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The lack of covers for e-books hurts my enjoyment of genre fiction since the works often aren't good enough to stand on their own.
oh sweet fucking jesus sexo sexo sexo
Bro she’s not even that cute. Touch some fucking grass
Anon-sama nooooooooo!
add them yourself you hella tard
that's a man
I don't even care if it's a man. It has nice boobs and a hole so I would fuck it.
Based and high t.
Tell your mom to pull down her undies then
Average Polish male.
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Is this true?
Nobody referred to the tranny as "she" itt.
Thank the heavens for that.
I think this place is mindbroken to the point they think everyone is male. Just sayin.
This is the most beautiful woman I've seen in a while
Kind of, but Op pic really is a tranny.
Thats a dude
Its literally a dude. They post pics with their cock out
>Nobody referred to the tranny as "she" itt.
I just realised I meant to say "her." No one referred to the OP as "her" by that point.
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>Bro she’s not even that cute. Touch some fucking grass
i wish i was a cute tranny or femboy too
>go find gay porn for me bro
No thanks
The tranny's name is taftaj
Good fake tits but tiny sad dick that has been cut by jews
You can, girlie!!
The queen of /b/.
Thank God. Absolute sexo. Glad I didn't get hard for a woman
It would have been pretty gay, innit?
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he's cute ngl
whats the point of women when a body like this with male brain is possible now?
Babies. We should put them in some kind of reproduction camps just to fulfill this purpose. Imagine how much better the world would be.
The state of this board
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Yes, I AM a trans ally. Deal with it, bigot.
Sodom happened for a reason.
>a body like this with male brain
That's exactly the point, you fucking retard. That's exactly why you won't find them attractive if you go past the pictures on your screen. Female brain is what men need and look for even if they won't admit it.
>its actually a man
goddammit I hate you all
I don't care that she's a dude. I would squeeze her tight and put a baby deep in her butthole
fembrain is a piece of shit, especially the ones born after 1995 or so

I bet the average tranny knows how to be an agreeable companion to a male better than most women do.
With actual women it's a case of either it fits or there's major repulsion.
Whereas I believe trannies are able to make it work most of the time.
u can literally add them urself in calibre u fucking retard
next thing will u admitting that ure paying for e-books

offtopic post
The woman's brain is made to take care of you. The vast majority of men, especially authors and artists, need that, and not just later in life.
A troon's mind will always be the mind of someone who essentially doesn't give a fuck about you. It's only sex, without love.
But I don't have to convince you, go out, date a troon and find out yourself how things actually work.
Keep seething, roastie.
And you wouldn’t even have to deal with f*id whining. Goddamn based
Lol no
Women used to be de facto baby making machines that weren’t even allowed outside. Nobody wanted to deal with them then and nobody wants to now
Dating a troon, being taken care of better than with any foid I‘ve ever dated. Will continue dating troons until such time as foids stop being pop media guzzlers more concerned about their desk jobs.
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>Will continue dating troons until such time as foids stop being pop media guzzlers
you can't be serious, fags and troons are the biggest footsoldiers of media regime politics. Something like 96% of fags got vaxxed against covid, the highest of any demographic because they're insanely uniform in their thoughts. A troon will happily sacrifice you if it means some regime approval, even if its reddit likes
>Chud lives in a fantasy world full of strawmen
she's gorgeous
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this. almost all women have misandry and they don't even hesitate to express it publicly, but trannies aren't like that, they were a man once and they understand male suffering. we all should just date with sissified male-brained troons, hangout and have sex with them like two loving bros. use women when we need to reproduce. just like ancient greeks used to before.
My troon hasn‘t sacrificed me despite continual opportunity to do so therefore your news item from 2021 is irrelevant.
>he enjoys having conversation with women
I hate to break it to you pal but you’re gay
Do you call her "my little troon" as you pound her bussy? If not, why not?
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>get e-book without cover
>turn it into a changeable epub file
>create your own cover or let AI do it
" M'Lady " in the streets, " my little trony " in the sheets.
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>let AI do it
AI is still too dumb to pull this off. I tried once for shit and giggles. First of all it doesn't understand that you want a flat pic and will create a render of a book on some random table. Second, the text will be utter nonsense.
Anon is better off hitting the "generate cover" button in Calibre.
>A troon's mind will always be the mind of someone who essentially doesn't give a fuck about you. It's only sex, without love.
if you want our love than prove that you want to be with us for a reason other than : not having other options, being unwilling to deal with your closeted homosexuality, being unwilling to deal with your desire to be us, or because you think we are disposable and that there won't be consequences to treating us like literal human garbage. Tranners only act this way because we get totally burnt out by chasers who refuse to own up to their motivations for wanting us

>But I don't have to convince you, go out, date a troon and find out yourself how things actually work.
it's very clear to us when you only look at us when you are unable to find a cis woman to be with. no one wants to be the second choice, and we aren't any different
are those tiddies hormone grown or implanted? i must know.
Implants. Her natural tits were alright but rather small.
i wish i told my family about my gender dysphoria when i was 11 so i could look like this now its too late :(
>captcha nvvvv
I've met Taf in voice chat during COVID, she actually has two lesbian moms. fun fact!
If by grass you mean her tender, feminine penis and touch you mean put it in my mouth and suck it like a chocolate malt, then yes. I will touch some grass.
>Female brain is what men nee-ACK
OP picture is hot, and I would gladly take it with a male brain.
Which one is actually a man, and did she bother you with her libtard bullshit like she seems to always do when she streams?
>I will put it in my mouth and suck it like a chocolate malt some her tender, feminine penis
What's the issue, phoneposter?
it doesn't make gramathical sense
>can't read
>can't type back what he just read (obviously)
u wot m8. Are you having a giggle?
I'm too lazy to write it all out, but essentially "some" is out of place
>are you having a giggle
maybe, but why would I be having a giggle?
Anon you may have dyslexia (just like i have dysphoria)
Ohh, I get it.
well I have dysphoria too
I wonder just exactly how many anons do
Go be autistic somewhere else. We're full here.
Nah, you only see the deranged ugly trannies that can't pass online. They're the annoying ones. Usually the better a tranny is at passing the more based they are.
And the more they're into porn. As in, they're starring in porn.
How is this fair? How will I find my trade tranny wife in these conditions?
sgoukd;ve have poste dthim pic. it makes it really obisou that it's a man. justlook at that angle on the face.
>chud so mindbroken by Taftaj's beauty he forgot how to type
Many such cases.
I just lost all interests in seeing his tiddies.
>chud with tits
But Taf is a democrat.
Get a hold of yourself man
it's not just tits tho, he got dsl, female-tier hips and a perky tight butt
tranner here, go put your dick in a blender anon
>tranner here
he looks like a yassified chud
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Man...once bottom surgery becomes less expensive and more common, women are going to be in for a rude awakening. Gays have the lowest divorce and domestic violence rates for a reason while lesbians have the highest. Put a male brain in a body that's indistinguishable from a female and they'll be the perfect SO for any man who doesn't want kids, is willing to adopt, or can find a surrogate mother. And that's just until the technology reaches a point where artificial wombs become a thing.
I'd ravage her, bros...
>male suffering
Lmao skill issue
I'd say about 60 per cent of /lit/ are reppers.
All book covers are made to be ebooks these days...
you "people" need help.
and you need to help me
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yum yum
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>tranner here
the state of you lot is beyond comprehension
You'd have to be a fag not to hit it.
What do you mean, ebooks have covers and you can even set your own.
is this thread /lit/'s rock bottom
Looking at their face, you realize they really did have a choice between being an attractive woman, or a profoundly queer-looking book boy. Hard to say they made the wrong choice, their life is probably orders of magnitude easier.
Agreed. It will be peak, but sadly I will be much older when it comes out. Hopefully ten years?
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It's the key. Only way you can be a "passing" tranny is if this is the case. Otherwise you look like a freak and will never pass or be seen as anything other then mentally ill.
Honestly, with an ass like that she can keep the dick because I'm gonna be hitting it from the back 95% of the time. Might even give her the occasional reach around while I'm plapping.
This is literally just a fat man.
There is nothing hot about axe wounds.
This. Axe wound trannies are freaks.
Why are you staring at tranny cock in the first place?
>SO for any man who doesn't want kids
Nah I’ll pass
you're just an egg waiting to hatch x
3D Taftaj a cute. A cute!
That’s her?
Who else could it be?
How would one end up looking like that (asking for a friend)?
Like 90% of trannies don't get srs
Her belly is flat and kissable.
jesus fuck jannies, do you fucking job and delete this tranny goontrap thread
Aww, they rejected your application again, didn't they?
its a thread about ebook covers get a fucking grip
Yeah, anon's cherrypicking a couple of shitposts and using them to discredit our cover thread. What an insufferable faggot.
My ex-girlfriend looks like this tranny and every time I see a picture of it I feel gross.
Also, I use this when I'm on mobile and can't access calibre

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OP here, I made this thread with the genuine intention of discussing the importance of covers in genre fiction. To see the direction this thread has taken has left me beyond disappointed. If I'd known beforehand what a trainwreck this thread would become I never would've chosen that picture. If I could go back in time I would do things differently. I'm sorry.
virgin reading for plot vs chad reading for the cover
Anon, your thread is bad and you should feel bad.
you're lying we can see thru ur forcefemme fetish and we also indulge in it
no way on earth id pass tho..
Fuck you and fuck trannies
And FUCK jannies
if they look like THAT... well ZAMN
Well, yeah, because it's tens of thousands of dollars and has a lot of pain and recovery involved, not because they don't want the end result. Same way you'd see a bunch of short men stretching their limbs if it was covered by insurance and the process was smoother.
You are such a stupid faggot. What else did you think would happen? how can a nigger be so retarded? Serves you right the thread went to shit. Fuck you and do better.
>Fat men look like this now
Shit...guess I'm gay.
It's the chubby belly of a man. Get a grip.
did she have a penis
I was going to call you a faggot, but those numbers point the right way.
>Fuck you and do better.
you might as well give him a bj
Yes, the figure is that of an extremely effeminate fat man with a boob job. You're just gay.
No you didn't.
I look like this minus the tits.
How did you achieve that? Pics?

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