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How does this compare to his other novels?
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It's not good. It's interesting in the sense that you get a description of the "episode" where Céline/Bardamu is recovering from his injuries before starting his escapades in London. But it was nothing special. It's something for the die-hard Céline fanboy. Let me see if I can find the threads I made when this book initially came out.
Maybe there is another thread for when I finished the book. I'll keep searching.
Oops, I linked to a post at the bottom of the thread, so scroll up.
Yeah, I actually liked the first chapter, second was okay, but then it seemed to drop in quality.
Everything I see is dangerous
Reading Céline in translation is like reading Ulysses in translation, completely pointless.
Fun and interesting in the sense that it covers a period of WW1 that isn't really spoke about. The dark comedy is on point, too. But it's an unfinished manuscript, and reads more like an excerpt.
I've said this before but I'm unsure why publishers didn't publish War and Londres together in a single volume, seeing as it was supposed to be the direct sequel of War.
Thankfully I read Death on Credit right before War, and War certainly reads better as a direct sequel to that novel, even though it glosses over a large period from the ending of DoC.
Also, I found the Sandberg translation offputting, particuarly when focusing on the slang. Although there's a lot of cockney (to stlylisically translate Argot), he also throws in a few Americanisms at the same time, such as 'beat my meat', which I found broke my immersion. I have heard the other English translation misses this out.

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