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Who's your favorite Patristic author and what's your favorite piece of theirs? Going through ὑπόμνημα εἰς τήν πρός Ἐφεσίους Ἐπιστολήν by John Chrysostom and then I'll go through Athanasius De Incarnatione. Would like some more reccs, and feel free to generally discuss anything about them.
St. Gregory of Nyssa's "On the Making of Man," has a very interesting view of "all mankind" as the Imago Dei (as opposed to only each person individually).

St. Maximus the Confessor has a lot of good stuff. I have mostly read the stuff translated on English under "The Cosmic Mystery of Jesus Christ."

Origen's allegorical commentaries and On Prayer are really quite good. The stuff on Numbers and Exodus is interesting.

Pic related is a great set that puts Patristic commentary from all sorts of sources (even unorthodox ones like Pelagius) together in order of which part of the Bible they comment on. It's a wonderful resource. The amount of stuff on Exodus 3 (3:7-14 in particular) is really cool.

You can tell the Patristic focus from the fact that John has to be two large volumes, or that Job gets its own volume and that the Song of Songs filled out a fairly large chunk of its volume.
For later commentary, there is this series, but it isn't done yet. IIRC it's mostly Latin authors. I have not used these as much because they aren't organized the same way and I find it a bit less useful.

There is also a translated Glossa Ordinaria for some books. I had one on the Song of Songs I found on Libgen. That's mostly the Patristics but then some medieval folks and some anonymous but very good commentary was added between about 600-1100 that is hard to track down.

And then there is always the Philokalia for Eastern Fathers (and later) which is wonderful. It's roughly in chronological order so the Desert Fathers and other Patristics are up front (St. Maximus, Evargrius Pontus, etc.)

God bless friend.
Why don't you Cathodox pharisees just read the Bible instead of idol worshipping your "church fathers" and raising their opinions over God's Word?
Ty I will check these all out. Much appreciated.
To what do you believe the παραδόσεις in 1 Cor 11:2 and 2 Thes 2:15 refer to?

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