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Is there any good reading material that is pro-cultural revolution? Even among tankies you don't see it being defended much outside of the usual west is also bad stuff. I've heard the Chinese themselves while mostly having a positive view of Mao as a whole, don't have much appreciation for the cultural revolution.
>I've heard the Chinese themselves while mostly having a positive view of Mao as a whole, don't have much appreciation for the cultural revolution.
All the chinese I know say the cultural revolution was one of the greatest things leader Mao did, a good policy implemented efficiently with the instruments they had at the time. No literature really is needed for it they say as it was good and it is know that it was good.
I must return you to your rightful throne
The chinese are insane.
Really? While surely biased Deng Xiaoping thought very poorly of the Cultural Revolution, and I just read an article some anon linked by Wang Huning who pretty much says the same thing. Same thing from the few Chinese friends I've talked to about politics. So I was under the impression that the Chinese weren't that fond of the Cultural Revolution.
>Deng Xiaoping
>Wang Huning
>insolent "chinese" traitors
The Chinese Cultural Revolution is regarded as great to all Chinese sources of actual validity, pig source pig spirit.
So any recommendations?
Collected works of Enver Hoxha (pbuh)
Abandon all this nonsense and embrace the teachings of Modern China. Maoist China was a shithole and the moment they embraced a true Socialism of Material Conditions they prospered like few nations ever do. Revisionism is good, don't let the cavemen tell you otherwise.
Robert Green writes favorably on the cultural revolution despite citing texts negative of it. It fostered radical and sudden change and undid millennial of tradition. It's actually a really good idea to implement for hostile takeovers of a company, pitting groups supportive of you against one another to weed out those firmly opposed to you. It's actually brilliant even if you hate communism and china.
>I've heard the Chinese themselves while mostly having a positive view of Mao as a whole
The official CPC line on Mao is 70-30, he was 70% good and 30% bad. All the good is to do with the war with Japan and the subsequent economic growth, the bad is all the usual shit. Generally speaking they blame Mao for being "manipulated" by others during the Cultural Revolution, this isn't true ofc but that's how it goes. The Cultural revolution is openly despised in China and the leaders were all executed at its completion. People seem surprised when shit like that and the famines aren't held against the current CPC, if you think about it for more than a second it becomes obvious why. The Communist Party of China is the FRAMEWORK within which the country is governed, it's closer to something like the US federal government than a single political party.
If you're pro-cannibalism then sure
For all his faults (like his record in conventional warfare)Mao was a brilliant strategist. Especially when it came to letting his enemies do all the fighting for him.
His thing where he sent upper class kids down to the countryside was brilliant and would unironically fix a lot of societal ills in a big part of the world.
My perspective is that China stumbled into the perfect situation, Mao was retarded and didn't do any of it on purpose but the Cultural Revolution followed by Boluan Fanzheng harmonized perfectly, despite the heavy casualties (but that's just Chinese history honestly)
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>No literature really is needed for it they say as it was good and it is know that it was good

This is unironically the modus operandi of the median tankie, it is insane how much standpointism has infected self-proclaimed left-wing circles
The Unknown Cultural Revolution: Life and Change in a Chinese Village by Dongping Han
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>all the Chinese I know says mao is great
then all you know are 50¢ shills and you yourself are also a 50¢ shill.

Even mainlanders today regard the Great Leap as a pigheaded catastrophe; ditto diaspora, like me, who have full access to unrestricted internet.

Even my parents, both yellow supremacists, have to concede that Mao was talking out of his ass when he told people to catch birds and to melt their cookpots for new steel.

Not having any background in metalwork, Mao didn't know that upcycled cookpot metal cannot make good steel, and no one around Mao told him shit, because they A, were midwit theorists who didn't know either, or B, had their mouths full gobbling his Peking dick. Result: no one had cookpots, AND the output of Chinese steel was shit, and CONTINUES to be shit to this day.

Deng was the first one in 40 years to wake up, and Xi is trying to sing every one to sleep.

Withdraw your money quickly, shill; your banks are toppling.
>it was brilliant
yes: by doing this he weeded out the majority of all possible competition for the children of his and his cronies bloodlines, resulting in the Cadre Princeling Family caste of modern communist china.

in a purely Machiavellian way, it was an exceptional move.

China lost a generation or so of intellectuals at the peak of their powers, but so what? Mao Zedong's Red Book had all the thought and wisdom the Chinese would ever ever need, and all systems of thought contrary to Mao's midwit poetasting sloganry, or even those built in eloquent agreement, were cut off at the roots.

A Chinese idiom says that Good Iron is not made into nails, and Good Men are not made soldiers.

Turns out that Good Pots can make Shit Steel, and Scholarly Minds must be made to till.

China could have been great. Mao set it 80 years back, and Xi is adding another 40.
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That was like 10 years of George Floyd protests mixed with everyone having to suck Mao off or being shot or at best being sent to the countryside. The Beijing elite went after each other pretty viciously. Zhou Enlai’s adopted daughter was kidnapped and imprisoned by Madame Mao who had her raped and tortured for several months before being allowed to die. Few want to write about it plus they can’t since it makes the Chinese look bad to foreigners so the modern CCP doesn’t like to talk about this period as much as 1989. The ones who would have enjoyed that period were those who benefited by being a good little sheep and being told what to do. But most likely they were low level luckiest who could barely write in the first place.
Does any of it even matter? The aesthetic goes hard. That red is so sexy. And red sun in the sky sounds so good!
>China could have been great. Mao set it 80 years back, and Xi is adding another 40.
like there was one except retreat retreat retreat; if he was any kind of strategist he would be left with just BACKBACKBACK.

>let his enemies do the fighting
You say that like he chose deliberately. No, he was btfo and picking up teeth, and had to leave the ***actual*** Chinese patriots to deal with the Japs.

There's no point putting this much makeup on a monkey.
You're a westoid
Donping Hao - The unknown cultural revolution
Wang Huning
The writings of Mao are incredible
Little red book? Or what should be read by Mao?
Also isn't Wang Huning quite critical of the Cultural Revolution??
Shut the fuck up retard, the CCP publicly acknowledged it as a failure after Meow's death then began suppressing criticism of it because the public was too overwhelmingly negative about it and the CCP felt threatened. Chinks have a positive view of Meow but they do not have a positive view of everything that transpired during his reign, no different from Russians who are nostalgic for the Soviet era but do not celebrate the gulags and purges.
Diary of a madman by Lu Xun. Lu Xun in general was very critical of what he saw as the conservatism in Chinese culture and believed the only way to fix things was to start from scratch. IIRC he even supported abolishing the Chinese language in favor of English
Are we talking like actual Chinese Chinese or like Ethan Zhang types because the difference matters.
>he even supported abolishing the Chinese language in favor of English
Why are authors so cucked
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No. A chink with dimsum and internet, ren2 zha1.

Mao's the type to stand up with his trousers unbuckled in the middle of a Madam White Snake performance to denounce Fa Hai.

Yes, MAO attended a bourgeois Beijing Opera, then interrupted it by shouting and flashing the actors.

I bet it was all part of his brilliant masterplan to entice the tranny playing White Snake and the oldfag playing Fa Hai with his Peking dick.

Literally no other world leader would think of doing anything like this.
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^this is a dumbass. Although it really doesn't need pointing out, he spews his sub-60 iq across in every broken sentence.
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>he spews his sub60 iq
>in every broken sentence


Yes, insult what you cannot disprove, 50c. Your methods have not changed in 60 years.

Mao was a cretin.
>Literally no other world leader would think of doing anything like this.
Read more about Khrushchev.
>Wielding a shoe at the UN

Thank you. I will.
even his insults are insincere and unoriginal; he just recycles what anons have been telling him since Wuhan-19.
Really starving any dying are not as bad as people say. I mean they even had pupils kill their teachers for a change.
>everything that exists deserves to perish
Really a great marxist success in my opinion
Milovan Djilas' _Conversations with Stalin_ has some good observations on how Khrushchev survived until 1953.

>We will bury you
Is a mistranslation as it implies murder, the correct translation is "We will attend your funeral."

Khrushchev was an idiotic bumpkin, and played deeper into the hand he was dealt in order to survive.
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I believe I will enjoy myself.

Djilas is a wonderful anti-stalinist. He was a Montenegran Yugoslavian partisan from WWII, and purged by Tito, not for Stalinism, but for anti-Titoist communisation. Tito, being a fully sick-cunt, released him to demonstrate that Yugoslavia didn't need to jump into the bloody hole as deep as Russia did. Djilas' other major work is an attack on nomenklatura anti-communism, "The New Class." which is a short 150 pages or so.
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I got everything!

>Tito purged him
>then released him
>chadposing the whole time
Mst Sgts get shit done, even if the mission premise came out the wrong end of a dog.
modern china is not revisionist retard, they hold mao in high regard

no he wasn't

fake garbage
T&H will be better than a US imprint, even though this T&H was obviously funded by the Old CIA (back when they valued Information). A good Lt tells the Master Sgt what he has been ordered to do, asks the Master Sgt what the Sgt would to do, and then gives clear outcome based orders to the Sgt. After Djilas, if you like their vibe, you might enjoy Ehrenreich on the PMC (US "nomenklatura"). Or Veblen "Theory of the Leisure Class."
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Got a first name? Because I'm turning up Barbara Ehrenreich a lot, and she doesn't look like jackpot.

>US "nomenklatura"
Found one such title by Michael Voslensky. This it, maybe?
while on the bright side, it killed millions of chinese
they could use another one right about now, or a war with India could kill 2 birds with one stone type of deal for the rest of us
Barabara Ehrenreich "Professional Managerial Class." It is an attack on how intermediary layers in capitalism view themselves as liberal, but are actually more powerful exploiters than owners of capital. If you don't like that you could always try Veblen, or of course the big boy in labour relations Harry Braverman Labor and Monopoly capitalism, which is about deskilling.

Babs is actually a decent author for a new leftist, because she hated the new left and went to factory studies.
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can't find the PMC one; reading her essay collection.

unbearably nu-atheist sneedy and clever misrepresentation, selfcongradulatory from para1line1. Very trying, and I haven't even started on the feminist ones yet. I think I'll stop at 3. So sneedy.

>she hated the new left
a toxic mother disowning a lunatic child.

You have done me a service.

Thank you very much.
Ehrenreich, John; Ehrenreich, Barbara (1979). Walker, Pat (ed.). Between Labor and Capital (1st ed.). Boston: South End Press. ISBN 0-89608-037-4.

As far as the language of the 1970s US new left outside of Radical Amerika (journal) yeah. Go to the Italians if you want to comprehend the post-Fordist marxist current in struggle, I'd recommend Readers Letters to Lotta Continua (attacking Lotta continua), _Accidental death of an anarchist_ (Play), etc.

Communist attacks on actual communism in the 1970s went to working class perspectives. Babs is a bit intellectual here, but she's much more readable than Tony Negri from the Italians. As far as the Italians "Caliban and the Witch" often is considered as a sequel to CLR James _Black Jacobins_.
>It is an attack
Not exactly, she still believes that PMC should lead the left in that essay.
If you're reading Radical Amerika you can see how she's about to give up so-called "Leninism" in a US context; but, yes.
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reading Black Jacobins now.

Still salty and spicy, but no sneed.

Old school commies who believed in us workers tend to 420. We don't need intellectuals, we just need to read.
Just completely untrue drivel
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only high regard is permitted to be expressed.

I tried to order a floormat with Mao's face printed on through AliExpress, and my AliChat got shadowbanned; couldn't communicate at all.

>yeah, but still not revisionist
Mao's son perished in the Korean War because he was literally frying rice when the Americans were raining bombs on the Chinese position.

The idiot was gluttonous for eggy fried rice (got the eggs from happy gooks), didn't run for the bombshelter when the sirens rang, and got a bunkerbuster to the face.

Right now, China is claiming this never happened.
>muh muh official declassified sources totally legit
>says he was already in the shelter
>but ran back heroicly to rescue important documents despite knowing the napalm was imminent

Every modern nation-state whitewashes their linen; china same, just with a lot less skill and subtlety.
>Mao's son perished in the Korean War because he was literally frying rice when the Americans were raining bombs on the Chinese position.
>The idiot was gluttonous for eggy fried rice (got the eggs from happy gooks), didn't run for the bombshelter when the sirens rang, and got a bunkerbuster to the face.
Evola during the during the bombings.
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>smoked jerky to represent the father
>fried egg to represent the son
>eaten Oct 24, Mao Anying's birthday
>or Nov 25, the day he got fried along with his rice
>any media posts involving fried rice between Oct and Nov within CCP cyberspace will earn the poster a suspension or permaban

If you eat it live while waving a plain A4, a senior newsworker at the Publicity Central Department bursts into flames.
Thank you, comrade. Very nice!
Bros I was trolling chill
>I wuz juz trollan lads
I guess you succeeded.

At least you weren't serious.
He might have been trolling but the Cultural Revolution was great, the gang of four not so much but that's just China.
It was like their version of the French Revolution or something like that. There's a pretty recent book by Alessandro Russo that's pretty interesting, focuses on the ideological and theoretical debates that were going on. The judgement of the CCP today is that it was a period of negative turmoil, but that would only really describe 1967-1968 when a bunch of independent organizations that came into being in 1965-1966 turned on each other in factional infighting. Russo describes Mao's intention at first to conduct an experiment in mass political activism, open things up, debate everything, and question what worked and what didn't work. That's what a lot of this "trust in the masses" stuff comes from in Mao's sayings. The masses "are capable of" liberating themselves, learning from their mistakes, figuring things out. They should be encouraged without any reservations.

It ran out of control and people began killing each other:

so Mao sent in the PLA to suppress the Red Guards. The period after that is still treated in history as being part of the Cultural Revolution (until Mao died) but it seemed like the government was using the language and propaganda style but it had become a top-down affair at that point. Russo says the Cultural revolution failed in 1968. Then after Mao died, Deng's fundamental thesis was that stability must prevail over everything and politics reverted to being the prerogative of party-state officials.

Another interesting thing is the thesis that Mao sort of blackpilled himself into thinking communism was on the verge of a global defeat (seems true). And that it had already lost in the Soviet Union. So his immediate concern was how to find momentum to turn what was going to be a likely defeat in the very near future into a set of positive political prescriptions, so therefore = engage in a mass political experiment at both the theoretical and organizational levels, because one of the main obstacles to communism was its own hitherto organizing principles, namely the party leadership.
I've gotten into reading Chinese accounts of it, people telling stories of their parents and grandparents, and their own views looking back in hindsight, and my impression is that Chinese can be pretty nuanced thinkers. Not so black-and-white. So there was a lot of destruction and horror during the Cultural Revolution. But most people have little to zero knowledge about China prior to communist rule, which leaves them completely incapable of understanding what the communists had to work with. A lot of horrible stuff done in the name of tradition.

Take "ghost marriages." Like, say there's a young man born to a landlord family who dies from some disease. Tradition demands the parents pair him up with a dead girl, so they can be husband and wife in the afterlife. The landlord parents then choose a good-looking, virgin (alive) girl from the village to be the bride. The landlord parents with the dead son goes to that family and offers them coins for their daughter. Those parents... are in no position to say no. The landlord parents, with their new daughter, then poison her or strangle her to death and perform a corpse marriage.

The Cultural Revolution sought to eradicate all that, not unlike the way you would try to fix your computer by hitting ctrl+alt+del and forcing a reboot. The drawbacks may include anything from losing precious documents, to the system just crashing altogether. Clearly this is not the kind of thing you would opt for unless you were absolutely desperate, right? It didn't work completely, but some of these ancient and feudal things began to come back afterwards, such there are isolated stories of ghost marriages happening in rural China in the 21st century. Or digging up your own daughter's remains and selling her into marriage with another man's remains.

There is a concept in Marxism called "alienation." It's basically when people lose their humanity because of the way they are exploited in a society of stratified social classes. To put it in layman's terms, if a normal person under normal circumstances sees a mother taking a walk with her little daughter, they might find the scene cute and heartwarming. But because the feudalism of yesterday and the capitalism of today both devalue human lives, this same person under different circumstances might see instead:

>a MILF sex slave for the brothels, and
>a fine young corpse bride for a rural family who lost their young son
>both of which would fetch a good price, and that's all that matters.
>Mao's wanted to conduct an experiment in mass political activism
He was following Marx's supposition that the intrinsically good and honest Workman's soul would make the world good and honest if permitted to express itself. Mao and Marx both believe this is possible because they have never worked hard labor in their lives; they are so blinded by the giant shadow of the Capitalist Exploiter that they can't see that Human Nature, even in Workers, casts the same shadow. Had either of them toiled among bricklayers, ironworkers, coolies, richshawpullers for a full year, they would have seen that while Workmen are dumb and beaten, they are no less lazy, greedy, self-righteous and vicious as an Exploiter. Rather, the Worker's very dumbness makes their exercises of evil short-sighted and potentially extremely destructive. Think early Millwall hooligan demographic: bluecollar-proud, unruly, prone to violence, and ready to mob. That's a Workman. Mao and Marx never worked; they can't even imagine such psychology. They are the very same talk-theorists they're so keen on purging. Actually, they are among the worst, because they have no doubt whatever.

If *I* brought up the evil nature that Workmen also have in common with Exploiters, Mao would have pooh-poohed it: that's just learn bourgeois habits, and it can be corrected with education. He has no basis for either of these beliefs, but he will be completely sure about them. That's no thinker, that's a brainlet. I'll probably get purged as being counterrevolutionary too, because killing me would be easier than answering.

Theres a reason why Mao Anying's retard death was not immediately reported to Mao, and why the failure of the Commune Canteens were not reported: Mao, for all his Dialectic Materialism, did not like Bad Facts. If you reported a problem, YOU were deemed the cause of it. Mao found out about the Canteens failing by pure accident: he stopped on a journey randomly and got his driver to get Canteen food. Buns with husks and sand grits; porridge with mealworms. He made everyone eat it and wept. But if anyone had told him the Canteens were shit, they would have been denounced as sumptuous, and why aren't they making his perfect Canteen plan worked. The same thinking as Hitler in a bunker: MY plan was not shit, it's the NATION who betrayed me.

>it was just a failed experiment
It wasn't an experiment: an experiment is limited and controlled. It was an actual balls->wall action plan, and it blew up on everybody involved.

>yeah but they stopped ghost marriages tho
>pretty virgins not getting killed is good right?
The denounciation meetings got whole droves of people killed. A forest got burned down to save a toothpick. I

>it was just the Gang of Four that was bad
Nonsense. Mao was the linchpin: while he lived, the Four were safe. You can't say the Four were bad without directly implicating their patron and protector.
>ghosts marriages bad
I would have a handful of ghost marriages in a village per generation, than 15% and more being purged by denunciation mania. Imagine a YouTube comment section, where if you get downvoted enough, you die, and one way to get upvotes is to make a comment urging the downvote of another person's comments. That's the denunciation meeting. It's a Kafkaesque nightmare. And Mao, who should have known about denounciations as performed in Russia, should have been a lot more conservative.

And being Chinese, he should have predicted that Denunciations can be performed for the sake of Face and Grudge, mien4 and yuen4. Even when he is in prime position to understand the effects of an institutional mechanism (Denunciation) and a people (Chinese), he totally doesn't, or doesn't care to.

He might call himself a Comrade, a Communist, but by his posture and thinking he is an Emperor.
The greatest problem with Communists in practice is that they are too involved with their own romance.
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>Someone provides a great rec in response to OP's query
>Nobody gives a shit
Unrelated but I fucking love those shitty Chinese stickers, they should be used more on the internet.
Kinda makes me sad that we're missing out on all the Chinese autism due to the firewall.
I mean their social media is pretty much just deep fried versions of that panda meme and people inventing new onomatopoeia
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They unironically have the best memes
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Anything by Edgar Snow. American Journalist who traveled all around China on his own and claims to have seen no mass starvation or any of the things being reported in the west.
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He gives couched interviews, mostly to pro-Communist channels and outlets.

Man a sophisticated shill.

>Cultural Revolution increased rural schools from 7 to 240++.
>and that's good
He doesn't mention that the schools were indoctrination centers, like Jesuit schools. The black savages need to be literate to read the Bible; the xiangbalao peasants need to be literate to read the Little Red Book. The benefit of education is secondary; it is the indoctrination that is valuable.

>the Fish need the Water, but the Water does not need fish
>likewise, the Party needs the People, not the other way
Look, a parasite with self-awareness. Nevermind that Machiavelli already said it like 500 years back.
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Sounds like a damn fine journalist.

Kronkite 2.0 /s
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>man with access to Autobahn and Bulletrains
>misses walking
I don't know what to tell you Mr Flintstone.
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I am reading this right now, and I say this is trash.

Han Dongping uses horrible reasoning.

>Cult Rev good because it made many middle schools
>these will help their legal literacy


We have bachelor level grads with near zero legal knowledge right now if not for the internet and Judge Judy. And HDB iNsInUaTes that having 200 new middle schools makes Joe Schmoe capable of navigating a totally new legal system on his own, in a village far from Beijing, no internet.


I will be spamming a chain of these, and I'm not even halfway through the book.
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Here HDP reports plain facts, the burning of books and destruction of local knowledge; he does not go into their ramifications, the true worth of how much was destroyed.

Later on, another chapter, he commits whole paragraphs to how the mass literacy of C.R. allowed the widespread reading of Red Book and memorisation of slogans and songs in sooo many villages, as if those were inherently good.

The difference in airtime and emphasis reveals his agenda: to stop future generations from calling Mao a tool and a moron.
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here Mao claims his 16 points targets the "capitalist roaders" of local government.

BUT, see post below,
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The result of the 16point "empowerment" against corrupt local leaders did not result in REMOVAL OR PROSECUTION of said local leaders.

All the instances HDP cites only shows public embarrassment via BIG LETTER POSTERS for the crimes of:
-abuse of power for personal gain
-pilferage of property and Party Funds
-consolidating local fiefdoms

No prosecutions, no firings.

Compare with:
-when Comrades steal unripe corn during famine they are beaten half to death
-under reporting grain collection is "counter rev" and prosecuted
-no one is supposed to have surplus as it is constructed to have been stolen; prosecuted

What good are a hundred "anti corruption actions", if all it does is let the Comrades make a seethepost in big letters in the village square, but no local leader actually gets crucified?

here comes HDP again:
>they are empowered
>they can speak against the leaders so they are empowered

They got DEpowered by the Party Rank and Commune Leadership systems FIRST.

What, expecting praise for superficially correcting a problem YOU caused?

HDP's handlers cannot let him admit to any corrupt local leader being booted or prosecuted, because that carries the implication that the People reject the Leaders. Ohnonono. Just big red letters in the village square and a public apology for STEALING PARTY FUNDS, but Uncle Wang went to prison for stealing 3 cobs of unripe corn.

One Law for the peasants, one Law for the King, and the Officials cover for each other.

Ain't that right.
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Lmao I’m gonna destabilize everything to purge my party instead of just purging them myself

Thanks for these. I hate mao, he’s a fucking retard
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Cult Rev gives "political empowerment".

Look at this list:
>14-16 year olds get to see the world outside their villages which they were first prevented from leaving ITFP by the Commune Family Registry and commune-linked ration registration system
>a housewife remembers an alleged offense by a factory leader from several years back, puts up a Big Letter Poster, and "feels empowered"
>she says to the interviewer that she now sings Party songs and feels empowered

In spite of all that, the allegedly corrupt local leaders are NOT NAMED, lest their political lineage be traced; no mention of criminal/counterrev charges and punishments on anyone.

No proof needed, no process needed, just a big piece of paper and brush and ink ignoring the Chinese idiom that "the Guilty is the first to accuse", and everyone is EMPOWERED AS FUCK, even though nothing real actually happens.

A few public apologies and reeducation sessions by villagers on the local boss,
>sorry sorry
>I'll never do it again
and that's it, they dust their bums and carry on.

In what HDP is pleased to call his mind, this is redress. This is eMpOwErMeNt.

But in MAO'S OWN MIND, all this is just a way to let the people seethe and cope without hanging all the Party leaders like dogs and to hell with the consequences.
>if they wish to demonstrate
>let them
>we've always demonstrated
>what harm or effective outcome can they do?
It warms my heart to SAVE YOUR TIME from the badly trained commie shill interns here, while their seniors are bogged down pretending to be jeets in /pol/.

remember the book, and make an effort to never read it
>instead of purging them myself
Mao can't, he's tired after cocking up so many things, and "capitalist roaders" keep spawning x1000 every time he takes a nap or a shit.
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The only way to redress past lawlessness is with present lawlessness.

HDP does not say if any corrupt bosses were killed, or if none or few are killed. Any admission spoils his case that the Cult Rev was good.

Yet by refusing to say how many suffered the appropriate consequences, his claim that Cult Rev was empowering has no proof to substantiate it.

HDP is caught because his handlers have set too many objectives for him: he can't just deny things happened, but must say that they happened FOR THE GOOD. He is not equal to the task, and the horse's legs keep peeking out (Chinese idiom; the game is up).

His strategy is to admit those things that cannot be denied (eg, "the Great Leap was very destructive"), to gain the reader's trust, and then come back in insinuating a glowing narrative of the god-man Mao based on that newly borrowed trust ("the Cult Rev was not ALL bad.")

Any attempt at giving the reader the truth is just a setup for the real intent: to clear up Mao's rep, on which the PRESENT REGIME relies for political legitimacy. If Mao is generally understood by the world as a cockhead, there goes the current regime's credibility from the get go. The way China is now, they need every edge they can get, even if they have to lie like a devil.

They have to show doubt, and this is their way of doing it.
>maybe Mao was okay after all
>he was just a guy like me
>he was cornered by circumstance
>limited by cultural baggage
>his ideas were generally good and ahead of time

No, he was a selffellator. Despite Marx himself claiming (falsely and hypocritically) that Communists worship no man, HDP goes out of his way to lube up Mao's dead pecker with intellectual honey so we might suck it.

Amazing how, after purging the Qing and ridding China of Court Eunuchs, the CCP leadership is still SWARMING with faggots to this day.
>show doubt
"sow doubt"
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I think most of /lit/ is intelligent enough to see past the verbose diarrhea being spewed by someone really possessed and seething ITT. If they aren't, they can join their local recruiting office for the chance to do something about it in the next war.

Mao is without a doubt the most successful geopolitical leader of the 20th century. There isn't anyone else even close. To come out of obscurity in a broken country riddled with foreign occupiers and end up a unified nuclear power balancing the bipolar world of the cold war alone is a feat no one else achieved. The comparative best anyone in Europe did was Franco, and his regime died with him just like all the others.

>but in this village
>but that book says
>but this guy complained

Doesn't matter. China exists today as a global power to be reckoned with because of Mao. The other outcomes would've been the USSR, a resource rich economically poor basketcase; India, an absolute laughingstock of a nation on every level only known for flooding the world with poor savages, or in a very low possibility Japan or Korea, where the economic health is entirely determined by the US. Or more probably just a return to continuing to breakup the nation.

You can say Mao was an idiot...but Nixon came to see him. You say he was a moron...but Montgomery visited and admired his battle record and the US was kept at the 38th parallel in Korea. You can say he knew nothing...but his book On Guerrilla Warfare is required reading for the Defense and Strategic Studies major at West Point. You can say everyone suffered and died...but the TFR reached 7.5 in 1963 and China nearly doubled in population from 540 million in 1949 to 969 million in 1979.

In short, you can say a lot of things, worthless and shouted angrily into the ether. But it doesn't matter and no one cares. Because you're only saying any of it because of the country that exists today, built upon the foundations he laid and the leadership he provided, to your great unhappiness.
>Almost starts a nuclear war with the Soviet Union
>Kills 60,000,000 of his own people for no reason
What's even the point of praising Mao and having this cult of personality around him, as a communist?
The average joe just sees you an autistic freak, and it makes them more likely to vote Republican and be a conservative.
Even China today is extremely poor and shitty. The US has had surge in illegal Chinese immigrants because of the average Chinese citizen lives in a cave and makes 140 dollars a month.
was it worth the hell that was the period in between coupled with all the problems of china today that can be traced back to Mao? Was it? Being a global power isnt the end all be all. It's almost like pretending that Iran is somehow a great nation because it has nukes and a ruthlesss goverment. You turn blind eye to what makes life worth living for the sake of power
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>Almost starts a nuclear war with the Soviet Union
There's nothing that even came close to the Cuban Missile Crisis.
>Kills 60,000,000 of his own people for no reason
Did you miss some zeros, are you sure it isn't 600,000,000,000,000? Amazing how people kept having tons of kids when he was holocaustering them by the thousands every minute.

There is no real surge in illegal Chinese immigrants. The news is fake, and the stats are out there for all to see. Have you ever heard the reports of Indians flooding the borders, north and south? No? Maybe you might want to check out how 725,000 of them got here. China is nowhere near those numbers.

The average joe is a powerless moron. They can vote republican all they want, all they will get is allegiance to Israel. And if all the Chinese live in caves and make nothing, why are you so angsty then? Why would anyone care about tearing down a nation of cave dwellers?
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>was it worth the hell that was the period in between coupled with all the problems of america today that can be traced back to FDR? Was it? Being a global power isnt the end all be all. It's almost like pretending that Iran is somehow a great nation because it has nukes and a ruthlesss goverment. You turn blind eye to what makes life worth living for the sake of power
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>There's nothing that even came close to the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Castro wanted to nuke the US until Khrushchev freaked out at him.
I'm not sure what the point was of you mentioning besides furthering showing your historical illiteracy and mental retardation.
>here is no real surge in illegal Chinese immigrants
This is also false, and the fact you have to lie about is more telling. You're afraid of the truth because you don't want to come to the terms with the fact your ideology failed and you're in some shitty cult no one pays attention to outside of 4chan and twitter.
>The average joe is a moron
Hahahha, is no wonder Maoists have gained no traction in the US besides secular cults. You literally admit you hate the working the class because they're stupid, and don't pay attention to jobless lumpenproletariat like you.
Not even remotely the same but keep coping
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>60 minutes
Ahh, I see you're a fan of their reporting too. Enjoy.

And the Cuban crisis only happened because the US placed Jupiter missiles in Turkey. And it was resolved by JFK removing those missiles secretly. But the situation itself was by far the closest the world ever came to nuclear confrontation, and I can only think you avoided mentioning it in your angst over nuclear war with the Soviet Union because it slipped your mind in a temporary state of incurable confusion.

And I'm not a Maoist, or a cultist, I don't care about ideology and it's curious you think I hate the working class considering China has the largest working class in the world. Or do you think the average joe here represents the working class? There is no real working class in America. The definition of work is energy transferred upon an object. America produces very little. The jobs might feel like work, though I would argue it's the kind of work a hamster mindlessly puts into its wheel going nowhere fast, but in the aggregate, it produces nothing. You might want to check out the GDP tables some time, see just how large a component of that is literally just government spending.
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Well, things have changed considerably since then.
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>it doesn't matter and no one cares
shills care until challenged successfully against their claims.

THEN they claim no one cares. By effortlongposting.

>MAO built the country
Weird, considering his lot was always claiming the WORKERS really built the country. So when he said the WORKERS built the country, he was buttering them up out of necessity. Tremendous humility!

Yes, he laid the foundation of modern china, and modern china is shit.
>tofu dregs
>sinks its own subs
>belt and lol debt trap
>food still a problem
>but our fish are irradiated and toxic because JAPANNN
Its the Chinese people's hard work ethic and resilience that let them SURVIVE Mao. Any good in modern china is IN SPITE OF Mao, not because of him.

George Washington owned slaves, and everyone can say it; Nixon was paranoid and everyone can say it. Bush, need anybody say.

But no one can ever say Mao's ideas and actions were retarded without getting a shill counterposting.

>Mao's guerilla manual is still studied at west point
Because it is understood that this will be THE doctrine that the Chinese military will enact, not because the doctrine itself is good. Learning your enemy's specific pattern of tardation is just good policy. Like how the CCP floods fentanyl to make the existing crack problem worse.

>books don't count
yet you keep pushing them, until they get read and shot

>your opinions don't count
they counted enough for shill to be sent here

>none of this counts
Yes: this attempt at shilling failed
>And the Cuban crisis only happened because the US placed Jupiter missiles in Turkey.
Which isn't relevant to your argument because Castro was the one who wanted to a start a nuclear war in that crisis.
You're not intelligent realize your argument doesn't make any sense.
>And I'm not a Maoist, or a cultist,
You're defending Mao in a way that's so taboo that real Communist Party of China had to purges Maoist and regularly jail them.
You're just a dumb, white sinophiliac from Brookyln.
Also, the nukes in Turkey were completely justified.
The Soviet Union was overthrowing and installing communist dictatorships in countries surrounding Turkey, and then threatening Turkey with military force because they would not give up their part of the Black Sea.
You actually think people are stupid, and don't know the Soviet Union was an imperialist power and having nukes prevented it from expanding in your country.
Ukraine is learning that lesson the hard way now.
modern China happened because Deng REVERSED Mao's braindead puritan policies and let in foreign capital.

Mao PREVENTED modern china; Deng permitted it.
>I think most of /lit/
>see past this verbose diarrhea
First the flattery, then the agenda, just like Han DongPing. You can't let go of appealing to the mob; the Denunciation Meetings got drilled in GOOD.

>Nixon praises Mao
a)two politicians b)at a diplomatic dinner.
>therefore Mao has been recognized
So if Premier Xi does the same to Trump, that means Trump is a great leader?

Have you never talked nicely to a child having a tantrum in front of guests?

Also, Xi has been snubbed: when he raised a toast at his Vietnam visit, he got totally ignored by Viet PM.

So does this mean that XI is a worthless GenSec with no clout and no bitches?

If you want to be consistent, the answer is

notice how they never tag the posts they attack.


It's like they want to increase their exposure in the thread, but don't want actual replies.
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Read the book dumbass. He literally says in the book that he saw no evidence of starvation or atrocities during his entire time travelling china. Of course reading actual books must be too troublesome for your dull mind and everything you consider true is a "fact" you ripped from Wikipedia.
KMT didn't go far enough.
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I have to economize my efforts.

Wasted enough time reading Han Dongping.
We don't Wikipedia, retard.
We have thousands of eye witness accounts
Edgar Snow is a lying communist faggot - no one cares what he thought.
Literally hundreds of eye witness testimony a famine happened and people starved
Don't even bother lying when its so easy to debunk your retarded ass.
>wikipedia is fabricated "fooocts"
>but the account of this ONE GOY
>from Swiss peacefag culture
>believing the best in people
>is surely unbiased and accurate

You're the type to get absolutely swindled by a clever pamphlet.

Read more canonical fiction so you know what good lies look like.
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Because of purges and denouncements over extended periods, there are no individualists or independent minds among communists. For the sake of personal survival everyone has to maintain the facade of unified opinion.

The NPCish synchronized clapping and zero opposing opinions against Xi's proposals out of like 800 delegates illustrates this perfectly.

The world suffers no loss if 60,000,000 NPCs die of radioactive fire; Mao thought he was just boasting bravado when he said that, not knowing that he was speaking the truth.
I thought culutural rev was led by students thougbeit?
Holy shit. Everyone in this thread is retard except you. What the fuck is going on
I just never get the reason why so-called "alt-right"s are obsessed with Mao's revolution? They literally seethe at cancel culture but this is OK? Maybe Based??? This is a good kind and Based kind of cancel culture??
According to who retard? Mao consolidated China into a world power through the same kind of strategy that's currently being deployed in the west to consolidate power. That the strategy works makes it a threat to everything and a temptation to those who want power.
Ah yes. Yes. Threat to everyone who wants power, except 4 people.
What are you yapping about retard? Basically it's a threat to everything because the strategy is scorched earth, you ferment chaos and destroy everything to make way for the future power structure. When everything falls apart you show up with death squads and restore order.
Not sure, but students still suffering 6thGrader syndrome would be eager to lead the charge.

Han Dongping's account says 14-16s came in for cult rev's first movements (though did not seem to represent the forefront), and undergrads in Great Leap.

Exactly antifa's age.

Skipping school to save the world is a tremendous temptation.

I don't think CultRev was organically LED by students though; ranked Cadre members could still come in and overrule; one of HDP's accounts alleged that a troop of rank17 cadre members who came in after the principal got BIG LETTER POSTERed; the Cadre rounded up and bashed all students involved in BIG LETTERing; HDP comments that it would look like a repeat of the "Hundred Flowers Blooming", when Mao offered every one the right to criticize Party leaders, confident that the Party did NOTHING wrong (or maybe it was a test of loyalty; narcissists do this) and when people took up his offer, they got Dealt With.
Lol Mao's dead. Cancelling dead people is fine. Especially dead Rank S cunts like Mao.

Cancel culture is bad because it targets the livelihood and reputation of the living. The livelihood of a 50c is bound up in preserving the reputation of the dead. Of course you would refuse to understand the difference.

>alt right
>doing the cancel
You have no arguments, nothing left but to try to shame people off with labels and buzzwords.

Get your seniors, intern.
this place has had a dedicated maoist thread maker for at least eight months.

The first one I saw was sometime last year.

>What is your favorite Chinese Revolutionary Song

A clickmarketer from the CCP Central Publicity Dept.
>The average joe just sees you an autistic freak, and it makes them more likely to vote Republican and be a conservative.
Well you know Mao said he preferred the Republicans. He was a real goof.
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>king of hardleft
>prefers the default right
Commies are just unlikable. Their boss spent 40years at the very top, and he don't like them either

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