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Why does Mung get so much description in this book? I swear he features in almost every chapter and gets as much focus as the rest of the gods combined. Is he supposed to be king of the gods (aside from MANA-YOOD-SUSHAI)? If so why is that not stated?
Do you really needed to make AI slop to make a thread about Dunsany you bastard?
fucking hell, that's an ai image? I found it off google images. How the fuck does everyone know just by a glance? Why am I so bad at discerning AI slop?
I'm pretty sure Kib is vaguely inspired by Jesus while Mung is vaguely like old testament Satan, although neither is either good or evil. Kib is the most loved god while Mung is the most feared. Neither is higher than the other as they are in a never ending "battle".
static pose with fucked up hands

This is some greedy scammer "illustrated" edition
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assuming this thread dies I'll remake it tomorrow with the actual cover image

there is no hierarchy nor a goverment like Olympus, that's the point they are all free to do whatever they want until MANA-YOOD-SUSHAI wakes up and destroy the universe to create a new one with new gods and mortals
Agreed, but nonetheless in 'The Revolt of the Home Gods', it says that the three rivers 'rebelled' against the Gods of Pegana, implying some kind of hierarchy at least between the gods who live in Pegana and the gods who don't.

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