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How do I kickstart my literary career without being a nepo child or Twatter grifter?
You could start by actually writing something instead of being a cuckold faggot posting pictures of women you'll never meet on 4chan
imagine simping for a 39 year old who looks 49
Send your dreck to the publishers and stack up those rejection slips. When it all doesn't flow together, there's always a gun barrel aimed well below your brain.
>age 33 years
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She's 33 and she looks 25, actually.
I need her but when he was 16 and not a collosal nyc whore
post your face on the internet
>Dude she's literally like 100 years old I would never!
Have sex homo
She was cute despite the depravity in 2018 but this level of sag is miserable for a 33 year old. You can see the decay of taking hundreds of dudes‘ loads.
hope she sees this bro
Goldbridge? is that you, mate?
You need to treat writing like it's your job, so you need to write 7-8 hours a day, I have consistently seen writers say this, most recently Clive Barker who's old as fuck, he still writes from 10 am to 9 pm every day
Anna is the insightful one. This one is just ever so slightly high IQ but as talentless as Anna.
There are two main routes you can go.

Number one: Write every day and aim to complete a chapter per day. Basically being a writer becomes your full-time job and consumes you waking and non-waking life.

Number two: Treat it more like a passion project and if you're dedicated enough, pop out maybe six novels in your life time while working another more reliable job.
No. She's 33 and looks 33. Maybe a little older.
Take part in literary contests around you.

Also consistently write and publish and do mild self-promotion and you'll eventually get read.
i love Dasha
I think nepotism should be banned internationally
I think international policy should be banned internationally
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For starters remember that it's a marathon not a sprint. You won't achieve JK Rowling levels of success overnight if at all.
Remember that self discipline and determination will get you further than actual talent.
When you're starting out the goal is to get your books in front of readers and this goal outweighs everything else. Every person who reads your book is a victory, every person who reads it and tells someone about it either irl or on Goodreads is a huge victory.
Don't expect any love from the literary establishment, you won't get it, they're too busy praising the latest drek novel about a transgender muslim refugee with autism who fights climate change. Focus on building up your fan base one reader at a time.
Console yourself with the hope that you might be famous after you're dead.
It's crazy that people simp Dasha when Anna is so much hotter
Both are hot. Anna is hot in a mommy sort of way, Dasha is hot in a big sister sort of way.
Anna is hot in a Lurch from the Addams Family kind of way, Dasha is hot in a downs syndrome FAS kind of way.
what do you guys think Dasha or Anna read?
whatever old ugly women read
Royal Road -> Pateron -> Kindle
Anna is a wannabe intellectual. Dasha's timeline is genuinely hilarious. Overall though Anna takes it for me because Dasha's sexual history is too disgusting.
>How do I kickstart my literary career without being a nepo child or Twatter grifter?
the other points are fair and I do agree Anna is a wannabe but she's insightful in her inquiries especially outside of the pod's context. but yes, dasha's sexual history is abhorrent and she's not even the fatherless one.
I've probably heard a total of 30 minutes of Red Scare but since they're woman and woman only talk about love and relationships I'm sure all of it can be found in Byung Chul Han and Hollequebec.
they often mention didion
Depends on your genre. For novels, gonna have to shop around for an agent / editor.
Short stories and poems are lower barrier for entry. Look around at different publications and magazines. For stories, the Pushcart Prize publishes a book each year with their top journals and stories from each, and you can just look at the ones listed and check those out if you write literary fiction (find a library copy, or just look at the back cover in a bookstore; either way make sure it's at least semi-recent). PW.org also has a wide range, filtering by genre and for which are currently accepting applications. Usually there is a fee, $3 or so, per application, so be warned.
Your local state or nearest big city probably has a local journal or two as well. Depending on if you're close enough to an urban centre it might be in your interest to start rubbing shoulders in the local scene, if there is one. Networking online is good but in-person is even better. Universities aren't a bad place to check either. Instagram and Twitter can help find stuff. No matter what make sure to at least skim the publication to make sure it's appropriate.
Just write and submit a bunch of stuff. Learn how to format the submissions properly for whichever medium you're working with. Waiting 4 - 8 months to hear back is not uncommon so factor that in to how you go about things.
From what I've seen agents are more likely to pick you up if they're already assured there's something of an audience, so getting a little prior rep like this could be good. If you're up for it, make a social media presence (I can't stomach this stuff myself but it is a good idea if you're willing). Can't say anything about Substack personally.
Really there's nothing to it but to do it. It's luck in part. Going through this stuff myself so just scattered thoughts. Best of luck.
They gave up on reading when they realized the money was better when they just say outrageous bullshit
This. At most, they probably read shit that they know can be used for griefing
You don't, unless you're lucky.
Luckily I come from a town where there's a pretty unique art scene, which isn't liberal or safe edgy (not American, so people are more well adjusted politically over here). Unique in the sense that there's a lot going on for a place that has no cultural importance, not unique in the sense that new or innovative things are being created. But this art scene also bleeds into some art universities that are situated quite conveniently by me, and although I am by no means successful or well known or a monetised writer, there is some local interest in my poetry, which makes me happy :)
If you're from a similar town or a big city I'd recommend trying to infiltrate these kind of scenes and get to know people and network amongst the scene; and at least you'll have some sort of audience, as small as it is. There's no point attempting to become big; you'll be rewarded personally if you find people who appreciate what you do, which is the first step.

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