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>le metaphor for colonialism
thank you H.G. Wells for inspiring over a century of postmodern frankfurt-school shitlib nonsense wrapped in mediocre children's genre fiction
You think post modernism is bullshit?
it is, very much so
hates beauty, hates truth, hates goodness. not even out of any moral conviction but out of blind reactionary anger at a world that loved things they didn't possess or understand.
a postmodernist scoffing at art is no different to the fox and his feigned distaste for grapes. poisoned by denied envy.
I don't think post modernity criticizes aesthetics; if anything it augments it at times.
Art which speaks about itself is beautiful and interpretations about it can be are just as significant as the contribution itself from a meta perspective.
I think you're confusing Platonic ideals, that art is not functional to the virtue of the state and its justice, with the essence of post modern ideals toward more abstract creative works.

The invaders in the book are aliens. Colonialism is still good when Anglos do it, thicko. Stop overthinking.
>Stop thinking
Found the /pol/fag.
>I don't think post modernity criticizes aesthetics
it absolutely does
>Art which speaks about itself
>more abstract creative works
these are modernism. postmodernism is "art" that disparages and discredits the notion of art itself, and entirely does away with aesthetics. Mondrian is modernism, abstract and beautiful. Duchamp's Fountain is postmodern, ugly meaningless contrarianism for people who value subversion over beauty.
>meta perspective
the exact sort of postmodern bullshit that should never have existed.
I would counter that by saying reason itself precedes critique. The experience of qualia, and its relative aesthetic value, are individual interpretations that inform one's epistemology.
People criticized the taste of wine before post-modernism was formalized, for example. But the critique of a wine's body does not necessitate the label of post modernity for it to be ontologically valid.
This is ironically a post-modern view trying to disproves post-moderbism. Simply because any narrative that is taken on, even in bad faith mind you, to criticize it must leave out opposing narratives. And is therefore never "logically" complete, hence the limitations of modernity one could argue.
What an interesting thought trip Anon. Ty for taking me on it haha.
NTA, but a lot of pomo is bullshit. It is very often written in a shitty obscurantist style. Very often it misuses and abuses older philosophical sources, and betrays a total ignorance of the terms from the sciences and mathematics that it insists on using. When called out on this though, the pomo can always just claim their misuse is creative deconstruction, etc. etc.

And a lot of pomo critiques of culture pretty much presume that the pomo is an enlightened, clear-eyed genius, seeing through all the power struggles, marketing, discourses, etc., whereas everyone else is a slave to these.
>This is ironically a post-modern view trying to disproves post-moderbism. Simply because any narrative that is taken on, even in bad faith mind you, to criticize it must leave out opposing narratives. And is therefore never "logically" complete, hence the limitations of modernity one could argue.

It's possible to fairly represent arguments, even post-modern ones, and include them in one's analysis, while refuting those same arguments.

I don't know what "'logically' complete" means here. A reductio involves assuming positions are true to show that absurdity follows from this, something not uncommon when dealing with post-modernism.

>What an interesting thought trip Anon. Ty for taking me on it haha.

Right, we cannot forget to include that post-modern sense of irony and "play!" After all, without these pomos might have to debate in good faith, and that would threaten having their sophistries exposed.
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critique of the beauty of individual works, not of the notion of beauty itself. you can express distaste for a wine, or wine in general, but to dismiss the concept of taste in general as meaningless is absurd. that is the postmodernist position - wether the wine tastes good to you or not is irrelevant because taste means nothing.
you can even claim Fountain is beautiful, but that's not the goal of the piece, no attempt was made to be beautiful. it dismisses beauty as irrelevant to art.
the idea that anything of reality is a "narrative" in this sense is thoroughly postmodern.
>"art" that disparages and discredits the notion of art itself, and entirely does away with aesthetics.
Uhh no
>whereas everyone else is a slave to these.
That is a really interesting criticism of post-modernism I don't have time to get into unfortunately. I have to work soon.
Perhaps when all values become relative in theory, then its inherency is rendered equally meaningless?
I think a rivitalization of modernity is impossible simply because you can't put toothpaste back into the tube.
A more practical epistemology is to appreciate that the components of post-modernity and modernity both have relative applications to a societal or systemic level. And their infighting is inherent to their dualistic nature.
Anyway I have to go now. It's worth learning though. Don't deny yourself knowledge because it can pay off in ways you don't expect.

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