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Gilgamesh is described as two-thirds mortal human and one-third god.

It's hard to understand what could be mean by this strange claim. Because every human has two partents and four grand-parents, it seems impossible to come to the ratio of 1/3 in matters of ancestry.

Yet, I think, we can make sense of this statement if we are ready to take some assumption into the consideration.
The maximum number of ancestors a person can have in one given generation can be calculated using the following formula:

If you consider yourself, n=0 and you got 1 by convention. When we go further, you parents are two because 2^1 is 2 and so on.
When the follow this processor, we get the following series of numbers:

1/3 = 2/6 = 4/12 = 8/24

You can see, we can expanse the ratio of 1/3 four times and never reach the series of numbers.
Please, remember that the series above give us the maximum of possible ancesters.
There are possible cases in whem a given individual (like Gilgamesh or some king or whatever) have less then 16 different ancesters.

> picrel is a model of such a case

Therefor, if we presume both: First that Gilgamesh lost 4 of his great-grandparents due to intermarriage within ins family and second that 4 of his great-grand partens has been of deity heritage, then we can understand why the old Summerians came up with such a outlandish claime.

As for the fist assumption, I think that this claim could be justified by our experience with European nobility. Their families tend to marry within their stock for generations.
The second one... let's say, as no one of us really believes in the existence of Summerian Godes, from our viewpoint, the deity heritage is just a lie. A lie, systematical tells in order to justify the rule of the nobile family of Gilgamesh over the peoples of Ur.

What do you think, anon?
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Anon, please note that there is a alternative hypothesis.
Please, look at this video:

If ghosts or demons are 1/3 (and so on) deitys, why should the same logic doesn't apply to a human?

As I said, we have to imagine the point of view of a old inhabit of Ur.
I just thought he was divinely constructed like other myth characters and the parts used were two parts mortal one part god. Like Adam was made from clay/dust or Aphrodite made from sea foam
What if his parent was half god and his mother one quarter god? That way, the numbers are not exact but it's pretty close to being a third
His father was 2/3 god
his mother is the goddess Ninsun
his father is the mortal king Lugulbanda

OP I guess it's possible for him to be 2/3rds divine if you pretend he has 2 fathers. For example, 1 mortal (Lugulbanda) and 1 divine (say, Anu). But since it's never mentioned anywhere, it's better to just ignore it and move on.
“Pretty close” is not good enough. I did the math on a napkin a while back and I came out to like 9 different gods/demigods in his direct ancestry and they were all constantly fucking each other. It was pretty fun, I might do it again just because
No, OP has the fractions the wrong way around from the epic. Gilgamesh' mother is clearly Ninsun, he goes to her for advice multiple times in the tale. So he can't be less than half divine.
>I just thought he was divinely constructed like other myth characters and the parts used were two parts mortal one part god.

This, of course, makes as much sense as other ideas.
Is it pure speculation on the subject or have the Summerians really such a understanding of "creating by their Gods"?

>What if his parent was half god and his mother one quarter god? That way, the numbers are not exact but it's pretty close to being a third

With this as a anwer, we would insinuate that the old-Summerians doesn't know their math. In fact, we found they were very ready to do the math for their tales.


So, maybe, this is the idea behind it. You lose the deity predicat like the half-life of radiation during generations.
>OP I guess it's possible for him to be 2/3rds divine if you pretend he has 2 fathers. For example, 1 mortal (Lugulbanda) and 1 divine (say, Anu). But since it's never mentioned anywhere, it's better to just ignore it and move on.

This is really true.
Some "traditionell cultures" have this idea that two twins could have two different fathers.
I remember the old Greek myth about the zodiac of the Gemini Constellation:
> In Greek mythology, Gemini was associated with the myth of Castor and Pollux, the children of Leda and Argonauts both. Pollux was the son of Zeus, who seduced Leda, while Castor was the son of Tyndareus, king of Sparta and Leda's husband.

Maybe, this solve the code.

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