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>literary magazine published by and for literary outsiders
>developed into a home for writers like H.P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard etc
>some of those writers became friends or at least regular correspondents
>allowed for a genuine community of odd-but-lovable effortposters
>goes out of print
>never really recovers its reputation

Weird Tales is literally the ideal magazine for /lit/ to help revive. We could develop a real community and identify the next generation of overlooked writers. I know magazines have come and gone, but this is a venerable title that has genuine staying power.

Where else are aspiring but socially maladjusted writers from /lit/ going to publish? Granta? New York Review? Tinhouse? The Shabbos Quarterly?

>b-but muh Tyrant! muh 3:AM! m-muh n+1!

Please, Anon. These people do not like you. They do not want you. One sniff of spaghetti and you're back spamming substack hoping for a single heart emoji.
Weird Tales still exists, though I’m not sure what they publish. Whenever I want to submit I find they aren’t taking submissions, it’s a brief window
It's a shame, but still. /lit/ is the ideal breeding ground for Weird fiction, or at least its modern equivalent.

Where else do you submit?
>literary magazine published by and for literary outsiders
Was it? I had assumed they were just another flavor of pulp, i.e. not much different in intent from old low-cost mass-appeal magazines from the time. I don't think its genesis had much to do with trying to gather "literary outsiders," but you could prove me wrong.
Weird fiction was commonly dismissed as garbage, which is why Lovecraft continually defends it (and himself) in his letters and essays.
>though I'm not sure what they publish
Queer shit and "MUH BLACK VOICES", guaranteed.
Couldn't we just start a newsletter/online magazine a la BabylonBee or something like that? It would at least be a place where /lit/izens and other weirdos trying to make new shit can read each other's stuff without having to deal with the vagina publishing mafia.

>b-but they'll just shut it down!!
If we even get enough traction in the first place to get it shut down, we can consider that a win.
But doesn't that apply to pulp in general? Pulp was viewed as lowbrow and was specifically the whole name comes from being printed on cheap pulp paper so they could keep costs low and sell for cheap. If you want to call all pulp authors literary outsiders, then you could, but only to the extent that they were writing for a different audience which was more the layman rather than the literary elite. But that's still mass-market appeal, not really "for literary outsiders."
stop being obtuse on purpose
Tales of the unreal is already filling this niche. Howeverbeit I sent them my story for the next issue and never got a reply back
Go ahead and start it. The only other /lit/ project I’m aware of is Unreal Press. I would love to put my work somewhere, alas there isn’t even an active /lit/ discord right now
How does writing horror for working class people make any parties involved "literary outsiders"? I'm not being obtuse, I'm pointing out that you've got a false premise. If you can find a quote from the founder or anyone in the know backing up what you suggested, then you can prove me wrong. Otherwise I can only guess that you saw "weird" in the title and assumed that meant it was for weirdos. It was fucking pulp horror, dipshit. They printed that stuff because it sold well and was cheap, not because they were outsiders.
Hmm. I see Unreal Press is taking submissions for September. Very interesting. I was a full time web designer so I don't think an online magazine would be difficult. Let's see what I can come up with in terms of brand and all that.

Just to get your opinion, anon: do you think should be a broad net (meaning, take submissions from anyone who has a unique story, no matter how fantastical, literary, etc.) or more niche (hone in on fantasy, horror, etc)? Any other anons are welcome to pitch in.
Weird Tales attracted talent because loads of people read the pulps, and so writing pulps was a viable way to make money. The Lovecrafts and Howards of our time are probably in the videogame industry or trying to do some viral thing on social media, or they just went to law school and got a real job. You aren't going to attract them to an ultra-niche project like this.
Magazines are dead. Publish fiction as concentrated efforts. Create a recognizable brand. Start a website that collates the work of brand members. Do none of it for free.
I think if you’re going to accept all types of submissions, the magazine’s theme would basically have to be that the writers come from /lit/. Do categories of philosophy and genre fiction and whatever else. But then you’d need to get a few stories and essays of each type in each magazine, and while I’m sure there’s never a shortage of genre fiction or literature, I have no idea how many anons on here would be wanting to turn in religious and philosophical ramblings. Maybe the submission market is big, I really have no idea.
If you just do horror and fantasy then it would probably be easier to maintain. The hardest part would be keeping Redditors from finding out about it and flooding in their submissions.
Also people might be hesitant to submit stuff if their work could be put alongside an essay explaining why Hitler would actually be a supporter of brown femboy catgirl enslavement
>the magazine’s theme would basically have to be that the writers come from /lit/
I get what you're saying. That would be extremely niche, though, and while I believe that's a good thing it'd be difficult to market a compilation book to the outside world, which I think would be a good idea. You know, to compile the top stories in one place and have other people buy it if they so wish.
Also, different categories would also widen the net even more so that's an interesting idea.

I'll go to the drawing board and see if I can come up with something. If you got anymore spitballs let me know
>Maybe the submission market is big
It's not. The canonical problem that /lit/ magazines have is that they don't receive enough submissions, or certainly not enough to curate. You either accept everything regardless of quality or content, or you reduce the publishing frequency (which then has the problem of keeping enough people interested during the downtime). Anyway, the big problem is getting submissions, so you'd want to focus on getting as much material as possible before ever worrying about what's good or not. Set yourself some reasonable goals for how many pages you want to fill or whatever.

If you only care about it being read by people from /lit/ then just don't advertise it off of the board. If you keep it small (and don't pay) then you're not going to magically attract a bunch of people who don't know you exist or care about your plucky /lit/ ethos. The only time a /lit/ magazine was ruined by outside submissions is when they were actually paying the writers and when their submission details were added to a mailing list for amateurs by a third party (this was Lit Quarterly).

Get submissions and figure out how you're actually going to make the magazine/publication before worrying about selling it to people. There have been plenty of people on /lit/ who have tried this before and suffered the same problems over and over. If you want inspiration, this folder has all the old /lit/ mags that I know of
Based doomer. /lit/ btfo once again
Faggot do you think that "outsiders" refers only to furries and sonic fans? Stop being obtuse and a retard
I'm not saying you can't do it, considering there's almost a decade and a half of magazines in that folder that show you can, but you've gotta be doing it for the right reasons. Odds are it's not going to be making money or be read outside of /lit/, but if you enjoy working on it and don't let it become overwhelming (and can convince anons to contribute) then that's good enough.
I'd love to see this, I just hope the autists on this board can keep themselves under control enough to make it not an embarrassing thing to get published in.
Go ahead and define what you mean by "outsiders" then. That's not what I would call someone whose writing is being accepted into a successful magazine.
Considering that every other /lit/ mag has devolved into a drama-filled shit show, I doubt it.
Only the recent few, and that's because they turned into a single group of people using Discord. 2010 to 2022 had some good runs, seemingly.
Thanks for the input, anon. It's true: it's one thing for anons here to say they want to submit and another for them to put their money where their mouth is. That also doesn't add the fact that we need some sort of filter so that it doesn't get flooded with anything and everything.

I looked at the magazines throughout the year and read some of the poetry. That is honestly very interesting and if I were a millionaire baller I'd for sure sink time into a passion project like that. Let's see how we could come up with something sustainable long term.
I think if you work on being consistent you'll make things easier. You can do all of this stuff with time as your only resource, so take your time figuring it out at the beginning, but after that treat things like a template. Whether you compile them in a PDF or on a webpage, keep it consistent so you're not starting from scratch each time. Templates and stuff. Get an idea of how long you want to spend editing the writing (if at all), and work out a clear procedure for submissions. The Flash Fiction Anthologies were successful using posts in threads as submissions, and otherwise an email is typical. Set a constraint on word count.

I think people get excited if they see their work being transformed and saved somehow, even before there's any guarantee of being read (though they'll know you've read it). If people see their writing presented nicely on a page, even if it's relatively simple, it'll feel more real and motivating. Making a quick and dirty first issue could generate some excitement that way and would give you something to show off when you start asking for more submissions.

Going back to the Flash Fiction Anthologies, they started threads with prompts listed, gave a word limit (1000), and crossed off prompts as they were taken. All the posts then got thrown into a program (Vellum) that typeset the text into PDF and EPUB files. You could buy printed copies off Lulu on-demand that were made from the PDFs, and otherwise you could download digital copies from the Internet Archive. No custom websites. No fancy illustrations. Three nice releases. (I think it's also important that you not view a project as perpetual; accept that at some point you'll just stop and that that's how it goes and somebody else will do their own thing after you're done.)
And although Vellum is an expensive Mac-only program (albeit one-time payment), there are free options if you're willing to work a bit harder. LaTeX is normally used for scientific articles, but it'll do anything you want if what you care about is mechanical consistency. Or pirate. Or get good at Word/LibreWriter, honestly.
People who write for the "low-brow" masses are LITERALLY outsiders you idiot. People who write for the ELITES and praised by critics are the ones who aren't outsiders.
let's do it
I’m a fan of Typst as a modern LaTeX replacement.
You may be interested in https://passage.press/ and https://store.marsreview.org/
Gonna check this out, thanks
Most if not all of the covers of the magazines in that folder (thanks for sharing) suck, they are at best dull. OP's example looks great -- that should make it clear that you need to collaborate with visual artists. If you want to establish a magazine, try to find enthusiasm on one of the other boards here, there's plenty of excellent artists to be found nearby.
>there's plenty of excellent artists to be found nearby
You're going to be laughed at if you ask anyone capable of doing a cover at the level of Weird Tales to do it for free---and for a magazine that doesn't even exist yet. (If you do chance upon someone good who'll do it for free, they're not likely to keep doing it.) Then if you do pony up the money, the magazine isn't likely to ever turn you a profit, so you're going to have to accept it as a loss, and for how many issues are you going to be willing to do that? Will the fifth issue hit when you realize you've sunk enough money (by then hundreds of dollars) into it so you do the next cover yourself or get whoever to do it for free---and wow, surprise---it sucks or is at best dull.

This isn't a million dollar idea you're sitting on, and the writing that /lit/ produces on average isn't anything special, so you have to choose to be pragmatic about it.
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The retarded thing is exclusively recruiting writers from /lit/ because 1)you can't control the board (a dedicated spammer or three can shit up your every thread) and a single unfriendly janny can cut you off completely, and 2) the small board population as mentioned. In the past, weirdos got possessive about /lit/ mags being only by and for /lit/ exclusively, which again is retarded.

There are already several projects that are tangentially connected to /lit/ and open to submissions that you already don't read.
But then you're just making your standard internet zine, so talking about /lit/ at all is pointless. 4chan is known for having board culture and a clique mentality with community projects. If that doesn't matter to you, then yeah, go where there are more people and you'll get more and better submissions. But then don't expect to be treated preferentially when you come back to /lit/ to advertise. You're one in a million at that point.

You're right about spammers, but I don't think any of the old projects had issues with janitors.
>You're going to be laughed at if you ask anyone capable of doing a cover at the level of Weird Tales to do it for free
Nah. There are plenty of good artists willing to do work for free. But the project must prove itself to be serious and not die in 2 days.
>t. Artist
>the project must prove itself to be serious
Opposite of a /lit/ magazine then.
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>I don't think any of the old projects had issues with janitors.
They did.

>4chan is known for having board culture and a clique mentality with community projects. If that doesn't matter to you, then yeah, go where there are more people
How much &amp, miniMAG, Tales of the Unreal, Pinecone, one of the /lit/ substacks or whatever else have you read before today? Have you read Mixtape Hyperborea, Eggplant, or any other book from a /lit/ dude? If the answer is not "yea i read a lot of that", then what fucking board culture are you referring to? How much have you actually cared about /lit/ culture?
/lit/ culture doesn't exist. no one here reads.
There's no real reason to do work for free unless you're guaranteed to get exposure to an audience who will likely pay for work from you in the future
>artists should get paid in exposure
Just say you're a stingy fucker instead.
I’ve gotten some amazing cover art for $250. Like, better than what you see for any fantasy art in book stores. But never less than that
Where did you find such artists?
there is an active discord and one of them is the unreal press one (now renamed to Writing General). Don't ask me for a link though since I don't have it but maybe other anons lurking can share it.
There is a /lit/ discord, though it's not super active it's far from dead and a lot of the people behind most of the big /lit/ projects are there or have been at some point

Didn't see you post, weird timing but yeah here's link >>23807936
>join our doxxing honeypot server! :)
No thanks. I've seen what you've done to others and I'd like my personal information to remain private, not spammed in threads across this board.
Right, because you're legally, morally, and ethically obliged to tell strangers on discord about your personal life if you join a server.
I asked on Reddit. Over five hundred people applied to my $250 budget for a book cover. 80% of them showed me art worth less than 20 dollars, 10% showed me AI art, 5% were bots or just completely retarded Indians.
Eight artists were passable, but one was phenomenal.
>4chan has homegrown artists
>Let's ask on Reddit XD
The only commission thread ever allowed here was on /aco/, and that was ruined by a single Chinese/Singaporean autistic person
I’ve commissioned loads of porn from 4channers though. And I actually tip them very well
The original argument was that you're not going to find good free art at all. On or off 4chan the point stands. You can check /ic/ for idea guys being laughed at and then ignored >>>/ic/7295293.
Are you this anon? I’ve read your work, what’s your budget for art?
Nah, I wasn't the guy who shelled out the $250. I'm just not retarded.
Shut up Ari
I'm going to submit to Tales of the Unreal 4 this month.
No, are you the one who posted that on /ic/
No. Again, not retarded.
lazy bait
No, it's the truth.
Any particular subreddit you looked for?
People will work for free for serious projects with dedicated people.

Nobody will work for free for a retard that only complains, bitch, moans and then shills for redditors on 4chan.
>People will work for free for serious projects with dedicated people.
so much this
Fiction magazines are dead. There are like two with any level of success whatsoever right now. Clarkesworld is just a patronage program for Chinese women who will spout leftist propaganda, and a print subscription costs $14 per month. Tales From the Magician's skull, though also run by leftist types, is more politically neutral and focused on delivering cool pulp stuff. However, a year long print subscription will cost you $80 and get you four issues.

For comparison, a year long subscription to Time will cost you $29 and get you 24 issues. A year long subscription to People will cost you $30 and get you 26 issues, plus it's one of like five magazines where you can still grab an issue at the checkout line of any grocery store.

Thus, most genre fiction magazines are obscure, unprofitable, and "magazines" in name only, where it's just a wordpress site that lists off new stories like blog entries. Because magazines in general are on the decline, and it's impossible for indie publishers to deliver something on par with the surviving magazines for a competitive price.

A better business model for open call short genre fiction is popping up in indie publishing houses like Raconteur and Three Ravens, where they frequently put out open call anthologies and sell them as paperbacks.
>and "magazines" in name only
really, what's the difference if the formatting is the same? You're being pedantic and not understanding the appeal of the medium to begin with.
>hear about fiction magazine
>go there
>no print issues
>no digital issues
>it's just some guy's wordpress blog
>he may or may not pay the authors
>he may or may not go inactive after two years of making zero money
Do you not see how that's a bit underwhelming?
Yeah but you're talking about the form in your critique rather than the execution, sort yourself out.
This is dumb semantic autism. The form is an important part of the execution.

I'm guessing you're thinking of proper "zines" that actually put out pdf digital issues, which I'll admit I didn't directly address. I've never seen a zine created in the past ten years that lasted more than like four issues. Or ever made a cent. Or ever paid a cent. And they've usually got bizzare, off-putting, schizo formatting because they're all made by eccentric internet artiste-types. I'm sure it makes for a fun art project, and it sometimes makes for a fun read, but you won't bring back fiction magazines with zines.
>The form is an important part of the execution.
yeah dummy the form is the whole thing. Doesnt matter if you print it up and hand it out at the local commie record store vs it having a suitable form/presence/execution in a digital medium.
>I've never seen a zine created in the past ten years that lasted more than like four issues
most zines, historically speaking, last maybe 2 or 3.
You don't hand out fiction at the local commie record store. You hand out propaganda. The editor of the propaganda magazine is motivated to keep working on it because it makes him feel like part of an important movement, and the readers read it for the same reason.

Genre fiction is necessarily commercial. The editor of Weird Tales worked on it to make money. The newsstand owner stocked it to make money. Lovecraft wrote for it to earn his living. The readers bought it for the tits on the cover. The business model for the obscure communist propaganda magazine wouldn't have worked for Weird Tales.

You certainly have the physical ability to produce your own pulp zine as a perfectly-formatted pdf, but there's not much incentive to do so. But I don't know, it might be possible if you're willing to do all of the work by yourself for little to no pay until it gets successful enough for contributors and customers to take it seriously.
>Genre fiction is necessarily commercial.
Completetly false and unsupported claim.
I think the Bandcamp model is pretty good also: you release an album either with a low price tag, or for free, and people pay how ever much they think it's worth to them.
People use Gumroad to sell their writing and zines that way. I've also seen digital zines released on itch.io.
Let it rest.
>/lit/ is the ideal breeding ground for Weird fiction, or at least its modern equivalent
I disagree. /lit/ is mostly retarded degenerates that can't write. I am, of course, different (I'm not a writer) and so is the illiterate who is about to argue with me (They're missing the forest for the trees.) But that's about it.
You dipshits have tried to rebirth Weird Tales and you're incapable. Today's writers cannot write, they have a tenuous grasp of English (Seriously, definitions AND grammar-wise), and they're hacks (no, literally, they are only after money and/or fame.)
Serious writers are not on /lit/ - /lit/ is for readers. There is no community for writers. If you think there is, you're choking on slop and lies.
This shithole has tried to create ezines after ezines and it's illiterate niggers, illiterate women, illiterate illiterates, and illiterate retards. It's like asking /g/tards to write a program (They're incapable of it) or asking /sci/ to do something that has a point. It's impossible. Everytime one of these shitty magazines pops up, it's literally only being carried/read by the contributors and nothing else, once they realize it (or run out of shitty stories to write, which is often after the first or second one) the zine disappears.
Anyways, good luck with /lit/zine #69420133758008
hoes mad
In my experience, yes.
Is there a particular issue where Weird Tales gets good? Issue 1 was not good.
What an embarassing display of tryhard edgelordism.
>this is trying hard
You need to raise your bar, but where's the lie anyways?
The Unrealfags are on trannycord right now bitching about how they haven't been mentioned enough in this thread.
>Oh no, my low quality trash isn't being mentioned QQ
Tell them to cry harder
Man's World Magazine
There are tons of guys publishing weird fiction, fantasy, scifi, and other short stories. The pay is terrible, and the reach isn't much further than the publishers twitter.
To be fair they literally do to a T what OP wanted to do.
A squadron of semi-literate retards who shit out collections of substandard stories with AI cover art. They used to shill here so much that the whole board grew to despise them. They were also involved in a shitload of e-drama and doxxed a bunch of people.

>t. Unrealfag
But are the stories really that bad or just exaggeration? Do you have any QRD on the whole thing?
I think that self pub, networking, and branding would make more sense today than publishing ezines.
NTA but it's not good. See: >>23814337 for a reference because unrealfags aren't different from any other group.
Why did they doxx people?
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When you see accusations like this:>>23815082 remember that the reality very often resembles pic related.

Three posts discussing the situation in a vaguely snarky way. If you want to call that a tantrum or bitchfit or whatever, no one can stop you, but I would disagree.
A guy was being stalked by another person in their Discord server and they thought he was faking it. Someone else on Discord claimed to be both the guy and his stalker then supposedly threatened some of the editors, so they posted the original guy's full name and face (including a link to the school webpage they pulled it from) to /lit/ in hopes of intimidating "him" into stopping. Took them a while to realize they had it all wrong, and eventually someone claiming to be one of their editors posted to /lit/ saying "whoops" and admitting to it. The former of course was said without the /unreal/ press trip on, which was then used a few months later to backpedal everything.

For months after that every thread about Unreal (then &amp by extension) turned into a mess with various doxxes or fake doxxes and other posters picking up their torch and stirring things up. They pretended to dissolve the magazine, claiming all their old editors had left, which lasted until their release at the end of summer 2022. They stopped posting Unreal content to /lit/ with any frequency after all discussion got weighed down by the doxxing, and have now mostly moved on to manosphere dissident right type circles on Twitter and Substack. Pretty sure the same Discord this all stemmed from is still posted occasionally, though they call it the /wg/ server.
all of this sounds like made up bullshit desu
Not my fault it was so retarded. You can look back at the admission I mentioned https://warosu.org/lit/thread/21985164#p21991273
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how does one go about learning to write?
and i don't simply mean proper and correct grammar,but truly brining about the kind of fantasy one wants ?
I've been going through some 'prose' books, and they left me rather disappointed.
fiction guidebooks feel like Cook books
easy,until you start cooking.
the only thing of note are the Thesaurus such as this one
>Ari still seething 1.5 yrs later
Get a life
Bro needs to lock in and get to work on the best of.
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>AI slop covers that don’t even look good
>Discord trannies
This is the board’s best foot forward? I would donate to them to pay for a real cover
Trust me, your money would be better spent elsewhere.
No one is stopping you. Go commission that cover you’re envisioning, and then come post it here and show us how easy and simple it can be.

Alternately, if you really feel like you have a story which deserves a professional art commission and flawless copy editing and a full-spread advertising campaign then by all means, feel free to submit to a publication which has the resources to do that.
I don’t need a publication to do all that, but at the very least I would like to submit somewhere without the possibly of the team I submit to doxxing me
They doxx people for fun. Avoid Unreal.
Looks like a markdown + pandoc Rust script, with the added nuisance of having to log into an account to have an ide with support.
Just use publishing software for anything more complex than a draft or a novel ffs.
What publishing software?
I want to start my own publishing house for controversial writers but I have absolutely no business acumen. Is it possible?
Whats the point of posting in anonymouse imageboard if you people want to discuss thing in your own pisscord anyway
Might as well making your own literary magazine online and detach the whole project from /lit/
Unreal did it, give it a try
InDesign if you need Adobe compatibility or Affinity Publisher if you don't.


[x] Gentleman
[x] Scholar
[x] High IQ poster
[x] Still a fag tho

Alternatively LaTeX is actually nice for typesetting and editing once you settle into a template. You're not going to run into many issues if you're writing non-technical material and doing a standard book layout. All you have to do is tune the nobs in advance and you'll have your entire book at the press of a button.
>tune the nobs
Yeah you gotta jack off a few STEMcel grad students to give you a nice preamble file. It's in the preamble file that you define everything like margins and font as well as defining custom commands, so once you have that set up all you have to do is type in plaintext with special formatting like \textit{this for italics} or \textbf{for bold} and commands like \chapter{...}. Then you click 'build' and in a few seconds it'll spit a PDF out at you with every page according to your specifications.

There are lots of templates out there, so I'm sure there are also plenty of book-specced templates to choose from.
Why don't you take this knowledge and apply it to actually finishing the best of?
Because the best-of is done in Scribus not LaTeX.
Spoiler: every literary magazine goes under sooner or later. Some faster than others.
How's it coming along in Scribus, then?
two more years
The Unreal discord is full of people who hate writing, hate reading, and most of all hate themselves. Individuals moaning about how they need more meds because they’re depressed because they’re black or about to be homeless or because children in Uganda are dying or whatever. Also a lot of them seem to have severe mental illnesses and believe they’re God’s gift to literature and everyone tells them so (yet conveniently they don’t write anything because it’s beneath them!)
This is a sentiment that most people grow out of after high school when they figure out in college that they aren’t wish fulfillment anime protagonists who don’t need to try to be the smartest person in the room.
But because they’re dropouts or never even tried for a higher education, they all seem to have held on to that sense of superiority for having a B+ in their senior year of world lit
And what scares me more than anything is that these people might be the only ones still posting on this board. An entire online subculture of Holden Caulfields
>An entire online subculture of Holden Caulfields


Katie Walter called them out for this shit a year ago. Idk what took everyone else so long to realize this.
To everyone shitting on writers publishing literary magazines all of the best writers that are household names published in newspapers and journals. The amount of venom is ridiculous. The same people decrying writers publishing in journals are the sort that would say all the publishing houses are monopolies or have views on AI writing that's nothing more than rage bait. They're idiots. Personally I'd like to live in a world where people get paid to write stuff and release books. Most of it will be shit but so what.
>Individuals moaning about how they need more meds because they’re depressed because they’re black
>believe they’re God’s gift to literature and everyone tells them so (yet conveniently they don’t write anything because it’s beneath them!)
By individuals they just mean RhymeandGrind.
>Lovecraft wrote for it to earn his living
Didn't he make his living as a journalist and wrote fiction out of passion?
>Katie Walter
took me a minute to realize, you mean K. D. Walter, don’t you?
Someone redpill me on the various Unrealfags. Gimme the lore about each of the players in their little enterprise.
Ogden Nesmer is a pen name. His real initials are S. A.
This smells too much like crabs-in-a-bucket drama. 0 commentary of the quality of their writing, ton of shitposting about middle-school tier drama.
OP here. I would like to apologise to Unreal Press for not mentioning them. I haven't kept up with their publication, partly because a few months ago there was iirc some "drama" where people were accusing UT of infighting and whatever. I'll try to check you guys out someday soon.
They view themselves as unappreciated renegade bohemian geniuses, but have learned that posting "I'm a renegade bohemian genius" on /lit/ isn't enough to cultivate this reputation.

However, it took them quite a while to learn this lesson, and along the way they've annoyed and insulted many people, who now enjoy annoying and insulting them back. The easiest way to do it is to wait for a thread like this and then pretend to be someone from Unreal making a low-effort shillpost, which will hopefully provoke someone from Unreal to come and try to defend themselves, thus derailing the thread and keeping the name Unreal Press constantly associated with vanity and drama. As we see now.
One thing I learned in life is that there are always more people who talk than walk and walkers make talkers seethe.
okay Unrealie
Isn't the whole point of this chain of discussion that Unreal was full of people who preferred to talk about writing rather than actually write?
Both retards
Start something on Telegram. Discord gets filled with no life, losers, many of them chronic porncel masturbators, faux trannies who got into it from said addiction and being lonely, and they infect everyone in the server and bully normal people out. Telegram has people with actual jobs and lives posting in it and it is much more likely productive writing will result instead of pathetic, juvenile e-drama.
substack is totally dead now
Where do the cool kids self-publish now?
Someone tell Tooky and MacNaughton
The one who does most of the advertising has an obsession with using AI for everything. all ads and covers for Unreal must be AI generated, and sales be damned
All of them are either pedos, incels, tranny chasers, whoremongers, or homosexuals.
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Unrealies ears are burning….
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this was true circa volume 1 of Tales but pic rel is hand drawn. I think it looks kino.
It's 100% AI, retard. You can tell because it lacks SOVL
>soulless bitter moron thinks he understands anything about creativity because he spells soul with a v instead of a u
Anonymity is really a blessing to people like you because if you had to show your face or voice you’d be disregarded before you even found an opinion to steal
But this is an advertisement and it is clearly not AI?
Unreal niggaz mad
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>ha ha u m-mad
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the finger joints are an AI giveaway
yea first time checking out lit, i think i will leave you guys alone again, have fun with all that. i think most of you read not because you like reading but because youre too weird to do anything else
This isn’t an airport. You don’t need to announce your departure.
I was the guy holding the thread together you guys are gonna miss me
the tranny chasers are Alex Prestia and LA Labuschagne. Someone else categorize the other Unrealies, I can't be arsed
Unreal has never published a single story that has even cleared mid
I bet you haven't read any of them and are just being a crab
Yep they suck ass. Reminds me of all those discords trying to find ways to brand their "content" in order to justify the 4-8 hours a day those losers spend on there. Completely pathetic.
Fuck Unreal. I miss &amp, they actually published good shit.
How can I read these unreal weird tales? Is there a PDF? All the controversy means there must be some good in the prose.
Check out the Unreal folder. It's also got the three anthologies they did before rebranding and disowning them, from back when they wanted to do literary fiction instead of pulp.
>All the controversy means there must be some good in the prose.
The controversy comes from their extensive history of shilling, doxxing, and gay ops. There's nothing notable about the slop that they produce.
>shilling, doxxing, and gay ops
Literally where? I see none of this, just a bunch of posts, possibly from one person, seething about the mere existence of Unreal. This reads more like some personal beef or sour grapes because they didn’t accept your story.
Look in the archive for any Unreal or &amp related thread from 2023 and you'll see exactly what I mean.
90% of the stuff in &amp was hot garbage
whatever unrealie. Better what anything you guys put out lol
Not an Unrealie. Just a realist.
>Not an Unrealie. Just a realist.
BOOM. Holy shit.
They were affiliated
You will see dozens of anons TALKING about all that and still you will see none of it.
I'm just here to see Unreal tear you apart.
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Check out the Bizarchives
Someone linked an example in this very thread, retard.
Link it to me right now
>too stupid and illiterate to find it yourself

It’s linked in this post, asshole
The only thing Unreal is capable of tearing is the bussies of the trannies they fuck
Earlier this summer I sent a submission for the &amp anthology and got a reply, accepting it. Definitely not a form reply either, since it referenced details about the story.
It's been almost three months since the submission deadline. I wonder how things are going.
>he actually submitted his work to a crackhead's pyramid scheme
It's been postponed indefinitely because the editor is in jail again.
You were saying he was a jail months ago when I was still waiting for an email, and I eventually did get that email. I don't believe you.
He was in jail then too. He's been in and out of jail this whole year.
Well that's a shame because pulp/sff magazines and novels helped inspire much of the gaming and film industry. Now writing is dominated by horny women.
>dominated by horny women
im hard as a rock rn
Any word on the cash prize?
nyo, in any case my submission was not contingent on it but I'm aware it was mentioned in the call for submissions.
There is no cash prize. The editor spent all of his meagre savings on crack and cheap whores during his last bender, and is now destitute.
$50USD. It's on the page for the anthology, has been since it was first announced.
Yeah like I said I'm aware. I will wait for the publication first before jumping to conclusions. I mean if it doesn't I can just publish it elsewhere if necessary.
Yes so as I said: people TALKING about an alleged doxx drama that never happened. Fucking retard.
It's a long story but the anthology is probably not happening.
I would definitely submit it elsewhere if it's a story you're eager about. Speaking only objectively, making no claims about the editor or &amp, but all just so you know, the anthology and &amp as a project is over.
If you follow that chain of posts up far enough you'll get the name, and with the time frame you should be able to find it yourself in the archive. Otherwise are you asking for someone to post the guy's details again? And is the response after that
>prove that's really him
>bet he posted that himself
or what?
Why not?
>Otherwise are you asking for someone to post the guy's details again?
>implying that the guy in question is anyone other than you
samefag unrealie
That post is quite literally criticising Unreal. Do you even know how to read?
tl;dr so where are we submitting to?
Thanks, I will think about it next year when I change projects. I haven't worked on a short story since.
Check >>23815349
Tales of the Unreal 4
Tooky's Mag for non-fiction
submit to this cock, bitch
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Here's someone using the Unreal Press trip referencing a post where someone details who out of the group did the doxxing.
>I have my suspicions it is someone who is a friend of ours who has helped out with formatting in the past and thinks he is being helpful
and who pointed out that Rhyme, who is now very much involved in the group, was the one who did the doxxing.
I submitted a story, how exciting. I hope they like it :)
Wow. This is dog shit lmaooooooo
what did you hate the most?
>goes out of print
It's still being printed though?
Haven't they been defunct for months?
There are guys in the pulp thread writing stories for each other now. If you want something homegrown then you could keep an eye on where that leads, since they've also had discussions about magazines there.
they probably will, they have low standards
Anyone know a place I can submit sci fi shorts? Is there anywhere left?
are you implying that my writing is of a low standard?
As far as I'm aware they're still going.
Go on their substack. On indefinite hiatus due to health issues
How many pages these magazines usually had?
Look at one and count em

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