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what is the Lord of the Flies for adults? something that grapples with the subject matter more seriously.
this happened in real life but the white kids just cooperated and did pretty well for themselves.


(((Golding))).was not happy about it
You mean non-white?
Boys were not white but it's true that Golding was a retard.
it was six dudes who were good friends with each other and they were 17. that's hardly the same situation.
i jerked off to this book so many times. the sexual abuse of the fat boy scenes were so kino hnnggg
>for adults
There is no better microcosm for society and morality than an isolated group of shotas. Golding understood this.
goldstein apparently didn't understand the fact that kids are fucking retarded despite being a teacher in an elementary school and that using them as a tool to critique human nature is a dumb idea.
Most adults are retarded though
The Tempest
isn't it ironically cyclic that the book is typically required reading that is used to teach teenagers about human nature
Blood Meridian
After The Dark / aka The Philosphers (movie)
We Are Marshall (movie)
The Beach (movie)
Robinson Crueso (book)
Blue Lagoon (novel)
Heart of Darkness
Bongs did a social experiment simulating the conditions of the island in probably the closest way you can get without being unethical.


It's interesting how in the end, two cliques form just like in the book, the rule setters and the rule breakers.
High Rise
If you say so, moshi.
I mean, if they were afrikanas they would have resorted to cannibalism almost immediately. Islanders are pretty chill.
Kids aren't retarded, theyre unconditioned, which makes them perfect, you smooth brained poofter
The intellect of the anti-semite
ok moshi
When I had a girl over at my apartment she pointed at this book in my shelf and asked me what I thought about it. I told her it was in my top 5 most overrated pieces of shit books and she gave me a lewd look and said she didn't like it either. Nothing sexual happened after that.
What's a lewd look?
There was a documentary made by channel 4 in the UK in the early 2000s called Boys Alone. A group of boys around ten, the same as LotF, alone in a house for a weekend with a camera crew told to ignore the children’s behaviour and not get involved. They trashed the house right away and then realised they had to live in filth. Then they decided to vote for a leader to decide on who needs to clean up…then it gets real Lord of the Flies. The book is an especially English look at pre teen social politics which is why four islander boys are not equivalent. There were no issues of class within the group they were brothers. https://youtu.be/bCePbRdQmbE?si=6cOcFfTev67QHA7i
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Like this.
That's a jewed look
Man that tv show is a core memory of mine.
>Something that grapples with The Lord of the Flies's subject matter more seriously
This video on Cormac McCarthy's The Road.
Other link: https://odysee.com/@keithwoods:e/the-road-are-we-naturally-evil:5
That book enrages libtards living in Rousseauian fantasyland.
One of the things I found neat about this is that they survived five days without tv or phone screens. A second thing that amazed me: they trashed the house, decided to try and clean it up, then on the last day decided to trash it some more since they were leaving. Compared to the book, I wonder if the damage to the house would have been so bad if sweet snack foods, supersoakers and stuff to paint the walls, and all varieties of toys weren't so available for legal reasons. My niece has a habit of bringing out every toy in her room if she isn't watched and I imagine the boys burned through everything because it was available to do so.
The documentary would be a lot worse if repeated today since now kids are taught they should act wild while on camera.
High-school core.
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I'm going to buy this book if you tell me if there is any shota sex.

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