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I am presently reading this splendid book, and it has a nice balance between scientific "facts" and natural observations & anecdotal experiences, which is better than terse scientific mechanized ones.

It is abundantly clear to me that crows are superior to man. Man is merely a violent and *mechanized* chimp. Mechanization turns man into a being worse than chimps.

Crows, themselves, however, are naturally intelligent, good family members with their cooperative breeding, noble and sagacious, and more.

A crow is worth than a dead Jew on a stick. I curse the Holy Spirit every day. Honestly, reading this book, I can imagine a blissful future where everyone is dead and crows feast on our flesh, converting it into light.

When crows take over the world, they will connect to the Dharma in their own way, no doubt.

Life is meaningful, but human life is meaningless. Every single last Nazi, Abrahamshit, and others here deserves to die.
when did this book come out?
aw yeah, schizo time
It involves a balance of people's natural experiences with crows, recorded on crow.net, and scientific fact. It's what makes it interesting since other books tend to lean more towards controlled scientific studies.
>Man is merely a violent and *mechanized* chimp
>I curse the Holy Spirit every day
>I can imagine a blissful future where everyone is dead and crows feast on our flesh, converting it into light
Cringe. None of what you’ve written here is deep or meaningful, that book sounds like nihilist filth, oh and another thing: you’re a faggot.
>humans are garbage and everything has no meaning, le crows should eat us we’re specks of dust in an infinite universe!!!!
You need to lift weights and talk to people more; and no, your mom doesn’t count. Your hatred for humanity and reverence for death is rooted in unknowing self hatred.
That stuff isn't in the book but my own unique thoughts, illiterate retard.
Don't care about your patronizing tone. Kys, Jew worshiping fag.
>You need to
And you need to die, dumb Abrahamshit retard.
>self hatred
I am not a human being. The Pali canon makes clear awakened ones are no longer fully defined by their humanity.
Your shtick is getting old. It's just attention whoring. If you cared about discussion you wouldn't make yourself so obvious by your writing style.
When I professionally write reviews of books, I keep my personal thoughts to a minimum. While reading this book, I cannot help but see crows as superior to chimps and man, so I decided to voice those feelings.

Sanctimonious demonic Abrahamshit humanist trash felt the need to patronize me. I hope you and your entire family experience a slow and painful death. Hope you get into a car accident and choke and bleed slowly from the roof caving in and fatally piercing your internal organs, leading to a miserable and slow death. Stfu.
Why even post here?
>When I professionally write reviews of books, I keep my personal thoughts to a minimum.
Note, *this* is not a professional book review, so I am voicing my thoughts more leisurely.*
I am currently binging on reading books and like to write decent reviews for my own documentation.
Your unique thoughts are low vibration and gay. Nietzsche mogged you.
>And you need to die
The dead one tells me to jump in the river of death with him. Why don’t you cross through the narrow gateway of life? Why do you feel so comfortable and superior to me amongst the multitudes of the dead? Do you really think nihilist anti-human thought is unique, in these modern times? Look around you retard. What fruit does your philosophy bear? Does it improve your life any?
>Pali canon
If you’re a Buddhist, I don’t see how you come to the conclusion that human life is meaningless. There’s a lot of crossover in the teachings of Buddhism and Christ, who for some Redditian reason you despise. The sanctity of all life, the oneness of consciousness, for example. You just sound like a miserable faggot. That’s why I struck a patronizing tone with you.
I am not a nihilist, illiterate retard. I am clearly a misanthrope but not a nihilist. Read "Failure of Technology" by Friedrich Junger to see why I am a misanthrope. I was talking about that book a few days ago.

I am a misanthrope because man is mechanized. I see there as being something intrinsic, conventionally speaking, in man that led to mechanization.
The majority of your fellow man are in the slave plantation with you. They didn’t create the technological hellscape that we’re subjected to. It’s been forced on all of us by a select few who ironically have the same misanthropic views as you do. Disdain for humanity is a foundation of solipsism and greediness. It’s not intrinsic to all men, you call me a retard but see things in binary. You dismiss the entire human race as meaningless because you hate the modern world, but you clearly have the same traits you despise in humans, as I’ve demonstrated.
Have you read the book, The Failure of Technology by Friedrich Junger? Junger, himself, I believe was Christian and so was Ellul. They were both more humanistic than me.
>They didn’t create the technological hellscape that we’re subjected to.
Then why do they continue to justify its perpetuated existence, pop out children to serve as sacrifices at the altar of the machine, and construct abstract hierarchies based on who best conforms to its arbitrary mechanized demands? Why do they act like greater dependence in the slave plantation, which infiltrated the state, is a good thing?
>who ironically have the same misanthropic views as you do
I worked in a neurobiology lab where people sacrificed rats and collected their brains and then sliced it to study under microscopes. I was the only one who felt something was deeply wrong with all of that.
I see the Ligottian style nihilism as a consequence of mechanization. I do not see it as an accurate reflection of the ultimate nature of reality.
>foundation of solipsism and greediness
If I were greedy or solipsistic, I would not care for the destruction of primeval forests or the acidification and pollution of the oceans. I also would not care for the breakdown of communal integrity around the world. The technocratic elite don't care for any of that.

I simply do not see man as "the measure of all things". I am not a humanist. Moreover, Buddhism has been corrupted by secular, modernized forces to a large extent.

Mechanized man barely has any psychological connection to ancient man, and it almost feels like some invasive force manipulated the latter to become the former. If there were no invasive force, then mankind truly is a flawed and wretched species. We are on the precipice of WWIII, bloody civil wars, greater automation, and so on. It seems impossible not to become misanthropic now. Imagine living your whole life according to some delusions and gradually waking up to see how you're submerged and manipulated by Moloch. It feels we are dealing with something worse than samsara.
>If there were no invasive force, then mankind truly is a flawed and wretched species
If there were no invasive *occult* force...*

If there were an invasive occult force that led to mechanization, then mankind is not that bad and should fight to survive.
If there was no invasive occult force that led to mechanization, then mankind is best off extinct, which ultimately best for it also.
This is a nice page I got to. It's an excerpt about a woman raising a fledgling crow and how she lets him out every morning, where the parents greet him to teach him to fly. They get into a kind of routine until he can learn to fly. The crows were able to discriminate and determine this woman was trying to help their fledgling offspring who had previously fallen off a nest.
"Crows show a very high level of disciple and self-control and they begin learning this very early on... An adult crow will not land at a food source, no matter how tempting, until it is convinced that there are no lurking threats. A juvenile will not join a parent at the food until it is called. A young crow will also not eat a new item of food for the first time until an older crowd demonstrates that it's safe."
Note, I believe cats should be indoors, solely, but this interesting: there are two cats who visit his backyard to eat food he leaves for birds, Trixie and Kuniyoshi. Trixie chases and bounces on anything that moves, but Kuniyoshi just lazily stroll to eat scattered kibble.

The crow family and sentinels have distinguishing alarm calls for each that they have developed through discriminative observation.

"Then as the differing characters of the cats became apparent, the calls for each began to diverge to the point... Trixie still gets a code red alert and Kuniyoshi is met by a measured cawing."

Also, crows socialize a lot and there is a crow etiquette that is taught. It in involves "keep your distance, don't grab, wait your turn".

"If ever you do see crows close enough to touch each other, they are either fledglings, with their parents or older siblings, a mated pair sharing affection, or one crow challenging another over food or dominance."

Gaps are maintained during roosts, and even the process of descending to eat food involves familial hierarchy. Crows have very impressive social organization and learning capabilities.
"The numerous variations of crow games -- and the often spontaneous creation of new ways of play utilizing found objects such as balls, pie pans, and pinecones -- clearly indicate a capacity for imagination and creativity among young crows not very different from that of human children."

Here's one interesting game I am posting in image.

I may not post any more after this.
> Man is merely a violent and *mechanized* chimp.
You have to have your head up your own ass to think that this is an “enlightening” and a profound statement.
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If crows are so smart how'd I nab this blue one?
"The United States Department of Agriculture in the name of protecting farmers' crops, often engaged in vast orgies of crow destruction, using poison, explosives, and other means to kill tens of thousands of birds at a time... One of the most dramatic examples of orgiastic crow murder was reported on in the March 25, 1940, issue in Life magazine. Reference has often been made in the literature on crows to this article which relates how an Illinois game warden killed 328,000 crows with 'festoons if dynamite bombs'. The figure seemed so impossible to me that I hunted down an actual copy of the magazine containing the article. The story, with accompanying photographs, turned out to be much more horrifying than I imagined."
City-slickers really be shitting themselves over crows... Nigga we kill people!!
You give nature-lovers a bad name. If human life is meaningless, start with ending your own—as a show of conviction.

You won't. Faggot.
>It is abundantly clear to me that crows are superior to man. Man is merely a violent and *mechanized* chimp. Mechanization turns man into a being worse than chimps
so cringe holy shit what are you, 12?
Go back to worshiping your Jew on a stick, inbred fucker.
Humanist fags. Kys.

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