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Why is hedonism so misunderstood? It’s not about pursuing excessive pleasure but about appreciating the the simple pleasures you do have.
because capitalism. in epicureanism you don't really need anything besides the garden. obviously that doesn't work for gay faggot yuppie women capitalism
hedonism means i get to fuck trannies and go on marvel movie marathons and nobody should judge me for it
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I rest my case
Because its easy to conflate living a peaceful life of anonymity and living a life of the libertine who has no real values or principles for ethical life.
I keep telling you it's consumer capitalism. Epicureanism is anti-materialism which is fucking incompatible apparently with the ultramaterialistic age we live in.
Because of Christian brainwashing, it is a death cult that wants you to hate life and feel guilty for being born.
Not even 10 posts in and the tranny has to kvetch about Christians because xir parents forced him to go to Church when he was young
You can keep saying it, but nobody is going to take you seriously until you stop using capitalism as a buzzword
This is literal genocide. Trans persons are dying because you won't affirm pronouns. Xheir pronouns are xe/xir.
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What word would you use to describe literal capitalism lol
not even 1 post and you are already whining about transexuals and the gays, rent free
Unironically, Epicurus’ works have been burned by Christians and Jews.

All of Israel have a part in the World to Come. But the following have no part in the World to Come: One who says that the resurrection of the dead is not biblical, or that the Torah is not from Heaven, or the Epicurean.
—Jerusalem Talmud, Sanhedrin 10:1
Dante's Inferno also puts Epicureans in hell, but curiously they are in hell because they didn't believe in an afterlife, not because of their hedonism, and their punishment in hell doesn't have anything to do with their hedonism but with their intellectualism.
Point in case...
“When Epicurus finds facts contrary to his position he bends the meaning of his position to seemingly fit the facts.”

-paraphrase of Galen on Epicurus
No it's not
Your comments would sound way more serious if you just said "consumerism" alone.
>hedonism not about pursuing excessive pleasure
It is in common parlance. And it originated from the Cyrenaic school
>but about appreciating the the simple pleasures you do have.
Thats Epicureanism.

Read more ya retard before ya come here asking "uhhhh why dont people understand???? Im OP and NOT a complete retard I swear!!!" baka desu
Silly. One of the most popular Evangelical books is about Christian Hedonism.
Or, let me put this another way: Since when was Scrooge the picture of "Christianity"? He's precisely the complete opposite. It's everyone else who wanted him to enjoy Christmas and family and the joys of simply living.
Just become Pisslamist, it's a hedonist religion about bigamy and pedophilia, and their idea of "heaven" is a celestial brothel.
not even 1 post, and you are already whining about anons whinning. rent free.
not that anon but it seems like you are simply upset at someone simply using the word capitalism in any kind of critiquing sense.

nta, but when someone complains its capitalism, on average they are usually an idiot. its like when someone complains..its da joos or its the evil white man. boogeymans.
Capitalism gives you the freedom of being or not a consumerist. Meanwhile, other economics systems force you to be a slave of the state.

There are people that live in capitalism without being a consumerist, thus capitalism doesn't force you to be a consumerist.

Capitalism is the only system where you can consume what you want in the quantity you want, and not what the state forces you. But it's your choice to consoom or not.
sure, but it's your job to read the reply in its context and understand that isn't what this was
Hey, it's the epicureanist. How's the convincing of the father going?
Unless you are constantly mindraped with constant propaganda, advertising and marketing you ain't. You think the obesity in America is natural?
And it's his job to be accurate and not whine
Unfortunately the garden is an extravagant luxury in today's world.
>he doesn't into autism so advertising/marketing/propaganda falls flat on its face
sorry you don't have superpowers, anon, must suck
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Modern day cyrenaics
>precious bodily humor fluids go pee pee poo t. galen
he didn't. that's my point.
>why is hedonism misunderstood so widely
>well we all exist in a system that promotes this other thing, that when it meets this idea, leads to a clear misunderstanding
>stop whining
what started off as intellectual pleasure being the highest good was subverted by bonvivant coomers who wanted to larp as austere philosophers instead of facing the music and acknowledging that they were in fact 60iq monkeys.
Ultimately, indulging vice is not pleasurable and may even bring you to an early death. They didn't get the memo.
True lovers of life look like a Hallmark movie in comparison.
The english word hedonism was not invented until the 1800s

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