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His prose is horrible. I can’t go a paragraph without involuntarily convulsing. I’m editing mentally as I read. Fucking dropped.
And you are ...?

I just read The Iron King and compared to that, GMMR is infinitely better so like, idk what you want.
Do you have examples of historical fiction/low fantasy with even better prose?

I also tried reading Ken Follett and that was REALLY bad.
I don’t read fantasy. I only picked this up because I watched the shows.
His prose is okay. It's uninteresting and obviously not the reason to read asoiaf. The reason are the characters and plot lines. I say this as someone who greatly values good prose btw.
Pillars of the Earth was great
Read "Fevre Dream"
It's fine. Much, much better than Sanderson and much, much better than most contemporary authors
His prose is god like compared to contemporary fiction writers. It's almost as good as mine.
Kino D. Walter. Mind your manners, boy.
Is it really that bad? Can you give me an example that isn't about shitting?
>She was sopping wet when he entered her. “Damn you,” she said. “Damn you damn you damn you.” He sucked her nipples till she cried out half in pain and half in pleasure. Her cunt became the world.
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So what if he has bad prose? Clearly he had fun making it, and eventually got to have casting couch sex with lots of women auditioning for Shae
>His prose is horrible.
Terrible taste, he's one of the best writers currently, period.
Its shit and the rapped girl chapters are terribly boring. The only good character is Phillip, thats it
I think his prose is above average at times. What do you dislike about it outside of the meme sections
Sunset found her.
This thread is a good example of why you should never take anyone seriously who claims to care about "prose quality".
You're reading a book about dragons, ice zombies, and an imp with attitude, retard.
>never take anyone seriously who claims to care about "prose quality"
Always a red flag.
I'm not reading anything he wrote because he looks like an old fat weird pervert, and I know that I'm right without actually needing to confirm it.
His prose is fine, it's just purposeful rather than expansive. There are about 1000 other fantasy authors whose prose you could complain about first before you get to gurm. If anything, if you're looking for something to nitpick from the first book, I'd be looking at his dialogue, which feels like something out of a TV show at times.
Fucking hell was it Martin that popularised this kind of cheap smut in genre slop amongst zillenials? I guess he is more influential than I gave him credit for
Lmao "her cunt became the world" dang that's cringe and gross
He's not even a current writer.
You're retarded.
>zero point
Fucking morons defending GRRM's disgusting prose. Newsflash: You fell for a marketing ploy! You were literally sold an unfinished shit story and you swallowed it up like the disgusting pigs you are.
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There is no excuse for bad writing, ever. Gurm writes as if English were his second or third language. He's an incompetent hack who can barely construct a sentence. His subject matter is irrelevant.
Maybe /lit/ isn't the board for you. Have you tried /lgbt/?
The punchline is that Gurm is laughing in his sleeve at all the plebs who made him rich.
He doesn't give a shit about his novels anymore, much less the suckers who read them.
>I got filtered.
>He doesn't give a shit about his novels anymore
He never did, his works are just another of the thousands of generics The Lord of the Rings rip offs, he's just like those animuh isekais
>doesn't read fantasy
>watches the trashiest soap opera trash ever and casually owns it as a badge of honor
The prose is okay but you'll be stretched to find another living author who cares as much about food as grrm:

>Of food there was plenty. The war had not touched the fabled bounty of Highgarden. While singers sang and tumblers tumbled, they began with pears poached in wine, and went on to tiny savory fish rolled in salt and cooked crisp, and capons stuffed with onions and mushrooms. There were great loaves of brown bread, mounds of turnips and sweetcorn and pease, immense hams and roast geese and trenchers dripping full of venison stewed with beer and barley. For the sweet, Lord Caswell’s servants brought down trays of pastries from his castle kitchens, cream swans and spun-sugar unicorns, lemon cakes in the shape of roses, spiced honey biscuits and blackberry tarts, apple crisps and wheels of buttery cheese.
This passage illustrates something more important than just gurm being a fat fuck - any given noble family of sufficient power would have cooks and bakers of a similar level and more than enough resources to lavish feasts on guests. The fertility of the country would be an issue of the peasantry. This logic - "there are lots of farms, which can be illustrated by having a big feast" is slapstick. Why people consider GRRM (and apparently he considers himself) some kind of realistic meat and potatoes writer opposed to Tolkien is beyond me.
He's an obvious a half-retarded "high functioning" autist, he literally called tolkien a "fantasist" (as if tolkien had some equally suburban-consumerist view on mythology like it was D&D (aka how martin see's it). I mean the fucker basically just copy-pasted actual historical events into a shitty (and I mean shit) fantasy setting, and thats the only reason it's considered "good".
>any given noble family of sufficient power would have cooks and bakers of a similar level and more than enough resources to lavish feasts on guests
But different noble families of sufficient power broadcast their power in different ways. Lannisters don't shower others with pastries, but they flaunt their wealth in gold and valuable items, and make frequent references to those who crossed them and how they were made into examples. Starks made a point of flaunting neither wealth nor the land's bounty, instead highlighting their position as the true keepers of ancient and powerful traditions which hold the lands together, ergo "muh winter is muh cumming", "muh norf remembers" and "there must always be a muh Stark in muh Winterfell". And Targs, of course, had their fire and blood - no need for posh feasts or expensive ornaments, since their show was in how they are simply beyond anyone else, on a completely different level, under a different law and playing a whole different game - in power, in ability, in ambition, like nobody would go as far and do the things they do for the things they desire. Hence their decay as they lost the dragons and tried to play by everyone else's rules.

For Tyrells enormous feasts are not just a display of "sufficient power", it's a piece of characterization in the narrative - both the narrative that GRRM writes in the book about these characters, and the narrative that Tyrells weave aroudn themselves for others to believe in.
>"We are growing strong, our lands are always fertile, our gardens are always beautiful, and our friends are never hungry, " - that's the shape of the shasdowplay they are making on the wall, to make others believe in their power.

Another good example of food being used for characterization is captured Davos dining with Godric Borrell - who serves Sister's Stew with saffron, got from Godric's controll over all smuggling operations across the Narrow Sea. He's wasting the outrageously expensive saffron, which Godric doesn't even like, but it gets a point across. That scene is not just a hobolord eating disgusting slop - it's a mopnologue, that silently says
>"I have no dragons, no fancy castles, no blooming meadows or forests full of game, no rich tapestries or scores of valiant knights - I'm a lowly and poor moster of a lowly and poor land, but my reach is much longer than most would think, I'm the true lord of all those who practice your old calling, so your master should reckon that"

Overall the fat fuck knows what he's doing with excessive food descriptions and such.
>it's a piece of characterization in the narrative
You're not understanding the point - this entire premise is slapstick fairytale logic divorced from human behaviour. I wouldn't care to mention this if his readers didn't push him as the dark, grounded counterpart to Tolkien.
>You're not understanding the point - this entire premise is slapstick fairytale logic divorced from human behaviour
Ah yes, because actual historic aristocracy did not make massive and varied displays of their power and capabilities, playing to their strengths. I better get going with a seance to inform Louis XIV that all his Versailes shit was slapstick fairytale logic divorced from human behaviour.
>Ah yes, because actual historic aristocracy did not make massive and varied displays of their power and capabilities, playing to their strengths. I better get going with a seance to inform Louis XIV that all his Versailes shit was slapstick fairytale logic divorced from human behaviour.
The Sun King didn't build Versailles because France is "The Architecture Country", much like Theodosian didn't build the Walls because Eastern Rome was "The Fort Country". Incidentally, the Library of Alexandria was not built because Egypt was "The Book Country", nor was Big Ben built because England was "The Clock Country". That is the level of the author you defend, and yours is lower. Read better books.
>The Sun King didn't build Versailles because France is "The Architecture Country", much like Theodosian didn't build the Walls because Eastern Rome was "The Fort Country". Incidentally, the Library of Alexandria was not built because Egypt was "The Book Country", nor was Big Ben built because England was "The Clock Country". That is the level of the author you defend, and yours is lower. Read better books.
And the Reach os not the Flowers Country. Tyrells, however are the Flowers Family. And Louis did commission Versailes because he was the Festivals King, his celebrations and performances being the major instrument of projecting his power for the target audience - his court, dazzling courtiers with favor, gifts and ritualistic positions, to keep them dancing and carousing and vying with each other for the key part in the Merlaison, while it would be actually trivial for them to band together, depose him and install a puppet instead.
every historical aristocracy had feasts, it doesn't show anything to have one. you can go to north korea right now and find Kim Jong Un behind a table twice as heavy as the one described in that passage. likewise, you could go back in time to some random eastern euro counts with shit land and not one of them would be eating slop to prove a point
Historicity: Louis XIV builds massive palaces such as Versailles, which cannot be replicated without massive resources of the scale of France (arguably at the time the richest country in Europe), giving him a reputation for opulence
GRRM: It's the uhhh.. food country, ergo I prove it by writing... a feast

>Louis did commission Versailes because he was the Festivals King
This is astounding. Is this what reading genre slop does to the brain?
>every historical aristocracy had feasts, it doesn't show anything to have one
But not all of them went to extreme degrees of excess when orgianizing those.

>likewise, you could go back in time to some random eastern euro counts with shit land and not one of them would be eating slop to prove a point
Literally who is Charles I, Ivan III or Isabella the Catholic?
Great aguments there mate
How low IQ are you? The point isn't that a display of power is involved. Nobody is arbitrarily limiting themselves to showing off one narrow category of power, that's a cheap literary device for characterisation.
>the fucking palace of versailles vs a medieval feast
holy kek
>Nobody is arbitrarily limiting themselves to showing off one narrow category of power
Neither do Tyrells. Loras Tyrell takes to the finals of the Hand's Tourney, where he gallantly forfeits to the unpopular Hound, essentially allowing him to avoid humiliating defeat by a better fighter and the grudge of Lannisters for the prize gold, while still supporting the prestige of the Tyrells and their "soft power" image. Mace Tyrell takes the Small Council of Master of the Ships, and Olenna's plots concerning arranged marriages and fucking COVERT MONARCH ASSASINATION are key plot elements.

The entirety of your argument is basically "any sort of characterization is ahistoric, because you see powerful people cannot be people - they are rigid cogs of historic processes with no preferences, ideals, desires or personal image"
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>I’m editing mentally as I read.
Since you "can't go a paragraph" without "editing mentally" it should be the easiest thing in the world to post one or two obscene offenders and your edited versions of them. Surely this isn't a shitposting bait thread but OP will come around. Surely!
>Her cunt became the world.
why anyone gives a shit about Westeros or any of the rest of Martin's fantasy world is beyond me. If it really was War of the Roses with dragons, it would be campy and schlocky as fuck, but that sounds far more entertaining than what we get.
It was horrible. The worst book I've ever read.
Lmao, what a pseudo tryhard, Jesus Christ high time to drop /lit/ because of those retarded try hard and their shit opinions.
>I’m editing mentally as I read.
LOL, I found myself doing this too.
It became an amusing game for a while, rewriting it so it's good. But then I got to chapter 3 and thought, life's too short for this shit.
/lit/ should get together and rewrite ASOIAF
Based. Fantasy is generally a shit genre. Extremely gay and retarded always, written by the types of people who mistake their mammalian instincts for some kind of worldly truth. Womanish scum, all of them.
>The Iron King
>Something has always felt slightly off in Meghan's life, ever since her father disappeared before her eyes when she was six. She has never quite fit in at school or at home.

When a dark stranger begins watching her from afar, and her prankster best friend becomes strangely protective of her, Meghan senses that everything she's known is about to change.

But she could never have guessed the truth - that she is the daughter of a mythical faery king and is a pawn in a deadly war. Now Meghan will learn just how far she'll go to save someone she cares about, to stop a mysterious evil, no faery creature dare face; and to find love with a young prince who might rather see her dead than let her touch his icy heart.

Why the FUCK would you pick that
At least the goblins aren't rapists
>filtered and mad
>Gurm is some kind of filter
LOL. LMAO even.
>Do you have examples of historical fiction/low fantasy with even better prose?
ASOIAF is neither of those, so I'm not sure why you want those as examples.
>Terrible taste, he's one of the best writers currently,
He's not even as good as Edward P. Jones
Why does it seem Westeros is the only place without magic? Like every other place has witches and wargs, people who can change their face at will, etc but Westeros has nothing and in fact they think stories about (what we would classify as) the supernatural are just children tales?
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I thought it was an enjoyable read and there is nothing wrong with the prose. The only thing I can bitch about is it will never be finished.
>Tyrion rode on toward Chataya’s, but suddenly his patience deserted him. He twisted in the saddle, scanning the street
behind. There were no signs of followers. Every window was dark or tightly shuttered. He heard nothing but the wind swirling
down the alleys. If Cersei has someone stalking me tonight, he must be disguised as a rat. “Bugger it all,” he muttered. He was
sick of caution. Wheeling his horse around, he dug in his spurs. If anyone’s after me, we’ll see how well they ride. He flew
through the moonlight streets, clattering over cobbles, darting down narrow alleys and up twisty wynds, racing to his love.
Nah, people are just memeing. Martin excels at dialogue, more so than general prose, but it's more than serviceable.
>His prose is horrible
try reading any other fantasy writer other than tolkein. its a desert of quality.
the proud lord said
/lit/ tourist here. So every board hates what ever is popular then?
Also post your prose changes.
most of the fantasy writers seem to be the mental age of high schoolers. Who think their girl witch who has casual sex with everyone and somehow is advisor to the queen is the main character. its just such low level of quality. the people who would typically get kicked out of a writing program.
clearly is anon, just look at this thread as evidence, so many seethers

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