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What's the literary equivalent?
>based off The Roadside Picnic
Hmmmm. I wonder
You haven't seen the film or read that book, please exit my thread
It’s so loosely based on that that it may as well be something else. Roadside picnic is a genre shit sci fi book he used as a ground idea to do his own thing.
is his daughter half-monkey in the film?
The Bible.
Perhaps expand on this, kind anonymous?
Stylistically, Ice by Anna Kavan
Thematically, Siddhartha
Lol no, not at all
The book of the new sun
You tell me why you think they are similar. Onus is on you, anus.
Ice - dystopian and ephemeral. Characters are nameless and archetypal. Flowing passages that remind me of long slow dolly shots. Unreliable and surreal narration similar to the poetic incursions of Stalker that obfuscate the logic of their journey.
Siddhartha - Spiritual journey in search of the Ultimate Answer, intimate encounters with nature, protagonist encountering many varieties of meaning-seeking practices (“a meaning and a reason” in reference to Scientist and Writer) and holy guides with their varying advice (Stalker), ends in a state of relative aporia. I’d say stalker can be read as more cynical than Siddhartha, but the style betrays this reading often.
Kafka comes to mind, Before the Law.
Maybe the book the movie was based on...?
Other then that the Metro series by Dmitry Glukhovsky is heavily influenced by Roadside Picnic and the STALKER movie.

Trying to figure out how to spell his name correctly I just found out he's been arrested in Russia for speaking out against the government.

Man Fuck Putin and thank god I was born in America.
Seconding this.
>What's the literary equivalent?
First Circle or Cancer Ward.
>genre shit sci fi
so same as the movie then?
>based off The Roadside Picnic

How did this little novella from a backwater basket weaving village become so influential? I didn't realize until decades later that the gold ball in sphere was the wish granter from roadside picnic. And the concept of the zone being some unexplainable shape shifting place that gives people powers was used as the backstory to some japanese anime.
The Tartar Steppe
Not the guy you replied to but I've done both and you are the retard in this. You could've asked more books like this than roadside picnic however and avoided this.

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