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was dh lawrence just a fucking asshole?
I find his style annoying. I like it and I can tell he may even be a capital G great writer but it also repulses me
This is what Holden Caulfied would look like as a grown up person. Why are you repulsed by him? Sure he sounds like mother's son and a 'homosexual' , but I can't put the finger on a problem here. I think that inside every 'straight pride' man there dwells the 'gay man', the person that DHL addresses (as a reader) in his stories and novellas.
Either DHL has to be shunned as a defective member of society not worthy to be read, or else if he's embraced then the whole hell would break loose. In other words, he's a dangerous man.
>dunked on Freud
>dunked on Russell
>dunked on socialism
>dunked on Mussolini
>simultaneously seen as a crypto-fascist by lefties and a weird pervert by many chuds
Based department? Hello?
A couple passages in The Rainbow gave me a stiffy.
One was about flowers, the other was about a wheat field.
Post them.
Bump for Lawrence.
>He was a rather small and rather finely-made boy, with dark brown hair and light blue eyes. His face had already lost its youthful chubbiness, and was becoming somewhat like William's- rough-featured, almost rugged-and it was extraordinarily
mobile. Usually he looked as if he saw things, was full of life. And warm; then his smile, like his mother's, came suddenly
and was very lovable; and then, when there was any clog in his soul's quick running, his face went stupid and ugly. He was the sort of boy that becomes a clown and a lout as soon as he is
not understood, or feels himself held cheap; and, again, is adorable at the first touch of warmth

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