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He trotted along the road, the darkness occasionally broken by lonely streetlamps forming islands of illumination within the murky ocean. Up ahead he could hear something that didn't belong here–sounds of laughter and play, and unless he was mistaken, feminine voices. It now seemed to come from the side, hidden by the dense and cloying forest; he hurried to the intersection and turned to his left.
He stopped, befuddled. Just down the street, centered in the warm glow of an isolated light standard, stood what appeared to be four young women. One raven-haired lass jumped rope expertly as a strawberry blonde and a dark-skinned maiden twirled them rhythmically, while an auburn-haired damsel looked on, her face burning with concentration.
The jumper suddenly stopped, freezing in mid-step; the ropes inexplicably fell to the ground, limp and motionless. She stared at him, surprised and, if he judged her face correctly, a little afraid. All four turned to him, their eyes burning with resentment.
"Woodnesse!" the jumper shrieked. "You hath ruined everything!"
"I'm sorry!" he began. "I didn't know–"
"We got as far away from you cityfools as we could!" the dark-skinned one snapped. "You, and your machines, and technology, and closed, methodical minds...you spoil everything we hold dear!"
"I didn't mean to!" he protested! "I–"
Now that he was over the initial shock, he was suddenly struck by their preternatural beauty. Smooth skin, shapely forms, lovely faces...they were everything he had never been able to attain. And they were right here, in front of him, with no other guys to compete for their attention. Out of his league they might be, but it was the best shot he'd had in a long time.
"Look," he protested, holding his palms toward them. "I understand how you feel. I have to get away from the city, too. I like to walk out here, in the middle of nowhere, at night, just to breathe some fresh air and enjoy nature, instead of having to think all the time. I just get so exhausted."
The auburn-haired miss caught his eye; her face curled into a smirk. "Mayhap we misjudged you," she soothed, beckoning to her side. "Come, sit thee on this bench, and assist with our task."
He readily did as she told. "What do you want me to do?"
"Clear your mind of rational thoughts," she instructed. "Let your feelings flow. And focus on the improbable."
"Can do," he assured. They naturally made his feelings flow, especially in his pants. He felt warm and fuzzy as he contemplated the possibility of getting on their good side, perhaps even forming a relationship with one of them–as improbable as it got. With a few deft motions, the three girls began anew their double-dutch rope jumping.
He watched the raven-haired beauty bounce up and down, the shimmering of her lithe and lovely form delighting his senses. Even the ones holding the ropes swayed back and forth, their rhythm seducing him further. He felt slightly dizzy; the joy welling up from within him felt so natural, so right. He couldn't remember the last time he experienced such unbridled joy. He wished he could feel this way all the time.
Without warning, the ground under the jumper began to glow; he felt a twinge of terror. "No!" the auburn-haired doll commanded, turning toward him. "Don't stop now! Thine efforts were so noble!" Swelling with exhilaration, he resumed his open-minded attitude, and stared willingly at the jumper and the ever-growing radiance beneath her, contemplating the way parts of her body jiggled so pleasingly.
Time seemed to crawl to a stop. "This is it!" the auburn-haired ingenue cried. "We're going home!"
Abruptly, the light shot outwards; he saw the ladies get drawn into it as he felt himself pulled in by some unknown force. All around him was bright light, overwhelming his senses. His dizziness increased, and then all went dark.
He didn't know how long he had been out, but he opened his eyes to find himself surrounded by the same four young ladies, all five of them enwreathed by a thrush of tall plants, their deep shade of green broadcasting their health. "Thank you, kind sir!" the strawberry blonde gushed. "We'd been trapped in your realm for so long, we thought we'd never get out! But you were the key to our escape! We are all in your debt!"
As if someone had given a command, all four got down on one knee and bowed reverently to him. His heart swelled with joy; this was the nicest any women had been to him in all his days. He was willing to consider that his life would be a lot better from now on.
They rose. "We are forever in your debt," the raven-haired one lilted, the look in her eyes warm enough to melt an iceberg. "How can we ever repay you?"
He let himself feel in ways he had long suppressed out of necessity; there seemed to be no reason to restrain himself here. "I'm sure we'll think of something," he replied, unable to contain his smile. "But...where are we?"
"Where?" the dark-skinned one echoed. "Why...we're home!"
She waved her arms, and the plants around them bent down, allowing a view of what lay beyond. He gasped with wonder; it might have been a large city, but there were no buildings, or even houses. Instead, it seemed like plants were all that passed for structure. People as lovely as his companions walked through gaps that served as streets; some darted in and out of larger plants as if they had doorways. The fragrant air and beaming sun filled him with a sense of joy he hadn't felt since he was a young child, before the cruelty of the real world thrust itself upon him, crushing his spirit and sending his attention inward. Here, he thought, he could start over, have a better life than he ever could before...and with four beautiful women that felt they owed him. He took a deep breath and exhaled joyfully.
He realized a young girl nearby had spotted him; she was staring in his direction, not moving. Her face twisted into a plaintive expression of horror as she began screaming. "Infidel!" she bellowed as she pointed at him. "Outsider! MOTORHEAD!" Others looked in his direction; the angry murmur grew as they advanced toward him.
He exchanged alarmed looks with his companions. "Not to worry!" the dark-skinned nymph assured him. "We'll explain it to them."
They fell upon him, pulling at him from all angles, threatening to tear him to pieces. He found himself thrown into the air, carried by several burly specimens. "No! Wait!" he could hear the strawberry blonde cry, but her voice was lost in the angry din.
Unseen people jabbed him with pointed sticks as he was trundled by; he screamed in agony, but no one seemed to care. He tried to look behind him, but there was no sign of the four ladies that brought him here. Ahead of him, there were only more angry, seething masses.
Never mind, he glumly thought to himself. This place was exactly like the one he just left.
"BOYS could be here" she tought, "I've never been in this forest before. There could be BOYS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against her bare thighs. "I HATE BOYS" she thought. Wuthering wuthering wuthering heights Heathcliffe! It's me I'm Cathy I've come home reverberated her entire skipping rope, making it pulsate even as the $9 wine circulated through her weak pre-varicose veins and washed away her (merited) fear or masculinity after dark. "With a skipping rope, you can come any way you want" she said to the other girls, internally.

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