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/lit/ - Literature

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Recently I was playing pic related and I was struck by some of the kino lovecraftian scriptwriting, especially in the lines of The Narrator. Here are some I enjoyed:

>At last, in the salt-soaked crags beneath the lowest foundations we unearthed that damnable portal of antediluvian evil. Our every step unsettled the ancient earth but we were in a realm of death and madness! In the end, I alone fled laughing and wailing through those blackened arcades of antiquity.

>You will arrive along the old road. It winds with a troubling, serpent-like suggestion through the corrupted countryside. Leading only, I fear, to ever more tenebrous places. There is a sickness in the ancient pitted cobbles of the old road and on its writhing path you will face viciousness, violence, and perhaps other damnably transcendent terrors. So steel yourself and remember: there can be no bravery without madness.

>Leave nothing unchecked, there is much to be found in forgotten places.

>Welcome home, such as it is. This squalid hamlet, these corrupted lands, they are yours now, and you are bound to them.

>The cobwebs have been dusted, the pews set straight. The Abbey calls to the faithful...

>Women and men; soldiers and outlaws; fools and corpses. All will find their way to us now that the road is clear.

And this is just from the first half an hour or so.

Other games with good writing that I enjoyed are Planescape: Torment, Sunless Sea, Fear & Hunger, and Bloodborne.

I would love to hear any examples you guys have of deriving /lit/ enjoyment outside of traditional literary devices like books, poems, essays, etc. It can be anything: vidya, VNs, blogposts, websites, even manga.
>Man takes up the sword in order to shield the small wound in his heart sustained in a far-off time beyond remembrance. Man wields the sword so that he may die smiling in some far-off time beyond perception. - Berserk
Read a book, you fucking retard.
I've read over 30 books this year already.
manga and comicbooks don't count chuddie
If you had any reading comprehension you'd know that I already said those don't count as books.
webnovel and litrpgs don't count as books
Yes. So how many books have you read this year? Share with the class.
Yeah the narrator in DD is pure kino
>recruit leper
>This man understands that adversity and existence are one and the same.
The way is lit, the path is clear, we require only the strength to follow it.
Planescape torment
Disco Elysium is arguably one of the best written work of fiction of the century.
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good vidya > bad books, you pedant poofter
Fukken saved
Thank you anon, I just love the leper so fucking much
yeah leper is cool, too bad they made him kind of bad in dd2.
>t. midwit pseud
I read books and listen to audiobooks. That's all.
Glittering gold, trinkets and baubles
There was a time when quality writing like Disco Elysium's was fairly common in vidya, with a lot of writers cutting their teeth in traditional print media and having academic backgrounds in classical literature. It makes sense too, considering quality writing mattered more back then since computer graphics were nothing special. Now it's more often the writer is some social media influencer or wrote for an online review website that put them in close contact with the dev team. It's the designated nepo baby job at most game studios.
darkest dungeon gets really good the tone and ambience. the narration and so on works well in the setting and does a good job of building it up but you can't really call it good literature

planescape: torment has legit great writing and the whole game itself works around it. the plot and worldbuilding is fantastic, the characters are well done and (some of them) unironically deep. although in the end i didn't finish the game, i tried to grind too hard in hard difficulty and got bored

i played disco elysium and i wasn't impressed by the writing at all. i got bored with it after a few hours, although it was kinda shit to play because it barely worked in my old computer
Darkest Dungeon is the hardest game Ive ever played. Ive only ever cleared one dungeon before
same experience here
DE was boring and I didn't see beauty in the writing
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Twilight Princess
Black Reliquary has some greats in it too.
I love how cheeky the narrator in that one is.
>Our cause is just!
>It required funds nonetheless
I really liked the dialogue and writing in Heaven's Vault.

It's a point and click adventure cleverly disguised as a visual novel, but you never feel like your choices are mistakes or correct. You may have regrets, things you would have rather done instead. But they put a lot of effort into catering to your choices in both uncovering the mystery, and perhaps changing he story to make it fit the narrative you're sewing. I'm playing it for the second time, and some things just seem different based on new assumptions.

Characters are so grounded in their worlds that they come across as blunt, rather than obliging the protagonist on their quest as in other games.

And the gutter rat English voice of the actress who plays Aliya and narrates is pure sexo.

But it's largely about a brown thirty something woman, in a post civilization society, looking through the wreckage of other largely brown people and their lives, so none of you have played it.
>Misses 3rd time in a row and your whole party gets wiped out
>...i-if you value such things
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It's generic to say but I really like Fromsoft games writing, the lore and characters are pretty interesting
Planescape: Torment, Sunless Sea, Fear & Hunger
These and other games like Darkest Dungeon and Disco Elysium are good as well
no one reads comicbooks nowdays, Spider-Man sell like 10 times than any of the top 50 manga.
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This book feels relevant to the discussion and I think you'd get a lot out of it

Also A Princess Of Mars reads like a D&D campaign despite predating the concepts by a half century
>Ornaments. Neatly ordered, lovingly admired.
I love how this line references the collector.

God I fucking wish DD2 wasn't so fucking garbage. I need either a DD1 mod reinissaince or to spend the next 40 years crafting the perfect dark gunpowder fantasy game while learning everything from scratch.
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>Spare the others. I am ready.
>Steady, girl. If we're called, we answer.
>No way out, hmph. Let's do this.
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i think pillars of eternity has good writing when it isn't trying to do character dialogue or rather monologue
To fully contextualise the sort of game it is, I first heard mention of it on a /v/ thread concerned with the most vile, disgusting titles ever made.
I can’t truly recommend it because it’s subject matter is utterly, unrepentantly abhorrent.
It is, however, profound in a way no other game I have experienced is. It is the first piece of media to make me feel significant emotion - much to my personal frustration.
You can play it on browser.
Durance was one of the best written characters ever. Agreed about the rest tho, none of them was memorable.
>Paradigm (humorous point and click)
>Doki Doki LIterature Club (insanity hiding in place sight)
>Stanley Parable (amusing)
>Talos Principle/MYST (liminal)
>The Repairing Mantis (lofi horror)

There is good writing in other mediums. Getting back where Theater proper is interactive and immersive with technology as it can be in person is the challenge. VR ought to be able to put you on stage from any POV imagine adding internal monologue in addition to a play that otherwise isn't heard aloud without selecting that particular character POV in the performance
Video games are by default incapable of being a good thing, retarded manchild.
>Crits for 150
A summer before the fall"
>darkest dungeon
More like cringiest faggot
Games shouldn't try and be literary, the same way books shouldn't try to be interactive. This obsession with trying to appease or appeal to the standards other artistic mediums are measured by is holding video games back. You end up with slop like Planescape Torment being praised because it only has good writing relative to other games, when in book form it would have been unremarkable genre-fiction slop while the gameplay itself is dog shit.
Paper Mario 64
The fact that every video game addict looks like shit and is a midwit.
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Manga is an obvious one.
i hate the fact disco Elysium has a blatant leftie 'feel' to it,and attracts much of the same audience.
it's genuinely amazing.
explain what makes it amazing then
get a load of this pseud
not forcing you to watch this
but if you really want an answer to your question,go ahead
comics and manga are for man children.
I like book-games (not movie-games). I've replayed Telltale's TWD and TWAU more than almost anyone in the world.
>100 stress
>Baldwin's Resolve is Tested
>Many fall in the face of chaos. But not this one, not today.
My favorite quote, it just sparkles a kindle of fire a single and timid light of hope in the darkness of despair
Though I do not disagree with your stance, your use of Baki as an example of literary fiction is hilarious
>nooooo a masculine piece of media without epic nihilistic Reddit quips!!!! Not literature!!
in english, please
>spends whole life reading books
>thinks assertions are arguments
You'd be a retard no matter what you spent your time doing.
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When are you retarded manchildren going to grow up?
Name them
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this board is really going downhill huh
Retarded manchild site
Indeed. You can tell this is the case by the increasing number of anons who refuse to capitalize and punctuate.
so basically im still just not going to do it ahahaha
holy cringe why would you even make this thread OP
We're under no illusion you wouldn't know how to if you tried.
>We're under no illusion you wouldn't know how to if you tried.
thanks I guess?
it was a good thread until Duning and Kreuger showed up
I like the writing in Alpha Centauri.
>let people heckin enjoy things!
Literal reddit mentality kek. This is a (serious) literature board, by the way.
You have threads about honoring the ballsack.
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>This is a (serious) literature board, by the way
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>it was a good thread
>dood look at my epic based videogame lines! this so freakin LOVECRAFTIAN!

no it wasn't
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>This is a (serious) literature board, by the way.
Let's be honest though -- if you're not writing on Moleskine notebooks are you even really writing?
well there are probably at least 20 recycled threads up right now about twitter, reddit, AI, book covers, evola, spengler, religion, atheism, frogs, nietzsche, directionbrain, women, and funny erotica, so why are you even here? come to think of it there are probably only a small handful of threads that don't fall into those categories
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This has to be bait.
Books are dead unironically
get a life you bitter loser

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