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Hemingway be like “And on the Mediterranean I bedded many women. They had supple breasts and large rears but it was all very tragic.” Why do people praise this hack lol.
what's the problem?
Not OP but liking big asses is degen shit
You have to go back.
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Unrelated to the content of his works, but I am unable to read a single sentence of his with any clarity. The general structure of his sentences is familiar, but the manner in which he inserts adjectives and phrases inspires a shudder of disgust, and I can no further enjoy his work than I do a Colleen Hoover novel.
How is that unrelated to the content of his works
I find that the manner in which Hemingway writes is very quintessentially American. It isn't too flowery, it's very 'meat and potatoes'. It won't appeal to everyone. I, however, like it.
robert frost got the same thing going too in poetry, the plowboy version
Hemingway's generation of men were forced to go to war, which means they were either killed/maimed young or were traumatised but hardened into chads with unlimited access to women.
The problems in life faced by a Lost Generation WWI veteran could not be more alien or unrelatable to a soft, zoomer incel today.
It isn't too flowery, it's very 'tits and ass'
Who doesn't love tits and ass? Are you a queer or something?
People describing anon’s writing be like ‘it’s very cock and balls’
this is why hemingway set his books in spain and cuba
Virgin upset that chad fucks
You'd love Bukowski if you haven't read him yet.
Fuck Buckowski
Lol buckowski
>Hemingway's generation of men were forced to go to war
Unlike Hemingway
He is a proto boomer. Even thought Franco would lose the war because Freedom tm prevails. His son trooned out as well. Quintessentially American like Quentin Tarantino.
I do like the old man and the sea though beit.
>Buckowski Breaking
>le war happened and now i have to write terrible prose :(
Can't say I care for Hemingway but I see little wrong with the provided image.
idk sounds kinda based to me chief
>he didn't start with the Greeks
>And on the Mediterranean I bedded many women
doubt.png, nobody goes to the mediterranean to bed women
Content does not equal presentation format
Low t
and people wonder why fertility rates are falling. Look within.
>felt as over-ripe as she looked, but smoother,
>rose-petal, syrupy, smooth-bellied, big big-breasted
>needed no pillow under her buttocks
>supple breasts and large rears
Write a parody of the text instead of a parody of the caricature of Hemingway in your mind.
He writes like a straight man thinking straight thoughts. If you don't like it go read about gay men having thoughts, or dykes etc
casual sex is tragic
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Hemingway be like "brb, gonna go hang out with some communists during the Spanish civil war, and then partake in the talmudic blood ritual across Europe during WW2"

thankfully he ACK'd himself like a true spiritual tranny
Worth noting, at least according to the responses on that thread, that the consensus leans heavily toward "he lied." Not that it affects the moral assessment since he was still degenerative enough to write this.
I always knew Hemmingway was reddit
You anons haven't read enough. First, there's nothing American about meat and potatoes, especially not the America Hemingway was living in. Have you been to his house in the Keys? America hadn't been a meat and potatoes country since Billy the Kid was gunning down 21 different people. Even then, you know who first took the boats from Europe? Rich snobs. America has been obsessed with commercialized comfort since it's origin. That all said, do I appreciate Hemingway? Sure. There's substance there. The Sun Also Rises and a few of his short stories have stuck with me, plus there's a decent idea backing The Old Man and the Sea, but to suggest he's a spokesperson for an American ideal is absurd.

And as for the anon who suggested bukowski, let me explain why you're a dip shit for two separate reasons. 1, this is /lit/. Every edgy anons has already read him, and his ugly mug is smeared across this board constantly. You didn't recommend anything, you just echoed the echo chamber. 2. Bukowski is a god awful writer who's only seen recognition because how much he apes Hemingway in every way he can, only he's not good enough to recognize why Hemingway succeeded, so he just took his stripped down prose and applied it to his pathetic life, leaving no rhyme or reason for any of it to exist. He's a nonentity. He's to men what Rupi Kaur is to women-- a hyperbolic bastardization of normie behavior. I recommend nobody read him, as he's bound to go out of vogue in the next 20 years.
actual autism witnessed
>Get called a mongrel
>Act like a mongrel
Many such cases.
dicklet cope
This is obscene. No wonder they went extinct.
Humans have liked large toned asses forever, there's a biological evolutionary imperative to do so.
>Even then, you know who first took the boats from Europe? Rich snobs.
this is a complete fabrication
early colonization was lead by penal units
Wonder how many Hindi slaves had to be executed for soiling the statue by touching it in a fit of lust
i thought it wasn’t until black culture told them to that whites started liking them too
it was actually that white people liked big asses until gay culture told them not to
Looked into it. You got me. I guess Mr Edwards, my 4th grade history teacher made that up.
I always knew Ernest Reddit Hemingway was gay. There is nothing more disgusting and pathetic than embelleshing in killing defenseless people just because they aren't on "your" team.
At least he shot himself too. Fucking nigger loving zionist.
That's not a big ass. Negresses have big asses, that ass is perfect size. Not too big, not too small. Built for my cock
There's nothing wrong with being gay, anon
not sure what's more disgusting, actually doing it, or writing a fantasy about doing it while not having the guts to
>Write a parody of the text instead of a parody of the caricature of Hemingway in your mind.
Not op but Okay
>She'd a scent of fermentation and fungal rot, as a peach forgotten on the windowsill, a plum buried weeks earlier deep in a pocketbook and also forgotten
>As if the mcdonalds soda machine broke and only dispensed the concentrated high fructose corn syrup into your outstrenched 64 ounce plastic goblet without the florinated dillution water
>The unwashed rolls of trans-unsaturated FUPA's made her bedding budget trivial, my blousy michigan BBW
>he can't handle an absolute dump truck on his weenie
>he didn't even do it
the latter is definitely more disgusting
war making men into brutes is understandable even if it's not truly exonerating. a man who combines the worst traits of a coward and a brute is utterly repulsive even if his actual negative impact on the rest of the world is smaller.
Wtf I hate gay people now
hemmingway's grand daughters are fucking hot
wtf anon
I just did a little research and it appears that all descendants of Hemingway went into journalism or modelling of sorts and the ones who wrote produced some worthless slop about their struggle with addictions and related stuff
>have one famous ancestor
>be set for life and profit from it
is this the fabled American meritocracy?

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