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Any books in the milieu of Dillahuntian ethics and justification for an objective morality, logic, etc while affirming things like subjectivity of gender, meaninglessness in the world, inaccessibility of knowledge, etc?
he got beat by dyer and hacijajoucjitou
He's just a generic new atheist.
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>you are not judged by natural law but divine law
I don't listen to fat people.
off topic
Matt has a tranny fetish, he only supports these issues because he's in a relationship with someone who fulfills his sex fantasies
Didn't you post this already?
No, that was somebody else.
I'll try to steel man his position:
The Dillahuntian epistemology critiques the very notion of knowledge needing to be justified, it does so via the primacy given to the skeptical imperative, one must question if even justification is possible and unless it has been demonstrated empirically, the Dillahuntian necessarily holds to the inability to justify knowledge or objective morality or universals, in other words - they just are.
The burden of proof lies on the believer in these things to show that they "require" justification and are not merely self-evident brute facts.
Imagine engaging with any of these people; they're the intellectual equivalent of used car salesmen selling junk.
Why would justification have to be defended empirically? Is this just sneaking in justification in the first place? Is empiricism somehow just necessary?
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>Is empiricism somehow just necessary?
In the Dillahuntian worldview there is nothing except for empirical data. It's self-evident that everything is material. Why? Because it's the best explanation for all events in his subjective experience, and one "should" (kek) "believe as many true things and possible and as few false things as possible".
>he only supports these issues because he's in a relationship with someone who fulfills his sex fantasies
>For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
- The Guardian
Is this logically sound?
Cruelty is the opposite of mercy.
A true contradiction would be unjust vs just or cruel vs merciful. Dillahuntys a dweeb which is why there’s a Dillahunty bait thread up at all times.
Holy shit, I hope you posted that as a bad attempt at satire and didn't actually mean it.
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Kek, those remind me of faces of r/atheism wherein a bunch of fedora tippers posted their pictures with self-attributed and accidentally became the meme that ended the Nu Atheism fad.
This is his actual position as far as I can tell from watching his debates.
What did he mean by this beard?
What does finitude even have to do with it? It's totally arbitrary either way. Moralityfags are so retarded.
>Morality is objective because I'm skeptical that it isn't
New atheists are too scared to abandon objective morality and too retarded to read a serious defense of realism
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"What do you mean I'm destroyed forever? I only raped and murdered dozens of people."
I've seen this play out in real time.It always leads to theists saying that moral disagreement means secular morality is subjective and the atheists just sort of shrugging their shoulders. It's kind of pathetic, desu.
>serious defense of realism
What would that be?
I don't think Bateman reflects the Dillahuntian. Bateman is a very reserved character until he is in total control, then he is a psycho freak. You will see Dillahunty be very controlling on his radio broadcasts, but that is about it.
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It turned out that a high percentage of internet atheists actually have neckbeards and are fedora enthusiasts. They probably tried to grow beards because they thought it would make them seem like intellectuals and lacked the self-awareness to realize neckbeards are gross.
Kek Quagmire from family guy what a funny looking fella
How to find more of these images?
That's enough, I'm getting baptised tomorrow.
Is there ethics any more compelling than fornication?
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A lot of them are still up on /r/atheism where they were originally created.
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>generic new atheist.
Is there a non-generic one? They just repeat talking points debunked centuries ago like it's some new clever thing.
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There are some.
Which ones? When an atheist speaks about Christianity it's inevitably a rehashing of a debunked heresy. Reminds me of that quote about the Jews that act as if your dialogue didn't happen and they just move on with repeating their stories.
He invented something he calls foundherentism. I guess the idea is that the foundation of ideas is whatever current coherent whole there is. I guess they just assume anything that is incoherent doesn't exist, or is some sort of macro-phenomenon of other coherent things. I am not sure where the lines are actually drawn either.
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You can do an image search
>faces of r/atheism
on Google and still find a lot of them.
>crimes and deeds
>morally inferior
Absolutely teeming with unfounded presuppositions. It's no wonder he married a tranny.
Okay wait the last two paragraphs are based as hell
Atheists like this faggot lost any credibility when they kept dunking on Christianity, but defended ISLAM of all things, and sometimes feminism at the same time.
I read it like
as in, not found here
Even by Peterson.

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