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/lit/ - Literature

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What are some of the worst /lit/ red flags?
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women liking bukowski
Totally. Manifesto shows someone is a no read cunt. Family Private Property and the State is max, but Capital Volume 1 chapter 1 read via Reading Capital Politically is acceptable. Personally I have never kicked a Peasants War in Germany out of bed.
what is this, an image for ants?
Likes the Three Body Problem series.
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black hands typed this
If she breathes
Women who like Bukowski are usually cute. Men who like Bukowski are usually cringe. I think you're a closeted fag.
Blacks are christian though. Whites is the group with more atheists.
>only reads dead authors
You know they aren't real ballers, just farming cred
>they read authors who used more than five words in their sentences
what a pretentious fuck
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>A modern edition
>Introduction by Eric Hosbawn
Those are the real red flags here.
The author was an ardent communist. Probably the biggest red flag imaginable.
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>Read philosophy
>read theology
>read sociology
>Love infinite jest
Just because someone reads allot doesn't mean they're intelligent
Economically illiterate morons love this brain rot.
>The opening line, paragraph, page(s) show no discernible talent.

Novels make an enormous claim on a person's time, and it had better be good as fucking fiction out of the gates or else.
wow this call out is crazy
I agree but also I feel like there is a lot of bullshit going on with how they retroactively try to make everyone communists. Like if you were a "socialist" in the year 1920 it might have just meant you wanted some very minimal shit for workers and some form of retirement to take care of old people or whatever.
Wasnt it asians?
since we're on the topic of communism - should I stop reading this or what? i was intrigued by it but the first two chapters already make me believe the rest is bullshit
>reading communism for dummies
>feels it lacks intellectual stimulation
ya, marxism is basically the definition of midwit. higher IQ people end up anarchist/libertarian and then "far right" (really just the normal understanding of things for most of humanity)
They said they think it's bullshit, not that it wasn't intellectually stimulating bullshit
My dear friend all of that resentment in your heart is not good for you.

There is more value to Marx's theories and criticisms then the semantics of his admitedly flawed economic analysis.
I wholeheartedly recommend that you try to sincerely read and engage with Marx and his contemporaries
Nice try bucko
Mein Kampf, of course. Any neo-nazi lit. Also, Buddhist and Hindu lit. Both groups are larping pseuds.
if she reads books
>Also, Buddhist and Hindu lit. Both groups are larping pseuds.
Buddhist larpers: Found more often than not.
Hindu/Vedic larping: Lmao, by who?
hey now, let us all have our vices. some meditate on nonexistence, some on God, some on all-beingness
but yeah let the neonazis hang
Men who read fiction
Women who read non fiction
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Romance books.
Eagleton I heard is a much better literary critic than an ideologue.
Are the Homeric epics considered fiction or nonfiction to you?
I thought the joke was that the cover is literally a giant red flag...
Any occult bullshit
Crowley etc etc were all conmen grifters
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Catcher in the Rye is the best novel of the 20th century though
>reads only Harry Potter
>reads Harry Potter and anime
>reads Harry Potter and the Holy Bible
wife material
Does communist manifesto even count as a book? It's like 70 pages long. You can read it in an hour or so
>wojaks in 2024
>gradeA UnderA stick figure tranny shit
>muh stoicism
I don't know if one can cram more incel signals in one image
>should I stop reading
>communism apologetics
If you have to ask it's already over.
>muh stoicism
>gradea undera stick figure tranny
I need an explain on these
t. 164 IQ esoteric third positionist schizophrenic
Bukowski is a midwit fag red flag in general.
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>higher IQ people end up anarchist/libertarian and then "far right" (really just the normal understanding of things for most of humanity)

This is such a well-known red flag that it's literally a forshadow in one of the biggest movies in the world rn
>hurr durr Economically illiterate morons love this brain rot.
the biggest economically illiterate morons are the ones who think that The Wealth of Nations advocates an unqualified, unrestrained lassiez-faire capitalism.

And are usually the same ones who get pissed when you call them fascists, and get even more pissed when you point out that Mussolini said that unrestrained capitalism should be called capitalofascism, in which business losses are socialized and business gains are privatized. (kinda like what the Republicans did during the Bush AIG bailout of 08 and the Bush S&L bailout of 1988)
Bukowski is great because of the honesty of it and because you can identify with him. Nobody likes him because he is some great intellectual. And your presupposition that everything is about having a big brain is peak midwit.
This flag turns green once you are 40+.
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Asians have hundreds of religions. West asia is completely muslim, while east asia has hinduism, buddhism, taoism, shinto, christianity and their ramifications... The only country that goes full atheist is China because they practically have religion banned.
>reads Harry Potter and the Holy Bible
But these are contradictory. You can't have a devout wife who likes Satanic subjects like witchcraft.
When I say asians I just mean east asians honestly, I'll say middle east when I talk about the arabs and specifically central asia or India when talking about them.
>70 pages long. You can read it in an hour or so

It takes me days to read 7 pages
Men who don't have a single woman in their library
Christcucks are reaching a level of delusion where they believe that black people are, somehow, enemies of Christianity, when America is littered with black cristians.
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DESU I don't think the books one reads tell you much about a person's character. Intuitively, I feel like they should, and from an intellectual standpoint I can see how the media one enjoys would reflect their personality, but in reality I've met plenty of people that are into media I consider low-quality but are still interesting, friendly, and successful. On the other hand, I read literary fiction all the time and I'm a massive loser with no personality. I think the reasons people like the media they like are at least as important as the media themselves. For example, I really only enjoy reading because it's a form of escapism, which is why I absolutely cannot write even though I love to read. Sorry I didn't have a red flag to contribute to the thread. I enjoyed reading your responses though.
red flag?
Okay we don't all live you in your head anon. Learnt to communicate.
Hispanics too. Wh*tes hate God.
Call of the Crocodile
You have a great point, but I think Das Kapital being someone's favorite book is worse.
nietzsche. they're usually pretentious pieces of shit and cant have critical thoughts of their own
What? you can't read minds? pf.. and people wonder why they dont understand eachother.
The favorite book of the girl I like is Kerouac’s On The Road. What’s wrong with it?
When their favorite books or writers list is generic. Shows they're just reading or pretending to read for the fashion of it
Cringy wojak aside, it is baffling how many urban fantasy books are just straight up pornography. Also really annoying, you're invested in the story and the setting and then all of a sudden you'll get three pages of his rock hard shaft and her hot nethers.
Nothing. Anyone who disagrees is a square
Depends on how old she is. Kerouac is a phase some people go through like Ayn Rand and you only need to worry if they haven't progressed through it by their mid-20s. Every year after 20 the red flag gets bigger.
Nothing wrong with it. Most women LARP about running away and starting a new life in a different city. Why the fuck do you think women T R A V E L ? It's to LARP about starting a new life. When women travel they all think, "Oh, I could move here, and it would be great! Why don't I move here? It would be awesome and all my friends would be jealous? I should move here? Wait, how would moving here work? Ugh, let's get back to having fun and T R A V E L L I N G ! Thinking about moving scares me :( I miss my fuck buddy back home :( Ooooh! There's a hot foreign guy! Let's fuck him!"
Where can I read the rest of your book?
Now that you mention it, she indeed spent a year or so as an exchange student in Germany. I hope she didn’t fuck any German guys there…
Anon...when women do foreign exchange programs, it's so they can be a whore and fuck a lot of guys. Then when they come back, they can still say they are a virgin, because there's nobody to spill the beans that they fucked her.
I hope that was sarcastic. I personally would find a novel length book written in a satirical style from the perspective of an incel tiring after a few pages. A short story could work, but that's it.
I think she’s different.
If you're talking to this girl you need to make a move soon. Otherwise you're in danger of becoming her friend. I know what you're thinking, "But she should know the only reason I'm interested in hanging out with her and talking to her is because I'm sexually attracted to her!" Listen man, women actually think men and women can be friends without any sexual tension or sexual desire. So you have to nip that in the bud before she assumes you're just a male friend.
I actually just admire her from afar and stalk her social media, I’m too much of a coward to just make a move like that…
Yes, you're economically illiterate. I didn't need more evidence of this but there it is. I would make a pile of recommendations but you're part of an intellectual cult and actively despise people smarter than you are.
Systems that use fiat currency will never be capitalism and until you understand why you'll continue to serve the very "capitalists" you claim to hate.
>Straw man
I'm not mad at you at all for any reason. You are a misguided child raised by a public education system that clearly never equipped you with the tools to rationally asses the world you live in.
kek she doesn't even know you exist and you're fantasizing about her being a virgin after slutting it up at Oktoberfest.
The biggest red flags of all time will always be female author and female protagonist.
>Yes, you're economically illiterate.
And it would seem that you are just plain illiterate. I made it very clear in my previous post that I do not entirely agree with (classical) Marxist economics but still find some value in his ideas.
All that I asked of you was to keep an open mind and avoid this odd resentment you have over people you disagree with.
> I didn't need more evidence of this but there it is.
You disagree with me saying that classical Maxist economics are "admittedly" flawed and outdated?
> I would make a pile of recommendations but you're part of an intellectual cult and actively despise people smarter than you are.
I am not entirely sure where you are getting this...
I am not Marxist if that is what you are getting at.
>Systems that use fiat currency will never be capitalism and until you understand why you'll continue to serve the very "capitalists" you claim to hate.
Show me where in my post I made an argument to the contrary.

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