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Who is the literary equivalent of the GOAT?
Dante or Homer. Just as you can get everything in poetry from Homer, you can get everything in music from Bach. But Homer was a pagan and Bach a Christian. So perhaps, a figure no lower in majesty, the more correct equivalent would be Dante, who gave the highest expression to the Christian religion in his art, with unparalleled formal perfection, and a piercing intensity of expression.
Nobody gives a fuck about your retarded ass 2000 year old cult boomboom
Bach did, and lovers of Bach do.
when it comes to both, which translations would you recommend?
Lattimore for Homer, Longfellow for Dante.
thank you. any reason why?
Lattimore's the most accurate while retaining a high literary quality, and Longfellow's is by far the preferred English translation by anyone of taste. It's good literature.
thanks man. appreciate it.
>reading translation

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