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C.G Jung's observations concerning America:
>Another thing that struck me [in the American] was the great influence of the Negro, a psychological influence naturally, not due to the mixing of blood. The emotional way an American expresses himself, especially the way he laughs, can best be studied in the illustrated supplements of the American papers; the inimitable Teddy Roosevelt laugh is found in its primordial form in the American Negro. The peculiar walk with loose joints, or the swinging of the hips so frequently observed in Americans, also comes from the Negro.[3] American music draws its main inspiration from the Negro, and so does the dance. The expression of religious feeling, the revival meetings, the Holy Rollers and other abnormalities are strongly influenced by the Negro. The vivacity of the average American, which shows itself not only at baseball games but quite particularly in his extraordinary love of talking – the ceaseless gabble of American papers is an eloquent example of this – is scarcely to be derived from his Germanic forefathers, but is far more like the chattering of a Negro village. The almost total lack of privacy and the all-devouring mass sociability remind one of primitive life in open huts, where there is complete identity with all members of the tribe.
Aside from creating the most triggering human population imaginable, what can we derive from this?
Jung notably stated about the Hermaphrodite that she was a monstrosity, but necessary for sexual healing. Granted, he had not seen futanari hentai so his take on the issue was likely not as beautiful as it should have been.

Is Western culture and civilization too inhibiting? To the extent that African tribalism seems like a relief?
Do you agree with Jung? Most Americans, especially the WASPs, seem to think of themselves as some sort of representatives of their European forefathers on the new continent. This is prevalent mostly among the types we cannot classify as the so-called fifty-sixters or 'mutts' in general, but who by their physical charasteristics closely resemble traditional caucasoids. But further observation and examination of this so-called "white bastion" proves quite otherwise.

We could take Donald Trump as an example. Werner Sombart noted about Americans once: "they mistake bigness for greatness". Now, this trait is not found in all non-European peoples or peoples of color, especially those who have retained their Tradition. For example, an authentic Arab of the old race, a redskin Indian, an East Asian are not overly impressed by merely material, quantitative, ostentatious size, including that related to machinery, technology and the economy, or the size of the Trump Tower (apart, of course, from already Americanized individuals). It is a trait found only in truly primitive and childish races like the Negro. It is no exaggeration to assert that the foolish pride of Americans in spectacular “bigness,” in the “achievements” of their civilization, reek of the Negro psyche. Donald Trump, is essentially a white negroid. His whole stature, mindset and even the way he speaks reeks of the Negro mindset; "Big is good. Go big or go home. Big is great." and this also shows the absurdity of how most WASPs in America think of their identity as "white", even though sociological, psychoanalytical and even traditional observers all disagree.
>presenting retarded, ill founded opinions as facts

Classic Jung.
>loud obnoxious american tourist
This is a common sight, and was mostly white for decades after ww2. A stereotype based on truth. Would have been racist if it was only black tourists, but alas.
>joie de vivre is a negro trait
Terrible, Jung.
its no secret americans always have been and always will be subhuman nation wreckers only difference between then and now is the distance amerimutts can spread their anti-human poison
What book is this from? Would like to read it.

Collected Works Volume 10, paragraph 95
people living in proximity will have an interchange of culture? cogent stuff mr jung
You’re full of shit and have never actually interacted with an WASP beyond the internet
Inwardly focused people are sus.

>Inwardly focused people are sus.
Outwardly focused people aren't capable of true awareness.
Why the snotty reply? This stuff isn't actually common sense for everyone else.
White people's obsession with black people is extremely strange
White people have a strong egalitarian impulse that causes their brain to malfunction when they encounter people who are inherently unequal. They obsess over black people because the very existence of something like black people is at odds with their deepest instincts.
>Americans know how to have a good time and express themselves without inhibition
>Europeans are stuffy assholes
based and true.
if i'm that much sharper than everyone else i've got a right to be snotty
America is extremely boring. Sporting is primarily engaged as a spectator activity, genuine nature preserves are very far removed from the bulk of residence, Hollyjew and television have killed theater, 90% of worthwhile music has been imported and even concerts now are completely tamed.
i'll only contend with you on the subject of nature reserves. 2/3 of this country are uninhabited. we have the best parks system in the world. we have tracts of wild nature larger than the average euro country. come after our pop culture all you want, but you're simply wrong if you think our nature isn't the best in the western world. me, personally, i can drive 20 minutes to a beautiful mountain that also happens to be my ancestral homeland with graves with my family name going back 200 years.
Pretty fascinating. This is definitely true - and it's a good idea to troll left wing New Age Jungians with this quote / essay.

I read this first because Evola referenced it. He thought the Southerners complaining fighting against segregation were already "Negrified", so they seemed ridiculous to him. He talked about the "crudely priapistic nature of American sexuality, to the displeasure of the American female" - that's funny. The thing is you take things for granted now that shouldn't be, that are contingent - this indicts the "red pill"

Interesting that he finds Teddy Roosevelt as part of this, with Trump it's undeniable. That's a black man if there ever was one.

You can even see it in need to always be smiling for pictures.

> Is Western culture and civilization too inhibiting?

Maybe a sign of cilizational exhaustion, looking for other sources to revitalize your psychic life.
Evans' "The Pursuit of Power," on 19th century Europe, is a comedy gold mine of quotes of butthurt Europeans as they realize they America has surpassed them in all ways.

Germans can thump on about some distant history. They need to. After all, they're hardly hegemons now, hell they ain't even relevant.
>was [sic] the great influence of the negro
It's a real influence, even a good one (I'd argue) but another one every bit as strong, and as enduring (and good) on the 'white psyche' has been that of Native Americans, which began of course as a result of fighting them. Rarely has a (pluralistic) people been so loved, emulated, even venerated by its.. genociders. Tecumseh, Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, Quanah Parker.. gotta love'm.
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The obsession comes from the fact that blacks are their progenitors from whom they imitate everything, whether they do so consciously or instinctively.
>country that invented the concept of national and state parks, which amass to land areas larger than most other countries
>famous for the wide variety of nature, and these are some of the most beautiful locations on earth
>it's not close enough to the megalopolis
>a race that has never created an even remotely egalitarian society (from feudalism to mercantilism to capitalism)
>strong impulse
are you fucking retarded
>We waz society builders n sheittt
>Where is your wheel?
>where is your wheel
where are europe's pyramids? checkmate
It‘s fair to say I‘m reaching on that one, yeah. Strange that the park system itself would come up ( >>23630829 (You) ) because I think that‘s more to the heart of my critique that americans have a particularly shitty way of being weekend warriors and setting aside specific no-americanizing zones where the nature of European countries is organically co-habited and in the rural instances I‘d take it over anything I‘ve seen in my entire life of the US (the existence of american megapolises is another topic in itself.)

State parks, notably contrasted with state forests and public hunting grounds, are also mostly tourist traps with a few trails. Of national parks my experiences in Yosemite, the Great Smoky Mountains, and Cuyahoga Falls were busts due to overdevelopment. I‘m sure the nature is there—but you‘re not going to see it without a couple visits learning what to avoid.
From Evola's letters to Guénon:
>The Negroid sperm has some animalistic magical potency inherent in it which cannot be baulked; thus we see the subconscious longing of white virginal European women lusting after the African male. In a same fashion, the Greeks talked of the Minotaur which is a mythological creature which is half bull and half man. The aim of the priests of that cult seems principally to have been the production of a temporary incarnation of this beast by sending selected women of the community every year into the jungle/forest to mingle with all the imaginable bestial creatures thus to produce a miraculous birth upon returning to the community.

Is Evola right though? And if you disagree: why deny the simply facts of life?

I think even Freud agreed that women lust for high quality DNA seed both consciously and subconsciously, it is hardwired in their DNA, all about trying to make the offspring as high quality as possible.

White societies and predominatly white countries have always kept women on a leash through monogamy. Women hate monogamy and must be brainwashed to accept it.

Then the sexual revolution occured and women could sleep around with any men they chose, instead of some balding manlet wageslave.

Sexual Revolution 2.0 will be women embracing BBC, you guys always deny this or pretend it's only a cucks fantasy, but the amount of amatuer BBC porn coming from america is astounding. Blacked is accounting for less than 1% off all interracial videos, that are amatuer and not even filmed for profit. You guys have no idea how many attractive 20'something white women, not fat, not ugly, are going exclusively black. And this is only the beginning.
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>You guys have no idea how many attractive 20'something white women, not fat, not ugly, are going exclusively black. And this is only the beginning.
I knew this was coming lol. Is synagogue tomorrow?
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>me, personally, i can drive 20 minutes to a beautiful mountain that also happens to be my ancestral homeland with graves with my family name going back 200 years.
I wish more Americans would think this way instead of trying to hard to claim European ancestry. I'm not denying the lineage, but the constant scraping for what is honestly foreign identity, and the wild success of DNA tests along with that, go directly against the idea of America. Americans with family rooted in the land and heritage stretching 200-400 years back don't need to be so frantic finding traces of identity like the modern immigrant does. They are Americans and that's that. And the ones who say they hate America? I doubt they even know their own state, much less America.
it's crazy you posted the MD flag with this because the mountain and graveyard I was describing are in MD, albeit very close to both WV and PA.
erm bosnia?

next question
If you want it then finish the race.
The Virgin Jung
Post the Valéry quote that was posted the other day
By his own logic his spirit would be Jewish, so… maybe he should have kept his mouth shut.
1927, Adolf Halfeld, Amerika und der Amerikanismus. Kritische Betrachtungen eines Deutschen und Europäers, Jena: Eugen Diederichs
The insistence on being content with a commercial identity severed from anything meaningful is disgusting.
Skin color doesn't matter. There are "good " and "bad" people of every race, nationality and creed. Why would their be genius visas if people cared about race and different races representing in Olympic events? Obviously people care about intelligence and competence more than race.
>Skin color doesn't matter
But it strongly correlates with things that do matter.
>There are "good " and "bad" people of every race, nationality and creed
At different, often greatly different, relative frequencies.
Much of what white people infer as signs of inferiority in other people, are actually signs of spite and sabotage that they misunderstand. For example, black people aren't stupid, most of them are highly aware. Rather, they're unmotivated, and uninterested. Many of them are also pissed. This makes sense historically.
Same with Asians, white people see Asian maneuvering as "sneaky" or untrustworthy. But everyone is just doing what they must to survive with their identities intact. Black people don't perform well in school, because it isn't their school. It wasn't developed by them, and over time, has proven that it hasn't any interest in developing for them, except as a pacification technique. Asians do perform well in school, for the same reason. It wasn't developed by them or for them, so they responded by mastering it and shaping it. One by means of total rejection, the other by means of total subjugation.
I dont mean to imply that white people are bad. White people are socialized, just like any other group of people, by power interests and their role as pawns to be moved about.
China is a good example. Today we talk about the "undiplomatic" measures they take with stark confusion, or we make essentialist arguments to explain these moves. We never talk about how China, a millennial civilization of traditional excellence, was subjugated, virtually destroyed, desecrated and colonized by the anglo empires of the recent past. I take no sides, but don't explain through essence, what can be understood through causes and effects, motivations and perspectives.
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If you're European then there's no need for me to convince you of anything, but if you're an American, then at least pick up something like pic-related and a history of your state before saying stupid stuff like that.
>reddit spacing
low IQ = high quality DNA?
This is a fantastic explanation and understanding.
That‘s the actual history of every state. Some cutesy craft culture detached from more admirable artistic forms and predictably subdued when this shithole of a superstructure decided it was time to be phased out by selling something is all the more to my point.
In the sense of fantastical?
DNA analysis indicates that ancient Egyptians were more Caucasian than modern day Egyptians. Hitler was unfortunately right about Aryans (Caucasians) being the supreme builders of planet Earth. I’m half Chinese half Mexican fyi.
You’re being dishonest because you can’t reconcile your political beliefs with reality or you have never spent time around upper middle class white leftists.
You think? Natives were never separated from whites during the two World Wars, and generally separated themselves off during the American Civil by choice. The famous Trail of Tears? ca. 60k Natives, ca. 7k slaves (theirs) -- no one wants to discuss how racist the Indians were (against Blacks, although there's plenty of documentation)-- in fact recently I've seen a few YouTube shorts about slaves escaping into the wilderness in order to become free by joining Indian tribes blah blah blah which, though it might have happened on occasion, nevertheless completely distorts what was in fact a very different, general case. Place names have been conserved, river names, mountain ranges, vallies. From the 1880's through the 1960's Cowboy/Indian literature was paramount (white) children's literature for boys, with at least half those young readers 'siding with the Indians,' wanting to be Indians, 'fuck civilization': enter the 1960's. We have a Second Amendment because of the constant Indian threat (in those days) though the fake rationale concerns a citizenry's right to protect itself from a potentially corrupt government blah blah blah --alot of good that does [us] now, however, kek. I could go on and on, Euro-fren. (You) just have NO idea what it is you weakly protest.
Pardon? I was just confused at the wording. Though 'fantastic' can be used pejoratively, that usage is incredibly rare (though its ironic use is fairly common). I just wanted to know if you meant 'great' or 'fabulistic' -- I honestly couldn't tell.
Everyone else being racist too doesn't mean we didn't commit a genocide
>genuine nature preserves are very far removed from the bulk of residence
no shit?
yes. sadly i don't see it getting better, only worse, at least for the next long while. we've all been robbed.
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>DNA analysis
You don't mean that infamous one from Nature that claimed "Ancient Egyptian mummy genomes suggest an increase of Sub-Saharan African ancestry in post-Roman periods" because it's been debunked for awhile now.
>Hitler was unfortunately right about Aryans (Caucasians) being the supreme builders of planet Earth
Fortunately Hitler had no clue what he was talking about. Since antiquity it's been common knowledge that blacks were the wellspring of civilization and all it's facets. Only in the last few hundred years did this suddenly become controversial. The fragments of a geographical dictionary dating back to Byzantium states "Ethiopia was the first established country on earth; and the Ethiopians were the first who introduced the worship of the gods, and who established laws." Other sentiments expressed by the ancients corroborate such views,picrel
>I’m half Chinese half Mexican fyi
Good for you.
>You can even see it in need to always be smiling for pictures.
you fraud, black dudes don’t smile for pictures
you just might the first white person to ever acknowledge this honestly and properly. we niggers talk in Ebonics not because we’re too stupid to learn the white man’s rigorous languages, but because we don’t want you to understand us
I know you're being facetious, but that is actually part of the reason slang developed in the first place, so they could communicate without the master/first class citizens understanding what they were talking about. Yiddish in Germany held a similar function, with its euphemistic structure.
Ug ug nigga boogie woogie food stamp white women gibs me free welfare
>DonQuavius: I'm at the grocery store.
>Treymario Pepsi: You fool! A honkey is near. Use the secret code!
>DonQuavius. I be at the grocery store
So what in your opinion caused the total degradation of the black race today? And I don’t mean American blacks as that’s obvious low hanging fruit. I mean the Africans themselves. Why the dissonance between this alleged grandiose past and the current state? This dissonance itself being the main source of disbelieve of such notions. It’s not even only modern times I’m referring to but even in records dating back 2000 years they, the sub Saharan Africans, have been referred to as little better than animals. Nobody is inherently opposed to the idea of blacks being the forerunners of all human civilizations if there was evidence to suggest so but as I mentioned before a look at the level of civilization generated by the africa races throws doubt unto any discerning mind with even a shred of logic or reasoning skills.
Unfortunately, human beings are tribal and violent much like chimps, so your approach of encouraging encouraging people to see the individual first will ultimately fail. It's better to just become a misanthrope, really.

Anyways, here you go:

"Prejudice is an organic truth, false in itself but accumulated by generations and transmitted: we cannot rid ourselves of it with impunity. The nation that renounces it heedlessly will then renounce itself until it has nothing left to give up. The duration of a collectivity and its consistency coincide with the duration and consistency of its prejudices. The Oriental nations owe their everlastingness to their loyalty to themselves: having failed to 'develop,' they have not betrayed themselves; and they have not lived in the sense in which life is conceived by civilizations on the run, the only ones history is concerned with; for history, discipline of dawns and of gasping deathbeds—history is a novel laying claim to rigor and which draws its substance from the archives of the blood. . . ."
- Emil Cioran
That's the paradox, whites have become even more negrified than the negroes
[We] did commit genocide; I freely admitted this here
BUT whereas European genocides were perpetrated out of sheer hatred, the American species of genocide (of Natives) was weirdly different, much of it even (stupidly) accidental. Many 'Indian Fighters' possessed great admiration for Indians, the Indian way of life, their skillfulness, their economy, their veneration of nature, etc.-- and this was even passed on, became greater over time, and, well, is strikingly odd.
Though much of this was inevitably due to the European misreading of native life (no doubt much to the bemusement of the country's natives themselves) this misreading has lived on in strange ways, from an abiding fascination with savage violence to an idea of freedom very much bound up with notions of an (exculpated) Indian 'way of life'. The American white man, in short, is bat shit mother f*ckin crazy when at his 'best'. Has the phenomenon been subdued? It sometimes seems so, but maybe not.
>The American white man, in short, is bat shit mother f*ckin crazy when at his 'best
what do you mean?
That's called mutual influence, anon.
Brown hands typed this
He loves what he harasses, marginalizes, kills. These days, he's doing it on a more 'spiritual' plain against women, particularly white women. Go figure
Crime rates and fatherhood statistics indicate otherwise.
>Blacks do poorly in school because they don't want to succeed
Low IQ cope. Asians and Indians do fine, it has nothing to do with their identity. I've known blacks who wanted to do well in school but just couldn't. It was sad seeing them try so hard and posture, and just suck at it.
>don't explain through essence, what can be understood through causes and effects, motivations and perspectives
That's what you're doing. As if blacks have some innate essence that makes them not want to succeed or makes them intentionally lazy. Total pseudery.
>most of them are highly aware. Rather, they're unmotivated, and uninterested. Many of them are also pissed.
This is not mutually exclusive with NIQ85.
Can you insufferable baby-dicked faggots stop obsessing about black dicks for two seconds? Thanks. Kys, btw.
You're talking to a bluepilled retard who has bought in to the lies of "enlightened" egalitarianism, humanism and the supposed brotherhood of mankind.

One second he is saying race is just skin deep, the next he is claiming races behave a certain way as an innate attitude related to their identity, even though "deep down" they are supposedly the same... Well that just proves there are different racial groups. No doubt the solution would be more social engineering, totally liberal and enlightened and not at odds with reality...Typical kosher academic pseudery, fundamentally no different from boomer idiocy that has allowed our nations to dissolve at such an alarming rate.
>Teddy Roosevelt was the first nigga President
Another banger from Jung
Its not about seeing the individual. It's about understanding the causal chains that lead to where we are, and understanding the psychological effects of identity, and motivation. This is actually a sort of validation of tribal innateness.
But, behind tribal innateness, is the truth that these are just concepts, and aren't "real." They're very deeply rooted, though, so ignoring them, or just saying "lol they're not real though!!" won't do, either.
It may be beyond any of us to actually change or improve the situation. However, if one desires something like that, this is a more fruitful perspective than racial essentialism.
None of you have had the experience of bring one of the few people to have befriended the miscreant that everyone stays away from? I have. Usually, it is done through listening, and a limited validation of the parts of their emotional experience that have legitimacy in them. A lot of disarmament comes from saying that yes, the thing you're angry about, has some truth in it; instead of saying it's because you're inherently xyz, or handwaving away truths about the pasts effects upon identity.

I'm aware this is a simplistic and perhaps naively optimistic view of a highly complex, and grim, set of problems. But it's a better foundation for peace than anything else.
The native genocide laid the absurdities of European civilization and its diaspora completely bare, imo. Because, I'm aware of the historical strangeness you're speaking of...the genocide was waged on the ground by poor workmen and social rejects of the Old World, who were doing it opportunistically to carve out some hope of a better existence in the New. But these savages they were killing, they seemed to be aware that these men were much like them, and living more so in the way that they desired. They did not have to work all day for a system of detachment that fundamentally did not care about them, only about the perpetuation of myself. While subject to nature and its demands, and tribal spats and their demands, they were not mere inputs in an inhuman machine. They did not have Kings. And even as they killed them, they seemed to recognize this fact in their subconscious, that they were in fact killing themselves, in service to men who'd rather see them dead.
There is no peace possible with man. Man is a violent and mechanized chimp. All human beings are wretched except for solitary ascetic contemplatives.

All of humanity can eat shit and die for all that I care. I told my dying grandmother to stfu when she begged me to have children. That's how little regard I hold for this wretched and stupid species that only knows death and destruction. Schopenhauer had it right.
I explained why Asians and Indians do well in school, through the same appeal to motivations. And most black people don't reject school because they want to do it, but can't. They reject it on the fundamental basis that it's not going to do them any good in a society that predicated itself upon their subjugation, with some legitimacy to the claim. Blacks want to do well, but in a society that understands and appreciates them. Preferably, in one they lead themselves, but at least in one that doesn't wilfully denigrate who they are. All human beings want this.
Asians and Indians do very well in school, how do they use this? To either achieve ascendant dominance in their mother countries over the West, or, to come to the West and achieve dominance over its citizens and progeny.

My point to you is that white people, being socialized to be the most arrogant, vain and oblivious people on the Earth, will still be theorizing about how the other races are lesser in some way, when we are living in the remnants as third worlders, instead of recognizing that we dominated the Earth callously, and the Earth had enough of it.
Because we are stupid. I'm not, but God damn.
Well, you know that isn't true. Absolute, idealized and permanent peace may be impossible. But relative peace and better relations are always possible.
Itself* not myself
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It is impermanent and mankind will just go back to raping, enslaving, and killing each other and the natural world. With technological prowess, they just do this more rapidly and efficiently.
You are naive.
The best thing to do is to focus on yourself and not leave behind any descendants who will invariably be exploited, especially in an age of automation, growing ethnic tensions, and economic instability. I wouldn't be surprised if slavery becomes normalized again during our lifetimes.
Kill yourself BAPist.
Why in God's name would a brown guy quote Werner Sombart? Let alone know who Sombart is.
I don't get it.
the olympic display yesterday proves you're wrong. they really care about skin color and don't give a shit about quality. Same thing for all ESG.
>Same with Asians, white people see Asian maneuvering as "sneaky" or untrustworthy. But everyone is just doing what they must to survive with their identities intact. Black people don't perform well in school, because it isn't their school. It wasn't developed by them, and over time, has proven that it hasn't any interest in developing for them, except as a pacification technique. Asians do perform well in school, for the same reason. It wasn't developed by them or for them, so they responded by mastering it and shaping it. One by means of total rejection, the other by means of total subjugation.
Then black have the biggest continent on earth and can create their won society there
>To either achieve ascendant dominance in their mother countries over the West, or, to come to the West and achieve dominance over its citizens and progeny.
Good and the negroes can achieve the same and make africa great again.
I can't secure anything for my descendants in a world of so many unaddressed grievances. That concept is the height of naivete. Mine may reach beyond what's possible, but at least it acknowledges the pressing necessity. The "I'll take care of myself and my own" stuff is a total delusion.
They cannot because said continent is still dominated and managed by colonial/imperial interests that sabotage any effort they make toward doing this. Ghadaffi was murdered precisely because he wanted to create a pan-African union with a sovereign currency, and the wars happening right now in the Sahel are about forcing out the French.
You have to face these things if you want to understand reality. Otherwise, you misunderstand.
If humans are three things to you, where have you done those three things? Who have you raped, enslaved, or killed? I would love to know. If mankind is no more complex than this pattern you present, enlighten me on your participation in this. Or will you accept a more realistic approach rather than this childish caricature?
You neither have a philosophical nor meticulous mind. There are many books I could recommend, but I'm not sure if you would be willing to read any of them.
Nothing will get better in the future for mankind. I know 100% things will get worse. In fact, we may not even survive the upcoming decades as the technocratic elite try to topple society and restructure it for greater automation. They may even try to start civil wars in countries. Things are rarely done out of altruism from the elite; you have to consider what they gain in return.
We are effectively factory farm animals in modern industrial society. What happens when the factory farm animals are no longer needed in such large numbers?
Nothing has gotten better. Things have only gotten worse. The 20th century was one of the bloodiest time periods in all of human history (second being Mongols), and now we are moving towards something even worse. Don't you sense the tension, don't you feel a sense of foreboding? It feels somewhat artificial this time, almost tastes metallic. My ancestors have suffered a lot from invasions, cruelty, and I can feel in my bones we are on the precipice of apocalyptic times, but it largely feels artificially induced this time around.
Also consider this, Jim Crow laws were ended because they wanted blacks as more effective, integrated mechanized slaves in technical organization, and likewise, immigrants are accepted to either be slaves to the technical organization or introduce ethnic tensions for purposes of destabilization. The reason I mention these is to make you see mankind is largely motivated by greed, not altruism, and to realize how multidimensional things have become. I am neither a leftist nor chud.
Nothing is ever done out of altruism. I am not scapegoating any group, but ultimately, organization-dependent tech is semi-autonomous and is moving in the direction of complete autonomy at our expense and freedom. It creates the problems it claims it can solve. There are new machines to replace what they consider inferior machines (us).
>purposes of destabilization
purposes of atomization*
Regardless, as I've said, I am neither left nor right. I am simply a jade misanthrope who *knows* the future will not be bright.
>You neither have a philosophical nor meticulous mind.
Thats, literally one of the craziest things anyone has ever said to me.
98% of people have never felt true compassion or love. Only naive fools believe mankind did things like end slavery, create welfare, or whatever out of a sense altruism. There are always ulterior motives that fall into self-interests. We are effectively factory farm animals in these mechanized times.
The only *good* people are the solitary ascetics who have abandoned worldly aspirations, but in an age of mass taxation, dying biodiversity, surveillance, overpopulation, and more, that is increasingly difficult. You are surrounded by countless mentally ill people, addicted to drugs, creepy fetishes, narcissistic, fearing solitude, etc. If American society collapses, people will resort to raping each other, eating each other, creating militias to fight, and more, and that is what is going to happen when the technocratic elite deliberately collapse the economy.
The best thing is to be as far away as possible from urban areas.
Regardless, I doubt most of us will survive the next few decades. Our lives are complete disposable now with growing automation.
Getting away from urban areas as far as possible is the most important thing now.
You should drop all hopes in mankind. Mankind is a wretched species. Mankind is a mechanized and violent chimp.
There is no point to clinging to anything human. There is no point in coveting anything human. There's nothing worth remembering about mankind. We are all most likely going to die in the upcoming few decades. The last thing I'd want to see is another human face during my final moments.
>Nothing has gotten better. Things have only gotten worse.
Thats not true. You're accusing me of having an absolutist positive vision of progress, and I don't. I have a pragmatic notion of achievable balance, equilibrium; something that's been cyclically achieved before, and will again. Whereas you do have an exaggerated and absolutist negative vision. You're miserable, clearly, but misery isn't an argument. It's just moodiness
>Don't you sense the tension, don't you feel a sense of foreboding? It feels somewhat artificial this time, almost tastes metallic. My ancestors have suffered a lot from invasions, cruelty, and I can feel in my bones we are on the precipice of apocalyptic times, but it largely feels artificially induced this time around.
Yes, of course. That's what motivates the things I'm saying. Not an interest in self flagellation and virtue signaling, but in addressing the issues causing this in some way that doesn't lead to apocalypse.
>Also consider this, Jim Crow laws were ended because they wanted blacks as more effective, integrated mechanized slaves in technical organization, and likewise, immigrants are accepted to either be slaves to the technical organization or introduce ethnic tensions for purposes of destabilization. The reason I mention these is to make you see mankind is largely motivated by greed, not altruism, and to realize how multidimensional things have become. I am neither a leftist nor chud.
>Nothing is ever done out of altruism. I am not scapegoating any group, but ultimately, organization-dependent tech is semi-autonomous and is moving in the direction of complete autonomy at our expense and freedom. It creates the problems it claims it can solve. There are new machines to replace what they consider inferior machines (us).

You accuse me of lacking a philosophical or meticulous mind, but I echoed this precise sentiment above when I spoke about the European settlers and the natives. My analysis isn't very foreign from yours, but I take what has been dealt and look for the pockets of potential balance. Your view, I'm not calling it unsophisticated or stupid, but it is hyperbolic. You speak in absolutes; its very, very true that many things are not done out of altruism which purport to be, and that the altruistic intentions of the many are exploited and twisted around by a few so that they are rendered inert. But it is not true that "nothing is ever done out of altruism." You're dismissing many periods of peaceful coexistence throughout history, and dismissing the good intentions of most of the common people by honing in on the cynical calculations of the powerful.
There is some good in this world among all the bad. It may not seem like it, but there is. If there wasn't, we'd all already be dead, anon. You'd have gotten your wish far before we reached the present moment. This world is kept alive by the irrational love of a few, which reignites it momentarily in the many. Momentary ignition is enough.
Also, studying the psychology of prison inmates may be useful. They exist in a "purer" state of man that people revert into during times of crisis. Stuff like racial affiliation as a formative psychological element to gang formation is unavoidable. The Deagel prediction said our population will plummet to 99 million before taking it down.
>23632832 #
>98% of people have never felt true compassion or love.
I disagree. Most people have never sustained these things throughout their lives and expressed them perfectly, myself included. But most people have some moment of mercy, compassion, love in their lives, even if it's far and few between. Even Dutroux, by confessing, was expressing it.
There is a prison program where they bring cats in to the ward so that the prisoners can care for them. It doesn't work on all of them, but the results are transformative and effective beyond expectation. These people are prime candidate #1 for unbridled selfishness and cynicism. Some are murderers. Bonding with a small animal when they have nothing else brings the love and compassion out of them, because it is latent in us all. Selfishness doesn't negate it, either; humans are complexes, it's never either/or. A man can be loving one day and selfish the next. His selfishness doesn't negate the "real" in his love, and his love doesn't negate the "real" in his selfishness. The good in people doesn't negate the evil in them or vice versa. We exist as multitudes, within, it's about bringing things out, encouraging the expression of one over the other. Perfection is impossible, but balance is more perfect than perfection.
So you guys have to accept that:
1/ all societies decay
2/ the democratic republics by the bourgeois will not be exempted from decay
3/ the new society will not have the bourgeois at the top, ie it will not be a republic
4/ if the new model of society is so obvious, the bourgeois will nip it in the bud, in order to keep their republics alive
5/ the new society will NEVER EVER be created by any civil servant or businessman

=>The solution will never come from any media products like the coomer Zemmour in France, nor from a business product like the coomer Trump in the USA, nor from an academic product like Milei (in democracy, academia is part of the entertainment industry), let alone a self-made intellectual like Dugin, nor from a woman because, in democracy, women are products of bureaucracies and marketing.
The solution will come from somebody who is not part of the republic. Only an external element and/or an external event to the republic will destroy the republic and the fake dichotomy bureaucrats-businessmen for good.
The point is that it will be so strange that westerners won't see it coming.
Thats highly ironic that you brought up prisoners lol. I hadn't even read that yet when I wrote this reply
Prisoners are the way they are due to a mix of inherent temperament, personal choices; and environment, conditions. They are thrust into conditions dominated by concerns of survival and where trust is a net liability.
But switch up the formula a bit, and even prisoners lessen their tendencies. A simple meow has a more potent effect than all the theorizing about jurisprudence, penalization and a rehabilitation have ever come up with. Lol
No, I am not moody. I am simply brutally honest. What prevents you from seeing the truth is your vain humanism.
Apocalypse is unavoidable now. It's happened to all civilizations.
There have been periods of stability, socially, but never "peaceful coexistence". Mankind does not live in peaceful coexistence with either itself or the natural world. Mankind acts like an invasive species wherever it settles, but this has become more pronounced with advanced technology. I recommend you be more wary; you are the type to eventually be backstabbed.
Slavery was the norm for much of history and will go back to being the norm.
And it's not just the callous elite that we are dealing with now, but also, the organization-dependent technology which shapes and determines man in a manner to force dependence on it. Technological determinism is true and with the advent of Industry 4.0, cloud data centers, and more, man is increasingly becoming even more disposable, mechanized, and atomized. It will not end well.
There is barely any good with humanity. Just look at chimpanzees. They are our closest ancestors and batshit insane. Now read human history. It's very similar to chimps. Maybe if we were more closely related to gorillas or orangutans, then we would be better off. Btw, at least 40-50% of primates are vulnerable or endangered. The only thing mankind is good at, as a whole, is killing and creating uncontrollable cancers such as organization-dependent technology.
>This world is kept alive by the irrational love of a few
Their love is always the first one to be exploited. They make themselves vulnerable to exploitation.
>which reignites it momentarily in the many
The many will always be insincere, easily manipulated with social engineering, indoctrination. They do not feel deeply.
>Momentary ignition is enough
It will be insufficient, just like with all things with mankind.
It would have been better to never have been born, but I don't want to kill myself because I have certain things I want to focus on. Granted, I wouldn't be surprised if I were killed in one or two decades. After all, massacres and genocides are not historical anomalies.
The only real kind of love is that which does not seem to grasp or control. Most human beings are not capable of this to any large extent. Most people care only in terms of self-validation or whatever you want to call it. To love something is to ask for nothing in return. Most of those prison inmates most likely take joy from the cat in the sense they interpret the cat as serving their needs for validation. It is just temporary gratification for them, nothing deeper or more profound. The consciousness of the average man is only on a surface level.
There is no solution. There is no way to better mankind. Mankind alternates between extremes. The only thing you can do is focus on yourself and family. Protests, getting politically involved, -- none of that will make a difference and will invariably be subverted too. I recommend reading the book "Failure of Technology" by Friedrich Junger.

Mankind is a failed and mechanized species. Everywhere mankind settles, biodiversity rapidly depletes, and they just have their endless chimp wars and chimp slavery. Mankind is an inferior animal guided by Geist. Both the mob mentality (and how quick it can turn on you) and the transgressive elite are horrifying.
You need to understand that massacres and genocides are not historical anomalies. They didn't end in the 20th century, and they haven't ended now.

Trying to better mankind is futile. Mankind's conventional nature will not change as a whole unless genetic engineering is normalized, which will make things worse but in a different direction.
Anon, I KNOW I will be backstabbed,and that I must be. I have no fear of this, as it is inevitable. Death is inevitable. You're confusing what I'm doing for some kind of childish delusion; balance is the only thing that is ever achieved. When hatred is preponderant, and injection of its opposite is necessary. It won't eliminate hatred, and will by default never see the fullest expression of its desire. But it will achieve balance. Every prophet has been killed, every peacemaker has been killed; but they also had an effect and played their part as they're meant to.
You will also die. You will just do it telling yourself different things than I will.
No, you need to understand that I'm not blind to any of this, I'm not five years old. Youre being diminutive whether you intend to or not, and insulting my intelligence.
Mayhem will never stop; peace will never stop. Balance, anon. Cyclical balance. We all play roles. I play mine, knowing it could end in momentary futility, but over the long term and in the aggregate, total victory. Just as it is for all of us.
The balance of mankind is simply the evolutionary default state that is closest to chimpanzees. The natural default state is one that involves politically minded tribes that engage in endless war, rape, and disease, but keeps population levels sustainable and, therefore, not as destructive to native wildlife. High infant mortality also served an important role for genetic winnowing. By removing infant mortality with modern medical technologies, unprecedented forms of problems have been created.
The natural default state degenerated into being fooled by delusions of "progress" and faith in technical organization, which merely mechanizes the world.. it creates the complications it claims to solve.. from children being sprayed with DDT (can watch on YouTube) to high density of microplastics in the blood.
Total victory would be for mankind to go extinct and some other population of species to evolve and develop civilization.

“The final aim of history is a crumbling field of ruins. Its final meaning is the sand blown through the eye-holes of human skulls.”
- Ulrich Horstmann

I merely wish for a decent life and then vanishing, being forgotten and not leaving a legacy for this self-destructive species.
Your fundamental premise is wrong, BTW. Humans are descended from chimpanzees, and bonobos.
We *share* our closest common ancestor with chimpanzees. Sorry I was not precise enough for you.
No, we are evolved in relative equivalence from chimps and bonobos, hence the dual nature we have. The link between us and them is a common ancestral midpoint that was a merger of the two. You can look this up.
You focus on and choose only to see the chimp. In fairness, I may focus too much on the bonobo. But it's all good, necessary and inevitable. A little bit of cupidity is necessary sometimes, as a sacrificial log to keep the fire burning.

And even then, BTW, chimps have moments of prosociality.
You may want to revisit that, because that's not the case. The middling ape-man descended from chimps and bonobos. That's why we have contradictory impulses.
Bonobos are pretty brutal too from what I've read, but I need to research it more. They also have sex with infants...

Anyways, I am going to bed. It's best to drop desires of wanting to improve the world and focus on your own self-preservation and spiritual liberation, preferably how a meditative practice like Zazen. All desires of wanting to improve man ultimately backfires and typically leads to the formation of a novel order of problems. Man would have paradoxically caused less problems to both itself and the world of it had never 'civilized,' which is largely a mask covering their chaos. The horror film Cure shows that underneath the sense of normalcy, there is mainly chaos and disorder with man.

Preferably, I would prefer man to go extinct and corvids to form advanced civilizations after millions of years.
Have a good rest

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