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>Memoirs of Hadrian
>The Last of the Wine
>Confessions of a Mask
>Poems of Sappho
>The Picture of Dorian Grey
gay english dandy has a portrait that gets aids instead of him
In Youth Is Pleasure
The Well of Loneliness
North Wind
Nicholas Crabbe
Naked Lunch
Giovanni’s Room
Hadrian was a pederast and a pedo. Mishima wasn't gay he was larping as a samurai, who were all pederasts. Homosexuals are just fetishists. The way some people like fat bitches for some unexplicable reason, they like grown up men. Like in most civilized societies, men are trained to get rid of their savage inborn impulse for pederastry but the homos are just guys with an adult male fetish. People like this never produce great lit. Only one I can think off is Giovanni's Room by Baldwin. 90% of the gay faggot books on the store shelf are slop written by women. The other classical stuff was written by proto-autists (Plato's Symposium) or pederasts (Saihara's encylopedia) and then ugg boot wearing white girls come around and try and convince us these men were actually gay as fuck when they were autists and borderline pedos.

Also Ovid said it best in Ars Armatoria. Boys are less pleasurable to fuck so they aren't worth it. Correct. The coming of heteronormativity has been a good thing for humanity. Many boys anuses are now intact. LGBT wackos and feminists just don't understand this. You wanna go back to a world where the average male has been sodomized? Something the male ass isn't meant for?

Just read Baldwin's book.
The Counterfeiters
Billy Budd

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