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I have some books from when I was a child/teen, but mostly are classics and 2nd hand books
I did an actual physical count a couple years ago and it was over 700, including old uni texts. probably added 100 since then. it’s nice to have the right book for the mood.
I hear about people have 10,000 and somehow had read them all. I can't wrap my mind around that.
I'm more likely to sell the ones I have than to buy another I'll tell you that
probably larping
Somewhere around 1,200 if I had to guess.
Nah, I believe them if they're some sort of octogenarian aristocrat who make money by just existing. Britain still has thousands of those people
The ones I've seen are middle age with a mix of middle class and aristocrat.
Bout tree fiddy
An inferior number comprised mostly of fiction or philosophical texts.
About 5k, had 10k+
roughly 2,645 but about a hundred are duplicates.
I haven't counted lately but as a result of moving I can tell you it's probably around 500 pounds worth of books.
Too many because I'm an egotistical hoarding bitch
Ho do you store so many?
if you had 19 more it would've been better.
50-70 metres or so.
I was about to type 68 or 70 just so people wouldn't dismiss this post as a joke to be dismissed. However... hopefully now it's clear enough that it isn't a joke. It's the honest to God truth. All of em are from thrift stores. Probably about $120 total.
I have like 3 warhammer books.
Probably over 1000. Around 600 in my room alone

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