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What's so bad about LOTR?
It was inspired by Christianity.
Resonates and promotes White, Christian values.
It doesn’t celebrate BIPOC LGBTQIA+ folx, chud.
what it does have to say about the modern lived experience of a black amputee lesbian tho?
White suburban kids have so much to learn about how they should be ashamed of their identity from those stories.

It really would be a tragedy if they had some sort of personal connection to a cultural lineage which has enjoyed too much privilege. I mean hasn't history had enough of white people?

White babies born today are obviously fed up with centuries of indulgent eurocentrism. I'm sure they yearn for diversity directly out of the womb. Having been trapped in a white woman's world their entire life. Who wouldn't want to diversify after that? Since diversity is such a universal unassailable positive feature of modern existence.
>Resonates and promotes White, Christian values.
Like racemixing.
It's amazing how these works get reinterpreted every time there's a new zeitgeist. In the 70s it was only the hipsters that read it, and LOTR was associated with left-wing, environmentalist, hispter subculture. Now it's somehow "white" and "christian".
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Leftists try to take over middle-earth.
They failed. They did not succeed.
So now they try to frame it as right wing.
What the actual fuck is their problem.
Leftists really just want to destroy everything that's beautiful, don't they?
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>and LOTR was associated with left-wing
The autho Tolkien himself was a devout christian and even said in public that he supportd Franco and the nationalists in the Spanish civil war. So i dont really get why you are telling lie on the internet when people can easily look these things up. Nigger.
>The autho Tolkien himself was a devout christian
STFU retard, it doesn't matter what the author was, but what the subcultuer surrounding his work was, you illiterate clusterfuck.
Why didn't he support Hitler?
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LOTR is a glorified children's book
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>it doesn't matter what the author was
Stopped reading right there nigger. You are contradicting yourself on so many levels.
British imperial propaganda, Considering what a shithole South africa has turned into and the fact that all of his decendants have moved to europe if he was alive today he mostly likely would have.
Room teperature IQ. Never reply to me or my son ever again
You dont and never will have son, because you are limpwristed faggot.
If you use a chainsaw or a motorbike, you are a fucking orc.
I'm trying to find the list, apparently they published it in 2020. From the independent review:
>I saw one RICU analysis product from 2020 on Right-Wing terrorist and extremist activity online which referenced books by mainstream British conservative commentators as “key cultural nationalist ideological texts”. The same document listed “key texts” for white nationalists as including historic works of the Western philosophic and literary canon
None of the articles about it link to or provide a source on it
Someone should really make scene 2 of this gif, I expected more. Was bitterly disappointed.
Where do they go to?
>if he was alive today he mostly likely would have.
That's irrelevant.
As a resident of the cunt that suffers the brunt of the melanin breakers originating in north africa, i can confirm.
At the train station i need only squint a little to see orcs, easterlings and southrons. The isengarders should know better than to grant them passage into our fair lands.
He kinda supported Franco at first because the lefties were straight up murdering nuns.
>even said in public that he supportd Franco and the nationalists in the Spanish civil war
as all decent humans should
Hitler was a socialist so beyond supporting.
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>Shows how loyalty, honor, honesty, courage, and duty are critical to a good society
of course lefties hate it
1984 is the most important book ever written outside of anything contained in the Bible and any monster that tries to suppress it must be cleansed in holy fire.
1984 was alright but what was the point of the romance plot? To attract women readers? To humanize winston?
Yeah that's one of the articles I read, I'm looking for the actual published list
It was the setup for the climax, obviously. The Party was so ruthless it could make anyone turn on anyone else, even your only loved on. If Winston was an isolated man with no love they would have just shot him.
But he was in love so they could shatter him he would live as a terrifying example to everyone who saw him.
Without Julia there is no Room 101
all I found required academic access or government access, darn it
I believe that the pro-churchill anti-germany campaign organised by 'the focus' is still the most expensive poltical campaign ever, in any country, nearly a hundred years later. That's why.
It was a reaction to the dehumanization and de-sanctification of the individual under totalitarian regimes. The Marxist socialist ideal is a grey utopia of Equity where everyone is identical and everyone is interchangeable, every wall a grey 90 degree angle, every measurement a metric power of ten, every idea, every belief, no morally greater than any other. Winston's reaction to genuine love is that of a man dying of thirst in a desert finally falling facefirst into a real oasis. He overindulges, and the Party uses even this against him.

Obviously the modern state of affairs played out somewhat differently in the domains of sexuality and pleasure-seeking, though the general ethos of moral relativity is still the same. Look at "polyamory", a fetid expression of human interchangeability and relativity and how practically every diseased group that participates in such corruption calling it "progressive" ends with a murder/suicide.
people generally saw fascism and nazism as revolutionary (which is what they were, not that thats a bad thing) rather than conservative. A ultra traditionalist like Tolkien of course wouldn't agree with that, as many in the german conservative establishment didn't. Also muh christian charity towards muh jews.
eh LotR's pretty shit
Probably pissed about Professor T's short story depicting the government as evil that he published before LotR I can't imagine anyone finding LotR offensive save for a description of dark-skinned goblins
They want to destroy everything that provides a positive identity for Christian Europe
In my country, these two books are mostly liked only by leftists and oikophobes. It seems strange to me that the opposite is true in America.
I've read Lord of the Rings 8 times and I pretended to read 1984 for a high school book report I got an A- for, how right wing am I?
Maddow needs to fucking mad die
its promotes the idea that pacisism is good
What? All the main characters are literal war heroes
>he supportd Franco and the nationalists in the Spanish civil war.

Yes, becasue he was a normal intelligent human being that hates commie scum.
>Resonates and promotes White, Christian values


Nobody rolled out the red carpet for Saruman to control their societies. No one was sending trillions in charity to Mordor to grow orc numbers into the billions, and then helping said orcs invade human lands.
>can't read
every time
>In 1938, Tolkien was in negotiations with Berlin publisher Rütten & Loening about creating a German-language edition of The Hobbit; that is, until they asked for proof of Tolkien’s “Aryan descent,” due to Goebbels’ regulations on Jews’ participation in German cultural activities. Tolkien objected, writing to his British publisher Stanley Unwin:
>I must say the enclosed letter from Rütten & Loening is a bit stiff. Do I suffer this impertinence because of the possession of a German name, or do their lunatic laws require a certificate of arisch origin from all persons of all countries?
>Personally, I should be inclined to refuse to give any Bestätigung (although it happens that I can), and let a German translation go hang. In any case I should object strongly to any such declaration appearing in print. I do not regard the (probable) absence of all Jewish blood as necessarily honourable; and I have many Jewish friends, and should regret giving any colour to the notion that I subscribed to the wholly pernicious and unscientific race-doctrine.
>You are primarily concerned, and I cannot jeopardize the chance of a German publication without your approval. So I submit two drafts of possible answers.
The second draft:
>Thank you for your letter. I regret that I am not clear as to what you intend by arisch. I am not of Aryan extraction: that is Indo-Iranian; as far as I am aware none of my ancestors spoke Hindustani, Persian, Gypsy, or any related dialects. But if I am to understand that you are enquiring whether I am of Jewish origin, I can only reply that I regret that I appear to have no ancestors of that gifted people. My great-great-grandfather came to England in the eighteenth century from Germany: the main part of my descent is therefore purely English, and I am an English subject—which should be sufficient. I have been accustomed, nonetheless, to regard my German name with pride, and continued to do so throughout the period of the late regrettable war, in which I served in the English army. I cannot, however, forbear to comment that if impertinent and irrelevant inquiries of this sort are to become the rule in matters of literature, then the time is not far distant when a German name will no longer be a source of pride.
>Your enquiry is doubtless made in order to comply with the laws of your own country, but that this should be held to apply to the subjects of another state would be improper, even if it had (as it has not) any bearing whatsoever on the merits of my work or its sustainability for publication, of which you appear to have satisfied yourselves without reference to my Abstammung.
>Three years later, Tolkien would express his disdain for the Nazis in a letter to his son Michael: “I have in this war a burning private grudge against that ruddy little ignoramus Adolf Hitler. Ruining, perverting, misapplying, and making for ever accursed, that noble northern spirit, a supreme contribution to Europe, which I have ever loved, and tried to present in its true light.”
It's satanic, it's racist, it's heresy, it's gay.
If anyone in government wishes to ascertain the source of this growth in right wing sentiment, they need only to look in a mirror.
Subhuman alert
Ya, he was too naïve/bluepilled to see what was coming. If he could see the state of "European" "cities" today, crime-ridden, digusting shitholes packed full of 3rd world retards, he would have understood, the same as all the ww2 veterans who now say they don't know why they fought, since their cities aren't English anymore. LOL.

Tolkien was Catholic Traditionalist monarchist btw. Hard to believe he'd be pro-globohomo.
The Hobbit is, LOTR kind of because it is fantasy, but it's too dense and complex for most children.

Tolkien originally wrote it because he wanted to bring European lore which he felt was being forgotten back to life, but he did so with more of a humble Christian theme. Clearly the LOTR world is mostly influenced by European myth. Middle earth == Midgard. The different races (elves, dwarves, goblins, little people/hobbits, wizards, etc.); the names like Gandalf (literally a name for Odin/Wotan), all of the horse Lords having Saxon names; dragons hording gold; heroes with swords fighting monsters, etc.. But the overall theme and moral of the story is more Christian.
>Now it's somehow "white" and "christian".
It always has been to some extent, since that's the environment that it came out of. The only difference was that decades ago when it was more of a leftist thing, things weren't so openly non-White or anti-White, so they took it for granted. However, people on the right probably take it too far, since it was never intended to be some bastion of traditionalism.

But now for the average NPC slave it's probably shocking seeing an all White cast of characters, all straight, distinct races, heroic displays of masculinity, women mostly staying out of battle and being depicted more as beautiful and feminine, etc.

And of course for the modern slave scum SJW leftist this is basically Hitler coming back from the grave to re-instate eugenics laws. But these people are literally spiritually sick.
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>muh satanic muh heresy
KYS christkike. You morons are the reason why this is even happening in the first place.
They don't want to destroy everything that's beautiful, only the things that they cannot co-opt and that the wrong people like. The beautiful overlaps with that because mainstream media has told them that beauty is subjective and that beauty standards have to be challenged, whatever that means.
>beauty is subjective and that beauty standards have to be challenged,
Absolutely Jewish.
It is an archetypal work of tradition. The values it prizes are the opposite of todays jew-run culture. It cannot be co-opted by globohomo jew modernity. And, man, they tried.
Thus it must be demonised. Traditional societies modeled on pre-jewed Europe? That is anti-semitic!
>the basis of Objective Freedom in Hegel's thought requires Religion as much as Law as joined together in the State
>cargo cult marxists dimly intuit making things work provides a measure of 'scientific' certainty, specifically denigrating religion (or just killing and raping priests and nuns, like in Spain).
>here we are shitting on LOTR because the author's Catholic
>making things *worse
jesus was literally just a druid who got killed by the IRS
>ai generated image
"opinion" discarded
>No one was sending trillions in charity to Mordor to grow orc numbers into the billions, and then helping said orcs invade human lands
ohhhhhhh hadn't realised this. More evil than my imagination
>it's not a dog whistle
>but it's too dense and complex for most children
You write like someone who barely passed American public highschool.
>devout christian
I wonder if I'll get sent to room 101 one day for owning stuff like LOTR, the Divine Comedy and a collection of the Russian classics. It was kind of a meme thought some time ago but I'm strongly considering it might actually happen eventually
fucking jewish SS are gonna get me
as the old joke goes,
We were so worried about 1984 we didn't notice we became a Brave New World
so an *actual* Christian, then?

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