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>now is not the time for art
Is he right?
Yes. Because poetry after Auschwitz is barbaric
Yes. We are creatively spent. Our foremost art forms rehash, retell and reshoot what came before in increasingly lesser Forms.
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>The wisest-constituted States fall through, ay, the sublimest Religions outlive themselves and yield to superstition or unbelief, whilst Art eternally shoots up, renewed and young, from out the ruins of existence.
Now is the time for being a fat greasy kike.
Someone should break his melon to relieve us of all the time he’s wasting.
>We wasted most of it on imitation of life
It'll be some centuries more.
Trolling is an art.

Creatives gotta create.
Can't stop me.
Based and artpilled. No matter what period of history do you like, there's always art that trascended time and space. You can't tell the same about midwit traps like politics and techniques.
Yes because Northron civilization is soulless. Try pairing the frozen insensitivity of a Chonk with the trickery of a Jew. That's your average Northern European.
no heidegger/mcluhan/nietzsche were right, terrence malick is that being carried out
our current issue is one of perspective/perception and framing, our relationship with reality being restricted through technological alienation. Art is the only thing that has the ability to make that present to us so we are able to engage rationally with reality again.

philosophy/history/academia is what it is not the time for
Our issue isn't how we rationally systemize or engage with things, as I said it's one of perception and awareness.

The creation and refinement of aesthetics that reveal reality in the way that best serves our natures and allows us to engage with reality rationally is the highest calling now.
I’m a disciple of Spengler, but I think he was wrong. I think art has an important place in the late stages of civilization. After all, it was the late days of Rome that gave Dante his Virgil and not the early springtime of Ancient Greece. And Virgil himself was a powerful, popular, and influential force in Roman society. You’d think Spengler could appreciate that or at least appreciate the practical usefulness of art for a conservative regime if nothing else.
One of the beautiful things about art is that it actually doesn’t even need to be creative. This impulse for art that is by nature novel is a uniquely Western phenomenon. If art truly speaks to something bigger than the individual, and Spengler agrees that it does, then creativity is not even essential. It merely has to capture a glimpse of the thing for which it is a simulacra.
Spengler was too miserable to appreciate art.
I feel like dropping my 'smartphone' into the mud.
Are you not miserable?
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the faggots who cling to art are unable to stand the ugliness of the world and the world is fucking ugly
Le bump
Much less than he was.

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