime and Punishment was "the problem of the drunks." Dosto might have some of what you're searching for.

Cretin Life:
The Tropic of Capricorn and Cancer (my favorite)
All Celine
Down and Out in Paris and London
Brown Dog
Hard Rain Falling

For movies, check out Drugstore Cowboy. There's a book, too, but I've heard it's not so good.
What's funny is that none of them are fags, strictly speaking. Except for the ostensible antagonist, a rough trade nancy boy who is an utterly textbook psycho twink. They're all queer, don't get me wrong, but the way anons are queer. The narrator fucks pottery. I don't know what the purple haired retards are going to make of it, it's all violence, psychosexual domination, and touchingly stunted and depraved male friendships fueled by thrill seeking and moonshine.
Trainspotting is more about the hollowing out of the post industrial working class than it is about drugs or hedonism.
It's a pretty major social change across the entire west since the mid 80s or so, and not sure there's a more major novel than Trainspotting that deals with it.
what did you think of my year of rest and relaxation? I'm worried that it will read a bit like a chick book or something
Is infinite jest a chore to read?
Thats the book this thread is about
Year of RnR is good, though the ending is forced and kinda sucks. Good humor in it. You can always save it for later and try out other things in the list. Won't make ya gay to read it or anything.

IJ is a slog for parts, but overall great, despite the weird hate you see on here nowadays. I read it over a decade ago as a young man living in the Boston area he described and while drinking quite a bit. So I'm probably sentimental and mixing my own life in with the story, but the man did have insights to share about addiction and mental health. DFW was a huge personal fan of Trainspotting when it came out and you can certainly feel the influence.
- Excsctasy Tales of Chemical Romance
- Rave (Goetz)
- Less than Zero
- Rules of Attraction
- Cocaine ( Pittigrili)
- Infinite Jest
- Diary of Drug Fiend
- Farewell to Autumn ( Witkiewicz)
- Tai Pei
IJ was always clowned on

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