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I want to encounter a text to change myself. I am sick of monotonous life. Lit bros I want to extend my arms further and burn. My actions are aligned but an idea lacks an ideal lacks. Suffering with inner migration.
Read the tao te ching. And stop being gay
I think you should check this board more often and insert a needle up your cock veins every single time you see a thread asking about "HEYYYY /lit/S ANYONE GOT A BOOK TO TURN ME INTO A GIGACHAD I HAVE NO MOTIVATION GUYS I REALLY NEED A STRONGER GUY TO TEACH ME GUYS"

Its over for this board
This board? This site. This world.
r u geh
A book won't change your life if you're not receptive to change.

>I am sick of monotonous life
And yet you choose it every single day.
Self help books are the biggest selling category in nonfiction.
Yet most people are losers in their own minds.
If any of it helped the one that did would be known by now.
It's better than reddit every single day or God forbid normal society every single day.
>bro just be my friend it won't cost you anything
It costs me my freedom, my time and my will you fucking niggerbeast.
False actually I choose video games like overwatch and world of Warcraft every single day. But you are only interested in debating a scholar and not a /v/ user like me.
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This website is sooooo reddit lmao
You can read a million books about guitar playing but you still won't be able to play without actually practicing
Journey to the West. It is a fighting book about ontology: all is change.

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