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Anon what is your comfort book/series?
It’s terrible but the audiobooks are designed and built as ideal background noise
Gospel of John
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Mine is the Warrior Cats series, it isn't the best but I grew up with it and is just lovely, also cats
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imo i find his books very post-comforting (please dont take this stupid phrase, let it die with this thread later), they feel very comfortable, lets you will mill it your head and when your getting out of the blanket its perfect for inspiration
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2afrV4f-9EI check out his music
Charles Dickens works
>let it die
Cute..kek but no. Remember me anon
A Critique of Pure Reason
Aubrey/Maturin novels when I just need to zone out. Death Comes for the Archbishop when I need to be reminded that death isn't awful so long as you spend your life doing meaningful things.
Gravity's Rainbow
idk what you trying to convey sorry. my bad but genuinely dude idk try reposting what you getting at
I am deeply ashamed to admit it is Murakami
I think Maigret is pretty comfy
There's something about the way Simenon writes
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Sherlock Holmes stories
Treasure Island
Grimm's fairy tales
first two Harry Potter books
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always this. It makes me feel like a lion.
The Godfather.
Improvidence was pretty cozy.
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The Combray section of Swann’s way in particular. The goofy antics of Francoise and aunt Leonie are lighthearted and extremely tonally dissident to the Swann prequel story which follows them. It could be sold on its own as a lighthearted comedy book.

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