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do we like dr. gregory sadler here?
Pros: metal fan
Cons: can’t talk to his fans properly
Cons: you harass him constantly with the dumbest crap imaginable and then get angry when he doesn’t treat the comment section like your personal debate shop
>being this butthurt about common decency
>Cons: can’t talk to his fans properly
i've only seen him come off as "rude" when people try to give him unsolicited advice
We have little consensus here, it's what makes things interesting.
Anyway, regarding the new marvel comic...
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People post the dumbest crud imaginable in his comment section and then act offended when he tells them off. Why are you fighting with some random guy you clearly hate in his comment section in a random video on a book which likely the comment you posted had nothing to do with besides the point. It makes you cringe not him.
I like him. I think he's the best anglophone philosophy youtuber.
Metalheads are some of the biggest dorks imaginable.
who cares. just be a decent person.
I have never been a whale penis, ever, in my life.
Never heard of him, but he has some playlists that look neat, including one on Lovecraft. Thanks.
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What good is studying philosophy if your kid becomes a tranny?

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