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/lit/ - Literature

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"Ye Olde Summer Games" edition

Previous: >>23727431
Mysteriously deleted thread: >>23735302

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC
ROYAL ROAD BUSINESS GUIDE https://www.royalroad.com/forums/thread/116847?page=1
HOW TO GIVE CRITIQUE: https://critters.org/c/whathow.ht

Please limit excerpts to one post.
Be warned: some anons do not follow external links.
Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.
Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.
Harsh criticism tends to get ignored, hence is not constructive.
Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.

Simple guides on writing:

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uroIfJBad7Y
The previous thread contained secrets of the ancients that must not spread. Please pretend that this never happened and continue on with your evening.
What the fuck is going on
Who knows. The last state of the deleted /wg/ thread can be found at https://warosu.org/lit/thread/S23735302
OP's lewd image got the whole board nuked
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Oh wow. /wg/ is making history thanks to the F man
The joke is that the previous owner of the store is called Chuck so if you replace "Sneed" with "Chuck" you get "Chuck's Feed & Seed".
I'm some 2000 words in this night. I'll be a wreck when it's light, but I think it's worth it. I worked on my constructed language and on Notesmaxxing in my phone, wondering when it'll lag. For my PC, it's at about 90000 words in 'one line of code', but the phone's fast man, the phone's fast. Anyway, drudging on. How's everyone else doing?
In retrospect, and I'm the same anon: it's often more worth it when I just work during the day, I get more done then and the text seems to be more... manly, I guess? I guess the yin-yang trope holds true in a way, huh. Maybe it's the dark spirits at work here, me drawing their power and converting them into letters.
I figured it out. When he first arrived in hell he aligned himself with one of the major warlords for the relative safety and protection that would provide.

Unfortunately for him, as he got better at his job he basically became the perfect henchman:
Competent enough to be useful, not competent enough to challenge you. Too unambitious to want to betray you, and too cowardly to refuse an order. Also unlikely to cause trouble on your behalf, and unremarkable enough to move freely.
Or at least, as good a henchman as you can hope for in a world with few instances of genuine loyalty. Especially among those with a modicum of power, and especially for this cunning, conniving warlord that trusts no one.

So basically he's got this guy constantly breathing down his neck and sending him off to go do shit. His motivation then becomes gaining his freedom, and his arc becomes finding the agency to gtfo of that situation.

maybe I'll change it later but I think I should start writing
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If by making history you meant buying an ad and likely samefagging about it then sure.
crazy how they ripped this shit off of DBZ verbatim
might as well throw in an over 9000 reference at that point
In all fairness it seems to have been shaping up to be utter shit. Nothing of value lost.
After writing lewd scenes I find it difficult to write normal ones now. They're just not as interesting.
do you ever write under the influence? anything past midnight + alcohol has given me the best first drafts. alcohol + sun still out on the other hand..
I write to get sober from being under the influence. Being under influence from anything ranging from food to anti-psychotic medicine and tobacco is a sad easy trap to fall into in a 24/7 economy. All of us must free our own minds and souls, and it is not by úse of influences that one frees it; rather by a minimalist, sober approach. Writing forces me to think which requires me to use my brain. Yes, the Icelandic epics were sung in meade halls, the Enlightenment happened in coffee houses, but it is the epic that is sung while walking next to the river that is as clear and clean as liquid diamond that will not get lost in time for a long time: it is the sober song that the trees will save and store in their fibers and release unto humankind when it is ready for it. If I'm under the influence I must sing to become uninfluenced, only when I have then sung for hours will the sacred spots in the city transmit my song 6 timezones away; when I create under the influence I'm not the hero of the story, rather the one who needs saving, not the knight, but the dragon. Yes, it's ups and downs, it's falling and getting up, it faultering and experimenting, it's traveling to the beyond and coming back again, parents, pair-ents, sages, guides and fairies have shown me the way and it is up to me to honour their guidance. Will I ever see that to act in my own opinion is not always righteous and just - will I learn to see that staying within the Garden is for my own benefit, that of my people, the Planet, and Humanity? O, not to be banned from Eden, but to venture outwards because of the allure of loot, gold, onyx, and bdellium, only to come back again and wish I had sang my epics to the living trees and the birds, not to slay the Dragon! Truly I type unto you, this Dragon here has already been slain, let it rest in Tranquility: I must sing for the future, for the living and the light, not only for the blind who seethe in Darkness, so that they might find the Way. Because what use is it if I lead the blind, but lead them astray, because in my katabasis I can not see through the clouds of smoke? Nay, I say unto you, let the light pierce the fog, let the fresh breeze disperse it from afar - then we will bring the sources of the good calmth unto the Darkness and open up the eyes of the sleeping! And yes! There already is a seed planted in the soul soil there, better yet, six, and there have been electrical Suns installed in the darkness, and slowly the People are awakening and hearing the songs of the Prophets, and hearkening unto them. Falter all I can, also I must admit that God's love is preferable over scurrying in the night and crafting ill-meaning plans in my heart, so, after my powernap, I will put actions to my words, go into the park, be under the nearly harvestable trees, and sing my song, not mislead by worldly institutional appointments but rather singing on the parquets of the house of Gaia and under the ceiling of Heaven, on bare feet.
O! Why stall? Why not believe in the regenerative force of being close to the long standing, long living, in the Sunshine growing Men and Women of renown, heroes of old, with the brown skin and the green hairs? Yes, my liege, I will move after this post, let the deceiver not deceive you as in the Dark 4chan ages: We're not here forever. Alas! How I searched and searched, when everything I was looking for is within one kilometer of my household! Imagine all the time gone to the dogs! Irreparable, it seems: but it is not so, because trust that God will find a use even for my misdwellings in this fair city, my mistakes, my violence and my sins, and that God (yes, why bot Goddess also?) will unify the Princess and me in due time to come, when I have reported my Epic to the living, in the migratory worker's language, wittingly constructed so as to balance in parallel with the male-female bond! The dragon is slain, the veils of the false gods have been lifted and they have been shown to be what they are: thieves, cunning misleaders, and we are again in the Home of the Living God. Hear the birds sing! Hear the trees rustle! See the hedgehogs, the insects! Green means go(d)! Yes, it is true, in the periphery, a new Dragon is surfacing, one with three heads, whereof all heads must be slain, yet, must I do everything alone? Nay, I say, let me report to the Living in the form of my epic, marry my Princess, beget children, then, if the children are grown, strong, and willing, no matter their sex, let them slay the new Dragon in unison, cooperation between blood! The time of King Lear has long been! Strive towards Unity, even if only your Family is the team! Forget nations and kings for a while! It has truly been printed: Humanity is divided into families, not into nations. Legacy on! Literature is dead because we should do to others as we should want to be done to us, and we want to slay monsters and protect our kin! We kill monsters, so they appeal to larger monsters to take us out! Yet there will be an end to all this: Because humanity does not give up, and we have a knack for Solidarity, thus, we drag the souls of the monsters into the light and make them love Discipline and Order and Self-Sacrifice, because it is the Way of the Light. Ho, my liege, call me not a fascist, rather a facerest! The time of You Are What You Eat has been! Now You Are What You Contribute! Rather, let me speak for myself, for how I want me to be judged, the measure with which I want to mete, the Creative Soul, who must create thanks to and regardless of, not regardless of and thanks to. Let me bid you adieu, inquiring Anon-poster, I will go forth to my next venture!
So who is /wg/‘s biggest success story?
I mean I’ve had 2 short stories published and also got an article published in a national newspaper
Then it's probably you. Congrats, anon!
My main character has been unconscious four times in as many chapters.
>ancient bikini girls are lewd
Where are you from, Iran?
Every time i approach the idea of writing something i immediately tell myself "nah, this is pretentious crap" and immediately drop every attempt.
why not just send it and see where you subconsciously take yourself
Bold choice to make your main character narcoleptic.
But is it pretentious or not?
Send what? I didn't write anything because of this.
And even if i wrote something no way i would send it to a publisher, i would die from embarassment and that feeling would persecute me to my grave.
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I was very interested in it. Seems like a solid way to start getting lit go there that isn't too complex. Whatever, I will just figure it out myself. Any tips or tricks on it? I saw someone link a thread from another board about it? Dirty writing or something, that worth checking out?
I mean, the main theme of the book is criticism to a certain aspect of society, so yeah it's a little pretentious in my opinion.
>All I want to do is create a small symbol to put in the book, not directly related to writing but hey it's good to take a break
>Been banging my head against this simple request for two hours because literally every single free drawing software is simply not meant for something as fucking simple as "drag this point toward this other point so they stick together"
God fuck that, I don't want to draw for real, my printer is shit and any scan will be shit too.
What makes a story good?
I feel like I can craft a technically well written story. But what makes it actually good?
Criticism by itself isn't pretentious but how you write it can be. If your book is just upfront criticism of society then it probably is pretentious.
It's not pretentious, it's boring. People only care about the societal aspects insofar it affects the book's characters.
Aside from Frank, most published writers who come here take great pains to avoid association with 4chan. He of course fell into the alt right grafter circuit, so the 4chan connection is a boon if anything.
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Some writing I did in 40 minutes. Usually, I would prefer to plan a chapter, etc. and then write it. But then I discovered I never actually get around to writing. So what good is all the planning in the world if I never write? I still prefer to plan, though, so I guess I will just find more time to write and also plan.
Dismissing yourself as pretentious is somehow even more pretentious than simple pretentiousness. Cut it out, anon. Cast aside the self loathing pseud. Be the hack you were born to be.
Instead of being too granular with your planning, maybe just make bulletpoints that give you plot moments to work towards, which is what I try to do.

My list might look like this:
- X learns of [Problem]
- X travels to meet Y to discuss problem
- X and Y leave to go to [Place]
- On journey to place, introduce Z

Then as I’m editing or when new ideas come I’ll add sub-point to my bulletpoints where I note things like key dialogue elements to foreshadow/imply things that will reflect later, or to reveal something about a character. Doesn’t always work and I don’t always stick to it but it takes off a lot of pressure for me and allows me to write more fluidly.
My opinion is far from authoritative, but for what it's worth, the kind of writing I find genuinely sexually exciting isn't overly focused on physical descriptions (her titties, his dick, etc.) but more on the situation, and the desires of the characters. I understand most people would say that's a characteristically feminine opinion to have on this subject, but imo it's how a medium like prose is best able to convey the experience of sex. Physical detail is the currency of visual smut, but the written word benefits from letting the imagination of the reader fill in the visual blanks. I want the girl to show how avidly, impatiently, animalistically desperate she is to get fucked, rather than hear about the smoothness of her skin or how slick her pussy is or what have you. My mind, like any man's, can conjure up those details with a minimum of prompting.
A few things.

Do you really look at things "through the air"? I know technically you do, but the only time I've ever thought of myself as looking through the air was from the top a mountain at another, distant, mountaintop. It immediately made me think he was looking across some significant distance, but then they're right next to each other, close enough for a chat, making the use of "through the air"even stranger to me.

I also had some trouble with the many "He"s and "his"s dotted about. I gather you are intentionally not using the main character's name, but with two other male characters who also lack proper names, it becomes difficult to follow.

And, lastly,
>relieved to be at the end of some unspoken length of time
is one of the most stilted pieces of phrasing I have seen here in a long time.
I think I’m going to document me slowly losing my mind as prose. Should I do this in first person or third, real world setting or fantasy framing? Historical perhaps? The chronicles of a mad king as he loses his kingdom?

Honestly that’s what I’ve come to the conclusion of because I’ve always heard about Verisimilitude from everyone on YouTube and Reddit and people like to fuck. However like you said no one focuses on the smoothness or wetness.

Taste, Smell, You could maybe talk about the plump parts or the actions taken upon them.

The situations are really the high mileage aspect of this though. Even the tools, some people do weird things, like I never see dry humping in smut or build up of anything, granted with the instant gratification world we have most people don’t want to focus on the build up just the release?

I’m glad I found this
First person, from the point of view of a robot vacuum. Make it sci-fi themed. The vacuum has to hoover up space dust and some crystals or something while you're slowly losing your mind at shin-level. A vacuum chronicling your existence.
You mean losing your mind as a fictional plot or as a real thing? anyway you should obviously put it in first person and set it in the real world with some fantasy scenes for the hallucinations.
This would make a really neat Red Dwarf plotline if it had a fine balance of humour in amongst the bleakness. Sadly I don’t have the chops to do sci-fi any justice.

>set it in the real world with some fantasy scenes for the hallucinations
That’s a fun idea.

I’m losing it IRL, I figured I’d might as well turn the schizo rambles into something of note… Hey, if I finish it and kill myself I could have a bestseller on my dead hands!
>I’m losing it IRL, I figured I’d might as well turn the schizo rambles into something of note… Hey, if I finish it and kill myself I could have a bestseller on my dead hands!
Anon please, if it's a joke it's not funny, take careof yourself and seek some help.
A book about someone with alzheimer telling their story would be neat.
>can't write for shit last night
>managed a paltry 250 words all day, with most just being altering existing sentences
>wake up today and bang out 857 words first thing out of bed

Uncanny. And I still have 15 hours ahead of me.
That's how inspiration works I think
I'm thinking about switching from third person subjective to third person omniscient but I'm not sure if I genuinely think it's a better way to serve the story and the mood I'm going for or if I just read a book with it recently and liked it so much I want to do it too.
Why did it work in the book you liked?
Piss off, you Mormon creep!
I have read three books like that recently.
>Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell
The omniscient narrator doesn't have much personality (besides some occasional snark, but as far as the book goes there's very little of it). For me, the narrator mainly served two purposes : it allowed deeper insights into characters without being limited to the knowledge of the current POV, and it was used to give more informations on the background events (by using greater amount of descriptions) of the novel. What the author did in particular was using footnotes to an almost absurd degree to develop tangents into the setting, with sometimes no relation at all to the plot (we're talking 3-4 pages almost entirely made of a single footnote, a short tale in its own rights).
I liked the footnotes the best, because when I'm invested into a world (and I was) I'm always going to seek that extra little nugget of informations.
>Feet of Clay (Discworld)
Discworld books typically have light tones, and the omniscient narrator anf footnotes are mostly used for extra jokes. Still, always good to read
>The Book-Thief (currently only getting started)
Definitely the weirder book of these examples. The novelty, in that case, is that the narrator is Death themself, with a particular way to see humans and a particular philosophy. He's telling us a tale of events pasts, and doesn't mind sharing spoilers of events that will happen later on in his story.

What I got from these is that I like the extra bit of lore and bird-eye view that comes from an omniscient narrator and footnotes, but I think I need to find an interesting angle. An omniscient narrator who is essentially shapeless doesn't particularly interest me because there's basically no difference from a standard third person POV. And just having footnotes to give extra lore with no justification for them feels overly indulgent, like I'm just cramming more bits to convince readers of my greatness. I'm still very influenced by the Lemony Snicket persona from Unfortunates Events. I would like the narrator to be "someone" in this universe, even if they don't interact with anyone in the story. They should have beliefs and wants that filter through the tale they tell.

The rub is that I don't have room for this character as of now, not thematically at least, so I need to think hard about it.
The board got nuked when someone talked about something called "Vigilare Noctem Tuam" and posted an unusual picture of some old book. I couldnt reverse search the image either.
It's like reverse Zima Blue
I was inspired by a post I wrote myself and want to use it for a book. However, I don't have any way of proving ownership of the post unless I call the cops on myself and I'm concerned about how much would get linked back to me here. How do I commit copyright infringement on myself?
How do you get it published and who do you send it to?
trash/wfg/ is our sister thread. Despite many now-classic works having sex detailed in them our overlords have decreed you can only have pure smut or nothing.
Link to the other thread that was here?
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who tf is gonna sue you lil nigga
Someone fraudulently claiming to be me seeking royalties. Read the text at the bottom of every page here. You own what you write.
1. they don't own your post
2. nobody remembers your post
It's screencapped and posted occasionally. I haven't had to issue any takedowns on YT yet.
you don't have any idea how the real world works, and that's ok
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So this guy is the leader of a PMC, in the 25th century, they travel around the solar system fulfilling contracts for whoever has the fattest wallet. The MC has been questioning the morals of his business for a while and ends up using his military power and influence to turn on his employers with the help of other like-minded groups.
Is it a viable strategy to barf out thousands of words with the intention of "fixing it later?"
Does doing this breed some form of contentment with one's shit work? I'm speaking from a web novel standpoint and not from any form of actual literature.
Revisions and editing are unavoidable, you WILL have to write shit and rewrite shit over and over again. Better to have some raw material to work with than nothing at all.
I submit to literary journals within their specified guidelines and see if they like it. To be fair I only wrote 2 short stories as I was impatient to start my novel, but I had a pretty good success rate. My first story was just an online journal but my second was in print and I got paid a few hundred dollars for it
Where do you find journals that fit the kind of things you enjoy writing?
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Don't feel like writing tonight.
This is just you creating obstacles for yourself for whatever reason anon. It’s another excuse, just go do it
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I think that's the only way to do it. No one gets it perfect their first draft.
Why not just write it perfectly the first go so that you don't have to go back?
how do I start writing
I never wrote anything outside of school essays and I never did well on those either
pick a concept you want to write about and write it. what do you mean?
it'll be terrible but that's always the first step to getting good
give more context
Why do you want to write?
Can you sue for something that inspired someone?
The context is that I am interested in picking up writing as a hobby, but I’ve never done any creative writing. What else is there to say?
Don't some pretty successful Royal Road authors that make thousands a month on patreon post here? Probably one of them.
For fun, and because it’s a free/cheap hobby. Maybe I wont like it once I try it but I do want to try it.
>royal road author
>success story
Uh huh
ok so write something? wtf are you asking? whether you need to take college courses or read a book on the topic first? you don't
Quads compel me to respond.

First, write down some of your favorite stories. Think about what you like about each of them. Take notes on settings, characters, themes, plot. See if there are patterns. Question how you might take them in different directions if you were in charge. Trace every conclusion back to its beginning and see how one thing resulted from the last. Look at how characters, settings, and conflicts are introduced at different times.

Think of a line, a scene, a moment that you want to convey. How do you get to that point? Where do things go from there? Add notes for things that will make that idea happen as well as give it meaning. As you branch out to earlier and later events, characters, and settings, a plot that starts at the beginning, has a middle, and reaches an ending, will unfold. An outline.

When you know where to begin, sit down and write. Up to you as to how long. You might need to wade into the pool. Follow your outline, but now you are giving narrative life to it rather than the sterile list of plot points and notes. Don't be afraid of new ideas emerging as you write. Incorporate them, especially if they sharpen the rest of your stories.

When you reach the end, you have your first draft. You will need to edit your work in further drafts. You figure out what works in the story, what kinds of improvements great and small you can make to it. What is missing? What needs to go?

As a writer you should also read and live life. Absorb the work of others. Draw from your experiences. It will influence your writing.
Take a story from your own life and imagine the most interesting thing possible had happened instead of whatever lame thing really happened.
>rested his head his tightened fist
Think you're missing an 'on' there.

This idea actually made me laugh out loud.
Depends how you define success I suppose. The big boys on that site are making hundreds of thousands to over a million a year when you combine their patreon and Amazon/KDP sales. The average traditionally published author doesn't even earn out their advance to start getting royalties.
Would I be jumping the shark if I take my gritty fantasy series and made one of the love interests a Tinker Bell sized fairy that clearly wants to use the MC's cock as a stripper pole?
Are there any successful self published authors?
Comparing the best to the average doesn't seem fair.
Nope, none
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Having a fairy love interest isn't a problem on it's own. It does become a problem if you start inserting fetish stuff into your book.
i bet the average royalroad book published by one of the usual litrpg publishers makes way more money than the average trad pubber book, so there's an average-to-average comparison
The point was royal road authors can be extremely financially successful. Obviously, traditional>self-published in most cases since you're at least guaranteed to earn something that way.
shadows fall,
as evening creeps.
at eventide,
doors close.
without light
I stand alone
and cast no shadow
we are still rooting for brando sando to make it out of the ghetto
i wish i had my own fairy whore

What kind of lewd scenes do you write?

I have a serious story I’m working on, but I also have some “R” rated stories I constantly think up and I’ve made a second story in the process.
As another anon said it is important to have sexy situations over sexy people. Having a short list of details sprinkled about is much more effective than doing a paragraph describing the character when they first meet. When I wrote smut I usually only did a brief description at first, and then when sex happened I gave more specific detail while still leaving the characters open ended. To do that, I only went into short, specific details of a body part whenever something happened to, or because of the body part. You can, and should, focus on the small details during sex as long as it shows how turned on the characters are, or turns on the reader. Don't go and write how the girls hair looked during sex, unless it is messy from sex or is pristine despite how sweaty/dirty she is.
Anticipation is also pretty important in my experience. Dirty talk is an easy and effective way to do this, since you can just say something and then do it afterwards. Build up is usually a little different in smut than in real life. In smut it starts off fairly vanilla during the start of sex then gets kinkier, but dry humping and doing things alone can be useful too if the story is longer. I personally focused a lot on buildup and dirty talk. I saw pretty good success.
No, a story told by an Alzheimer patient would be about five minutes worth of story and then it would loop back to the exact same thing.
How can he afford to do so? Ammunition and fuel are expensive.
No, ideas can't be copyrighted, only their expression.
>ends up using his military power and influence
There's about a billion ways this could happen, why are you being a pedant?
Marcel Proust couldn't find a publisher for "In Search Of Lost Time", so he paid to have it printed. So that's at least one.
PIss off, demotivational crab.
I'm not being a demotivational crab, I'm responding to an extremely retarded question with sarcasm, you goddamn fucking moron

>are there any successful self-published authors?
It doesn't deserve a real response, and you're part of why this thread is so shitty for giving him the time of day
My concern is that you haven't thought this through. Militaries tend not to have any power or influence without someone funding them & without some sort of public support.
>hurr durr i'm not a crab you fucking moron
o rly.
I'm not that anon but don't military coups happen all the time without public support?
>ends up using his influence
implies he has some kind of 'support'

I still think you're being a pedant. Though maybe other anon is enough of a retard to not have given the briefest of consideration toward his main plot point... but that's something you should give the benefit of the doubt over.
Did you really respond to the first 25% of my post and ignore the rest?
You are confirmed subhuman

>Build Up

Any tips? Autistic detail would be nice.

>Dirty Talk and Situations

Would you say to have fun with the genre too? Or rather the genre could impact the type of scenarios? Like Fantasy might not have any rimjobs?
I ended up eating tacos and falling asleep. Still got a few more hours left though. I can still salvage the day.
There was nothing to respond to in the last 75% of your post. What are you even on about?
Any tips? Autistic detail would be nice.
I'll do my best to explain.
For build up it would be doing things that are sexy. Depending on the story, I had a line where the characters would be able to anything that didn't have penetration. So for those stories the build up would be blowjobs in a public bathroom, sending pictures, innuendos of what they wanted done, and so forth. In my head "sexy" means the desire to have sex, so anything that made the characters, or reader horny, without crossing the line of penetration is welcome. Of course the story can have a different way of going if the buildup is to a certain event or sex act. You can have buildup to an orgy or something of the sort, and in that case you can start off with full penetration sex and make the build up recruiting other people to join. If I were writing a story like that I would have the two main characters be able to have sex with each other, and have the plot be them breaking down the sexual barriers of others and having more people join into the orgy. You mentioned dry humping and that can be hot, if done in the right settings, or with the right fetishes. Some setting would be in a crowd, where a mans hard cock is rubbing against an ass but he can't take it out so all he can do is grab her hips and push into her as hard as he can. Another example would be a guy locked in chasity for so long he has to rub his dick onto things despite knowing it won't be sexually gratifying. In both of those scenarios there is a very clear case of build up.

>Would you say to have fun with the genre too? Or rather the genre could impact the type of scenarios? Like Fantasy might not have any rimjobs?
Yeah have a ton of fun with the genre. Sex is meant to be fun, and if you aren't enjoying it then why even do it?
The genre should definitely impact the scenarios. In a fantasy setting with magic you could have mind control, inflation, boob growth, cock growth, vampires, werewolves, you name it. I wouldn't exclude any sexual act just because of the genre, unless it goes against the setting. In my experience with smut, a sexual act is hot whether no matter what genre it is done in. Having a sex wizard in a scifi setting would be off-putting, but if someone likes blowjobs it won't matter if they get one in a spaceship or dungeon. Just keep the worldbuilding consistent.
It worked for Sanderson, not that he'd ever commit to it
Don't afraid to listen to your own heart

Downward is the answers they told me swallow
The truth is that you are the one bringing it down
Don't need the answer to be read from the book
why is writing action scenes so cringey in fantasy?
>She saw him swing his sword. She blocked it, but the impact made her foot stumble. She fell into the muddy floor. It wasn't over. The tip of the bandit's blade came crashing down on her. There was only one choice of action left. She rolled.
Because books are meant for exploring inner thoughts and concepts that can't be displayed visually. If you want good action, watch a movie. Text is not the right medium for it.
Wait what the fuck did sanderson do this?
watch this
For a writer his penmanship is ass
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nta but I feel like there used to be a bunch of shit online making fun of "bad smut" if you wanted examples of things to avoid.
I've already been morphing between poetry and prose; should I just start structuring my dialogues as plays so I can – to borrow a Durstian phrase – 'forget about the "he said, she said" bullshit'?
Just like his books, this is all words and no substance.
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What did Orwell mean by this?
You would be shocked at the shit I've been paranoid of happening, happening exactly as I feared it would when I dismissed it.
was better
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ESL writer here, with a learning disability, so please be patient with me.
Left is the original. Right is an attempt at rewriting it. Is it bad, is it decent? Disjointed? Is it an improvement over the original?
I feel like it's clunky and that I'm missing something but my fucking ESL brain can't process things properly. I appreciate any kind of feedback. Thanks.
>What are some interesting classes for a school that trains super soldiers?
Drone piloting and logistics
>Sex is meant to be fun
>Keep the world building consistent

So yeah I have magic but it sort of specific? So I have someone with corruption powers but there is a character he can’t use them on because they need a “true desire” for a ritual, so she can’t be magically changed. So I have one example to show his power that takes two chapters and the other unfortunate soul has to go through things until she accepts it, then loves it.

For say a story with magical corruption, rape, Stockholm, or moral deterioration elements, how would you handle it to be, well…sexy or good or both?

If it helps I really want to drag her through the mud.

For, “realism” which is probably laughable I have it to where the soldiers, warriors, nobles, slaves, farmers and anything else all fuck differently. The soldiers/slaves/farmers unless otherwise directed will just go for the nut. Nobles will tease and experiment with the body and have more directed fetishes.
Yeah, but I appreciate the people on 4chan more due to honesty. Like the subreddit for smut doesn’t allow stories with rape scenarios just CNC stuff which if the story needs it then I can’t ask them.

Fuck Reddit
This looks incredibly esl
>She clung to the slick leather. Her muscles were tense with anticipation, and the roar of the rain and wind filled her mind.
>His sword came swift and heavy as he sprang forward. She parried his blade with her own, but the force of the blow sent her tumbling to the ground. The second slash came crashing down; she rolled, the bandit’s sword plunging into the mud.
I have no talent.
How's this plan for my villain? He's a merchant selling weapons to two countries, goading each side to start a war, then when both sides are weakened, he swoops in and claims dominion over both.
>blew 70 bucks on a 20+ year-old film festival
>they give me official selection alongside like 4-5 other scripts
>decide to blow more money flying across the country to go in person
>attend the event
>great networking opportunities
>got to walk the red carpet
>they give me best screenplay award
>got to go on stage and give a speech
Thanks for reading my blogpost
I like my arms dealers morally (dark) gray and truly neutral.
Because you're focusing on play by play and not the confrontation, goals, stakes, etc. Fights are quick, and full of danger.
This is just a gaudier version of the same thing.
Is having a flashy outward appearance for a rather practical and somewhat mundane power too much?

I had in mind something like Victarion Greyjoy's burned hand where a character's body smoulders and produces smoke, but the actual effect is rather mundane (increased speed and strength)
So are his services. The PMC thing wouldn't be a business if it wasn't profitable. PMC can be quite influential in the sense that by providing their services they can swing the balance of a war one way or another. You would like to have friends like these on speed dial. And in this story most friends are paid for.
I wrote this one as a joke for the pulp thread a few days back. It since grew on me. Give it a read and tell me what you think.
BTW, used Rentry since Pastebin flagged it as offensive for some reason.
> -12 poems and then I finish my poetry book
Any brit who published poetry? Any tips and insights on the market?
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So once your thing is done.
And you have edited it a hundred times.
And you think it's good.
At least it's as good as you can make it.
Where do you publish it?
Where to begin?
As an Italian, we have a self publishing website who does basically all the legal stuff for you and you get 50% of the revenue.
But in brit land (where I wanna publish due to the fact that my poetry book is almost completely written in english), I have no idea. And I don't want to have an idea because I don't have the capability to promote my book there. And in ameriland the legal system is too weird to publish there.

But if you are asking in general, try selfpublishing. Otherwise you go to some publisher who publishes books in the genre of your book and you click on "submission", send it to them, wait for them to respond.
Do this to 10 of them and you should get a response from at least a couple.
But as a lot of people will say, try selfpublishing, at least for the first 2 3 books.
What if you don't want to sell it? What if you just want as many people to read it as possible?
Enable ARCs?
There is no way someone will read your book if you sell it, so the first question is pretty easy in the case of published work.
But you can also post in on wattpad, ao3, royalroad or that kind of websites.
That way people will read it. But you will have to interract with other writers to increase your chances of getting your book read.
You need to set up a fight, but you also need to actually write the fight. The difference between that and going “blow by blow” is that every action you describe should be an indication of the progress towards the end of the fight. Just saying “and jackie chan kicked goon #5” a gorillion times is a bad fight scene because none of those kicks really matter or change the circumstances of the fight. It kills your pacing and tension.

Falling down? Losing your weapon? Moving closer to or farther away from your opponent? Picking up a new weapon? Receiving a debilitating blow? Getting your sword stuck in the mud? All of those things indicate progress in the fight.

And no, you still shouldn’t go on and on about the specific moves of a fight, not without interspersing with something else. But again your fight scene needs, well, fighting. A few sentences describing what your characters are actually doing is 100% necessary.
It's slightly better.
> I feel like it's clunky and that I'm missing something but my fucking ESL brain can't process things properly.
If you feel like it's clunky, then that means it's clunky.
It lacks cadence and rhythm. You are saying all the right things and gramatically correct, but it lacks the musical quality, that's why it feels disjointed. Doesn't flow smoothly.
How do I learn to write? I don't know how to ask something more specific.
I tried writing some and it became a bunch of short paragraphs that don't at all look like the novels I actually read.

How do I do this without it becoming "he said, and then she said, and then he replied"?
>"You will go no further!" the guard shouted as he leveled his spear at the intruders.
>The baron's face morphed from surprise to anger, "I am the Lord of Fennburg. Let us pass at once!"
>The guard's face blanched, but he didn't lower his weapon. He hesitantly took a few steps back, but continued blocking the path.
>"The Great Count of Wilshire ordered that none may pass," came a voice from behind the guard. A tall man with a blue sash over his shoulder stepped out from the shadows, "I beg your forgiveness, but that includes you, lord baron."
>"And who are you to stop an anointed lord?" asked the baron.
>"I am the Master-at-Arms of the Great Count and you will not pass this gate tonight," the tall man said as he rested his hand on there pommel of his sword.
strikes me as a bit antisemitic.
Ah, excuse the auto complete errors. I wrote it on a phone.
I think the reason is that the characters are flat. There's no great sense of personality from any of them, which means there isn't much tension as to how they will react to each other and how the situation could escalate. At the end where the Master at Arms threatens the Baron, we don't have enough sense of who he is to speculate about how he will respond.
read a lot and write a lot
worked for black souls
Thanks anon, but how can I improve my cadence and rhythm when I can't even recognize what sounds good and what doesn't? I mean, I can read out loud but what good does it do when it all sounds the same to me?
I wrote well over a thousand words today -- plus some cheeky diary entries. Is any of it good? I don't know. Will I ever finish the work? probably not.-- But none of that matters because I wrote something of my own!
I messed around with this anon's text, any feed back?

>“HALT! HALT! HALT! You will go no further!" The guard roared as he leveled his spear at the intruders.
>The baron furrowed his brow and spoke in a low tone of voice "I am the Lord of Fennburg. Let us pass at once."
>The guard lost a bit of his bearing as he heard the man’s title, but he didn't lower his weapon. All he did was shift back a bit, while still blocking the path.
>"Our lord the Great Count of Wilshire ordered that none may pass," came a voice from behind the guard. A tall man with a blue sash over his shoulder stepped out from the shadows, "I beg your forgiveness, but that includes you, lord baron."
>"And who are you to stop an anointed lord?" The baron gestured to himself as he spoke.
>"I am the Master-at-Arms of the Great Count and you will not pass this gate tonight," The tall man widened his stance and rested his hand on the pommel of his sword.
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good job anon
You're right. This is far too short for that. But I was thinking more along the lines of the actual structure of the exchange. How do I end up getting better at avoiding "foo," he said. "bar," she replied.
I've read so much that I don't think more reading will necessarily help without some kind of introspection or advice. Writing might.
I don't understand what's happening. I can focus and understand, but it's hard to follow. It reads more like a history textbook summary than a story.
I don't really know how to fix it either though. Sorry.
"Science fiction and fantasy are two different things: science fiction, the improbable made possible; fantasy, the impossible made probable." -Rod Serling, Twilight Zone ep. 325, "The Fugitive"
Congrats, anon! Hope this leads to bigger and better things!
Give me the elevator pitch for what you're currently writing, be it a novel, short story, genre fiction, or something else entirely.
Hebephiliac racemixing modern-fantesy romance story where the moral is that having kids early is a good life decision

However, I'll give you the pitch I thought about today as I was about to take a nap, it's unrelated to what I'm writing, but I keep an eye on writing contests in case a fitting space for it shows up

>A man gets elected the mayor of a remote town and spend decades steering its development, all to plan the perfect murder.
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Back again with more sloppa for the choppa. Building the habit with another 250.
So, "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley?
strike one
strike two
strike three, DROPPED
Elric ripoff
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Is the flow better? I tried reading it out loud this time around.
With strong characterisation, it will be more obvious who is talking in any given moment. Also if you have a stronger (ie, more limited) character perspective, the back and forth will be more centred on the main character and his reactions, which also limits dialogue tags.
A wandering bard unexpectedly struck with immortality after experiencing tragedy struggles with grief and identity, gradually finding purpose and acceptance through his journeys and new relationships, eventually regaining his love of music and confronting the source of his transformation.
A bit over the top, but I like it. Thanks.
You bring up great points. Thank you.
I think this reads much better than the previous one. There are a few oddities like
>Nowadays, he hangs out with Tessy
This implies they regularly do that, but the rest of the text implies that he's hanging out with her right now.
>But not before...
Maybe that shouldn't be a new sentence?
>And was hallucinating because of the mushrooms Carmichael has force-fed her - decomposing bodies, maggot-infested decomposing bodies.
I think this sentence implies that she's currently hallucinating, but the previous sentence was talking about what she had done in the past. It muddles the two events together.
>the anesthetist barged INTO the closet room
Closet room is a weird term.

Anyway take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm also an ESL.
Isn’t this that Japanese show Frieren?
Lmao not quite, I've been developing the idea since several years ago, but I do learn a lot in how to portray certain themes from Frieren.
has anyone ever been so head up the ass as GRRM when Rowling won a Hugo Award that he coveted? GRRM wrote this fanfiction of jaime killing Hermione afterwards:
> He’s not going to waste time and effort swatting at birds with his sword, either. He’s encased in gilded steel. What are they going to do, crap on him? He’ll rush right through the birds, and go straight for Hermione. A sword is not a knight’s only weapon. While she’s watching the blade, he will slam his shield right into her face, knock her off her feet. Let her try and mumble those spells with a mouthful of broken teeth.

>And if somehow Granger does get off that spell (cheating, really) and turn him upside down, Jaime is more likely to undo the straps on his shield and fling it at her head then to hang there meekly waiting to die.

>But hey, let’s say everything goes the way your “experts” say it will, and Hermione wins. Sad to say, she will not live long to enjoy her victory. Sometime very soon, when she least expects it, a “boy” she does not know will bump up against her in the corridors of Hogwarts… and suddenly she’ll find a dagger sliding through her ribs, right into her heart. “A Lannister always pays his debts,” Tyrion will say, as he slips back into the shadows.
I've never read any of Martin's writing, but I'm 100% convinced every excerpt I've seen here has been a shitpost.
it was for some online tournament thing, he also wrote one of him fiting Cthulhu
CHADku solos
Is breaking the 4th wall cringe?
High risk of cringe low payoff. If you do it tastefully it can work, but more likely it’ll just be reddit
The dwarves dug too deep and too greedily. Now they must face the things below.
it's my super speshul self insert OC with my custom OP race put into the sloppiest of slop settings for me to live out my fantasy
No more like your average loli greentext
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How do you deal with frustration when writing?
I've not even finished the first pass of my current chapter and already want to scrap it all and start again.
kick the can down the road and keep the writing the narrative. If it works for the economy it will work for you.
Used to happen a lot with my previous novel, but now I changed my plotting style to help. Essentially, I know well in advance not only what happens in a chapter, but how it happens and how that leads to the next chapter, essentially letting me focus on my narration. The outline is not wster-tight however, so I have wiggle room to address and change several things.
Write the entire book, delete the file and write it again
This might be a solution.
I've been writing it off the top of the dome aside from certain plot points.
I think I'll try sitting down and planning things properly for a change.
Haven't written today, but I've cracked a couple plot point in a way I like better than what I had planned before.
Mishi pocketed the cockroach sized alien shell. He couldn't let anyone know he possessed it. Mishi happily took his treasure home and could not wait to show his best friend Damian and Juli.

That was eight-hundred years ago.

Mishi looked at his hand. The parasite has grafted itself into his bones, never allowing him to perish.

That's the opening of my novel. It's about a kid getting super powers from the alien parasite, but now he can't die. No matter how much he tries, the alien won't allow it. It will repair and keep the host alive. Now he has super powers and saves the world, but Miishi grows tired of having this responsibility and wants everything to end, knowing this was a curse and not a blessing. He won't surrender to the government or doctors because the last time they did so they would experiment on him endlessly. Now he's fucked off.

Does this story have potential?
Why not, although you probably want to have a think beyond the first twenty words.
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>protagonist is in his 20s
>meets another girl (same age) whom he falls in love with
>flash forward, want to write dialogue that immediately etablishes their relationship/intimacy so I can move on

Can anyone point me to any resources or examples of good dialogue between young lovers? It's just the backdrop so I don't want to spend that much time on this part. Never had a gf so i don't know how lovers talk
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I messed up.
I'm writing a mystery where there's an investigation of something which makes people disappear, but no one knows that that thing makes people disappear because by the time they realize something is going on they are zapped out of existence
Is there any way for the protagonist to figure this out without witnessing it first hand or did I fuck myself completely?
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>come home and shit out 2250 words in an hour
>know every single one of them is trash and I'll just have to spend the next draft rewriting everything
Get the idea that writers produce all of their work in one draft postmaster. Editing is part of writing. One day it will click for you and you will be able to power through your first drafts with ease.
Congrats. I loved the festival circuit but my submission (a short film) never won. Hope you get to go again!
I wouldn't say reddit because people tend to be overly nice there, but people used to "spork" both published and fanfiction tier smut on places like livejournal, perhaps there are archives. It was mostly dorky and girlish but I remember learning a lot about writing from those. Meanwhile on 4chan you get moralfags complaining or nothing at all.
He could still figure it out via deduction, right? The only problem here is no eyewitnesses. He should be able to do the detective work. Analyse the disappearances to establish common factors, and isolate potential causes from those. It wouldn't be proof positive, but he could still have a very strong, credible suspicion.
Is there a pattern to the people that disappear? Have any of the people that disappeared left any signs that could point to them suspecting something that could point the detective in any direction?
I believe however that there is a more core problem that you're having: you don't know for shit how to plot mysteries. Most of the time, these are plotted from end to beginning, so you start by your detective finding them, and start extrapolating backwards the clues that they find to reach that conclusion. You do the deductive reasoning backwards.
>Caption: NR GAY
Yeah I'll try to dig myself out of this one. The rest of the mystery is completely written but the only problem is that I'm having a hard time creating the causal link between the object that makes people disappear and the disappearances, since the last disapperance is interrupted and the victim doesn't vanish so there's no logical connection

>You do the deductive reasoning backwards
that's an interesting method. I've thought about this but I never considered it to be a sensible way to write stories
>I never considered it to be a sensible way to write stories
It's a pretty common method, I believe. Brandon Sanderson uses to plot a lot of his books, and like his stories or not, he does pump out a lot of solid, consistent stories that aren't riddled with holes.
Try it out, maybe it works for you.
If people don't know that they're going to get zapped out of existence, then the disappearances are going to be odd. The disappeared people will have stopped doing what they were doing as though they disappeared into thin air.

Victim E: a single set of footprints leading to a cabin. A half-eaten meal on the table with a fork fallen to the ground with a slice of meat still attached to it and the knife sideways on the table. As though the person disappeared when holding the knife and fork and they dropped down.

Victim H: disappeared from inside a room with a sealed window and a door latched closed from the inside. The first responders had to smash in the door to get inside. The bed was slept in and there was a shattered porcelain cup with tea spilled on the floor.

Victim K: a burglar that robbed a jewelry store. The police were in hot pursuit. The perp entered a tunnel. Unbeknownst to him the police had set up a roadblock in the other end of the tunnel. The thief's car had crashed into a concrete pillar and the robber was gone. All the stolen jewelry was still in the car initial investigators assumed that the perp left through the service tunnels, but there was heavy rain on the day and the service tunnels were flooded. No body matching good description has been found. There was no blood in the car wreck.

If you connect enough of these oddities together it would point out that the victims had to somehow disappear on the spot rather than be kidnapped by someone.
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It's a less powerful false hydra. Definitely possible for a detective to figure out, but in a world without magical disappear boxes that's definitely not going to be the first thing he jumps to.
>For say a story with magical corruption, rape, Stockholm, or moral deterioration elements, how would you handle it to be, well…sexy or good or both?
For something like this, I would personally do something like she needs a favor from the noble and in exchange he does some sexual stuff to her. Not enough to fully satisfy her, but enough to make her enjoy it and want more. I would also have the noble give her more than what she originally asked so that she has an excuse to go back.
For example she asks for a loan of ten gold for whatever reason, he says he will do it, as long as he can finger her. He also mentions he will give fifteen gold to her instead of ten. She accepts and he fingers her almost to orgasms, stops, and gives her the gold and has her leave. There would then be some thoughts from her where she looks for excuses to go back to him (she tells herself it is because he was so kind in giving her so much money) and the noble does other things the next visit. Like lick her body, tease her nipples, until she's wet and he fingers her almost to orgasm again. The next time he has her suck his cock and fucks her a little before having her leave unsatisfied. Over time she begins looking for any excuse to go back for "help" so she can experience what else he has for her and also hopefully orgasm. As the excuses become more and more wild so do the sex acts, until she is visiting every day, abandoning her duties and just wanting more of him.
In the above example I would have some time skips the spans of weeks/months in the beginning, and have them shrink between each encounter. By the end she could be coming up with some absolutely retarded excuses and the noble would make her do more degrading/punishing things in response.
>For, “realism” which is probably laughable I have it to where the soldiers, warriors, nobles, slaves, farmers and anything else all fuck differently. The soldiers/slaves/farmers unless otherwise directed will just go for the nut. Nobles will tease and experiment with the body and have more directed fetishes.
I think that can be pretty sensible. Nobles would have much more time and money to do weird stuff, much like in real life. I don't find that laughable at all.
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in tedious thread
I can maek poast
to find out whom
I troll the most

on blue boards dwell
eternal fags
all pseudo-wit
brainlet cro-mags

they read not text
not poem nor prose
all th'day
they jerk to toes

a tranny mod
with bone to pick
bans my poast
then cuts off dick

be not like them
if /lit/ you love
aping reddit
and poasts thereof
This anon is ready to be published
Reminds me of the mystery portion of The Ring
Thanks I think I figured it out. I hope life brings you all kinds of happiness
This single-handedly both cured my depression and gave me autism
When self publishing, where do I go to look for an editor that won't break the bank?
self publishing is
the last domain of fail
left to those who suck
would you guys pay even a dollar for a book containing 20 or 30 of these?
ChatGPT is free. I ran my 42k word file through it and it fixed a lot of my grammar. Not as good if you want actual feedback in terms of reorganizing your sentences or better word choice, but for commas, tenses, and stuff it worked.
I pirate literally everything.
based ngl
>For something like this

So that’s is something I could use later, forgive me maybe I should have given a more extensive write up.

A noble(human) a thief(elf) and a Amazon are having a threesome in the first chapter. The Thief while having gotten dicked, isn’t kept around. She meets up with other associates later for some paid fun and she is essentially taken advantage of by a half elf who has it out for the Noble and his friends. He enlists her help to take them in and she can keep the noble.

The Amazon’s rape happens around chapter 5(?) and the Thief is vindictive as fuck. She uses magic to make the men in the tent sweat, as the Amazon loved to smell and lick the Noble when he was ripe.

So what happens is the Amazon’s face is placed into the crotch of five different guys and orgasms from that since she has the fetish or do you think it would be better for a forced orgasm here?

Regardless all sorts of debauchery happens and they go to a “Pleasure Hall” which is essentially a compound.

So she will be there for a while cause she will be used for a ritual. She finally “Breaks” or finds out she likes to be dominated around chapter 9-10 where she gets put through the wringer. She gets double vaginal in front of her corrupted lover(didn’t want to go full cuck cause I hate it) as an opener to the chapter and it ends with a half giant cock in her ass giving her a cum enema. She is also forced to confess she loves it with tears rolling down her eyes and squirt coming out to follow the flood of cum from her anus. This is followed by a clean up session where the person who had an eye on her tells her how loose she is now and she gives him a rim of her own volition.

I’m excluding some parts, but it’s sort of a fantasy smut epic. She’ll be witness to her friends going through some stuff. So from chapter 5 to 9 how much time would you have for her to be broke in?

Also, if you don’t mind, any suggestions or opinions on the set up or acts that follow that I’ve listed? I have people I talk to about the serious story, just none for my smut.

> I don’t find it laughable at all

Thank you. I like to keep things logical. So I mentioned about Magic being used to make some men sweat above. Wind Magic can be used to steal breath in-between kisses and good for fucking underwater. Water magic would be good for cleaning and magic enema’s for nobles if they like sticking it in a peasants asshole.

Just getting away from magic, if someone had the ability to stretch their tongue out, they could wrap it around 5 dicks and get each flavor and the guys could use the tongue to Jack off.


you have any projects, smut or otherwise?
Who's accepted your novel?
I'm bored and want to practice writing but I have no ideas, does anyone have a proompt?
Ninja thief has to break into a castle but she accidentally got sprayed in bacon juice so she has to take all her clothes off to infiltrate or else the guard dogs will smell her.
If you're not smart enough to give an answer, just say so.
Specificity is key. When i read the first bit, I just imagine stick figures fighting. The other anon's response paints a picture in my head. Read some Conan the Barbarian stories.
"No, you can't insult
my work of no worth
without making some"
Idk if this is the thread for this but I got a pilot metropolitan (medium nib, I wanted the finest they had and they only had that) and the standard pilot ink and the ink bleeds through every page so that I can only use one side. Is this cause of the cheap paper? What gsm should I be aiming for
there used to be a "pen" thread on /g/ that would probably have unironically better answers for you.
Reminds me of a time I spent the whole day trying to finish my daily 2k which I normally finish in 1-2 hours.
>he thinks his opinions matter
if my opinion
is truly worthless to you
you would not be mad
How do I make an marksmanship tournament exciting? I have it broken up like this:

Round 1: only the top 10 move on
Round 2: only the top 5 move on
Round 3: winner (of that division) is the high score holder (my MC)
Surprise Round 4: Shoot-off round pitting all weapon types against each other (MC places third)

I feel it will get repetitive, and besides that I don't know how to create tension since it's just people shooting at a target across a field. There's not really a "rival" character until the fourth round (rifle user vs my MC who is crossbow user).
made 150 dollars from writing
Nice. That's more money than I've made in the last six years.
i hope you intend to report and pay taxes on your 150
Play up the behind the scenes banter and action. Don't show the competitors who aren't important, just fill us in with announcements or quick bits of dialogue. There may not be a rival at first, but the MC would be looking at ALL the competitors as rivals since they're all competing against him, so have him be nervous or anxious when a talented opponent takes their turn.
Add stakes, most commonly risk of serious injury (put the contestants against each other in a scenario where they may or may not be allowed to harm each other). Also, highlight the motivations of the main people here. Why are they doing this? What do they lose if they fail? What do they gain if they succeed that they are willing to give their lives for?
Still not quite there.
>search for calls for submission
>everything wants faggot or tranny authors, or else "marginalized voices"
>decide to self publish
>editors want $200+ just to proofread 12,000 words
What's the fucking point anymore? This hobby has become a pointless waste of time.
Just make a website and throw up your chapters and hope it gets discovered and made into an anime.
You could probably find lower rates somewhere like Fiverr. But if you're hiring an editor to self-publish, I assume with the intent to profit, it's not really a hobby anymore is it?
That's decidedly worse.
So, the Adventure Time episode "Mystery Train"?
Are you a NEET?
>No scene where she flies into his undies in the middle of the night and uses her entire naked body to gyrate against his stiff member while he pretends to be asleep
Why even bother?
I'll do it for $150
Damn you're right, I completely forgot to have any motivation for any of my characters. The idea was just to introduce and showcase their skills for later.
The standard deduction is somewhat larger than $150.
Car enthusiasts pay for tires, numbers etc, magic card players buy cards, anime watchers pay to collect, video games pay, even cooking pays money. Only people that are too cheap to purchase something for their hobby are writers
>video games pay
Only if you're a Twitch thot
If you hire an editor then you intend to make money on your writing, thus it is no longer a hobby.
how do i get the editing jobs?
I'm becoming more heavy on outlining. It's really helping me a lot with the structure of the story. I should've experimented more earlier on to find the style that worked for me best.
>So what happens is the Amazon’s face is placed into the crotch of five different guys and orgasms from that since she has the fetish or do you think it would be better for a forced orgasm here?
I think the first part by itself is a good scene. It shows how turned on she is, and if you want it to more dirty, you can add a forced orgasm to her afterwards.
>So from chapter 5 to 9 how much time would you have for her to be broke in?
I think over the course of two to three months would be long enough. Three weeks would be the earliest I would do. It's actually very easy to forcibly break downs people's personal barriers, and three months is a pretty long time to be in a sex dungeon.
>Also, if you don’t mind, any suggestions or opinions on the set up or acts that follow that I’ve listed? I have people I talk to about the serious story, just none for my smut.
It seems alright so far. I don't get a few points in the plot though. I don't get why the thief would get raped by the half elf, when she has been cast aside by the noble. I also don't get why the thief would help her rapist, unless she already is obsessive with the noble. Finally I do not get why she is back with the amazon after she and the noble left her. I think the general plot is fine, as long as you have good answers for those questions. It is good that you have specific fetishes in there, as smut lends itself to fetishes better than it does to less kinky sex.
As for follow up acts, I can't recommend anything on that. All I can say is aside from those three points I brought up earlier it all sounds well.
>Thank you. I like to keep things logical.
So far so good for me. You can stretch some of the logic out as people don't tend to think well while horny. It doesn't seem like you have, which is always good.
>you have any projects, smut or otherwise?
I have a few stories bubbling around in my head. I've stepped away from the smut for the time being, as it was the only thing I did for years. I'm trying to focus more on horror now and trying different genres.
>In a world of nothing. Of barren hills and cracked earth and once-proud oceans drained to sand, there will still be a monument to our existence. Bleached by the sun, perhaps, and blunted by time, but everlasting. Because this man represents all that is eternal in the human experience. Through the curtain of the aurora, a comet blazes to herald his arrival, and his victory shall be transcribed into every language known to history, including Klingon.

How do I learn to write like this?
put it on royalroad retard
they've got that new publisher submission program
just trans your gender dude putting they/them in your bio is literally free


So she is obsessed with the Noble. They have a history. The threesome was her taking the chance and while she got dick he could only pick one due to culture and he stuck with the Amazon.

The Half Elf rape is due to his own obsession with the noble as he wishes to ruin everything around him. The Thief doesn’t view the rape as a trauma as she has been through enough already. She just thinks once he is done she’ll find an opening to take care of the half elf. Finally the half elf has an ability to corrupt people.

Finally for why the Thief is with the Amazon. This brings realism into things such a women statistically have a high revenge fetish or limit than men. You can see this with reviews of Redo of Healer. Mostly women enjoyed that.

So the Thief wants the Amazon to suffer a good bit for taking what she perceived as hers. She took notes from their threesome together and uses that for her own unique hell to heaven experience.

I had planned the break down of the Amazon to be a mirror of the first chapter. Multiple partners evolves to gang rape. Sweat fetish to the Gang bangs all being ripe and the air thick with the scent. The Noble even gives into one of her more, in his opinion disgusting requests and tells him to piss on her breasts to mark her as his own. This turns into water sports later on once the filth is in full swing.

To keep the Fantasy in water mages are able to keep fluids separate inside the body so if you swallow cum it won’t digest. As well as keep people hydrated during long bouts of sex and finally make piss more sanitized. I have a limit and it stops at piss and I’d like to clean it up so…magic.

So does that makes sense now for the character?

>3 Months

I kind of want her spirit to be a bit harder to break so the longer time frame is more appealing.

Just multiple chapter with gang bang tend to subtract from the real gang bang so I was thinking of having 6 chapters up to the big show. 3 chapters where she is the focus of sexual nature and then 3 where she watches some shows to get a hint of her future. What do you think?

I want to go down a level and have sort of mundane stuff happen like a Water Mage trying to get her to urinate in front of him as a way to break down barriers. Then go little higher with humiliation like giving her a cow bell around her neck.

> I think the first part by itself is a good scene.

Since you like it, another point about it.

Like, I should have the Amazon taken note of the sweat glistened cocks to have her know magic is being used. Also maybe I could have her try and hold her breathe as to not smell other men to try and keep her relationship pure? Next step would be she fails and needs to breathe so she ends up getting a full blast and that is what causes the orgasm. Good addition to the scene?


Any works of yours to read or recommendations?

Also, do you have any favored scenarios or kinks in stories? Always looking for inspiration.
For me stories are about decisions characters take and the consequences of those decisions, so I really hate plot-driven stories with passive protagonists that have no urgency of their own.
No, just on vacations.
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>Anyway take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm also an ESL.
It's all right. Any feedback is good feedback. I made some changes again. But I still can't tell what's wrong with it.
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A wizard autist has to help fight off an orc invasion but the ages of magic have shifted and now sex magic is now the most powerful magic in the world. So our socially inept wizard now needs to unlock his long buried sex drive to master the new magic before the orcs can.
That was on fiverr
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I wrote less words than yesterday, but today's included a little diddy about Mercury so it evens out I think.
Is it inlayed between the prose too awkwardly, or do you think it's fine? I've also been tossing up between 'Ancient pages' vs 'Prior pages' as well as 'Sun-scorched' vs 'Sun-bleached', and wonder what you guys think
Least importantly: do you like it?
I'm not writing weeb garbage or litRPGs though. It'd be a miracle if I got a single read.
Open-source programmers only have to have a computer to pursue their hobby.
Read and write poetry.
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unpopular take: you're needlessly handicapping yourself by not using chatgpt to give you ideas
Articulating your own ideas is the best part of writing you charlatan worm. Get out of here!
FUck you. It's no different than having beta readers offer you their thoughts and opinions, except it's a smart beta reader
It can be both a hobby and a means of income.
Is that what you call what these retarded no skill kiddie level "writelets" are doing?
Honestly depends on what their programming. If they're not willing to learn art, music, and several other disciplines as well, they'll have to pay someone to do those things for them if they're making something like a game.
I wouldn't know; I don't read any of it lol
>hurr durr i can only imagine programming a game
Most programs require some sort of user interface or layout. Unless you understand the ins and outs of designing such things, you're going to have to hire someone to do that, even if it's not a game. I was simply stating an example that absolutely would require someone besides a programmer.
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Paper matters a lot. Back when fountain pens where a thing that people used and shit paper was a fact of life, it was common to write on single sheets (letters and receipts and such) with a pad of blotting paper underneath to protect the desk.
Pic rel is the same pen with the same ink on two different notebooks. The top is really absorbent so it has a lot of bleedthrough. It feels really grippy and is shit to write on. The bottom paper is frimer and the writing flows easilly (note the lack of bleedthrough). I'd compare it to the difference between writing a whiteboard and writing on a blackboard.
No idea what kind of thickness is ideal, but definitely go for stiffer paper.
Ask ChatGPT for some good suicide methods
If a sentence or a paragraph doesn't look quite right to me, I paste it into ChatGPT and ask that it rewrites it in 3-5 different ways. The results vary and I never simply copy the response, but it does provide me with new ideas and perspectives, which I find helpful.

Sorry, ran out of room and had to get to work. Last additions

>Realism (Again)

I’d like to have the chapter be on the hefty side so, I was thinking of having a Good Cop Bad Cop split between three characters. The Cleaner is a water mage who makes sure she is kept clean and hydrated, he isn’t overly cruel but he isn’t nice. The Showman who makes her do mini shows throughout the months and the Captain(Good cop) who keeps her in his bed at night and feeds her good food.

Short of it for the Captain and the Amazon is they are both warriors and have never done odd stuff before now and she sort of relies on him as a safety and a gentle hand until the three month mark when everything breaks her.

Since I’m wanting to do three chapter for each month some additional characters might be needed?
>Been writing since I was 29
>Only had a handful of short stories published in that time
>Nothing published in over 5 years
>Wife and kids act supportive but deep down I know they're embarrassed
Is it time the just start looking at suicide as an option? I don't really have the training to do anything else in life, I've dedicated so much of my life to attempting this stupid pipe dreams.
>just find a wife and start a family bro, this will give your life meaning
meanwhile your average familycuck: >>23744872
That's not what I'm implying and I think you know that. I'm satisfied with my family, but family is not the only part of life, now is it? Even if it's the most important part of your life, it's still only one part of it.
Imagine obscuring your perspective on what matters because you're having a rough patch at a hobby you have only been doing for the last 9 years in your life.
My man, you need to reevaluate your priorities and sense of self worth. Consider professional help.
Also, writing is a craft you make progress bit by bit. It's not over. You're not solely defined by your shortcomings. You're more than that, have a stronger sense of identity and value of yourself.
You have a supportive wife and kids. Trad people will insist that this is all a man needs to feel happy and fulfilled, yet here you are, on 4chan and talking about how you're considering suicide because your failed author's career
Why are you assuming that I fit into the trad lifestyle?
>Only 9 years
Dude, that's a quarter of my entire life. And it's hard to have a higher value of yourself when you face rejection constantly and have it achieved anything in a professional or personal sense.
Then make sure you let people know that anything you publish was AI-assisted
>have it
God dammit, I can't even make a simple post it seems like. I meant "haven't" obviously.
But you only "failed" the last 5 years. And what about the previous ten years before you became a writer? And you're at a rough moment now. Don't end your life because you're having a tough time now, you can't know for certain the potential you may have. Permanent solution, temporary problem, that sort of thing.
>haven't achieved anything in the personal sense
My man, you're building a family, have enough skill to be published at some point. You're more than your current failures.
>You're more than your current failures
I appreciate the sentiment, I honestly and truly do. But it seems like I'm less than my previous successes, that's more what it seems like the case is now. It just feels like I'm cursed with this urge to be creative while lacking any talent to actually express said creativity.

I don’t know if this will grant you any solace, but the whole entertainment landscape(books being apart of that) is a hot pile of shit now. You have rampant nepotism and cucking due to ideological puritans that won’t let anyone of a certain type get in and you have the mountain of dog shit that is produced yearly and even the “popular” stuff is shit from Japan, it isn’t ground breaking. There isn’t any risk at all either, people want safe safe safe.

You need to consider what was, what is and what will be, granted you don’t know all the outcomes but you had many writers become big after death or years after they published.

For me the love is in the creation and that’s all I can really give you. These are odd times and they aren’t the best of times
what if I don't?
Talent is something you make bloom, instinct is something you polish. There are writers who struggled for years before finding success, having written dozens of novels before having a single one accepted. There are no two ways about it, either you continue honing your craft, or you give up entirely. But I believe that you owe it to yourself and your sense of creativity to improve your skills. You never know what you could have accomplished if you end it here.
I'm not saying to blindly tread on, still carrying the same flaws and weights. Seriously take a moment to reevaluate your life, maybe even professional help, and change your creative process. Realize as well that there are other ways in which you can put your talents in that will help you. Change, adapt. That's what we as humans evolved to do best.
I honestly don't know how much more adapting I can handle. Writing's not the only thing I've worked on in the last decade or so, it's just the one thing that I realize I want to do. But I think it's time for me to realize that fate doesn't want me to succeed in anything. I've hit nothing but roadblock after roadblock after roadblock trying to write, and I really don't know how much more I can take.
So I have a story that begins with the foundling son of a deity being raised by a circus troupe

The deity's son is the third son and the holy order is trying to search for him. Because the troupe moves from place to place they have immense difficulty locating him.

I wanted a chapter where a group of the holy men realize that the child is with a family that travels around when the holy men see a traveling merchant and his children. But I also wanted a performance of the troupe to be a chapter.

Which one do you think would be better as an opener?
how do you know if you have talent or not
By the amount of (you)'s (you) get in /wg/.
Fate isn't real, life isn't predetermined. As long as you live you can try again. Contrary to popular belief, you can teach an old dog new tricks. It's about mindset though.
A Kisilwix swath of a grouth of pertinility a furst a froth. A way of gounser stuck the heavengil a couse of vanrayden a tought so lightly.

A heaven a Gust a Lever Below

A thick in the thry.
last time I posted my writing here I had a ton of (You)s, although most were very angry.
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you sound slightly more understandable than this Pokemon NPC
I don't think I believe in fate, honestly. But sometimes that is a struggle, because it really does feel like I can't succeed at anything, no matter what I do. I'm sorry, to you and everyone else. This is supposed to be a thread about writing and here I am expecting people to be my fucking therapist. I'll shut up now.
Consider an actual, professional, licenced therapist. Don't give up on life.
where are the footnotes?
A minx of a cgrash have always weloped among the thrush, then they say “He he who grouth may fervent be in ny leck.” Troublesome of questered unheardence bepudled angst of vine throt.
A much muckered and fleffered fortunareious man Edmund Milford Milgord had always had a Thruff of a Gluff a rachionary decombe of a wrecthed therapute willfully let his will of a Gertart run freely.

A crunch of a Frickle lest a doubt upon him, “much less a Gound” he poundered, “a much less of a Houte” a flunder of a projection appeared, A must in a flound of vethe.
You really think I know what I’m doing? I have no idea what I’m doing. Nothing in this world makes sense so I make no sense.
Yes, it's the paper that's at cause here. Aim for 100 g/sqm.
>Total words written this month: 0
I'm in plotting hell. Dear god let it ends by october
Mr Sanderson, just fucking do it please. Anything is better than the cuck shit with Shallan at this point
Come on Anon, write between the rulings! You can do it!
How will the ink dry if you don't hang the words on the lines?
Would you keep reading my book if the first line was: “He could feel their eyes on him”?
I would rather peel my eyes out and eat them in a bowl than read that book.
What’s so bad about the line?

No worse than “longtemps, je me suis couché de bonne heure”.
>would you keep reading my book if the first line was a cliche?
i have dropped books for this before
It's a bit 'character went here, character did this', which is something I don't know how to explain to someone who does not immediately get it. It feels like a play-by-play of some event, rather than a narrative. Try to be less direct and matter-of-fact.

There were eyes on him—he felt it in that queer way children feel monsters beneath the bed, or housewives feel the presence of younger women around their husbands.
You guys are discouraging me from even writing the second line if you think it’s this bad from the first line alone.
just so long as the reader isn't unconscious
>you guys are discouraging me
All according to keikaku.
How many times did Philip Marlowe get knocked out? 50 times in 8 books probably. It got interesting though. One time he was sapped, then the goons forced him to take drugs and they committed him to a detox center. He tried to explain but everyone thought he was an insane druggie. Kept him out of the way while the bad guys escaped.
What if I just write the dialogue first and write skeleton prose that I will expand on later afterwards? That sounds like an easier process for me.
>What if I just write the dialogue first and write skeleton prose
so a play
anyone else cant help making their characters keep fucking? its not even relevant to the plot, i will probably delete most of the sex scenes on a 2nd draft. but it really motivates me to write if i can turn my literary fiction pornographic any time my mind starts to wander. it gets me really horny to put well defined characters into sexual situations and it ends up feeling like productively exploring an aspect of their personalities i wouldnt discover otherwise
>There were eyes on him—he felt it in that queer way children feel monsters beneath the bed, or housewives feel the presence of younger women around their husbands.

"He could feel their eyes on him" is a much better opening line to my ear. It sounds straight talking and immediately introduces a sense of presence and maybe threat.

Yours sounds like a gay imitation of a Victorian novel and I would absolutely not continue reading.
How many characters is too much character for a ~120k words book, in your opinion? I have about 20, give and take 3, including
>5 main characters, joining the story one at a time until around the halfway point of it, at which point they'll start travelling together
>7 villains, including 1 main one, about 3 which stay relevant throughout the book, and maybe 4 which are either introduced and killed/defeated at the beginning or at the end
>Others characters are mostly in supporting roles, some have one chapter, some 2-3

Yeah, I have an issue with it now because I’ve essentially made a secondary story with magic smut attributes to it.

I’ve been able to make villainous factions utilizing my smut though. It’s just I also have a lot of things I’d like to add but can’t due to standards and normies. As much of a degenerate that I am, it doesn’t have a place in my story but it’s my method.

The term constantly thrown around is verisimilitude and as much as people don’t want to admit it, fucking and likes(fetishes) are apart of life. It adds to it all.
How do you write a fully 3D fleshed out characters? My ones feel cartoonish and flat.
The writing looks better on the top.
Do you ask yourself the classic questions? What do they want, what do they need, what's wrong with them?
>live an idyllic life with a loving wife and kids
>want to throw it all away
Do it and give it to me instead. Most people would kill to be as fortunate as you.

Write your very first line last. When you have the rest of the story in place you can pick out a specific, important part from later on you can foreshadow early and make catchy. In my story, a woodpecker shows up at the 90% point. I changed my opening to foreshadow it pecking in the background of the forest. I never could have done that straight off the bat.
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I'm writing a vampire book in the year 2024.
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Don't know how interested people would be, but I think it'd be fun to collaborate and make a /wg/-approved AI smut-bot.

>AI chatbot will perform along the parameters people write of its personality, background, and scenario

Any takers? Maybe I'd make a Google form or Google doc to collect people's contributions, and after a week or so combine it all into one glorious perfect girl
go to wfg on trash, coombrain
He means inversely proportional.
I think writing in an airy style is important because of the reason you mentioned.
It's not the quantity of (you)s, it's the quality
You have really nice writing, anon. Did you practice it especially or has it always been like that?
Why do audiences dislike space fiction compared to elf and magic fiction? Even Chink pill fiction is more loved than stars and lasers slop. Is this a cultural shift, depression and a retreat to a mythical past? An indication of no hope for the future? What gives?
People's eyes glaze over when real-life science may be involved, even if it's fake. Elves and magic are just elves and magic
>try to write a novel about a cult
>it looks too much like eyes wide shut
this happened for more than ten times.
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I wanted a character to have ornate handles on a dagger and sword like picrel but I also wanted them to be a gift from his mom.

What would be a good alternative to sexy naked ladies as handles, an alternative that a mom might give?
Ideally, something that has some symbolic value in your setting, like the Mea Culpa from Blasphemous
Sexy naked ladies, with urns
all you MFA/workshop/online guru cunts are compeltely boring and will never write anything of value

why is writing general the least well read community on /lit/?

literally every question in this thread can be answered by reading the complete works of Tolstoy
>why is writing general the least well read community on /lit/?
I hate reading. I just have stories I want to tell and text is the cheapest option.
People who write for fun (and don't really have ambition to 'make it' as an author), what do you do with you work when you're finished? do you post it anywhere, or try to get it published? self-publish? or just leave it sitting on your computer.
For any fantasy writers with a magic system, how did you introduce the intricacies of the system? I've seen that an apprentice character is the usual method of explaining how these things work, but my main character isn't an apprentice, nor does he have one, so I'm trying to consider some alternate perspectives.
I post it on archive of our own
Let it rot on my HDD
A blind girl of noble birth runs away from home in the midst of full blown empire wide peasants revolts only to find herself leading an army of peasants against her father because he didn't openly rebel when her mother was burned alive by the church with the emperor's assent.
Read this: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/34710/the-essence-of-cultivation

The protagonist is a D&D style wizard that accidentally teleports to a cultivation world. It takes him some time to recognize that. During his early fights the author manages to describe the basics of spellcasting without it feeling intrusive.

Too bad the story will never be finished.
Seems interesting, I'll check this out. Thanks.
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I just didn't. Also magic should be magical instead of acting as a surrogate for science. There is so much sunk cost fallacy with magic systems, and world building in general, that people can't fathom not explaining it to the scientific minutia.
Why do I do if nobody likes my writing?
I just let it rot in my google drive. I have never told anyone that I write and I don't plan on changing that.
You just told us.
Most of my open-source programming involves fixing bugs, or adding features, to existing software packages, few of which are at the GUI layer. You never even conceived of such a thing, did you.
They'll find out. There are online tools that can detect such things.
Vogons. Why did it have to be Vogons?
Andy Weir's "The Martian" contradicts your opinion.
It can be proven within a reasonable degree of confidence, enough for someone to sue you successfully. Remember, AI-generated work can't be copyrighted in the U.S., and other jurisdictions will most likely follow suit.
Until a day comes that "AI text detectors" stop finding false positives in the writings of autistics, it will continue to not be provable whether someone used AI to write or not, fearmongering is pointless

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