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Seethe edition

Previous >>23627328
First for cope
mind goblins still being used in modern day visual novel development? truly activates the almonds
dubs we make out
Dubs and the “dubs and we kiss” guy kills himself
Seethe edition going well so far
KEK you motherfucker
not this thread
you both posted at the literal exact same instant
Nice dubs, checked and verified
Juden Peterstein lol
americans, do black people hate chinese, filipino, and indian people? why?
sniveling cowardly demonic troll spotted
why don't you go clean your damn room
Can we ever know the true meaning of pagan myths? What if all our interpretations are just wrong and we dont know what we dont know.
It's just how you learn about seasons and graves and trees and shit. Stories are more fun than taxonomic lists of everything and teach you grammar and jokes too.
No it’s a total meme.
A Bangladeshi friend of mine’s literal first conversation with an American when she landed was the black cab driver going off about how she’ll need to steel herself for weird subtle racism here against black people, and when she tried to explain she was “brown” (SEA) he was like “lol you think there’s a difference, we’re all in the same boat, welcome to the struggle”
interesting. i read that the #StopAsianHate movement stopped almost overnight when you guys realized that the main perpetrators of asian violence in the US were black people
Ask and Embla. Elaborate post-Christian fake or actual Norse mythology about the first humans? It would change a lot.
They were but that's just because most of the violent crime is Black and Asians live in cities which is filled with a lot of Black people.
Blow, Bugle, Blow
The splendour falls on castle walls
And snowy summits old in story:
The long light shakes across the lakes,
And the wild cataract leaps in glory.
Blow, bugle, blow, set the wild echoes flying,
Blow, bugle; answer, echoes, dying, dying, dying.

O hark, O hear! how thin and clear,
And thinner, clearer, farther going!
O sweet and far from cliff and scar
The horns of Elfland faintly blowing!
Blow, let us hear the purple glens replying:
Blow, bugle; answer, echoes, dying, dying, dying.

O love, they die in yon rich sky,
They faint on hill or field or river:
Our echoes roll from soul to soul,
And grow for ever and for ever.
Blow, bugle, blow, set the wild echoes flying,
And answer, echoes, answer, dying, dying, dying.

Alfred Lord Tennyson
Its all metaphors for placentas.
This was never even really a moment. I live in a major Asian population center in America. It was nothing more than an astroturfed social media drama.
Blacks hate everyone who is more intelligent, attractive, light skinned and successful than them. So in other words, everyone else (including lighter skinned blacks)
Blacks are such narcissists.
Man, some of these people I know are deranged anti trump fear mongering leftist. I think they sincerely beleive trump is some sort of Hitler and will vote regardless of lies from the left.
Is French culture really all about frog pussy? it's all legs and lips and curves
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I didn’t even know that was a thing and don’t have Twitter. I just mean people on the ground. I could maybe see the Deep South black people I’ve known that believe in Yakub and stuff being racist against Asians, but I never saw or heard anything to that effect from them.
They do good pastry too
they fuck their pastry??
I'm king of never learning my lesson when it comes to woman. i sort of despise strategizing with love I suppose and it leads me to make the same mistakes. It's called game and it works but I want to believe spontaneity is real.
I would
Frogs don't have vaginas. They have cloacas like birds.
They also only hug each other to have seggs. It's very cute
I would hug you to make eggs.
I had a period where the work was slow and now it's picking up again but I have adapted to wasting time at work so now I'm having a hard time actually putting in more work.
So far it hasn't bitten me in the ass but I need to step up before it does.
I have not made myself honoured at work. In fact, I am known as an infamous, evil man.
Are Southern white Americans Swiss people (spiritually)?
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I spend all of my time researching ideas that maybe one hundred people globally will see. Of them, maybe ten will be able to understand what my research does. Of them, maybe five will care enough to use it.
Some of the most normal reactions or advice I get from people is to stop trying to be self centered or thinking that I'm above people and it is so far from my reality that it's sad. If I had any type of consideration of myself that was above anyone else, I wouldn't have spent the majority of my life inside a bedroom feeling like shit and not talking to anyone. Really, if there had been any part of me that thought of myself to anything above anyone at any point in time, you'd be wrong. I think that if I had any self esteem during any point of my life, that I would have lived completely different from how I did. Instead, I lived as a complete recluse and felt like I was some type of mistake and not normal because I couldn't find it in me to live a regular life for a very long time. Back then, I didn't care, but now after I've become older I start to realize the amount of stuff I've missed out on. It doesn't make me sad, I was living as I thought to myself was good, but I see young people doing stuff and I do get envious sometimes. Not something I'm very used to, either, I've never felt envy towards people for what they have or achieved. I just think I'm envious of their youth, more than anything.
"To die is to sleep
To wake is to be born again"

I cry thinking of these lines. I gives me hope that my pains are temporary and that life is eternal.
This moment can be delayed far more, and few Centuries ago it was nothing out of the ordinary, not even in France. Among other known examples, the father of Montaigne, a not less conscientious and truth-loving as strong and perfectly healthy man, deserves the mention that after his sworn affirmation in his tirthy third (33) life year, after longer periods of serving in the Italian wars, married as a complete Batchelor, and it can be seen from the writings of his son how much vitality and cheerfulness his father kept until well above his 60th year.
This guy next to me cannot sit still behind his desk so it makes it harder for me to goof off on 4chan.
The history of SSRIs and their approval is sketchy as fuck. Why is like half the country hooked on them?
and what are those ideas anon?
Anglos don’t even derive the ought from the is; Anglo thinkers derive the ought from the ought, and that’s why they’re always wrong in matters of ethics.
I hear that doctors don't even really know what they do.
You just try different SSRI until you find one that you like the best.
I'm of the opinion that you shouldn't be fucking with your brain chemistry like that. Maybe if you've tried all the normal ways of combatting depression, but most of course have not tried that.
People who claim they have depression yet haven’t tried to fix their sleep to perfection and get off social media completely are total retards, if not straight up evil and anti-human
rolling to kiss this guy and marry him.
>I am friendless, eat like shit and work a dead end job.
>I suffer from bad brain chemicals!
As a doctor it's truly evil to prescribe people like that pills.
I've been thinking that I don't want to impress anyone with anything because there's nobody I care truly about deeply enough to want to impress them. And I'm not saying I can, but it feels like dedicating your life to something needs a motive and sometimes that motive is impressing someone else. At least, that's how I understand it.
Redneck here. Just ate the vegetables of my labour.
Since when? I swear, anything to hate English people and WASPs with you fucks.
Chicken isn't a vegetable
A lot of people simply can’t make friends any other way.
Cucumbers are. Mmhm, cucumbers. They're not even bitter. Everyone told me they would become bitter. Jokes on them cause they're taste like water.
Rodri should receive the ballon d’or and not anyone from Real Blackdrid
I used to be very into football. Watching the Premier League, La Liga etc.
As I get older I just focus on my own team, Feyenoord.
I guess from what games I've seen in the CL Vinicius is pretty damn good. He can get the balloon door.
my life was unironically better in 2019 when i was dating an ugly tranny who loved me.
lol gay
Russian here. Just rawdogged a whole ass onion.
Ukranian here. Just took a shot for dinner.
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There are currently FOURTEEN (14) religion threads up.
I hope everyone posting them or posting in them gets pancreatic cancer.
Palestinian here. Just took multiple shots.
Wow, your life is pretty bad if that's a high point
Are you trying to justify blacks?
name 3 things better than to love and be loved.
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I don't understand why modern philosophy is so enamoured with criticizing everything that is even remotely seen as constricting the human 'spirit'. Religion is bad because It's dogma, family is bad because of duty, capitalism bad because it traps people in jobs, laws bad power. Even if you find some primitive tribe that worships the sun they would probably be deemed as 'authoritarian' by modern acedemics because even they have unwritten laws and some form of hierarchy. Everything that stands in the way of desire, freedom of choice without any consequences, and endless self searching is the enemy. But to what point? Where does this idea come from that if a person removed himself from any influencing power that could possible alter his decivion from being entirely self centered it would result in some sort of enlightenment?
I am really proud of stone age humans for having put an end to dinosaurs in hunting those vile, evil creatures to extinction.
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> They're literally some primitive hominid species.
Lol that's not true.
Tell me how the Bronze Age pans out afterwards
They’re better as part of a bigger meal but fine on their own I guess. I should hit up /ck/ again.
I usually kill too birds with one stone and filter both religion threads and “le heckin skeptic” threads out both at the same time.
Name 3 such "modern philosophers"
You should find a woman that you love who shares your values
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New Heath
>replies with a Wikipedia entry about an extinct lizard
Cool, I guess.
Anyone with their ear to ground in the humanities would know it’s almost every single one aside from maybe Sloterdijk, Agamben or McIntyre
Just name 3 you lying dickhead. Basically nobody argues for "endless freedom" or whatever retarded shit you read into Sartre or whoever
>I should go for a blonde hottie because they're the same race as I am
>Don't get me started with nigger women
>I'd really like to bang a hot black chick

Is this the /pol/ brain in action?
Subway or the highway
How do i go about doing that though?
In my experience women arent that intelligent, theyre only intelligent for positioning themselves the best in the social hierarchy. In my experience they dont really care about stuff like knowledge and pursuing the truth. They care about money and being able to control the man in all the ways possible. Also, i dont really have anything to talk to with a woman, i dont even know how to start a conversation. I have no trouble talking to a man. Women dont really like outliers and im an unironic sigma and i dont like having to prove myself to a friendgroup or leading the conversation cause i find most friendgroup conversations quite stupid. But you have to play the game in order to get a woman, you have to jump through needless hoops. But i dont wanna play the game, i dont wanna jump through hoops i just want a girl with whom i can talk, learn, bond, be best friends with and who i can love and who loves me back
Not the anon you’re responding to, though
Some black girls are attractive and I’m pretty far right. A lot of us just want pussy at the end of the day.
Everyone assumes I'm a girl
OP here. I mean don't get me started on them because I do find them hot. Should I bang one or would that be miscegination?
I could have made $124 today no problem, but let it slip through my fingers like sand in the hourglass of time. I was very upset with myself. A little later, while I was out getting Jimmy John's, I witnessed a car wreck: a truck ran the red and hit a RAV4 making a right turn into the lane. Flipped it over twice.
I said I should be grateful for what I have. I'm now back at home on my third beer and feeling okay.
Its been years ive talked to a woman outside my mom or for ordering coffee/ saying hello/ thank you to a cashier
>i just want a girl with whom i can talk, learn, bond, be best friends with and who i can love and who loves me back
Listen man, you're gonna have a hard time finding any of that if you unironically believe all this shit about being a "sigma" and how women are this and that and so on
Im already having a hard time, very hard time
Which part of it was wrong though?
Idk man, i checked sigma male characteristics and it completely fits me. I didnt mean it in a way instagram portreys sigma males, or in a patrick bateman way
>I didnt mean it in a way instagram portreys sigma males, or in a patrick bateman way
That's literally all it is though. It's some meme that didn't even exist a few years ago

>Im already having a hard time, very hard time
Yeah man, exactly. Your attitude towards women is a huge factor in this. You have a hard time talking to them? It's because you're thinking of them as a potential conquest already, your attitude is adversarial from the start. You don't have any female friends? You've never met a woman you could talk with about anything?
I keep sharding
I dont look at woman as a potential conquest, i really dont. Dunno where you got that from. I said what im looking for and that doesnt leave any room for that kind of thing. I do get thirsty sometimes and wanna have sex but thats cause i dont really get laid, but then i just jerk off. I would much rather have a real thing than just sex. I havent really met a woman that i can talk with about anything, yes. In my experience they completely lose interest when i talk to them about stuff i care about, like sports and music( and literature).
And no, i havent had any female friends my whole life. When i was a teen i couldnt stand them, by and large. I was mostly frightened of being bullied by them cause they do bully a lot.
Yes, its true, i really havent met a woman with whom i could let my guard down
Update: at least one janny is a religious nut job that wants /lit/ to be ruined. An on-topic meta reminder that religion is off-topic was removed, but none of the off-topic religious spam is.
This board has /lit/-hostile jannies actively destroying it from the inside.
In case you’re ever wondering why this board is so shat up with off-topic spam compared to others.
The janitors condone and encourage it.
What are you trying to communicate?
Maybe it's cuz I've always been kinda faggy but when I was in high school most of my friends were girls (though all my closest friends were guys). I never felt "bullied" by girls but always found the average guy to be pointlessly mean.

>I dont look at woman as a potential conquest, i really dont. Dunno where you got that from
I extrapolated it from reading your posts. Especially your first post (now deleted, it seems) wondering about whether you should go for a blonde or a black chick or whatever, which is just a really crass approach to women. And then all that stuff about jockeying in the hierarchy and women wanting to control men etc

>women lose interest when I talk about music
Lol there's no way. Unless you listen exclusively to "hoe-scaring" stuff. But even still there are women who make that their whole thing
Sorry i forgot to say "not that anon" you were replying to. >>23630775 was my first post in the thread
Hope is always alive in me that theres someone out there for me. Im not that bad of a guy, im quite alright in the right setting.
Also, why i said sigma is cos i read that sigmas are lone wolves outside of social hierarchy, no need for approval from others, valuing their own freedom and independence. Thats all i meant, i didnt mean "sigma male makes rude comebacks then leaves into the dark" although i did that sometimes when i was younger
Donna Tartt is the only living writer I like.
It’s was always going to be over when one of the new wave of anons became a janny. Board is basically twitter 2.0 with all the pol and incel nonsense. I’ll never get why religion doesn’t have its own board. Are new boards even made anymore? What was the last one and when?
This is gonna blow your mind but it's impossible to discuss religion without discussing literature. You can cry about it all you like but it's pointless. Hell, the image in the sticky thread is from the Divine Comedy.
There is someone out there for you but you are severely handicapping yourself with this assumption that women aren't intelligent and don't have real interests. Yeah there are a lot of boring, stupid women but that's also true of men
Thats exactly what i meant, i thought it was implied, MOST women are like that, not all. I dont think at all that all women are like that. But please understand me, i was dissapointed so many times with meeting women that are like that
There’s food in the Bible and religious food but if you make FOURTEEN THREADS about how matzo balls prove Jews are evil on /ck/ you’ll get banned.
Religions HAVING books doesn’t make religion ABOUT books. Political books are also not welcome.
>anons pretend they are knowledgeable about women

Always amusing when incels who have never been in a relationship do this
Then enlighten us on nature of women
99% of having a life when you’re young is made impossible by not having a fit athletic body. Honestly so many opportunities in life will pass you up. If you look bad with your shirt off you’re screwed.
There’s a thread that’s going to hit bump limit that’s just
>Why are midwit Redditors so obsessed with Gnosticism?
No literature. It’s pure off topic. Every fucking hour. Every fucking day. Getting more and more frequent.
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I’ve been in seven. Just stating personal observations.
When I’m honest at least 90% if not 100% of my problems in life were directly or indirectly caused by fat and/or gyno.
I hope glp-1s get used on teenagers because it would literally have been better to be drug-dependent for life and get thyroid cancer in my 60s or whatever idiots are scaremongering about it.
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apu, my dear friend! c'mon in, i've been waiting for you. let me make you some fresh coffee!
i have been no fap for so long i now live in a permanent state of post coom clarity. and all i see is a disgusting, filthy society of coomers in every little thing
checked and no. you live in a world of pre nut delusion.
My project is global
My entire life I have felt this deep-seated yearning to go home. Only thing is I have never found it. I have never felt home. I am Odysseus without Ithaca. Marika without Shaman Village. Rama without Ayodhya.
Me and my boyfriend decided to stop using condoms during sex in order to get pregnant and conceive a real child.
Why is this so rare these days? I'd invite anyone in this fucking thread over for coffee right now, or go to a diner and get some cheap coffee. But I can't get any of my friends or acquaintances to have such simple hangouts. They only want to bump into one another once every month or two, or they want some big "night out."
>Me and my boyfriend decided ...
Are you really fit to have children, with grammar like this?
>real child.
have you been trying for fake ones thus far?
You need to be a woman for that unfortunately
Two men can't make babies
Same here. When I think about how much life I missed out on I want to kill myself.
Anyone else find themselves being a negative person because everything and everyone around them sucks and is retarded? How are you supposed to not be negative when everyone is always wrong or lazy or immoral and everything is always shitty? Just never give your opinion on anything?
Nobody is always correct and always morally right. You need to accept that sometimes the retards are right
You're right, anon.
Is there any point to an English degree (especially a Masters or higher)?
Of course but what is “sometimes”? 3% of the time? 13%? How does that help someone not be a negative person? People tell me I have too high standards but I disagree. I just think nobody else has any standards. The only thing people seem to care about is talking the talk at work. I struggle so hard to connect with people for this reason.

>t. depressed and demoralised English major
Did you learn anything you couldn't have learned by just writing?
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> Undergrad
If you go to a prestigious uni or LAC and have a high status job like lawyer or. Banker or something
No. Nobody will ever care and it. Won’t get you a job unless a highly ranking professor takes a liking to you and mentors you professionally, which only happens for women now.
t. Admin in liberal arts college at a top uni
Good to know. I'll continue to self-study on the side and consider my Environmental Science degree (which is interesting to me and also can get me a job).
Will watching self-help videos on productivity and self-discipline help me to write and draw more?
I’ve had a couple of good professors, one of whom was sort of a mentor to me and taught me a lot about writing. Other than that, my degree has basically been a wash. If you like literature, your best bet is to read as widely as you can and practice writing on your own. If you really want to study literature or writing at a university level, then either minor in it or take a couple of courses as electives.
Here's what will you help you.
Set a fifteen minute timer.
Write for that time.
SEt a fifteen minute timer again
Draw for that time.
Increase this by one minute each day until you hit four hours for each.
Come on man, I know loads of fat guys who are living what you could call a perfectly normal life. Married, not wracked by insecurity, normal job, etc. Your problems were caused by taking childhood insults to heart and letting them shape your whole worldview
>my Environmental Science degree
I know a few people who did this and while they really enjoyed their studies, the jobs you can get without going to grad school all fucking suck.
I plan to go to grad school. I'm already a government goon, and I plan to try to go for law enforcement.
At this point it's kinda like I'm doing what's fun for me.
Isn't there more than just this?
No or I’d be bill gates
You do understand, right, that watching videos will not make you better at anything.
The cure to not being good at doing something is to do it.
Watch videos on the side if you must, but you must set aside time to do things, or you will suck.
Which was caused by…
All the “confident” fat people are thin people that got fat way later in life.
Childhood fatness is a lifelong maiming unaffected by weight loss
You gotta learn by doing, anon. No two ways about it. The more you write, the more you learn how you write, the better you know yourself, the better stories you're able to write.

You absolutely have to put in those hard hours to get your skills to keep up with your artistic vision. Just put in the work. If you feel it sucks, that's good. Figure out why you think it sucks, and then fix it. Ta-da, that it. Repeat ad infinitum.
Don't I need more information before starting?
Pick up a pen.
Put it on the paper.
Move it until you have produced something.
Sure, if you really want. Might help to start first and get some hours in. If you feel you need further guidance, then check out some videos.

The key points to remember is that watching these videos will in no way be suitable substitute to you actually doing the work of creating and reflecting and improving.
What is it about writing and writers that always makes them targets for sabotage
They're gay and retarded
There is a certain irony to sex in that while the man, the penetrator, is obviously far superior physically to the woman, the penetrated, the inverse is true in a psychic sense. The man can only finish sex coming away weaker and more spent than before, the woman as something more. The aggression of his moves in search of sexual satisfaction belies a physical and mental dependence that enslaves him to the sole possible source of true relief, the woman in question. Sexuality is not unlike quicksand in that one should never confuse the woman's malleability and capacity to give way to a more powerful force with the idea that man is more powerful than the quicksand he has sunk into.
Everything in nature is constructed so as to achieve perfect balance, whether constructively through a peaceful complementary affect, or through the leveling impulse of total war. Man is endowed with the perfect means to hurt woman, and woman is endowed with the perfect means to hurt man. By working with this, harm is avoided. By working against it, harm comes to both, an instinct to avoid dominance by the other side.
My birthday is on the 31st, and I shall listen to "I Have A Special Plan For This World" as the clock strikes midnight. I want to be enveloped with unearthly terror as go from an absolutely horrific year to another.

It's the only song that makes me feel understood, that sees the sheer terror of my dreams, that captures the anguish deep in my viscera.
Happy early birthday, anon.
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Woke up at 4:30AM. Gonna try to stay awake instead of going back to sleep. Dunno if it's a good idea but every time I did go back to sleep I would wake up around 10AM and I didn't like that.
Have no cigarettes until the 28th and I've been doing as I would being as if homeless. I'm going to go for a small walk and gather up some smokes and perhaps watch more of Deadpool & wolverine.
I watched it last night and I feel raped by how retarded it was, I feel ashamed of watching it. I know how women feel now, when a guy who isn't rich or tall looks at them. Feels like filthy bugs all over my body, like I'm tainted forever.
I think environmental science is an even worse choice.
They can help you stay in a positive mindset but you still won't get anywhere without actually doing the task
I think the thing that makes the dynamic I mentioned interesting is that it is present even in relationships where the woman is one hundred percent submissive and the man is one hundred percent dominant. Is he powerful because of his physical superiority and his capacity to enforce his will when he pleases, as he pleases on his woman, or is he weak because he is enslaved by his innate lust to her body? Kinda buddhist sounding now that I think about it. One does not only possess or crave things, but is also possessed by those possessions and cravings in turn.
You will nevre understand. You will nevre understand. You will nevre understand. You will nevre understand. You will nevre understand. You will nevre understand. You will nevre understand. You will nevre understand.
I had a terrible dream about a friend I haven't seen in two years telling me that I fell off and I'm wasting my life. It made me feel so upset.
Going to a party tomorrow. She offered to drive, but I'm going to drive myself instead. She asked me why and I dodged the question. I want an exit strategy this time, and an excuse not to drink. I will be taking some edibles, but I can drive high.
Are you the faller on your facer when you was drunk with your crush guy?
Have fun at the party bro
schizo girl... he never liked you.
Its a small boat but I stilll like it
No, these are guys who were fat since at least middle school

I am so tired of you guys pretending you're smart for regurgitating this medieval chinese bullshit. Yeah you feel tired after you nut, you think women don't feel tired after a good fuck too? Just totally retarded
That isn’t schizo girl.
>No, these are guys who were fat since at least middle school
doubt it

t. maimed
By the way, don’t you have anything better to do than hang out in these threads and make posts attempting to taunt someone who is clearly in distress and struggling with their mental health? Cruel, despicable, pathetic behaviour. It’s time to reevaluate your life.
it's a larp
Gonna fuck the pain away
I'm Nietzschean, you wouldn't get it.
Watching the 311 tiny desk concert
I had a dream where I created this new cake, it was called a Jamaima Cake (huh-my-ma). It looked like really thin crepes but browner and more burnt a bit, and you doused them in a syrup-y chocolate.
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>Some tech guy discovers internet time travel
>Only works on his PC and makes his computer be able to connect to the 2000's internet
>Completely capable of communicating and receiving information from people there
>Can alter the present doing this
Now this sounds like an interesting short story i would read.
In the 2000s, if someone had shown me evidence of the things that would occur in the 2010s and 2020s back then, I probably would have either refused to believe it, or committed suicide
Aunt jemima
The present is not that shit, thoughbeit. Albeit, it's pretty shit, still.
What happened?
The average person would just tell his past self to buy shitloads of BTC in 2006.
I'd tell myself to make the best investment of all: to get a masters of Engineering and to exercise one hour daily minimum.
To further this, you need to specifically budget time.
Successful writers usually treat writing like a job, and require themselves to do X amount of work.
Even if you don't intend to make money, hobbyists usually practice 15 minutes a day minimum.
Another Friday night spent listening to wistful enka music, imagining myself in a smoky Tokyo bar sighing over a drink and remembering the one that got away.
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>not getting a passport and going to Tokyo.
It’s complicated. Basically for the past few months I’ve been talking to someone who I like very much, and at first the feeling seemed mutual. I started to feel like we had a special connection, and was really happy about it. But recently things have seemed increasingly distant—I’ve been receiving less frequent responses, and something feels off. This state of affairs has been causing me to feel emotionally disregulated and anxious, because I find uncertainty in relationships really hard to cope with. It’s to the point where I’ve been ruminating about it all day, and it’s become difficult for me to focus on other things.

Part of me thinks I should just use the block feature and end it altogether before I become even more emotionally invested than I already am. But I feel that this would be a cowardly and cruel thing to do, or maybe it’s just that I’m too lonely and psychologically weak to make myself actually go through with it. Also, I care about this person a lot, and cutting contact would make me really sad. The other option is for us to directly talk about all of this, but I don’t know how to broach the subject in a way that won’t make me seem crazy and overly invested. Also, I’m hypersensitive to rejection, so if the conversation goes badly I’ll be really upset and I fear that it will result in some kind of uncontrollable emotional crisis. Either way, I think I’ll end up in a bad place emotionally. Should I just put an end to this preemptively in order to avoid the pain of being rejected? I don’t know.
No way, reality will spoil the fantasy.
Kameala won the presidency election
Wanna drop some stock market news while you're at it, Mr. Time Traveler?
I will NEVER vote for that 108 IQ affirmative action hire who sucked cock to get ahead, I'm voting for the Jew-loving Israel-backing Zionist Donald "J." Trump (the J. stands for "Jews own me, I am a slave of the Jews, I serve Jews, I work for Israel, a vote for me is a vote for Israel, I will do whatever Israel tells me and then some, if Israel tells me to jump 5 feet I will jump 6")
So what if it does? If you are cast out of paradise, find your own paradise.
It's weird to think that some /pol/fags probably unironically support Kamala over Trump because of the former siding with Palestine over Israel.
It's weird that everyone, even the "high IQ meta autists," believe they have the option of supporting anyone or that these personas represent real people and events
Reality is managed by covert operations, secret arrangements, hidden get-togethers, orgy islands
Television is not real
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Time is a flat circle
There are some leftoids that support Trump over Kamala because he sides with Israel.
This is the era of twisted knives.
it's already over. don't embarrass yourself by asking for reassurances and clarifications like a weakling. chalk it up to the baba yaga curse that made you this way and return to the darkness alone
One day some dude will look at the wikipedia articles for the wars fought during this decade, see the list of belligerents and opponents, and audibly say "what the fuck"
Have you ever done acid
can relate
I support Israel and Kamala.
I feel that you have a warped, cynical, mean-spirited perspective, and therefore I will not be taking your advice.
Then you're stupid.
Kamala is going to bring about Sharia, and you will be forced to convert to Islam or die.
I mean in like two hundred years people are going to wonder why Germans betrayed their nation to protect Horses during WW2.
it's advice rooted in experience.
Well, what was your experience?
Are you, experienced? Have you ever been experienced?
What do you mean by this? Why not just answer my original question?
if she's already cooling on you and this is how it always goes, then it isn't cowardly to slip out the back door. have compassion for yourself, you don't deserve the torture of verification.
If you can just get your mind together, and come on across to me; we'll hold hands, and then we'll watch the sun rise, from the bottom of the sea. But first, are you experienced?
he's quoting a negro music song used by the deep state to promote drug use
I’m a woman talking about a man, if that makes any difference.
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The quick-death, the quick-death, the quick-death
I have been and shall nevermore be, that vomit-creature
What shall I do?
What shall I be?
Cheap sake gifted by that evil wyrm
The sun sets and rises on auld age - I HATE THEE, I HATE THEE
Thief in cold sight hath shraked him now
What if you loved him - so
What if you loved 'her - so
Light snow on the deadleaves.
Gilded Cheer-I-Os en thy bosom.
She, so soft and sweet, yet not near
At the summit of all things forgotten.
Why does fiction from the last half century or so, even the ones this board approves of like DFW, feel so anemic and sterile? They all blend together, too, like it was all done by the same AI writing under two dozen pseudonyms in various languages. Fiction from before the war, but even most fiction from before the 70s had no issues like this.
i've said my piece
Yes, yes! We should ban all music! We should ban everything that doesn't make money or shoot bullets! Everything else is pure Satanism, sheer anarchy, a fifth column. Next thing you know, the kids will start thinking they've got a right to live in peace! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO OUR HOOD??????
I literally ruined my own life by making powerful enemies and being too idealistic. I have skewed my life into a scary direction thinking im being righteous. I am literally an idiot.

I ruined my education and thus my life and i made myself a loser. I feel like i stained my life and irrevocably ruined what I could have been with support. now i have nothing and no one,

I was in a boat and i shot a hole in the bottom of it and now im going to die.

I feel like such an idiot for being the cause of my own demise by wanting it on my own terms.

I ruined my own life. I ruined my own life.
>by making powerful enemies
Such as?
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I shall not dance but for thee.
I shall not dance but for thee.
Iron chains as phantasm, for your life has not yet been lived.
Lightning to thy flesh, a quick spur.

I've been thinking a lot about fetishes/Jung/imprinting. You are meant to encounter the Jungian forms in a 3D space, where you can touch, smell, taste, feel them. Cartoons/anime sublimate this into the 2D realm of perfect forms, where the child is unable to really comprehend the implications of "Totally Spies". Distinction between reality/fiction is blurred and you get a sort of a mass child-rape in the poor sense that all outcomes are bad, and many are stuck jerking off to a certain willy wonka scene! I say we [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] everyone who made the world thisway.
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Plato's thing about the poet channeling the Thu'um of the heavens is 100% real.
*bzzt* You are now immune to propaganda.
I think I spend less $/month than 99.999% of people. I spend about $3/month on average.
i miss cumtown
how much do you earn per month?
I have a shopping addiction. Please help.
About $30.
Teach me your ways.
I leech off my family.
Writing fanfics and then changing the names of characters and locations? Cringe or based?
I need a hobby.
Eating when you aren't hungry decreases brain activity in exchange for pleasure chemicals
It also makes you fat if you do it a lot
It's kind of like weed except it makes you fat.
The penis is mightier than the pen
I love plastic
I side with the mayor in Footloose, he was only looking out for them.
Dam dog
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I was talking and flirting this one girl but we didn't get together. If she ever asked me what I was doing or what I did and I mentioned a girl, she'd give a sort of sarcastic comment about I'm such a player or something. I don't know how to explain it but it felt almost like she was jealous of the mere presence of another girl. It's why I stopped be all flirty with said girl. She's expecting something out of me despite not being in a relationship. And, I feel like if we did, my gut feeling is telling me she's gonna create a lot of drama.
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Why would you eat if you're not hungry?
I reverted back to my childhood self after considering what I really desire.
What do you really desire?
Had some fish and chips for lunch, that's all I'm gonna eat today, I've got a chocolate bar but I'll leave that for tomorrow.
Lackadaisical kookiness
Can't decide what to do. My landlord is selling the house I'm renting so I need to find a new place.
Posted about this before, in the last wwoym, but my roommates are total degens. At the same time finding a place together has obvious advantages. It's usually cheaper, and I know they can be trusted as I've already lived with them for a year.
If I'm honest I don't really like them, but finding a place on my own and with new roommates feels risky. And ive also grown used to and familiar with my current roommates
How much larger your life would be if your self could become smaller in it; if you could really look at other men with common curiosity and pleasure; if you could see them walking as they are in their sunny sefishness and their virile indifference! You would begin to be interested in them, because they are not interested in you. You would break out of this tiny and tawdry theatre in which your own little plot is always played, and you would find yourself under a freer sky, in a street full of splendid strangers.
I don't know what to get my brother for his birthday. I know what all of his interests are but he's told everyone not to get him anything related to those things because he already has enough stuff related to them.
i've tried this, sir. unfortunately, it seems that there is no escape from this "tawdry theater" wherein i have been trapped all my life. everything i do, and everything done to me, is to serve me- broaden my understanding of the world and socialize. i am a slave to myself, not because i choose to be but because the very nature of living makes it so. selflessness is an egotistical ruse.
I don't think I'll ever be in a relationship, not because I can't get into one, I know I can, I just don't see how I would benefit from it. I think being in a relationship comes with a lot of shit that I really don't care for.
No man knows how much he is an optimist, even when he calls himself a pessimist, because he has not really measured the depths of his debt to whatever created him and enabled him to call himself anything. At the back of our brains, so to speak, there was a forgotten blaze or burst of astonishment at our own existence. The object of the artistic and spiritual life was to dig for this submerged sunrise of wonder; so that a man sitting in a chair might suddenly understand that he was actually alive, and be happy.
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why don't you get him something useful, anon? does he do anything? work? study? if all else fails, gas money is always a wonderful gift
My brothers birthday and wedding are next month
There's nothing useful that I could get him, he buys everything he needs.
What are you getting him?
if i am right in trusting science, then the odds of my (or anybody's) existence are incomprehensibly small and that in itself is beautiful. i hold such a deep reverence for life, but that alone is not enough to make me like it. no belief in a higher power or special opportunity can really distract me from the relentless cocktease that is living. it is a constant battle. i truly hope that there is no afterlife and, when i finally cease being, my conscience follows
It feels like pressure on my sternum. Something catches in my throat. My ears ring and the base of my neck tingles. I tremble a little. Each time this happens it is unique; attempting to replicate it with the same stimulus does not lead to the same response. Each time, afterwards, the feeling of a pinprick in the heart or a weight in the stomach is left with me, for thirty minutes or an hour.
You ever go to the next town over so you can confess in a different parish and not have to talk to your own priest about it?
think about it, anon. if you buy his gas for him, he can spend that money on other things =^)
I think mental illness can manifest apart from the material components of the brain, through monomaniacal obsession with conspiracies. However, some conspiracies are true, or are developed as theories based on provable elements. For example, Dutroux, or Little Saint James. The frantic obsession stems from a logical recognition that something is systemically wrong, to a degree that will prevent most good things from ever coming about.
As such, the good and righteous intentions of vigilant men and women, can drive these same men and women somewhat insane.
Thinking about buying a small statue of Christ and smashing it with a hammer while cursing the holy spirit. Afterwards, I will recite the Heart Sutra.

Is there a symbol of Islam I can buy and do something similar? I have already ripped up Korans before. I have never burned one because I am afraid of catching on fire myself. Is there some kind of irredeemable "sin" in Islam equivalent to my Christian example?
I'm subhuman. I need to remember that. Every time I make decisions as if I was a real person it goes poorly for me and others.
>The ugly tree thought, “I wish I were as beautiful as the other trees. Why did God do this to me? Neither can I provide shade to the travelers nor can the birds make their nests on me. Nobody needs me."
I am this tree
My parents were warm and loving. Why did I grow up to be so cold?
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It's weird to see the 'stand' against misogyny being placed squarely on men when 90% of it comes from single parent households. It's a very a Frankenstein scenario where feminist will die by their own creation.
I've seen you post this over and over again for the last week, but this will never work on /lit/. Not because people here are too smart to fall for it, but because people here are so into larping as intellectuals that they wouldn't willingly give you the layup of saying "what the fuck is a mind goblin?" and letting you say your joke because that would scratch their intellectual egos ever so slightly if they played the fool. If you did this on /v/ you would get it immediately.
Actually someone a few threads ago legit took the bait kek. But the thread got archived by the time i eventually came back to check. Truly a shame. Anyways if it can happen once then I'm sure it'll happen again. I just need it to happen once anon, that's all I want.
This is literally Steins Gate
fuck makes me want to watch steins gate again
love that fucking show
You should actually read some books before you start shitting out unoriginal slop ideas.
Write a word, read a book, write another word, read another book. Repeat
For an writing and reading an average length novel (90k words) that would be 38.5 years
For short novels that would be 11.9 years.
Not counting rewrites, edits etc
How long has the global economy been fucked for? I watched An American Werewolf in London the other day and Alex was complaining in the store that it was tough to shop because wages aren't matching inflation and that movie was made in 1981. Now, before you start typing "But that's just a movie, anon" You must understand that art imitates life even more than life imitates art, that wouldn't have been written into the script if it wasn't relatable.
Name a completely original idea thats never been touched upon before.
The global economy is based upon dominance and subjugation, so any time that is threatened or upset, the global economy becomes "fucked." It was fucked back then because of the spillover effects from things like OPEC in the late 70s. Then in the 80s and 90s it rebalanced because America achieved full spectrum dominance again for a time. It's fucked today, again, only because that full spectrum dominance has been upset by the emergence of new peer competitors.
Essentially, economics is a fraudulent science that masks the reality of power and exploitation behind clinical language that acts like these are just engineering problems, or forces of nature.
>It's fucked today, again, only because that full spectrum dominance has been upset by the emergence of new peer competitors.
Who are these peer competitors? I'm finding this really interesting and I think you're doing a really good job of explaining it.
The relation between the colimit and the lifecycle of emmelichthys papillatus
I tend to think that people who can't speak English or who struggle to speak English are stupid and below me, I really need to stop doing that.
To be a little more comprehensive; the BRICS nations, the spirit behind that alliance represents a new peer competitor. But China is the hegemon of that alliance.
You know what? That makes sense.
Lovely AI bobs
>BRICS nation
Apparently, the BRICS nations are made up of the world's most important developing countries, if that's true, then why the fuck is Brazil there?

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