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>Recommended reading charts. (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous Thread: >>23622746
First for Bakker
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book 7 is going to be nuts
Some of my favorite booktubers have gotten into Bakker so now I can watch their videos while playing Civilization 4 and pretend that I too have read Bakker
Fourth for xianxia
Im hyped for it. Been tempted to read the chapters on kemono, but i managed to hold off
First for xanxia
Obvious false flag
How is the second book? I feel like the ending dropped the ball in the end. The author couldn't handle all the diverse threads and figure out a convincing motivation / behavior for the daemon. Does it improve or does it continue to unravel into even more of a mess?
Bros, I am going to reread Reverend Insanity (for the third time). What am i in for?
Faggoty weeb shit.
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Anyone read it yet?
Ending of the first book that is.
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Was John Brunner a cuckold? I really get that vibe occasionally reading his works. Romance and relationships only figure very rarely in his books, which isn't too unusual for science fiction, but when they do they tend to be short, disappointing, unfulfilling affairs, most commonly without either participant having much motivation to continue the relationship after the social/technological/psychological drama of the story is resolved. However cheap physical pleasure, polyamory (especially interracial), etc tends to figure heavily (especially in his magnum opus Stand on Zanzibar), but never makes the protagonists spiritually happy. In an "about the author" blurb in one novel he reveals that he lived with his wife "and a friend" in a flat in London. It really suggests to me that this man might have been a cuckold living in sexual inferiority to his own wife's possessor.
Has the NA cover of Wind and Truth been revealed yet?
Yeah, I have no idea why it's praised so much, Tigana is utter garbage. So many words, so little said. Constant soap opera-grade melodrama, forced worldbuilding, and general filler.

The two things I found most ridiculous were:

>send your son to invade and conquer foreign lands
>he gets killed in battle
>completely lose it and dedicate your life to muh revenge
>literally nobody, not even this guy's mortal enemies, ever see the flaw in this reasoning
Like dude, YOU SENT YOUR SON TO WAR. People die in war. This is not fucking rocket surgery.

and everybody's going on and on about >muh country, >muh name, and >muh history, but nobody seems to care about actual people living there. Starvation, poverty, oppression, ridiculous brutality, that's all just facts of life, nothing to get excited about. But everyone's ready to die for fucking Tigana at the drop of a hat.
I would've read it on the day it came out, I could've read it months before that, but my reading has decreased. Hopefully I'll get around to it reading then writing about it within a couple weeks.
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>>23628430 (Me)
Read the memery sad Thorn novella.
Is the series good? I was underwhelmed.
Like 50 pages of meandering setup for the climax of
>we die I dunno
Slightly less pointless than Hedge Knight.
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new buehlman out yesterday hotties did you pick yours up?
i was initially disappointed it's a prequel but pretty quickly got invested
hoping it goes more into goblin society than the first book bc they're pretty compelling villains
>consider humans as livestock, keeps breeding pens & torture prisons
>kill every horse in the world
>have asymmetrical bodies, hate & destroy symmetrical buildings & infrastructure
>bodies don't decompose
Cool wizard tower
>female protagonist
recommend me some excellent fantasy novels which are grounded and play in not!medieval europe plus magic and fantasy creatures. basically tolkien-like fantasy.
realm of the elderlings
>not!medieval europe
>basically tolkien-like fantasy.
Did you actually read anything from Tolkien? His fantasy is not like that at all.

Look at The Witcher or ASOIAF.
thanks bro

okay you're a fucking retard. stop talking to me or my wife's son at once
You WILL read all of the new chapters. You WILL come back here and discuss the plot with me. You WILL like it.
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It's Friday, what are you gaming and reading? For me, It's Tales of Maj'Eyal and Hawkwoods Voyage
Cogmind, fellow Rogueliker, and A Canticle for Leibowitz
Just came to jav of a older woman molesting a bbw and a school girl. Now it's time to enter the nascent soul arc in a xianxia novel.
But first, let me post this
i liked it more than blacktongue thief, the war focus was way more interesting
Playing wrath of the righteus, though im pretty close to abonding my current run and start a new one with a different class. Not reading anything currently, but might give waylander a try soon
Peek pirate fiction? Space or regular.
I'm quite liking William Hope Hodgson's pirate stories, mixed in amongst everything else. They're not really adventures though. More just single encounters, and from the perspective of the people being pirated. They're pretty horrifying for the most part. Read enough, and you might even stumble upon the story of a nigger haunting the topsails at night.
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Could a heroic fantasy book set in the 21st century work, or would it be too silly?
Highly advise never reading anything at patreon pace if you can restrain yourself
I did it with a bunch of stories I like and now I have to read them in weird fits and starts where I let chapters build up for like a month or two and then read them all.
Much better to just read a book when its done
Wyvern is the best pirate book by a mile imo
It's dutch east indies though so it's not quite what people expect.
Isn't that one of the best places to be a pirate, even though the Carribean and Mediterranean are more iconic?
It's no longer Friday here but I plan to wrap up the last 10 chapters of Fires of Heaven today.
Though it does look like I'll be starting off with a Nynaeve chapter, so this might be easier said than done.
>Book has multiple POV characters
>People skip POV sections of characters they don't like

I hear about people doing this constantly and it seems crazy to me. Surely you're missing out on huge chunks of plot doing that.
Playing MMOs as per usual, frequently the dead kind
Today, I read the most recent two chapters of Dungeon Crawler Carl, as well as the little bit (chapter or two) to finish part one of Godclads book two.
If I don't like someone's POV then I just put the audiobook at x2 speed until it's over or simply read the first sentence in a paragraph and move on.
I do this with WoT every time there's a female POV and it works like a charm.
World of Thunderthighs?
Worms of Tunguska, obviously.
I did that with WOT didn't feel like I missed much.
So many characters, things got covered multiple ways.
Is Reign of Fire cool?
I like those kinds of books a lot, or such and such travels back in time with this and that.
You get to pick your own dwindling supplies and determine what's so important.
Well I guess I'm jumping the gun and assuming things are scarce.

It can still be cool. I don't know who you would have the hero slay. If it's corporate dudes then just know you're going to be wanking off like 1,000 guys who want to see the tiny hat tribe hang.
Spices and exotic goods = money
>Dungeon Cuck Carl
Next /sffg/ will try to convince me that The Wandering Estrogen polluted Inn and He Who Shites With Monsters are good.
thanks for your eternal bump
All reddit tier litrpg slop, you want to filter for novels with sexual content
DCC has plenty of sexual content. One of its most significant characters has a VERY BLATANT foot fetish.
Logically the magic system of cultivation is more tethered in reality then some chosen farmboy attaining an overpowered talking sword or riding a massive flight capable lizard into battle and it not eating him before also acquiring that sweet sweet princess pussy. But for all the credibility in the world, without fail each and every work of cultivation fantasy fucks itself with en-tropic young master face slapping, autistic repition of power levels, meditative hand waving on character inconcictencies and a host of mindless jade beauties fawning over miniaturized Asian cock. And that is all before you reach the not so small matter cringe worthy dialogue.
The foot fetish is reddit teir, le quirky fetish. How do you not know this? No. You do. You are just posting in bad faith.
>Dinneman is a foot fag as well as a cat cuck.
Checks out.
>I don't know who you would have the hero slay
Scientologists, the Illuminati, CIA assassins, Skinwalkers.
>female protagonist
This is fine
>female protagonist with no boobs
This is unacceptable.
What's even the point?
Looking at the cover of that makes me think.
I don't think I've read a book that really goes into battle details.
A LOT of the scifi I read was the interesting scifi stuff and then the battle is like, "The ship is in half and on fire after the explosion and..."

So I've yet to read interesting battles in books. Very, very peculiar.
>CIA assassins
You made me think about Ninja Gaiden.
I'd say heroic fantasy can absolutely happen then. Those whole NES games are about the CIA getting their hands on demon shit that they shouldn't and the clash of swords and guns worked pretty well to me. Ryu is the son of a ninja and uses ninja arts and magic and has a magical sword, his GF and friends have guns and shoot demons.
It always felt like there was tension. Guns will cut right through Ryu, but he's a fast as hell ninja. If you lose your grasp on him, he might kill you from the shadows.

You don't have to have magic though. Ryu was just a human after all. There's even a compelling human that makes it into Hell with Ryu who's just some ex-army guy.
Karl Edward Wagner liked to sperg over battle details. I think every one of his books has at least one lavishly detailed battle scene. Wayne Barlowe is pretty detailed with the battles in God's Demon.
There's so much stuff called Wyvern. Is it the book by A.A Attanasio?
Fang Yuan wins
>irritating women
>incredible bloat
It's obviously wheel of time.
Anyone here read Chronicles of Prydain? Just wondering what they're like.
>and (spoiler)
From the way you put it it does seem to me like a commentary about romanticizing nobility, monarchy and medieval times in general versus how the times actually were for the common people. Of course I'm not saying this for sure was actually the intent of the author or that it's a good commentary since I haven't read the book.
Here is a cute butt, now tell me which xianxia to read next I've read:
against the gods
arrogant young master
coiling dragon
cultivation chat group
elder cultivator
intro to os abstractions using plan 9
immortal only accepts female disciples
i shall seal the heaves
martial god asura
marital world
molting the mortal coil
path of the ascendant
renegade immortal (twice)
scp gacha system in a cultivation world
sovereign of the three realms
stellar transformation
stygian mage
tales of demons and gods
the dao of Magic
the desolate era (twice)
the new journey of an old soul
the void king.
the way of the dao
true martial world
unfathomable senior
upgrade specialist in another world
warlock of the magus world
seek help, unironically
>marital world
martial world*
>seek help
I'd rather seek dao
>tfw you will never get your feet licked by ai
why even live...
>writing is so redundant that you can skip full chapters and be fine
I think that's a sign of bad writing
You skip any book and be fine, so is all writing bad?
I am not seeing RI on that list
I'd rather seek trips -------------------/
Renegade immortal is on the list. I'm talking about real xianxia not pokemon.
Seriously even the fucking renegade immortal wiki call them pokemon. It's also fairly old at this point, but not old enough to be genre defining like CD and preCD novels
links? I wanna watch normies misunderstand the genius of Bakker
nta but reading books hasnt kept you from becoming a sophist
>xianxia spam
>Shit-rpg spam
>Favorite booktubers
My low expectations remain unmet.
Books for this feel. Say bakker and I'll kill myself

Also make it a xianxia. My vote is CD if you haven't already read it. And if you haven't ... what the hell is wrong with you.
What's the deal with this xianxia shit, you're telling me people unironically read Japanese light novels but Chinese?

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