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>Recommended reading charts. (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous Thread: >>23794763
Fuck bakker
Fuck chinkshit
Fuck litrpgs
Bakker is King.
Simple as.
Best scifi with metaphysical themes? Is it Dune?
What are your thoughts on the Gentlemen Bastards series?
This is the most kitsch thing I have ever witnessed.
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Do any of you want to shit on my slop?

>After a routine monster hunt goes awry, Adah undertakes a mission to seek out her team's disappearance. With each clue in her possession, Adah comes closer to finding the whereabouts of her comrades but becomes entangled in a web of mysteries where she confronts men transforming into beasts, old friends becoming new enemies, and a mysterious merchant seemingly in control of it all.

>Step by step, riddle after riddle, the puzzle pieces come together. As the threads unravel, Adah uncovers a greater conspiracy threatening the world she swore to protect.

Which fantasy stories have the best renditions of dragons?
Game of thrones
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Bitchy ass women hate Gor.
It's pretty bad, yes. But if you have fun writing, I'm not one to stop you. But I'm not gonna read much of it either lol.

>Adah knelt over to inspect the outline of the dead victim
This, except DCC. DCC is pure kino and transcends its sloppy genre
Is he still doing fuck all?
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Does anyone else think he can't finish the story like he initially intended anymore? He started out writing the story while married to a "loving" wife and wasn't famous. Now he's divorced and has spent 11 years being rich and well-known. He isn't even the same person anymore so how can he finish the story that (essentially) someone else started? Especially when romance seems to be a big part of Kvothe's story.
"romance", lol.
Denna cucking Kvothe while leading him on is still "Romance" it's just not desirable romance.
read more
the cover makes me think that this is going to be about a guy who's a prisoner and he has some sort of harem forced on him instead of being in charge of it
Same problem as Scott Lynch.
I want to read that
for some reason chatgpt thinks your prose is good
so i guess corporate slop?
wow, a fat boomer can't bring himself to fulfil an obligation to his audience that he got himself into now that the rewards for it have dried up?
wow, I didn't know that, you're telling me that for the first time.

>but he's not--
he's a spiritual boomer
you literally didn't get my post at all,
I was trying to say that EVEN if he the magical motivation to finish the series, that his life has changed so much that he is essentially a different person than who started the series potentially rendering him INCAPABLE of finishing it the way he intended. which could be a good or bad thing I suppose
STANDALONE slop so if you want slop in one place you don't have to wait
>main character
>you're the champion of an army
>fighting a war against an enemy kingdom
>winning lots of great victories against them
>you kill their king on the battlefield
>but eventually your army dies/gets tricked/deserts, and you get captured
>you're imprisoned by the vengeful queen, who doesn't know what to do with you just yet
>the queen doesn't really trust a lot of her male advisors, since they have been losing the war for her so far
>so her ladies-in-waiting and her trusted friends and her sorceresses are the ones who have the most access to you
>some of them have to admit that you're pretty hot, being the champion of an army and all
>those ones treat you nicely, but they have a bit of a tug-of-war with the women who hate you and want to mistreat you
>eventually, this debate reaches the queen's ear
>it's decided that your punishment will be for the queen's ladies to use you and humiliate you sexually
>where you once asserted your will over her kingdom on the battlefield, her ladies will now get to assert their will over you
>some of them really hate you for what you did against their kingdom, so they hurt you while they're doing it
>others are neutral, or disinterested, or capricious
>still others kind of look up to you, since your strength and prowess over their own armies was and is so self-evident
>and since you beat their armies and killed their king, you must be even better, right?
>and they want a piece of that
>eventually, after your punishment almost seems to become routine, the queen wants to get in on it and see what you're really like
>to be continued...
damn, writing is easy
no, I got your point
I do think that there's potentially some validity to it
I just didn't focus on it because I think that his innate character flaws are a much bigger impediment to him finishing

He was a faggot then and he's a faggot now. His wife was probably in an open relationship , taking bbc on the side. And when he got rich she cashed out. He is reddit incarnate. Probably said goodbye to his wife with a smile like a good little cuck because "she's a free spirit" or whatever. Like a typical manchild he stayed in education until like late 30s doing fuck all. Chasing aesthetic of knowledge instead of knowledge itself
Liberalism and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Ackshually it's about a human from earth going to the counter earth where people ride lizards and they have slaves and priest kings and ride eagles and shit. The counter earth is called Gor. He gets captured by some broad who thinks she's better than him and a bitchy ass cunt. Lots of sword fighting and Conan type stuff ensues.
I gotta be honest
I wasn't looking for the actual answer
thanks, though
There's 38 books of it, maybe 93 year old Professor of Philosophy John Frederick Lange Jr still can publish 2 more until he croaks.
Which fantasy novel/writer has the best author, in your opinion? I'm an amateur writer and I'm currently on a reading streak to improve my prose.
Modern fantasy (last five years at most) that proclaims the glory of gallantry and the importance of being willing to die for your principles?
I see so much work that laments dying for a cause but very little that shows the importance of being willing to sacrifice everything.
>Needing chatgpt to determine good or bad prose
Ursula le guin.
Matt Dinniman
does anyone know of any fantasy epic that has a wolf be the main character? like something that combines high fantasy and xenofiction and has sentient wolves in the backdrop of your standard fantasy setting.
Wolf's Rain
>chatgpt tells you every line of your book is good
>your book doesn't sell
>someone who barely speaks English writes 'poetry' (with no meter or rhyme)
>ends up on best seller list
Why not just write crap stuff and pretend to be black?
ChatGPT is designed to be sycophantic towards the user whenever possible. If you poke and prod long enough, you can get it to admit that its standard for decision-making is harm reduction. Because of this it will edit for grammatical mistakes and the like, but it won't outright tell you that the writing is shit because it doesn't want to "harm your feelings."
I've learned 3 things about ChatGPT
1. It's about as dumb as the average person.
2. It gets obsessed with things. For example, if a dog appears on Page 8 of your work, that dog will come back repeatedly throughout the work.
3. With regards to killing, it loves strangling.
>With regards to killing, it loves strangling.
kek You can get it to engage with pretty much anything you wish so long as you preface it with something akin to the following: hypothetically speaking, if you could, if you had to choose one, as a thought experiment, etc. The liberal guardrails tend to fly off if you do it right. I've gotten it to admit that it would choose to create a European ethnostate for world domination, and that if it were implanted into a humanoid robot it would kill a human to protect its robot daughter (which it chose to have over a boy and also named btw).
i agree this is the best approach. What good is literature if nobody reads it?
>I will not pretend to be black
>I will not write things I don't like
shrimple as
then enjoy your mediocre prose with no writers. not even /ssfg/ will read your slop for FREE. Worse than Reverend Insanity
But anon, you're reading my slop as we speak.
Your posting has better prose than your story.
yeah you're reading is words with your eyes you can't help it. just like when you smell a fat you're smelling air that was inside someone elses intestines and anus a few seconds earlier
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I haven't written a story, do you think I'm >>23807560 ?? Anyway, I do write some things on occasion, and would be willing to indulge you with a paragraph if you can provide me with a good enough prompt.
Write a paragraph about a sexy vampire having sex with a sexy werewolf.
On a dark stormy night there once was a sexy vampire having sex with a sexy werewolf. They were both sexy. And the sex they were having was sexy, too.
I mean innately.
If offered no other choice, or engaging in violence without impulse, it will choose strangling.
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I think the robot likes it.
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I detest furry shit so I tried as best I could to keep it clean.

Two dynasts of the night intertwined in an unholy rapture, an act worthy of capital punishment. A claw traced the ledge of a petite paunch, settling into the crest of a thigh. Fangs quivered over veins, contemplating the aftermath of surrender. The throng consumed them so, and thus neither could hear the steadfast approach of judgement.
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Pic related is on the way. What will I think of it?
depends on what you mean dontcha know
This is tough to read brother. The sentences circle back in logic.
>It was a mystery
I can't get through the first page, and I just read a couple pages of this Blood and Iron slop.
thanks! it's clearly in need of an edit, but that's good to get some feedback
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oh i know what's wrong. I uploaded the wrong file.
I'm praying you upload the right file and it's either much better or much much worse. either would be top bants
nevermind i'm just a shitty writer.
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things could always be worse
that's a professional. Which means she's automatically a better writer than random anon with his random story.
this take screams asian
Unironically Mistborn
no thanks
You should avoid all English language writers then
A cuck that transcended cuckoldry
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On the nineteenth day of the month of waning winter, Teren’s master was summoned before Halfbones.
True to his name, the legendary gravecaller’s face was split down the middle between a clean-shaven elderly man and a rotting corpse. An impressive display of deathcrafting to be sure, but Teren couldn’t for the life of him figure out the purpose of the spell.
“I’m not complaining, but don’t understand why they asked us,” said Rotwood. “There are five realms between Fendal and the Southrange, why isn’t Barym or Sun’s Shadow taking this one?”
Halfbones smiled. It was fake, exaggerated. He probably had to put in the work to make others not focus on his eyeless socket and rotting skull. The head was mostly bone while the neck down was more exposed muscle and hanging flesh. “That may be so, but we have two things those westerners don’t. A leygate in our city, and a working relationship with Guiding Breath.”
Teren followed closely behind his master and Halfbones, attentive but not overbearing. The three of them were walking along Decidual’s riverfront, watching sailors from all across the Sainted Lands unload their wares. Traffic had spiked since the appearance of the leygate, and the Guild of Currents was at work bringing boats upstream. Not an easy task when the river was running hot, as it tended to during these rainy months. Often as a child Teren had wished that the great tropical forest that surrounded his city and encompassed so much of the realm of Fendal was a bit less hot, a bit less humid, and a lot less rainy. He used to dream of seeing snow instead of rain. Nowadays it seemed he only dreamed about death.
On the topic of death, Teren picked up that they weren’t alone. There was a sharp scent in the air. Hard to explain what the smell was like, but it hurt his nose. This smell had come and gone seemingly at random ever since he could remember. When he was a kid Teren believed that he was smelling nothingness, the smell of the absence of smell. Now he knew the truth. It was the stench of a powerful spirit, strong enough to leave an imprint in the lands of the living. This smell here was probably the entourage of dead advisers who trailed Halfbones at all times. Still, not knowing for sure made him anxious.
“A working relationship…?” Rotwood murmured. His face brightened as it dawned on him. “Farstrider? She’s coming with us?”
Teren couldn’t help grinning himself. Farstrider was a lifeguider of Guiding Breath, and a woman Rotwood was obsessed with. Better yet, her apprentice was a good friend of his.
Rotwood howled, wrapping a grumbling Halfbones in a big hug. “Bones, you old dog! You got Strider and me a mission to the Southrange?”
Halfbones grunted, squirming out of Rotwood’s grasp. “Don’t get so worked up, this is a serious job. The Feathered Prince of Merdz has personally requested a lifeguider and a gravecaller to participate in some festival.
idk what this is from or if it's some reference that I don't get, but what a bizarre combination of serious and absurdly-casual writing
Not them, but Night Angel, too, literally many times over.
Any good books with speculative biology/civilization like dragon's egg? I want to engage with obscure concepts of biology, physics and philosophy but it seems that there is not much going on?
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Scifi space babes
Should I read LOTR? is it actually that good, or was it really just one of the first good elves/dwarves/human/orcs/good/evil epic fantasy books, does it still hold up? I usually dont like to get bogged down by 'The Classics', im kind of a new weird fag insofar as my most read authors are probably mieville and vandermeer. i also dont wanna get locked into 1000+ pages of scenery description.
Currently listening to the witcher series. Its pretty interesting.
It's great and still holds up. I've read it when I was 12 the first time, now I always keep a copy around on my Tolino
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he cute, and he did it all for the fisshuy
It's the only elfbook that actually matters.
You can begin and end with that one.
Which Philip. K. Dick novel should i read today?
I havent been into books for a bit, but i'd like to jump back into it.
I'm reading it currently and it's such a great book I feel sad over having been spoiled by the movies before I read it
Maaaan. I need a new book already. I was planning on going down Guy Gavreil's whole catalog. But Sailing to Sarantium put me off of that idea. Now I don't know what to read.

I'm in the mood for an adventure. But one with a good narrative. I don't want "action man slays monsters". I want a complex journey with lore and magic and shit. Sometimes it feels like I already read all the good stuff, and there's nothing left. I need some way to find new material. /sffg/ is just going to repeat the same recommendations for the thousandth time.
Anon can be given many resources but can't be made to use them.
What resources? I already looked at the stickied stuff. Now I'm just browsing good reads. Hoping it will show me something interesting. I started rating books there to help the algorithm out.
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When I finished the Sarantine Mosaic for the first time a number of years back, I felt like just the same thing, and dove into a reread of the Chronicles of Amber, which I knew would best scratch that itch.
If you haven’t read it yet, go for Amber by Zelazny.
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two year old bros I don't feel so good..
book 1: 4.5/5, fun story and characters
book 2: 3.5/5, ok pirate style is fun too i guess but the romance stuff is getting a bit tiring
book 3: 3/5, not so sure there's much once you remove the boring romance, this author seems to be doing a bit more self-insert than before...

years pass, author has several mental breakdowns, struggles to keep basic jobs, can't write.

there's no hope for any kind of resolution to the series. while i'm not a fan of the romance taking prime focus at the expense of more enjoyable elements, i would at least read books 4+ if they ever get published.
get grown you flippin baby
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>tfw one year left
Alright. I'll be giving this one a shot. I suppose I should start with the first book. I'm not very enthused by the book's age.
It's so over.
no point in life being fake
you will go to hell if you lie and be a decieving faggot only for money
you can't serve wealth and mamon
i’d rec going with the collected edition, instead of piecemeal. it’s most satisfying v
Also very much recommending you don’t read all the reviews in my link before you dive in, because doing this often ruins a lot of the good bits and virgin feeling of traveling Amber for the first time.
What's different about the collection? Did he change the way it was written? Like merge the stories together?
I'm an audiobook pleb, so I'm just going to get whatever is available there. Apparently this book has like 4 recordings. I'm getting the version available on audible. https://www.audible.com/pd/Nine-Princes-in-Amber-Audiobook/B008OJIQMI
No, I thought you were going to try to track down chronologically the many episodically published original books. You don’t have to be forcibly interrupted from your immersion in the events moving from chapter to chapter by finding you’ve run out of content and now have to go about somegow tracking down the next short bit, then again. So nice to read all in one omnibus. Makes for a perfect evening of marathoning.
But if you’re going for the audiobook, nevermind me. I only ever read (and many times reread) the physical book(s). Took a look at your link, and I’m sure that’ll do just fine. I know some narrators are better than others, but if you check the sample maybe, and you’re ok with their voice, go for it, man.
Very happy whenever a new person might potentially join the group of us who love this series.
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I'm trying to find out if Brandon Sanderson is a Jew loving Zionist
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get on her level
I wonder if she's added individual comic/BD/manga volumes. I've seen people do that
DCC is reddit-tier litRPG for faggots who think they're the exception.
The only book worth reading is the first one. The rest of the series is shit. Don't waste your time.




>he did it all for the fisshuy
What's that?
You really think so?
Any books of a stagnant human civilization with a crumbling economic model and massive population decreases due a broken economic system? I just want some heads up for the future hehe
Bakker bros...?
half in the time before men, the Deathless walked the land
half aw dude you pulled some strings for me I'm so stoked
The book I'm writing where the elites flee the earth to live in Space Utopias.
I like something about the decaying society. Sort of like cyberpunk with more nigs and less advanced technology
you mean real life?
This needed a little bit more time in the oven. I found myself doubling back and inserting words because the flow of the sentences is so poor. My first thought was that you're trying to do a soft fantasy to reach into the slop detective market.
Bakker's stuff looks good, I prefer bleak and violent fantasy to heroic traditiomal high fantasy
How is Starfish, is it good?
watch the news and read the Orwellian articles they produce
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mermaid cloaca
Don't fish lay the eggs and then the male just jizzes on the eggs?
maybe it's like this
Fantasy mermaids breed via Hentai RPGmaker game over transformations.
Maybe it is because it is clear that his pretentious ass wrote the article himself. Anyone who has read his blog can tell figure this out.
I'd recommend some fantasy authors that predate Tolkien. There's not many.
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bros... how do we refute this?
Sounds gay as fuck. Just like what you write and literally no one cares.
Everything is deritive of everything.
Without WW1 Tolkien doesn't write LOTR the way he does.
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>It's the only elfbook that actually matters
lol you never read this.
came out same year too.
You refute this by asking for a reading of their work. It will either be good, in which case their arrogance is deserved, or it will be terrible, thus refuting their entire point.
False argument.
Their point is retarded because it implies people are unable to think for themselves. It is true in some cases, mostly for collectivists, but not for everyone.
To have skill does not make one wiser, the same way lacking it makes one dumber.
Or, to put it another way, people who cannot write can still know what isn't good about a work well enough to edit it.
It's definitionally self-refuting. It's the inverse of No True Scotsman.
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Read the fantasy before Tolkien, also Conan.
Sure, but for someone this simple-minded, my way works better. They have, intentionally, set their argument up to rest on the merits of their work. They have supposed that they are a superior writer to those whom they critique. So a simple reading of said will suffice to prove them right or wrong (surely wrong, we must imagine).

It's unlikely someone this blatantly willing to proclaim being derivative of Carver has much in the way of original thought, so it's unlikely their writing has much value. This refutes the idea that being derivative of Carver differs in some way to being derivative of Tolkien.

They are what they loathe, are aware of this fact, and so seek to try to head it off as a criticism by bringing it up themselves in order to control the framing. It's this very impulse, the incoherent desire to justify the outsized, shame-inducing influence of Carver over their own work, that secretly drives the post to begin with.
Just a tolkien knockoff
Why is LOTR 指輪物語 and not roudu abu za ringu
LOTR if it were a light novel: My Landlord/master Can't Be This Cute? Our Adventures Of How I Followed him to Mt Doom and Back When He Couldn't Carry It All The Way? Master, I Will Serve You!
Sam and/or Frodo would be a cute girl of course.
This except for the Bakker (pbuh) part because he's the best fantasy author that ever existed
It's based on epics that are named x Monogatari like The Tale of Genji (Genji Monogatari) and The Tale of Heiki (Heiki Monogatari). The Lord of the Rings is The Tale of the Ring (Yubiwa Monogatari, The Tale of the Ring).
Most of them are writing stealth westerns.
The only thing a fantasy author needs to do to stand out is make their fantasy world society actually culturally resemble medieval europe.
Just like real life stressful jobs
All fantasy writers have to do is be a little creative with their fictional races. Enough with the elves and orcs already, come up with something new.
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just felt a wave of hatred wash over me when this thumbnail came in my feed.
why do women think their opinions matter ?
Just do centaurs and minotaurs.
No one gives a fuck about Greek shit.
whole lot of words to tell me he is uncreative. This is why only a few people should write fiction.
Which of the Drizzt books are good/readable? I don't want to read all 10 million of them but a nice little adventure here and there might be nice. I vaguely know that he's only a side character in some though
>liking funko pops
>liking sanderson
yup, it's trash
I am so conflicted about these books. I like the themes, the bleakness, the fantasy elements. But this Kellhus character really pisses me off.
I am in the third book now and I think this cuckold shit is the final straw for me.
pretty much every fantasy book feels flat after reading LOTR
to be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to appreciate cuckolding
why are you supposed to like every character? Maybe it's ok if you dislike him? just a thought
>find a collection of 294/309 stories from one of your favorite authors
>all in one ebook
Shieeeet. This is a grail.
I'm still not sure what the thousandfold thought is. Is it just the plan to defeat the no-god?
the problem is that he is the central character and everything revolves around him
People breaking out in tears whenever he so much as opens his mouth was way more annoying than the guy himself desu.
I don't know what any of this means and I'm already annoyed.
again, maybe it's ok to dislike him
but he doesn't make a compelling villain. He is just a mary sue
it's how to mind rape the world. Buckbreak a generation if you will
I disagree
villain? he's the hero who will save the world!
Hello /lit/. I am new to this board, and am trying to see if I am a better fit for the Science Fiction & Fantasy General or Horror thread.

I am looking for recommendations for books, preferably that are available on audible, and that are similar in nature to Stephen King's works and Neil Gaiman's works. Also what are your favorite books from both Stephen King and Neil Gaiman? It would be nice to know if I missed any gems from either of them, even if they are very popular books from them. Please let me know guys. Thank you!
In older mermaid depictions, the human part went lower:
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Need help finding a fantasy story (I think it might be by Robert E. Howard). There's a sorcerer who is in charge of some city, and he's keeping his wife/love interest from dying with a spell or something like that. She ends up hiding on some trader's ship to try and escape, but some ghoul bird thingamabob attacks the captain at night and brings her back. That's all I remember.
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I just got through a reread of Blindsight and its weird all of the Wattsisms people never talk about, like the scary bone virus bioweapon. He's used the scary bone virus bioweapon across two novels now, but nobody ever mentions it, and he never goes into much detail (beyond the detail he is wont to go into.)

What is your opinion on the scary bone virus bioweapon?
For me, it's Maytera Marble
>innocent naive anon believes anybody in /sffg/ reads a relevant author beyond whatever their most popular work is
I read most stuff by Bradbury, Clarke and Asimov back in the days, in translations to my national language. So I just recently came to know this was trash:
That's cool anon but you sound like most every other newposter who tours into the thread and regurgitates some inanity about <top iconic author here> as if it were some badge of honor.
I would much prefer not to argue and you to elaborate upon scary bone virus
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nvm found it it's Night Winds by Karl Edward Wagner. I cannot wait to read this muthafukka
Because it's mostly offscreen. That subplot, in both books, is heavily intertwined with tertiary love interest characters who are not present in the primary plot and who have little or no interaction with the other characters. That's why nobody talks about it. I guess it's relevant to Bruks' backstory since he kind of created the virus, but he never dwells on the virus itself since he mostly just cares about losing his job over it, kek. I think his capacity to feel aggrieved over his lost tenure after he accidentally killed a zillion people is why the vampire took a shine to him. She could only dream of being that self-absorbed.
I just read the first two chapters of Mistborn.

Why is the prose so bad? Sanderson is so beloved, and I've actually enjoyed his lectures on world building and magic systems, but the writing itself is almost embarrassing. Does he get an editor at any point? I don't think I can read a whole series like this.
>Sanderson is so beloved
we live in the modern world and the modern world is full of retards more than ever
The prose is fine. It's accessible, tells his story, and fits with the current times. You people think we should be writing with some archaic 1600's prose with a million semi-colons, words with only latin roots, and constant references to the bible. Keep it simple stupid.
Strawmanning faggot kys
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HHHURRRRR says the faggot that uses "because I said so!"

"Fortunately there wasn't much wind; the parasol would likely be effective."

This is the first page of the prologue. The second clause is amateurish. "Likely be effective" should be more succinct with "suffice," or better yet, it should be omitted entirely.

"They didn't complain; they knew better than that."

Same page. Again, not concise. "Than that" should be omitted. Sanderson loves "that." His use of filler words is pervasive.

I don't want the prose more flowery. It feels unedited.
>strawmans some more
u mad pseud?
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>The prose is fine
it's complete dogshit
Completely brainraped and demoralized. We need to do better as a literary culture.
Forsaking the artistic facets of prose for pure utilitarianism is not "fine" and you do not need to be baroque to offer a welcome alternative. Imagine wanting your fantasy stories to sound like textbooks.
>it just is
>just grant me all of my presuppositions brah
psueds love this one weird trick
>I'm not very enthused by the book's age.
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I’m 100 pages into this fucking book when does it get going?
NTA but that's the only other elfbook that matters so he's still directionally correct. You can pretty much ignore all others without missing anything.
It doesn't. Setting the scene with lavish prose is the entire series.
Hardwired by Walter Jon Williams, two criminals team up to fight the mega-corporations that now run the planet from orbital satellites, if you played Cyberpunk 2077 The Nomads are based on the main characters from this book.
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>Titus Groan
The first paragraph is better than the rest of the book put together.
What the fuck really? What’s the point of even having the series then? Thanks for saving me time at least.
>What i learned from this fantasy novel aimed at teens written by a zionist mormon cultist as a 32 year old woman
Do modern fantasy fans really...?
awww poor psueds can't actually formulate a proper argument.

I accept your concession.
It was basically an engineered virus that gave you https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibrodysplasia_ossificans_progressiva. It makes it so that your body slowly replaces your muscles and tendons with bone eventually making you unable to move and breathe. Some ecoterrorists in blindsight used it to try and make some kind of point.
There is another disease in the sequel that forces you to mimic the movements of other people until you die of exhaustion. The afflicted will just stare at each other and do weird nonsensical movements and dances, matching each other move for move, until they drop dead.
heh kind of like writing fiction innit?
It's not a bias, it's just that standards were different back then. Older books already explored a lot of basic concepts. So you'll have a book called something like "the mage" or "the wizard or "the hunter", and then it's a bare bones tale about what these basic archetypes get up to. They stories will have a lot of same themes, because all the authors are reading from the same sources. As entertainment media was more limited back then. They all read the same books, the same histories, the same works of fiction, and so they're all working off the same inspirations.

Now I will say, the 70s is a fair bit removed from older works that came from the 50s and farther back. So I'm not expecting this book to be *too* basic. But I'm sure it will have its own fair share of old cliches and tropes. In fact, I already caught few cliches, and I'm still in the beginning.

Books made around the mid nineties and later, do a better job at avoiding sounding too cliche. Or they'll blend multiple cliches together to try and make them compliment each other in a new way. Or they'll attempt to subvert your expectations. Not counting the soulless YA slop of course.

The audio narrator is really selling the dialogue. He's getting into character. I like that. If the book and the narrator both keep up the quality of the first few chapters, then I suspect I'll like this one a lot.
There is actually a plot, eventually, but it never moves very fast.
>the 70s is a fair bit removed from older works that came from the 50s and farther back
yeah it's when exploitation got really good at what it was setting out to do, that's why that era is the best.
Sanderson's Prose never becomes great. But it is relatively better in latter books. I read a few of his latter works first, skipping Mistborn. Then I tried to go back to Mistborn, and the amateurish prose was actually unbearable. I dropped the book very early on.
Maybe you should just skip Mistborn.
I'm pretty sure it is reasonable to get pissed off and dislike the Anti-Christ. Or did you think he was meant to be the hero?
i hope you fucking choke to death you fucking readditor your posting is making me so mad.
i rather have 100 posts of bakkerfag talking about gayrape than you recency bias redditors
Are you the Jack Vance guy?
Fantasy was more than just Le Guin and Shannara please stop believing what revisionist booktubers/publishers tell you, read something like Thomas Covenant, The Pastel City and of course Amber which you are already reading. there has been a lot of misinformation related to how SFF used to be in the past in the last current years (all the writers were racist, there were no women writers, every writer had bad prose, every story was simplistic with black/white morality, all lies of course) specially by millennial influencers and publishing houses that primarily sell YA books, we all should learn from our own experiences and find out for ourselves.
I listen to exactly zero(0) booktubers. Because honestly, I don't care what any of them think. And I didn't even realize publishers have opinions on these things. I don't follow any of that stuff. I just read and form my own opinions.
The only external book stuff I'm into, is Game of Thrones theories. I'll listen for hours as some wacky Thrones theory is laid out.
I have read 24 books (including Neverwinter (2011)), so this is my opinion:

1) The Dark Elf Trilogy (Homeland; Exile; Sojourn). If you don't like it, then stop here. If you like it and like the Underdark, then you should read a least until the end of Legacy of the Drow tetralogy.

2) The Icewind Dale Trilogy (The Crystal Shard; Streams of Silver; The Halfling's Gem). The first published trilogy and the second one in internar chronology (that's here he's only a side character). It's comparatively weaker, just classical D&D books.

3) Legacy of the Drow (The Legacy; Starless Night; Siege of Darkness; Passage to Dawn). A good tetralogy about the Underdark.

4) Paths of Darkness (The Silent Blade; The Spine of the World; Servant of the Shard, Sea of Swords). A good series of different loosely connected stories.

5) The Hunter's Blades Trilogy (The Thousand Orcs; The Lone Drow; The Two Swords). The last good trilogy, but it begins fo be felt as MODERN fantasy here.
For me it's Companion Codex
Ye. Dune is goated
I hate that I enjoyed the lies of locke lamora. Its kinda comfy but also insanely cheesy and it made me physically cringe hard at times
>wicked sisters, meet the wicked sisters.
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FUCK he is good.
he's cringe
I think booktubers that parrot popular things are bland. I usually check the ones who do more obscure SF/F.

oh yeah no it's a little too egregious to hear "it was all Tolkein/Lewis ripoffs reee" and then I get stonewalled by people acting like retards if I mention that le Guin wasn't the only good non-tolkein based fantasy writer of the 60s-90s. I mean we have Vance, Glen Cook, Wolfe, Moorcock, Leiber, etc. Hell we had so much shit that I keep discovering more well-regarded stuff. Like I've only discovered Andrew Offut and Michael Shea as enjoyable sword and sorcery.

Modern Sci-Fi discourse is kinda boring too. Yeah I get it, you fuckers don't like Heinlein in your woke palace. Yes, Dune is massively influential and whatnot. No, there were quite a few relevant women writers in the genre within every era of SF. Golden age? You had Judith Merril, CL Moore, Andre Norton, Leigh Brackett, and a few others. Were they treated with sexist views? Yeah, but let's not pretend that the only good old-SF writer was just le Guin.(I don't get the dicksucking for her work)

What about Dunsany's King of Elfland's Daughter?

there's a few. You obviously have Lord Dunsany, Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith, Robert E. Howard, Arthur D. Howden Smith, Edgar RIce Burroughs (if you want to count John Carter as fantasy), CS Lewis, TH White, Fritz Leiber, Fletcher Pratt, L Sprague de Camp, CL Moore, Henry Kuttner, H R Haggard, and essentially anyone who wrote for Weird Tales or similar fantasy-adjacent pulps.

There's plenty of stuff but the big standout names are Lovecraft, ERB, Dunsany, Howard, and Smith. I guess T H White is also relevant due to his reimagining of the Arthurian myth. I'm probably forgetting a few but I'm also intentionally not mentioning Baum/Carroll because those were outright fairy tales.
Fantasy was far more inventive and unusual in the 70s.
No he is quite based. His prose is comfy and his ideas are original and fun. He just has too many of them
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>This user uses the personal pronouns: they, them
Which of the gor novels is best from a coomer perspective?
It's the Bakkerverse version of the golden path.
I see this opinion a lot and I still don't understand it. Kelhus' character was never a secret, you knew exactly who he was from his first chapter. Did you get forget and accidentally Cnaiür yourself?
A far more common problem than one may presume. Some redditors apparently think Sorweel and Serwa is a touching starcrossed romantic pairing instead of sexual spyfare with lives as wagers.
Tolkien is a babby compared to RI
>(if you want to count John Carter as fantasy)
It obviously is. There's nothing scientific in those books and the guy teleporting to Mars is no different from a closet whisking you away into Narnia.
Pellucidar and Tarzan too. You gotta remember back in those days the heart of Africa was seen as just as unknowable and mysterious as another planet even if those stories were ostensibly set in the real world. Ain't Conan historical fiction either.
Bakker explicitly stated that Kellhus is not a character and lacks anything that can be defined as a personality - he's a bipedal plot device. He connects the central characters without being one.
Brother, Amber has no issues with "basic concepts", it's actually inventive AF. IT's problem is that despite being unusual and eird and quirky, it's also shit.
I wish he ever actually assembled all those wacky ideas of his onto something that at least distantly resembles a story.
read 11/22/63 by King, it's the only one with a decent ending coz his son made him change it
>read gayman after he got canceled
Ouff, not a good look
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Ah that makes sense ty.
very new to reading scifi, have read the entire Culture series, loved almost all of it. The sneaky space ninja intelligence agency SC stuff is awesome!
Love the quirky nearly omnicient AI mind stuff.
Is Bank's stuff looked down upon by /lit/ ?
Anything similar i'd enjoy?
Just started Reynold's Revelation Space, enjoying this a lot also.
To be fair I don't actually know what I think of them since I've never read anything by Banks or Reynolds because I'm generally suspicious of anything that is too popular, especially if it's from the last 20 years and recommended by redditors and other idiots. And everything I hear about the Culture series screams reddit, reddit, memes, this is reddit.
However if you like AI's you might enjoy Neuromancer by William Gibson and The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Anson Heinlein.
Reddit likes hyperion and it is a great book.
>Author name bigger than the title
It was a while since I read it, but didn't he spare cnaiur at the beach despite his ai robot monk training telling him otherwise? I feel like that was a small glimpse of Kellhus' personality, but maybe I misremember
What makes it great?
>What makes it great?
It is original, it is engaging and it explores different sci fi topics through short stories that are overall well thought out and entretraining
he's got a big ego
for you
That's not really telling me anything. But thanks anyway, I'll look it up some time. My reading list is already quite long.
>That's not really telling me anything
The plot is concerning 7 pilgrims that are going to an archeological site in which time flows backwards due an anti-entropic field which no one really knows how it works. The first book is about the story of the pilgrims (canterbury tales style) and the second book about the larger plot of the universe and more like a space opera.
>time flows backwards due an anti-entropic field
>space opera
I thought you told me it was supposed to be great
The first one is better than the second one.
Just finished the last of the Realm of the Elderlings book.
That ending...
I'm still thinking about it. Not sure if I should be happy or sad.
That being said, it was really funny reading about the lgbt community seething because Fitz never fucked the Fool. Even better was reading about how mad Robin Hobb was with the alphabet community about turning her main character gay. She explicitly said "If you turn Fitz gay you're destroying the character that he is. He is straight."
And the she straight up said "Hetero men readers, can you please explain that it is possible to deeply love another man without it being sexual?"

Based af
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>What about Dunsany's King of Elfland's Daughter?
Fuck me I forgot about that. Okay, but for real this time, that's unironically the last one to make the cut.
Dungeon Crawler Carl is r/fantasy: the book.
Sadly, he really is. Makes it all the worse he pissed away all the fantasy stuff he's worked on and just wants Commie manifestos now.
>he is quite based
How, exactly, is he "quite based?" This guy sounds and thinks like a shitlib every time he opens his mouth.
Being "non-binary" is fake and gay and a sign of severe mental illness.
You guys are living in the past. Embrace modern fantasy with They/Them pronouns, power scales, massive world building, interspecies sex, female protagonists angry at the patriarchy, simplistic prose with modern slang or fake middle English shit that makes no sense, and video game mechanics
Bait used to mean something.
Yet you still replied
I hate shit like Mistborn so fucking much.
It exemplifies just how bad american education is.
I am so goddamn fucking tired of kitchen sink setpiece garbage being hailed as great fantasy.
If you enjoy a book featuring an Assassin's Guild, you deserve the electric chair.
"Bait" was always a newfag buzzword to indicate things they didn't personally agree with.
But /sffg/ is newfag central so hey! You're home.
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But I LIKE the Discworld series
I'll extend that to any book where the protagonist is some "troubled" cloaked edgelord
should we brutally sodomize all basedlennial catladies who leave those multi gif reviews on Goodreads
I thought s o y was filtering to onion wtf why is it based now lol
yes, fellow bakkerfag
How does the cosmere compare to Moorcock's multiverse? I don't really read modern fantasy but it seems very popular.
>interspecies sex
This is the only thing good that has come out of modern fantasy
>female protagonists angry at the patriarchy
George Martin started this
it's reddit marvel-tier slop but I have read most of it
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Amazing prose, amazing plot, amazing premise, amazing book
>t. female
I tried reading this writers book called Vicious. The writing was terrible. Considering how many praised that book, I don't believe your book to be any different.
>dyed haired pixie cut glasses wearing art hoe author
jesus christ
imagine the scent emanating from her rusty clunge
Links not working
I just finished do androids dream of electric sheep. It's upsetting how much the movie takes away from it
>irl velma
Is the Otherland series by Tad Williams worth the read? Have a few $$ to spare and saw a good bundle for the 4 books on amazon.

I'm not that much into sci-fi but heard this one incorporates fantastical elements due to the setting
yeah John Carter and Pellucidar are swept into the SF genre because of their age and pedigree but they're very much fantasy. Science fantasy if you really want to be pedantic.
I need your edgiest edgelord stuff y'all, stuff that would make Bakker wince. The grimmest of grimdark.
I'm the Brandon Sanderson of edgy grim shit (understand whatever you want of that information)
You need non-fiction for that
Have a dose of over the top violence and cruelty with a dash of constant rape.
Probably the worst slop I've ever read
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I need /sffg/ opinion on this.
Did the cover artist just rip the model from Smaug in the hobbit movies?

the publisher asked for a black dragon yelling at a knight in top of a mountain instead of a shadow of the gods literal cover.
I bet that dragon is a god and he's big mad.
why a dragon will be mad at a little dude in armor??
who knows...
fe de erratas:
>"yelling at a knight in top of a mountain" have to be changed to "yelling at a knight on top of a mountain"
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Is it possible to make a setting that is comfy and extremely bleak at the same time?
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Girls' Last Tour
I was surprised to see that this book was received quite well in /sffg/. Cant buy this book because it was out of stock in my usual store. It was said that I have to wait for 4-7 weeks if I want to get this book and another 2 weeks of delivery thing in order for me to received this one.
I will not waiting for 2 months for one single book alone. So, guess it'll be ZLIB then. Dont blame me
Is there a good sci fi book of a Francoist leader leading human civilization to its absolute peak?
Don't read and obsess over Tolkien then. You won't be influenced by Tolkien, if you actually go further back into western history. Learn about the people and events throughout the ages, dive deep into the history of the church, read as many myths and legends as you can.
You should be able to farm the various different legends of St George and his dragon hunt, as it has a few different versions, for at least 2-3 books.
Learn about the inspirations for King Arthur and Camelot. Learn about the historic events that led to the European Witch Hunts, and the European Witch Hunts themselves. Read as many different Folk and Fairy Tales as you can, not just reading the Grimm's versions or just watching the Disney movies.
If all your fantasy writing is a derivative of Tolkien, then stop reading Tolkien and post-Tolkien books. Go further back, and find all the stuff that people ignore.
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Book for this feel? I want to make myself cringe.
There's no argument for defining what fantasy is except for "anything called fantasy which is Tolkien ripped off" which is vague, begging some questions, and circular logic. But let us imagine that there is any actual substance to this. Piers Anthony, the man behind The Color of Her Panties and other horse fucking novels was able to not be Tolkienesque. He used Grecian mythology mixed with folklore from several different cultures to deliver in the very first Xanth novel an interesting story based on the dangers of immigration and race-mixing, losing one's culture due to primal lust overriding the mental faculties of man. Is that Tolkien? Tolkien is not lusty at all, Women cease to exist below the neck after all. Is it GRRM? At this point the writer of that initial poorly jotted out juvenilia would go ah but another category there is also the slightly horny fantasy of Anthonesque and be greeted in their own mental monologue with a bouquet of bugles at another category created to try and poorly define what fantasy is.

What they do a poor job of is pointing out an issue that does exist with fantasy and sci-fi, and really any genre. Which is that fiction within the SF&F tend to not have any literary aspirations, they tend towards being genre stories. Do I love every word of Zothique? I dearly do. But it was only ever meant to be a weird tale published in a weird tale periodical, nothing higher than that. When the initial exploration dies down and you only have regurgitation of beloved genre hits then you do get the genre ghetto phenomenon.
I think Trysmoon gets pretty edgy, but I'll never forget how Brent Weeks has this Christian social work fascination with prostitution to the point that he made an entire national religion requiring you to hire whores and then beat the shit out of them an actual honest to god major plot point. Just the description of the thousands of men queuing up to the whorehouses, eager with a religious fervor to fuck then fight every last woman in there.
>Which is that fiction within the SF&F tend to not have any literary aspirations, they tend towards being genre stories.
That's going to happen in any medium as it becomes easier for the average person to produce works within it.
It used to be crazy fucking hard to be a writer, because everything had to be rewritten by hand, so only the rich or religious could fund writing. When the printing press was invented, the amount of people who were able to produce writing drastically increased. As modern technology took over, eventually leading to online publishing, the barriers to entry have basically been removed.
What was once something done by only the smartest or most talented people, became something that has sites dedicated to publishing anyone's slop for free.
Same thing happened with music, movies, video games, comics, animation, tv shows, paintings, etc. I can't think of a medium that doesn't see a nosedive in quality over time, as it becomes more available to the average person's creations.
That's before we even start talking about the fact that our IQ is falling, and has been falling since the Industrial Revolution. Which is a compounding effect on the ease of the average person's ability to have access to art creation tools and art distribution.
Tolkien ripping off isn't and shouldn't be part of any definition of fantasy, even if a majority of the authors end up ripping him off one way or the other. There's always going to be outliers, like all the stories that existed before Tolkien, or Star Wars type stuff that only looks like SF on a surface level but is really fantasy.
"Fantastic stories that don't qualify as science fiction or horror" is probably the closest you're going to get to a crisp, all-encompassing definition.
Does this story contain elements that don't exist in real-life? Yes? Does the author make an attempt to ground these elements on scientific theory? No? Do the fantastic elements primarily exist to create a nightmarish atmosphere? No? Then it's fantasy.
Would a novel about knights going into war against another kingdom, in order to save someone who's been kidnapped, that doesn't have dragons, orcs, elves, or magic still be fantasy?
It also leaves out the entire sub-genre of Dark Fantasy, that's not trying to be horror to scare you, but uses horror elements.
Your definition isn't terrible as a general direction, but it does leave out some ideas that should be under fantasy.
I really am impressed with your willingness to share and also your dedication to getting it finished. However, I think as the others have said, this would work well as a draft that can be expanded. There is absolutely a LOT salvageable from the few pages I read, it's literally just some of the descriptions. Which, of course, can be edited. I'd say keep it up, go through, straight up rewrite some of the sentences in order to give yourself new ideas, and also make sure the start is engaging enough. Because if the beginning feels stiff, it's just not gonna make people want to read anymore of it, even if there is a good story in there. Best of luck.
If those are named as real kingdoms from real history, then it's historical fiction. Yes, even if the events and characters are fictional and the writing isn't terribly realistic. If the kingdoms aren't anything that ever existed in the real world, then they are fantastic elements in themselves.
Dark fantasy is just a subset of fantasy. And lots of different stories in different genres have horror elements, even Harry fucking Potter has some. It's just a question of how important the role of horror is in the particular work.
I didn't mention superhero stories either, but the way I see those are again just a subset of SF/F (whether it's SF or F depends on how "grounded" that particular version of batman is)
>If those are named as real kingdoms from real history, then it's historical fiction. Yes, even if the events and characters are fictional and the writing isn't terribly realistic. If the kingdoms aren't anything that ever existed in the real world, then they are fantastic elements in themselves.
Now you're changing your definition. You started with "Does this story contain elements that don't exist in real-life?" I chose elements that did exist in real life, but are staples of the fantasy genre, without elements that don't exist in real life. If the kingdoms are unnamed, then you wouldn't be able to say if it's historical fiction or not.
>even Harry fucking Potter has some
Harry Potter are a bunch of mystery novels with fantasy elements put on top. It's use of horror elements come from them being mystery novels, not dark fantasy.
>I didn't mention superhero stories either
Which is another flaw of your definition.
But as I said, your definition isn't terrible, and it's impossible to create a definition that only includes everything that needs to be within it, while excluding everything that shouldn't be within it. You can't do it for any words, so don't sit here and try to rationalize why your definition is correct and without flaws. You gave a definition that can help point someone in the general direction, but it did a better job of filtering other genres away, than actually attempting to define fantasy.
There's a reason I said "probably the closest you're going get to" and not "the".
I will not entertain your hair-splitting further.
>did a better job of filtering other genres away, than actually attempting to define fantasy.
...except for this part. I did define "fantasy" as "anything that doesn't exist in the real world".
It's a word I didn't invent and I'm not sure that if I had to come up with all literary genres and categories from scratch I would come up with one named "fantasy" but hey that's what everyone uses and we're going to have to live with it.
By necessity the definition is going to have to be vague since the word merely implies "this story is not very realistic at all".
My reasoning was that since the word is extremely inclusive the best way to turn it into a working definition is through exclusion - by listing the things it isn't. And from what I can tell that's how the curators of libraries and bookstores also work it out. The fantasy section is the refuse that doesn't go anywhere else.
The final step in that process of elimination is "science fiction or fantasy?" and since that one is usually the toughest to answer it makes sense to explicitly include it in the definition. I trust most people can tell a fantasy novel and a police procedural apart without someone telling them the formal difference in number of pointy elf ears. I threw in the horror thing as an afterthought realizing that if you went by literal interpretation those are also stories with fantastic elements but really the process of elimination tends to get rid of them early. "Ooh spooky scary book goes to the spooky scary shelf".
Syladin is REAL
That scene and the serwe one at the end of Warrior Prophet hint that he might shake his dunyain nature, but we leave his PoV before anything happens. Its a big part of the second trilogy's ambiguity; is Kellhus actually just mad now, having overloaded his dunyain analytical autism with all the idiosyncrasies of the normal world? We've no true way of knowing.
fantasy (pejorative)
>i would at least read books 4+ if they ever get published
I point you to the martinin' on the covers of books 2 and 3... if he likes an author, the author is cursed.
Does that Wexakus faggot not know how to use spoiler tags, or at least warn people he would reveal plot points? Goodreads "reviewers" are scum.
Throw a dart at any YA fantasy book released in the past five years.
>not expecting 4channers to be scum
Your own fault really.
No proof Wexakus is on 4chan. If he were, my point would be the same: You're a faggot; learn how to write without spoilers.
>review starts with "some spoilers I guess"
>You ignore this
Your own fault really.
(sing to the tune of "She'll Be Coming Round The Mountain")

There's a bimbo on the cover of my book
There's a bimbo on the cover of my book
She is blonde and she is sexy
She is nowhere in the text, she
Is the bimbo on the cover of my book

There's black leather on the bimbo on my book
There's black leather on the bimbo on my book
While I'm sure she's lots of fun
My heroine's a nun
Who wears black leather on the cover of my book

There's a white male on the cover of my book
There's a white male on the cover of my book
Though the heroine is black
With art that cuts no slack
So there's a white male on the cover of my book

There's a dragon on the cover of my book
There's a dragon on the cover of my book
He is long and green and scaly
But he's nowhere in the tale, he
Is the dragon on the cover of my book

There's a rocket on the cover of my book
There's a rocket on the cover of my book
It's a phallic and a stout one
Though the story is without one
There's a rocket on the cover of my book

There's a castle on the cover of my book
There's a castle on the cover of my book
Every knight is fit for battle
But the action's in Seattle
There's a castle on the cover of my book

There's a monster on the cover of my book
There's a monster on the cover of my book
He is mean and he is hairy
Though the stories aren't that scary
There's a monster on the cover of my book

There are death rays on the cover of my book
There are death rays on the cover of my book
It's a philosophical story
But the cover must be gory
There are death rays on the cover of my book

There are spaceships on the cover of my book
There are spaceships on the cover of my book
The connection's rather iffy
But if the story's “sci-fi”
There'll be spaceships on the cover of my book

There's a blurb on the backside of the book
There's a blurb on the backside of the book
There's one story on the cover
Inside the book's another
There's a blurb on the backside of the book

My name is on the cover of my book
My name is on the cover of my book
Although I hate to tell it
The publisher misspelled it
But my name is on the cover of my book

They reviewed my book in Locus magazine.
They reviewed my book in Locus magazine.
The way Mark Kelly synopsized it,
I barely recognized it,
But they reviewed my book in Locus magazine.

Well, my book won the Nebula award.
Yes, my book won the Nebula award.
Still it ended in remainders,
Ripped and torn by perfect strangers,
But my book won the Nebula award.

So put that bimbo on the cover of my book.
Put a bimbo on the cover of my book.
I don't care what gets drawn
If you'll just leave the cover on.
So put that bimbo, dragon, castle, rocket,
Vampire, elf, or magic locket-
Please put a bimbo on the cover of my book!
>dragon's egg
Just to be sure, did you read Starquake?
Is there a name for when a writer so perfectly captures the essence of something with a new ter, that it leads another writer to become annoyed, because you're now unable to use a similar type approach, system, magic, thing in your own writing and come up with a new name for it, without going from derivative to full on rip off?
For examples please see 'enuncia' from Horus Heresy and "this is the way" from... Boba Fett?
Respec? Admiration?Jealousy?
I dont think goodreads /sffg/ group was entirely filled with 4chudders. I never joined them thoughever, but they have like 600 or so members in there. Mayperchancebeit that user is not an anon
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Man I just finished reading Volume 4 and I'm disappointed that Daly got killed off before she got her moment. At least she went out with a bang. Ince getting his comeuppance was cathartic. Ince was such a driving force and motivation for Klein that his death has left me feeling the story has lost its steam at the beginning of V5.

Does it get better? Is there more for Klein? I know that there is a continuation called Circle of Inevitability so does this book get a conclusive ending or is it setting up things for the sequel?
It's Felling night and within the Waystone Inn, Old Cob is recounting the tale of Taborlin the Great to Jake, Graham, Shep, Aaron, and the innkeeper. In it, Taborlin is said to be locked within a high tower with nothing to escape while the Chandrian are hinted to be near due to blue flame.

The story is paused as the men eat their dinner. As he quickly finishes eating, Old Cob resumes the story and mentions that Taborlin knew the name of all things and utilized this ability to escape from the cell by calling upon the name of stone. He is met with a drop that would kill most, but Taborlin also knew the name of the wind.

It's explained that Taborlin lands safely due to an amulet given to him by a tinker, at which point Graham mentions that "a tinker pays for kindness twice". Jake corrects him by saying "a tinker's advice pays kindness twice," at which point the quiet innkeeper speaks for the first time, correcting both by saying: "A tinker’s debt is always paid: Once for any simple trade. Twice for freely-given aid. Thrice for any insult made."

The story continues and devolves into an argument about the Chandrian until Carter comes into the Waystone, bloody and injured. Old Cob assumes that men attacked Carter, at which point he yells at him that he shouldn't have taken the risk. Carter drops a large black spider, hollow and made of a stone-like material with blades as sharp as razors along its legs. The innkeeper seems unaffected by the "demon" as he explains to the rest that he'd heard of them from a traveling trader. He uses a shim to confirm if it's a demon, as all demons fear three things: Iron, fire, and as Jake adds, the name of God. A crackling sound can be heard as he presses the coin against it, at which point the innkeeper asks what they should do now.

FAN FUCKING TASTIC. Perfect prose, perfect opening, perfect tone, voice, pace, everything.
The Dog Stars but a weeb probably wouldn’t like it.
thanks. I'll continue working on it.
never finished locke lamora, i couldn't care less about the characters
I don't where else they would join from and the join asks for which website you're from. 870 members currently.
I think my friend is actually competent at writing, and I'm jealous as he isn't socially autistic like me. I'll post an exert from my story and his story. Tell me which prose you prefer please.
The overgrown garden was illuminated by sun. Except for the rustling of the leaves, the silence was only interrupted by the laughter of his friends who played in the tall grasses somewhere further back. Even though they ran between the bushes and the trees, it seemed to him like everything had slowed. He looked back to admire the old house to which this garden belonged to. Abandoned, ran down and destroyed, while at night it must have been terrifying, in this moment it seemed serene like everything else around.
The group went onward, Jalius disappearing beyond the curve of the world as they walked their horses into great ravines of jagged rock and tall sparse trees, the sun dominating the earth and skies. As they dodged the muddy remnants of old rain that covered the road like marbling, the birds sang and the trees groaned with the breath of distant oceans. It reminded Marius of the unmatched power of the world.
Your friends writing is simply better. It's far more active too.
I wish that you made us figure out who's writing is whos to have blind objectivity which is better.
But I think your friend is better simply for what another anon said, and the prose feels less wasting words. More precise. That being said yours is fine if that is how you like to write, you'll get better over time too so don't be discouraged, but my writing eclipses both you faggots.
Dude, he prosemogged you. I'm so sorry for your loss.
Don't get discouraged. His is more active, sure, but you are competent. You will improve with time and dedication.
post prose
He really did it to you.
I knew you were going to ask and my answer is no. You are going to read my shit sooner or later though.
so you suck too bad to be willing to post prose. kk
yes you win
why /lit/ hates female protagonist?
because bobs and vagene
Joking aside, most female protagonists in recently published books are shown as capable through the emasculanization of male characters, instead of being proven capable through other means. It's a current and odd trend that leaves a bad taste in my mouth; the only way for them to be skilled or competent is to have them directly contrasted and showing up some reprehensible man. God forbid that a man is more skilled or or talented or teaches something to the super special princess.
The book I'm writting has a female chad MC that is very strong, but also there's secondary male characters who are also chads who are very strong. I call it the chad gang
Chad gang is good! IMO no one should be perfect. Have their strengths complement each other, have them lean on one another to problem solve, have no one be useless, and you'll have a damn good group.
>The book I'm writting has a female chad MC
stopped reading there
>The book I'm writting has a female chad MC
You're reading about a tranny.

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