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What should I read to understand Jewish thought?
the Talmud, unironically
That sounds hard, can you give me a summary book instead
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ὁ ἔχων ὦτα ἀκουέτω.
Talmud is hilarious and a breezy read
Just suck blood out of little children's penises
Fuck goys
Ayn Rand.
She will also brutally lay out how the female mind works with regard to men because she was too autistic to sugar coat it.
What do you know about people who like to play the victim?
Sex and Character by Otto Weininger
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A book on intellectual/ social history focused mostly on the 20th century.
Just listen to Ron Unz's American Pravda series.
Forgot to link this.
>She will also brutally lay out how the female mind works with regard to men because she was too autistic to sugar coat it.
give me a summary
As long as you remember their penchant for projection
What is this about?
Jews are historically the biggest victims while simultaneously the most productive people, Which by definition refute the claim they're victimizing themselves
The Jews historically have been in a unique position. Their Old Testament blood, rootlessness, cultural alienation have made them the forefathers of revolutions and astute critical observations.
>Old Testament blood
>Sex and Character by Otto Weininger

I read this a couple years ago, I remember it being mostly very interesting (with a few weird 19th century psychology takes), but my biggest takeaway was simply being in awe that someone so young could become so blackpilled.

Honestly I think Marx's work reveals the thought process of a certain kind of Jew, namely secular Jews who no longer really self-identify as Jews but as citizens of the world who really truly want to help everyone. There's this reduction of everything to economic processes, this cynicism towards established customs that fits with a people who've basically been cosmopolitan for thousands of years, and forced to mix themselves with all sorts of different cultures in order to survive.
the colbert, louis ck or bernie sanders type of jew. often apolitical, reductionist wise guys usually philanthropic even.
Interesting I assume you meant to reply to me but I will take a look at this but what do you mean the colbert? Sorry
Something that portrays the worst of humanity and that wants its destruction, like The Story of the Eye or Ligotti.
Ligotti and Bataille as representatives of Jewish depravity. Brilliant
This is about the establishment of the country Israel gives a good insight into the Israeli Jewish mindset.
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read this
No book required. Simply rape and murder children and refuse to take accountability for your evil actions.
Gershom Scholem

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