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File: Sayyid_Qutb.jpg (14 KB, 232x324)
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>"A Jew was behind the incitement of various kinds of tribal arrogance in the last Caliphate; the (fomenting) of revolutions which began with the removal of the shari‘ah from the legislation and substituting for it ‘The Constitution’ during the period of the Sultan Abdul Hamid II; and the ‘hero’ Ataturk’s ending of the Caliphate. Then behind the subsequent war declared against the first signs of Islamic revival, from every place on the face of the earth ... stood the Jews."
Why are westerners obsessed with him? He's not that influential
what is this lol
Why is he seething about Ataturk. Maybe arabs shouldn't have sided with Anglos if they wanted their caliphate to remain intact so badly.
>Then behind the subsequent war declared against the first signs of Islamic revival, from every place on the face of the earth ... stood the Jews."
What does he mean by this? There were plenty of times that western powers supported Islamists.

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