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well this book certainly didn't age well
failing =/= ending
Name a single thing it got wrong
I haven't read it but it's biggest proponents are turning out to be massive freak show dorks.
>it's biggest proponents are turning out to be massive freak show dorks.
Same goes for every popular author/book. Just look at the Nietzscheites on this board.
>Fidel, Che, Sankara, Tito

All pretty cool to me
Say what's actually wrong about it instead of making snide comments you fucking shithead retard idiot
It didn't end nor fail. It achieved everything it sought out to do. It created the society of perfect slaves who worship mediocrity and trade ambition for comfort. No other society comes remotely as close to prosperity and boredom as liberalism does. It won
>le end of history
piss off Marx
>what's actually wrong about it
it's proponents tend to be massive dweebs
its proponents don't even really "get it." neither does deneen apparently because he's still ultimately a republican who wants to keep the liberal regime intact despite claiming it is a failed system.
stupid fucking moron
eat shit
>he's still ultimately a republican who wants to keep the liberal regime intact

Exactly. All the "liberalism is dead" are just republicans. Unaware that the its the free market policies that make it such that both parents NEED to be working to have kids. That people need to dedicate the first 25 years of their life to be productive enough to afford kids. It;s not just some cultural phenomenom, but instead economic forces that allow the cultural elements to become not only permissible, but to a certain degree, desirable and ultimately necessary,
>All the "liberalism is dead" are just republicans.
Eat dick retard, I ain’t a republican and the people who should like this book aren’t either.
Like accusing Alasdair MacIntyre of being a neoconservative.
>I ain’t a republican and the people who should like this book aren’t either.
JD Vance is obsessed with this book

What do you disagree with, in the current republican platform?
>JD Vance is obsessed with this book
So fucking what? JD Vance can off himself for all I care.
>What do you disagree with, in the current republican platform?
Virtually all of it. In spirit and in substance. I fucking hate the republicans. The existing Republican Party is just a death cult. The Republican Party should be target number one for communitarians, but then you get people like Deneen who can’t seem to make the connection between capitalism, free markets, and social corrosion (despite him talking about it), and then sucks up to Orban, probably because he thinks natalism by itself is some radical program, when it at best could only be a piece of a bigger picture. Communitarianism a priori rules out free markets.
Well, I stand corrected. Though JD Vance and his brand of cringe tradcath republicanism is a far bigger audience for this book than you think.

>Yet people like Deneen who can’t seem to make the connection between capitalism, free markets, and social corrosion (despite him talking about it)
This is exactly my point. It's like people who read Houellbecq and think its just a critique of cosmopolitan liberals
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>blah blah blah politics free market liberal conservative democracy blah blah
who fucking cares
politics are sports for midwits
actual intelligent people discuss metaphysics, aesthetics, mathematics, and esoteric/paranormal topics
Absolutely not, we have both parents working because of feminism (all waves, nigga)
Deneen’s own words
>”A rejection of the world’s first and last remaining ideology does not entail its replacement with a new and doubtless not very different ideology. Political revolution to overturn a revolutionary order would produce only disorder and misery. A better course will consist in smaller, local forms of resistance: practices more than theories, the building of resilient new cultures against the anticulture of liberalism.”
What Deneen does with this book is what all critics of liberalism end up doing, and that is surrender while claiming to take action. He readily confesses that despite all his skepticism against liberalism he doesn’t really want it to be replaced and certainly does not want to use violence. His preferred course of action is to literally do nothing at all about greater society and instead retreat into home schooling and bible studies with the kids. This is how you end up with absurd contradictions like the potential future Vice President of the liberal empire being an admirer of a book about why liberalism is bad.

All sides of the spectrum inevitably default into liberalism even when they claim to oppose it because none of them are really against the system in their hearts, none of them want to see what the world would be like if America wasn’t dominant and if a different regime was in control. Nobody really wants a world without Walmart and porn. This is a very insightful book, but like Deneen says in the opening, it’s only the first step. It’s groundwork for better, more productive steps to overcome liberalism. People like Deneen on the other hand will continue to be boring Republicans who fantasize about their small town white Catholic utopia
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>average monarchy: lasts a thousand prosperous years
>average liberal democracy: collapses into a genocidal dictatorship within a generation or two
good post
good post
excellent post
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damn right my nigga
We have feminism because of capitalism, you fucking retard.
How are dorks on the internet so legitimately retarded as to invent headcanon where monarchy did not impose severe taxation, requisition the youth, restrict mobility, and literally present themselves as god‘s representative on Earth?
Some of the early feminists were Marxists such as Leon Trotsky and Rosa Luxemburg.
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why you so mad lil nigga lmao chill
Some, but across all feminism they're a minority. The mechanism behind the feminist movement was to turn the other 50% of the population into consumers.
>Though JD Vance and his brand of cringe tradcath republicanism is a far bigger audience for this book than you think.
I can imagine he is. The thing is: my issued statement to him is: you’re doing it wrong.
I have a theory about why this book and communitarianism is having a resurgence among right-wing conservatives, but I don’t think anyone could believe it. In short it involves a certain spoiling game.

You’ve made an error with your green text.
Deneen has this thing where he thinks that systems that are contrary to human nature are ideological, because they aren’t built on unsound anthropological groundings. That’s his definition of ideology: a theory that is anthropologically unsound. When he says he doesn’t want any new ideologies that means he doesn’t want anymore unsound theories, not no more contenders to liberalism. I really think his own personal cynicism is getting to you and making you read him wrong. You’re reading into his text his later intentions which may not be there.
>He readily confesses that despite all his skepticism against liberalism he doesn’t really want it to be replaced
He does say he wants a new system, but as you can see he isn’t sticking to it.
>and certainly does not want to use violence.
Not many people do. Communitarianism tends to be antirevolutionary in theory, but I don’t think it should be because as it says most of the substance of the community is already destroyed.
>retreat into home schooling and bible studies
What he says he wants in the conclusion of the book is more localism, and I think he has evolutionary ideas in mind because he refuses to give any prethought out plans for what the new system should be like, because he doesn’t really believe in that kind of planning (it’s somewhat like what Marx does), but the problem is home schooling and bible studies is what localism boils down to for people with an impoverished sense of community to begin with.
>All sides of the spectrum…none of them are really against the system…
In my opinion that sounds a little too cynical. Since it seems like you and I, for example, oppose it.
>Nobody really wants a world without Walmart and porn.
Though there are indeed cynical appropriators like Vance, I find it very hard to believe that.
Some may have had that goal but the movement had Marxist roots. It was applying Marxist class theory to the family after all. You also ignore that the movement got support by Evangelicals who wanted to create prohibition (women finally get to vote and immediately fuck something up)
There's nothing fundamentally Marxist about the movement, and the movement existrd before Marx, so your theory is fucking stupid.
It was at least Marxist in the United States which is what we're talking about. Those who pre-dated Marx were just proto-Marxists
democracies do all that and are pozzed and woke on top of it I think I'll take the monarchy
*I find that very hard to believe.
No moron, it was capitalists all the way through. The whole point was to turn women into consumers. The capitalist method of control is to pretend to offer freedom through self-commodification, and it's nearing absolute power now.
>The whole point was to turn women into consumers
and now its for more labour. Get more childcare spaces so moms can get back to work
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No matter how powerful Babylon may seem at the present time, always remember that God wins in the end.
I want to add to this.
I read an article about Deneen and a speech he gave for an audience of Republicans. Now Deneen has gone on record saying Karl Marx was one of the influences on his communitarianism. He says this in his book, and said it of these republicans. When he said this to these republicans, some of the women were literally gasping about this.
Thus, I’m sure one of the reasons why we can’t get any leftish communitarians is because of the rabid anticommunism still ravaging the USA to this day. It is absurd how bad it is here still to this day.
Hey retard, the reason small businesses mostly fail, they're hard to start back up, manufacturing is being outsourced, and entry level jobs do not have entry level requirements, is specifically BECAUSE of over-regulation and rampant unionization. Or are you seriously pretending that the market is more free today than it was in 1950?
*said it in front of these republicans
Damn phone keyboard.
Capital is God now, and yes, capital already won
Liberalism failed because it allowed authoritarians to take control. Liberalism only works when the government is weak and power to change the world rests in the hands of individuals.
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Communism is of the devil.
One Russian Orthodox bishop said that socialism is even worse than heresy (he specifically included communism within the socialism category).
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>Just don't cause any trouble
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Also some of the Bolsheviks literally performed Satanic rituals to desecrate churches, which included smearing feces on the walls and other vulgarities.
>but umm the communists were atheistic, not Satanists, you chud!!
Oh really, tell that to Karl Marx who quite literally wrote poetry to the devil!
Or Saul Alinsky, another Marxist agitator who explicitly praised Satan!
Or Lenin, who according to the guards who were present at his death, was possessed by a demon and screamed in an inhuman, unnatural voice as he died.
>actual intelligent people discuss metaphysics, aesthetics, mathematics, and esoteric/paranormal topics
None of which have a bearing on the real world or in our day to day lives.
Liberalism allowed Jews and other minorities to rule over the natives. It failed to protect its people.
Saint John of Kronstadt spoke on this topic. You can go read his thoughts on the matter if you are interested, but I shan't say more on this topic specifically, lest I incur the wrath of the janitorial officers.
Capitalism demands globalization, not liberalism
they caused trouble
Globalist capitalism is just inverted Trotskyism, in a way
>t. lunchtime rowdy
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The "neoconservative" ideology comes from Trotskyists who infiltrated the media and the CIA. Jay Dyer has spoken on this topic in great depth.
I put the word in quotes because there is in fact nothing conservative about "neoconservatism" which is why they support things such as feminism, homosexualism, open borders, etc.
piss off bartholomew
who is that
>Globalist capitalism
Redundant. Capitalism is globalist.
how do you know
Capitalism is more efficient where communication is seamless and information is publicly available, making all boundaries, including national borders, a hindrance to it. Capitalists inherently desire to eliminate boundaries to increase their capital.
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What is the difference between Marxism, Trotskyism, and Stalinism
Economies of scale, comparative advantage, etc. things like these all necessitate a slow but sure expansion from national markets to international markets.
The difference between Stalinism and Trotskyism boils down to a rejection of democratic centralism. The two still have the theory of a vanguard party in common.
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communism but even gayer
Nazi-esque fascistic version of communism but do NOT say that to him or he will put you in a gulag!
For me, I love the market, I worship the market. If anything only in a complete free market setting can guarantee personal freedom, if anything, all social relationships should be replaced by market transactions, and incentivized by profit alone
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>it's proponents
Or is it? Perforce
what do you mean by ambition? lots of people are still ambitious and are rewarded for it under liberalism
The people responding to you are wrong. Marxism is a philosophy that originates with Karl Marx, which is so wide that one struggles to think of common beliefs shared by all of them. Someone might try to point to historical materialism but there are heterodox Marxists like Moishe Postone that reject it. There are also people like the Analytical Marxists who reject his critique of political economy. So yeah there isn't really a definition beyond "philosophy that originates with Karl Marx and claims significant continuity with his work".
Trotskyism and Stalinism are two types of Leninism, which is a type of Marxism originating from Lenin whose distinctive beliefs are in the vanguard party (an elite segment of the working class that leads it through the revolution). Confusingly, Stalinists call themselves "Marxist-Leninists". The basic rift between Stalinists and Leninists is on the question of whether socialism in one country is possible, Stalinists affirming that it is and that therefore the USSR was socialist and Trotskyists claiming that it is not and that the USSR was neither-socialist-nor-capitalist but rather a degenerated attempt at transformation, or more rarely that it was a form of state capitalism; Trotskyists see a world revolution as a requirement for communism.
Yeah I know, I’m well aware, I just wrote an article about it. Don’t need to tell me twice.
How is it redundant? Economic protectionism is capitalism still but not globalist.
not a singler person on /lit/ has read this book
free market policies make it so that women girlboss in the offices while failed males play vidya all day
We effectively have the same halved labor force as before, except now there's no children being born and the labor force is a bunch of unmotivated female posers
Protectionism isn't capitalism, it's government intervention.
Even avowed liberals don't believe in liberalism anymore
what the FUCK does that mean
Why would free market policies be the cause of that?
Trotsky actually had a coherent set of beliefs, an ideology if you will. Stalin never did. He supported the NEP (basically peasants and merchants could trade freely while big industries were under State control) with Bukharin and against Trotsky, then when Trotsky was exiled he did a 180 and pretty much adopted Trotsky platform of heavy industrialization and collective farms while turning on Bukharin saying he was for the restauration of capitalism. Stalinism was just cynical Opportunism.
>*immediately abandons all principles at first sign of trouble*
Hmm gee, I wonder.
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Seethe harder Trot faggot your idol got acked with an ice pick to his skull lmao what a fucking loser. Also his physiognomy looked gay and stupid. Cry some more now.
There are still unironic Stalinists? Lol..I am not a Trotskyist. If anything Stalin was a trotskyist in the end since he adopted his policies
not a St*linist either but anyone defending any form of communism should be imprisoned simple as
After witnessing what liberalism did to Gaza and how easily the illiberal Arabs gave it up, no one should have any hope left. How many more times are we going to see this cycle play out before people realize something is deeply wrong? BLM was forgotten, COVID was forgotten, people pretend that Trump's 4 year tenure never happened, his assassination attempt was forgotten, Gaza is destroyed with impunity, Bernie and AOC turned out to be boring stooges, etc etc. The world as it is right now has never been more boring. No progress is made with anything. Neither the right-wing trad larper radicals nor the leftist antifa freaks find any success no matter how much noise they made. The real winner are the boring liberal administrators who keep the world running as it always has. That's why the literal equivalent of a high school vice principal is on track to winning the election with the support of neocons like Cheney and Bush.
>None of which have a bearing on the real world or in our day to day lives.
Isn’t this the board that believes nominalism, voluntarism, skepticism, and the like caused the Englightenment?
so does it mean Liberalism or whatever americans call "liberalism"?
> Unaware that the its the free market policies that make it such that both parents NEED to be working to have kids
Did America not have free market policies before the sexual revolution?
For a revolution to happen more and more people need to wake up and desire that a literal Caesar comes up and destroys the system for good.
Worker protections have been breaking down for decades, free trade has been expanding at rapid rates, unionization is at an all time low.

Can a man who can be fired at the drop of the hat, is always at risk of his job being shipped overseas, and doesn't have the support of a union, really afford to be the sole bread winner if he has kids? Is it worth the risk?

At the same time, do you really think that big corporate lobbys aren't encouraging women to enter the labour force (primarily at the low end) knowing that the entry of millions of women will reduce negotiating power for all workers and allow for wages to be suppressed.
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Be careful. Remember that the Antichrist (the beast) will destroy the Whore of Babylon.
In this way, the Antichrist will appear as a hero and people will want to follow him.
Yes of course the whore of Babylon is evil, but be very cautious of some kind of heroic charismatic figure who comes along and destroys it. It might all be part of a bigger agenda.
And nobody wants that.
The "literal Caesar" is just going to be Trump i.e. a neoliberal boomer who is the epitome of the system that you want him to destroy. The only actual revolution possible today is an internal, individual one that you accomplish for yourself. Don't bother trying to save others.
Shut fuck up Jew
>Oy gevalt remember anyone who threatens our system is actually the Great evil one
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who is a liberal exactly in the current year? liberal about what? importing niggers?
The book is critical of both social liberalism and economic liberalism (in the non-American sense of the term)
Harris and Trump are both capital L Liberals but only Harris is a lowercase liberal
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what is the difference between Liberal and liberal
They are Liberals in the sense that they adhere to the system of Liberalism, the economic and political ideology of individual autonomy granted by the state under the constitutional rule of law. this has been the dominant system throughout modernity thanks to the power of the West, and its philosophy is the basis for all our moral assumptions, faith in science and secular beliefs. It is so comprehensively ingrained in people that, like you, they can't even identify what Liberalism really is. Within Liberalism there's a spectrum of varying views and those that lean towards views of progressive, rational and left-leaning views are popularly referred to as liberals, today represented by people like Kamala Harris and AOC. On the right are those deemed conservative like Trump. Regardless of the friction between these sides, states like America are still inherently liberal democracies guided by liberal principles. Every little faction and ideology that you can think of in liberal societies -- conservatives, libertarians, social democrats, etc etc -- are really just chess pieces laid on the same board with the same players. The book makes this very clear at the start. The regimes of America and other Western states is decidedly that of Liberal Democracy. Books like this are about the upper-case terms and systems. For the peasants that want to discuss their intra-liberal culture wars, Twitter and Reddit are more their speed
Not him, but you're lumping in Capitalism with Liberalism, like the book does. Capitalism is the economic counterpart to Liberalism, but they're distinct. Liberalism alone isn't responsible for all of these things. Capitalism is also what drives globalization, not Liberalism.
Liberalism and capitalism are symbiotic. All of the values that underpin capitalist development come from liberal views on private property and work ethic. They’re technically distinct the way that democracy and liberalism are, but it’s rare that they operate absent of each other. Liberalism needs capitalism and democracy to exist.
Perhaps, but I think there's a significant difference between the inherent colonialism of Capitalism that seeks to eradicate other cultures versus Democracy, which seeks to preserve them. Something of these three does not truly belong.
Capitalism is the one most inherent to modernity since it’s contingent on technology. You can try to control it or put a leash on it but inevitably you’ll end up with the same political trends and social defects. It’s just the way the world is. Hence why Marxist-Leninist states either perished or accepted they have to open up more to markets in some way. Democracy, while vague and hardly observable in the truest sense, is a normal human behavior and virtually all states claim to be democratic including the aforementioned Leninist states. This leaves liberalism as by far the most arbitrary and devious system. It’s the rubber band that holds everything together, it’s the ideology that underpins everything we believe about democracy and science and morality and life in the world today. You can have capitalism and democracy without liberalism, but liberalism can’t exist without either of them. This is why liberalism is the greater threat and the most powerful factor to consider in the modern world. It claims to answer all life and history, and the masses really believe it. If it wasn’t for liberal propaganda then every other institution we have would lose its legitimacy.
Capitalism is based, NIGGER
how is printing money, massively state funded economy, and massive international commerce sanctions liberal? we are already in socialism, it's just socialism for the rich
lowercase just means fake. LINO "liberals in name only". What they really want is authoritarian communist style governance that restricts freedom of everyone. Freedom of speech, freedom of gun, freedom of private property, freedom to pursue truth, freedom
to pursue happiness, etc. Done through propping up government that takes over everyone's life. Trump is more closer to classical liberalism of freedom style.
Both RINO (Republicans in name only) and LINOs are fundamentally the same shit. They're "neo-liberals" aka big governanment who funds big military industrial complex, big institutional media propaganda, big unlimited pharma powers, anti-freedom of speech/guns/life/liberty/pursuit of happiness, big government regulation of everything.
Also a lot of the neocon Republicans such as the Cheneys have joined the Demonrat party because Trump is too anti-war for them, and being anti-war is a threat to demoncracy.
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And that's a good thing.
>Democracy, while vague and hardly observable in the truest sense, is a normal human behavior and virtually all states claim to be democratic including the aforementioned Leninist states
Democracy requires friendliness towards strangers, so I don't know if I'd call it a "normal human behavior." Fear is just as normal as friendliness, if not more normal. However, I would agree that liberalism is the problem, not democracy.

>Capitalism is the one most inherent to modernity since it’s contingent on technology.
Liberalism is in fact just as inherent. Liberalism and capitalism are two sides of the same coin of modernity, and if we're going to attack one, we need to attack the other. These systems comprise an advanced political-economic method of control. The primary ideological concept of liberalism is transparency — make everything known, expose everything, leave nothing private. Democracy is the opposite of this. You can't trust someone else if you know everything about them already, because trust has no value anymore in that situation. The democrat is the friend who trusts those he doesn't fully know and welcomes them into his home, prepared to defend himself if needed. The liberal-capitalist, in contrast, is the colonialist who coerces others into enslaving themselves so he doesn't have to bother establishing and earning trust.
Based, only basedboy faggots get squeamish about war
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>heh heh, isn't war cool and awesome my fellow channers, we should go to war lol that would be sick
You're glowing so hard I had to turn down the brightness on my screen.
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lots of tradcuck chuds think war is cool because they watched a lot of ww2 movies on netflix or whatever, but when the draft comes watch them all become hippies and move to canada.
Are you implying liberalism is working now?
We didn't have a free market for 50 years retard
Liberalism worked before it got subverted by jews
Is there a more pathetic kind of posters than neoliberal bootlickers?
Everything this book said along with "Democracy: the God that failed" turned out to be true. Cope & seethe
War is not good but it's the only way to weed out all the weak cucks
Besides a plague
Liberal societies sublated socialism for the most part hence why there was never any threat of communism here compared to the 3rd world. We already adopted features of socialism
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Socialism was created by Adam Weishaupt, a Freemason who started the Illuminati.
that was only while we had block politics against the soviet union and the politicians had to ensure labourers had better lives than in the other block in the 90s, now we see politians shipping tens of thousands of scabs from Haiti, and finance their lives through government spending so that local corporations can hire them for pennies, and most of the left claps for it. a few decades ago unions were running scabs out of town, if not doing worse things
>than in the other block in the 90s
until it ended in the 90s i meant to say
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Hegel was also in the Illuminati too.
Also Lenin and Trotsky were members of the French Masonic Lodge.
Democracy didn't fail, it ran its course and accomplished what it wanted. The democrats who established modern democracy several generations back got to have all the sex and parties and drugs and create all the art they were hoping for. Those people are now old or dead and younger generations don't have the same creative or destructive energies, so democracy is becoming less and less desired. In contrast, younger generations are even becoming in favor of in-home government surveillance and of eliminating cash for a pure digital currency. Technology and the environment shapes our perception of things and younger generations, since they've grown up on digital technology in an internet-connected global economy, don't care about social or political freedom to the same extent anymore. They're more concerned with quality of life and safety.
>that means it’s dead/went away/is being superseded
For the love of god, the “failed” in this title means that Liberalism isn’t delivering on its promises to the people ruled over by it, not anything else.
Deneen doesn't go far enough and realize that liberalism's promises to begin with were never meant to be realized, only being a method of ideological control. There's nothing to be delivered. Liberalism, by design, is a system where the masses are supposed to be fat homosexual parasites who work and order food all day. That is its intended purpose. The fact that we ended up at that point means the opposite of what Deneen says, it means liberalism actually works perfect.
i see. is this logical? is life just comfortable now so we should just be satisfied with comfort and when things start to fall apart worry about changing things then
Liberalism was meant to help the merchants and bureaucrats overthrow a stagnant aristocracy, and it accomplished that. The ultimate result of this was a stagnant mercantile bureaucracy which incidentally consumermaxxes everyone into sterile gay blobs
It wasn't meant to turn everyone into fat brown trannies because such a concept would have been beyond their comprehension, and you're an idiot for even phrasing it this way, even if you were trying to communicate the same point as myself above.
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Also Ha>>23812762
>It wasn't meant to turn everyone into fat brown trannies because such a concept would have been beyond their comprehension
Trannyism comes from Kabbalah and sometimes other forms of occult magic too. It is about erasing all boundaries and distinctions so that the world can be fused together into one formless unity, which they call Tikun Olam. They think that it will save the world because they have this presupposition (a false and Satanic presupposition) that distinctions and boundaries are evil and they must.be overcome, such as national borders or distinctions betweem genders and so on. It's all part of the path towards the Antichrist who will unite the world against God.
Is this one of those books like the 2 billion "China Collapse in 2 more weeks" books written by fags like Zeihan that boomers buy up constantly and then do so again 2 years later?
>communists desecrated churches to spite retarded abrahamics
Wtf I love communism now
I hope you dumbasses who keep bitching about "muh boredom" and shitting on liberal democracy are happy when shit goes down, maybe as soon as two months from now when some state legislature decides to overturn its election results for the "God Emperor" because of "fraud."

You fucks are always frothing at the prospect of "muh boog" (probably helps having no kids/responsibilities) but cried about the pandemic and 8% inflation. Guess what, if we have someone trying to seize control of the state by force you're going to have easily 30% inflation. Shit will be closed because there are mines and artillery fire between areas. You won't have to cry about muh $10 gas because there will be plenty of areas where there is no gas. US infrastructure has no redundancies for chaos.

And as you sit in your unaidconditioned, unheated house with no internet to use, you might finally think: "ohhh, shit, we were the weak men who caused hard times. We were so coddled we thought destroying the world's oldest and most successful democracy out of a fit of childish ennui was le heckin based heroics and now life sucks."
>but cried about the pandemic and 8% inflation
The scamdemic was used by the elites to seize more control over the population, demographics and economics.

An absolute monarch on my side is better than a satanic cabal from the other side.
I’ll accept 30% inflation as long as it means my tax dollars don’t go towards Israelis murdering children and then placing LGBT flags in the rubble of their homes
No, the title is a meme just like Fukuyama’s End of History. What he really means is that as liberalism grows more powerful it inevitably betrays the values that it has promised to people and becomes its own worst enemy. Freedom leads to statism and surveillance, individuality leads to homogenization and identity politics, etc. Unless liberalism can sort its foundational contradictions then some kind of civil infighting will occur just like in the world wars. The book’s these I believe is fundamentally true
that's just fascism
How about you read it faggot
Lmao what a pathetic bootlicker
Hope you enjoy eating bugs
>ohhh, shit, we were the weak men who caused hard times
That was the boomers, retard
That is capital L Liberalism.
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In reality all 4 sides go "that wasn't real liberalism, it was fascism!" take your infant understandings of politics to reddit
meaningless cope
>The scamdemic was used by the elites to seize more control over the population, demographics and economics.
nta, and this is true, but COVID-19 was still real. I had the original along with my entire family. It was bad, and we personally knew people who died. The fact that this was leveraged to accelerate the development of a digital surveillance state should tell you just how fucked up things are.
is you and ur senpai extremely fatties
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fucking idiots
Heil the God Emperor praise maga KEK and shadilay!
My dad is, the rest of us aren't
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Ok Achmed.
>destroying the world's oldest and most successful democracy
is that what it is?
he makes it sound so cool!
Trump represents centrist color blind america, not fascism, lmao

Can anyone explain me pls whats wrong with liberalism?
It makes society weaker and easier to subvert
All problems attributed to it are actually a result of capitalism.
Absolute midwit take
only this time, unlike during the vietnam war, canada will simply deport them because, ever since the iraq war, they no longer recognize conscientious objection because they are 100% cuck puppets for US glowniggers
Nothing really, its just oligarchs with propaganda making low IQ people believe they're actually smart for agreeing with the propaganda and cut their dicks off
This anon gets it
Crime spiked so high the FBI stopped reporting it

The economy crashed so hard people can barely afford rent and food

The healthcare system imploded so bad people need two jobs just to afford a house and healthcare

The education system got so bad they had to stop grading literacy and maths, teachers are getting beat up in classrooms and trannies are allowed to groom gradeschoolers

The immigration is so garbage we now have diseases returning back into america that were almost obliterated 50 years ago and the bulk of social services money (which is the bulk of the fedreal budget --most libcuks don't know the difference between discretionary and non discretionary funding) goes to undocumented or first gen 80IQs that get housing priority... also completely fucking housing prices

The environmental policy has been so shit that ocean acidification and deforestation have created endless drought cycles in the midwest

What part of "liberalism" actually worked?
Like you said it doesn't make it better that the flu was real. It means the satanic elites will take any excuse to seize more power. Personally I don't believe the flu itself was fake but the whole reaction to it was artificial.
Because people that claim to be liberals aren't actually liberals and don't know what that word even means.

Liberal came out of libertarianism in the 18th century and was in opposition to authoritarian-big-government and pro open-minded-ness founded in open discussion. Now liberals worship big government and censorship.
>economically illiterate
>Hates capitalism
adds up
fun fact: if you have fiat currency you don't and will never have capitalism.
Liberalism is the most evil political experiment humanity has ever known, Liberals need to be shot in the back of the head and rolled into ditches.
nope only this anon gets it
>The economy crashed so hard people can barely afford rent and food
t. can't read stats
Only censorship of hate speech and misinformation, trumpy

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