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What's the /lit/ CONSESUS on ANTI-WORK?
You need to gain your income by some means. It is a necessary evil, and one of the three things people must pay attention to within Plato's Laws and Republic: making money. It certainly is second to fitness and your body and third to the overall value of your soul (your closeness to divinity, Good, or God)
There is a balance between I’m going to slave my life away and I won’t work at all. Productivity and income feels good, so does independence. Everyone throughout history has needed to work in some form or another to earn their keep. It’s scary seeing all these early 20’s anons with no job history and no college degree. They are going to be quickly be behind the eight ball and struggle real bad in life if they don’t do something soon. That resume gap is a killer black hole
Ideological anti-work positions are bourgeois.
Praxis anti-work positions are power.

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