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Do you still visit bookstores? I haven't been in one in 2 years. It's all Amazon and Public libraries for me
My city has atleast 3 good bookstores, I visit some every now and then.
I do but I buy more used than new instore because MSRP is too high
>L'academie coming soon
oh, the memories
No bookstore looks like this
I usually get everything off Amazon or eBay
Or the NYRB semi annual sales
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I used to love my local book stores until they started flying the pride flag and shilling libcukery.
Now I just get everything from inter-library loan. Jews saturate the publishing industry now so it's hard to find books that aren't midwit circle jerks and cis-trans-stronkFemal vomit.
I'm too poor to buy books
The vast majority of the books I've read were either e-books or audiobooks
It's all libgen for me.
>It's all Amazon and Public libraries for me
Same desu.
I went to a Barnes & Noble for the first time in years and the prices were fucking crazy compared to Amazon. I saw some books costing nearly 2x more. It's no surprise so many book stores are going out of business, especially with more people choosing digital, and reading less overall.
Yeah, secondhand charity bookstores are a fucking goldmine for art history books
I like to go to Barnes and noble once every other month. Take a day off in the middle of the week where it's only me and some lonely house wife who's husband is at work and the kids are in school. I find a book and sometimes an easy fuck.
I adore going to bookstores. Whenever I walk by one I feel a compulsive urge to step inside just to loiter around and peruse the books even if I don't plan on buying one. And usually when I start buying I can't stop. It's become a bit of a problem actually. I'm book collecting my family out of house and home.
Sometimes yea, but I never bought a single book from there. I'd rather buy my books online, its way more cheaper and I dont have to spent extra goybucks for the store wagecucks and building rent. If I go to bookstore I just simply look around and that's it.
I'm somewhat afraid of public libraries because I don't wanna get mugged or stabbed by a crackhead.
only fifty cent and under thrift stores
amazon is fine if you don't mind your package arriving like shit and are willing to ask for replacements 3 times. still, not the worst option considering all books in non-used bookstores are crazy overpriced
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>Do you still visit bookstores?
whenever mommy offers to take me, nyes. i'd go on a more regular basis if i didn't loathe driving.
>amazon is fine if you don't mind your package arriving like shit and are willing to ask for replacements 3 times.
I find it's better if you order multiple books at once rather than one. Almost every time I order a single book it comes in a mailer and is kind of worn. Ordering multiples or with other items they'll ship it in a box with at least some padding.
I have an addiction, so I go to used bookstores all the time. I've gone so much, the owners recognize me and have a weirded out looks when I come by. They're practically telling me to slow down my reading and buying habits
z-lib is my bookstore - because all other bookstores in my country are either run by kikes or woke, totally obedient muzzle-wearing and vaxxed leftards. May they go bankrupt, i will never pay them a single dime again.
I hate to be nostalgic for such a fucked up happening, yet, I am.
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that's sad, communists probably invented wokies and faggots to shit up the only kind of establishment that repulsed funky negroes and stinking gypsies without actually offending them
Only public librar for me, i am poor
aren't there like homeless people jerking off, sleeping, or defecating behind the open stacks?
The Oxfam bookshops are always the best.
I go to Barnes and Noble once a week but never buy anything. It's all the same crap:
>Boomercon Americans save the universe
>Feminists kill the Patriarchy with magic
>Teenagers are gay
>Shit I've already read getting republished
>Some fairytale/old Disney movie mutilated beyond recognition.
the lamest shit is that the people who own the main bookstore in my city also own a restaurant and during the coof they made you wear a mask in the bookstore but in the restaurant they of course let people take their masks off, like wow covid is deadly in here but not a problem over there, fuck those assholes i will not be supporting "independent" bookstores
NTA but not everybody is a burger like you.
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everybody is a burger anon
just not the same kind
This quote is misattributed
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all quotes are misattributed unless accompanied by their birth chart
Yeah, I visit Anna's quite often.
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Yes I'm a regular, they know me by name. Not a big chain, small-ish place with people that care. Two times out of three they already have whatever I want at the store, otherwise they can order it. They also have the occasional reading event and I like their selection of calendars.

If you aren't buying books in stores you are incredibly soulless.
I can't wait for his next work.
Just don't go to the libraries in Baltimore, and you'll be fine.
>this is an america-exclusive problem
To me the big problem with Barnes & Noble is the selection.
I check occasionally for old Loebs and stuff like that but otherwise not really. Amazon and Abebooks are just way better 99% of the time and I can go to the library too.
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I visit used bookstores every now and then. I always buy something, partially because I'm paranoid I'll be accused of shoplifting if I leave a store without making a purchase, but mostly because I always find something I want to read. I love used bookstores, especially independent ones. They're always very cozy, but also probably fire hazards. Very quiet and peaceful, too. I can't remember ever seeing another young man in a used bookstore, though. Maybe in Seattle.
For me it's thrift stores and Anna's Archive
Yeah. I love book stores. Unfortunately, there are all too few good ones. I still have fun browsing at different Barnes & Nobles though.
1. goodwill
2. used book stores
3. Barnes & Noble
I want to rank local book stores 3rd but I’ve never even seen a local book store that wasn’t some shitty leftist pozz shop or a YA fantasy store more than a proper book store.
There's one bookstore in my entire city, and it's a chain store, and we have a population of roughly ~3 million in the general area. There used to be some used bookstores but I guess rent got too high to make it feasible to operate.
>uppity bookstore only sells new, overpriced
>small used bookstore never has what I want to read
those are the only options within 20 miles, so most of my books come from thriftbooks. maybe I should just take the e-reader + libgen pill, but I can't convince myself.
Seriously considering buying a Kobo, installing KOReader on it and syncing it to my desktop.
On a weekly basis. My state has a nice amount of used and independent bookstores, and I travel frequently for work, so I kill time checking them out. Most are like what many anons have posted here, but there are a few gems that are so good that I will bid on trips to those towns just to visit them. Besides that, I only buy books from two places:
>my local thrift shop because it’s 50¢ - 75¢ a book, and they are always stocked with high-quality material.
>used bookstore in a neighboring town with a good, inexpensive inventory made even more affordable by a generous trade-in credit program
a couple bookstores have sections of old books that either havent been digitized or are behind a subscription paywall, ive cleaned out all the interesting stuff so ill have to wait a year or so for them to build up anything more. i recently found a book from the 20s with an amalgamation of stories the author heard growing up (40+ years prior) from old black women in the south who claimed to have met abraham lincoln. its written in ebonics and is mostly about how much he liked their food.
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I can buy 4-5 books with 10 euros on bookstores compared to Amazon where i can only buy 1 book with the same money.
only problem with bookstores is that they don't sell books that are old and not popular among gen z or millennials. but above all the issues ,the biggest problem that I have is that THEY ARE FUCKING REPLACING ACTUAL LITERATURE WITH JAPANESE MANGAS. GOD I HATE WEEBS.
For me, it's the hypocrisy

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