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Is BAP one of the best things to happen to literature in the last 30 years? Why do latinx and others dislike him? Feel like it is resentful hate against the beautiful and virile from the ugly.
He is just a right-wing gay version of Leon Trotsky.
He's literally just a rehashing of Nietzsche with some science denial thrown in for good measure
so amazing
what does that mean
Why are gay men such uncle toms for the right wing?
Wasn't that fat second in command ex pilot in the NAZI regime also a transvestite?
And what about all the femboys who post with their rifles and NAZI shit on 4chan? Or used to anyway.

What is it about gay men in particular that drives them to this kind of behavior?
He's a homosexual Jewish man. Nothing wrong with that, but it's what he is. He's probably getting off to being sned and fed by aryan twinks as he uses his high verbal IQ to type out screeds defending national socialism. There's nothing wrong with that, but to some it is annoying even if I share a common affinity for BAP's proclivities.
He's not a neocon though
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All of the BAP posts stopping for a week when Keith Woods posted his twitter thread exposing him made it obvious that IDF soldiers are being paid to post this gay jew on /lit/
Because it's fun anon. Democracy is boring, and Communism is pretty lame too these days anyways (not to mention very Jewish). Fascism is outwardly masculine and the closest thing to the Roman Empire which was the golden age of men and boywives. Fascism is also megalomaniacal and "queer" by modern standards, things that gay people are both attracted to.
I see how gay men, obsessed with image and aesthetics would be attracted to fascism, a fake ideology based entirely on image and looks.
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>wants to save the White race
>is middle aged with no kids
Download file
I agree with you that their interest in the ideology is vain. However, that can be said about most peoples' interests in ideology in 2024. People are LARPing as things that don't exist anymore, for the image alone.
That despicable fat zionist agent was utterly destroyed by Nick Fuentes

nick and bap are just a different flavour of sodomites who will never have kids
Unlike (((BAPS))) Nick has stated countless times that he intends to marry and have children with a white women
Nick has sad sex with women is gay and was caught watching troon porn and hanging around femboys, him and bap are made for eachother.
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Stop fucking posting this retard on here, he hasn't written anything meaningful. This is not Twitter, you can go BACK to Twitter if you want to talk about BAP. At least fucking Nick Land and Moldbug have writings, BAP has... what? Lame tweets?
Him, Milo, and Fuentes are interesting case studies in queerness. They're clever but there's something dead inside them.
surprisingly accurate
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What science denial?
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BAP doesn't believe that HIV causes AIDS.
communism is much more about thinking a lot about things, even if it's useless rhetorics.
fascism is asking to an AI to make cool sounding/looking stuff. just like the AI, fascists don't know if there's a meaning to what they say.
>5 years ago
shouldn't this be totally dead now with all the medical progress against AIDS? look how cured these zesty niggas is

RFK2 spent half his Fauci book talking about it and the press seemed uninterested in challenging him. Weird.

How did he get AIDS then?
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nig fuentes hates bap because bap is competition in the grifter game, but the stupid thing nick did is hitching himself to trump, while bap is just a right wing guy in general
What the fuck is it with broccoli heads and e-celeb worship
>B-but my E-daddy is different
Kill yourself
Is this a real cover or a faked on to make it look like gay porn
Enough about Patrick Buchanan, fren . . .
Real. The second one on the website.
>Civilization gay
Wow so profound, nobody has ever thought of that before
BAP, Land and Yarvin lose all their charm when you realize they are basically just edgy technocrats.
>34 posts
>zero comments that BAP's book is written in the voice of a retarded ESL five-year old
Don't talk about minorities if you are one
>the beautiful and virile
>Dead eyed Romanian Jew pretending to be white, while connivingly giving deceitful advice designed to destroy the white race

Hilariously stupid dissonance
OP wants attention again...
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>Fascism is also megalomaniacal and "queer" by modern standards, things that gay people are both attracted to.

That's a great talk by NF. He cuts through all the jewish bs, double-talk and psyops. Dismantles it, and bap to boot. But I repeat myself. It should be a mandatory post on every bap thread going forward.
>latinx and others dislike him?
If anything, they make up the majority of his readership
Fascism is the politics of the aesthete

It's not a surprise that it appeals to the (frequently epicurean) homosexual
Kill yourself
he's so heavily astroturfed. lmfao at your low effort shilling. this fucking faggot should kill himself along with the shills posting him constantly, desperate to keep him relevant well past his 5 mins of fame. he's a hack/fraud/grifter, barely better than andrew taint.

no he doesn't, you retard. all he does is promote hedonism and run damage control for his jewish handlers.

they're pretty much all shitty e-celebs not worth your time if you're a serious person. nick fuentes is the only one i have some respect for, at least of the actually popular ones.

remember to sage these gay shill threads and just bully the fucking losers advertising this fake faggot on here.
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It looks like a gay magazine with AI shit on it...
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Christians pretend they are brave. But they are cowards.

Every question or anything they cannot confront, they call in Jewish terms: "Satanic".

They cannot think, they cannot doubt. They can only feel fear. Fear is their God.

They flee from the Truth, as such they are slaves.

The Christian hates the nude body, the virile, the nude, the pure, the strong. The hate the pure body, raw and untouched and must hide in shame.
I only like yarvin, I find him comfy and autistic. Nick land is schizo and nothing he does will ever gain power or influence
>neck and jaw training special
both REN and BAP are middle aged men without kids, I like REN more but if you're trad and 40 with no kids you did something wrong
Christian martyrs are braver than you or any of us will ever be.
you sound pretty gay desu
If you only knew the power of schizo. You are not initiated I see.
abrahamics can never be brave they hate the nude, BAP and other members of the Barbarian right have more courage, love, passion, virility than any abrahamic could ever think of.

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