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What have you learned from Marcus Aurelius?
Buddhist philosophy for low IQ troglodytes.
I wonder if the Romans knew about buddha
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i learned that stoicism is literally borne from a decadent emperor's obsession with cuckoldry. it's the closest thing ever to a cuck ideology.
Nothing, he's an idiot that people hold in high esteem because he's from antiquity.
Stoicism is older than Marcus bro. You do know this, right? You do know that it once rivalled christianity to become the de facto roman religion, right?
But Marcus predated buddha
Have fun holding that vice-like grasp on your gf who doesn't even like you, I guess.
Buddha is BC. Marcus is AD. What are you on about?
We wuz da font of knowledge everywhere. Thasss rite
Obviously if your brain produces no pain, you will feel no pain. If you can bring your brain to only produce happy feelings, you will be happy. The questions are whether that's even desirable and if stoicism is a way of achieving it. I think there is something to be said about repression.
it's not about removing negative emotions, it's about removing emotions. as their only real function is to strain the rational mind and hinder reasoning. stripping yourself of all emotion would be a net positive for you as a human being.
>le foreign cultures are so wise and noble unlike my own
I don't see the value of reason if you have no likes or dislikes.
the great regurgitator. a writer of aphorisms, not philosophy. read epictetus - or better yet - ascribe to a philosophy for adults.
aurelius deserved every soaked caligae he got.
>what are pain receptors?

His wife made a huge cuck out of him, she was in bed with everybody he knew and even fucked a gladiator.

Marcus "didn't care" because he was on opium tea every single day.

Not someone to look up to honestly, and in general: fuck Rome, bunch of got dam degens.
>Aurelius himself had countless affairs like all the Roman elites did
>his wife willingly murdered the gladiator in question and the two of them bathed in his still warm blood before having sex in it
You're projecting again cuck-anon.
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Schopenhauer beta's upset that maxi-chad Marcus just goes "lol, who gives a shit, fag", and they have no rebuttal against this strat
Aurelius had a hundred different concubines, he likely didn't give a shit who his wife was fucking. It's a practice that continues even today, where wealthy elites marry for status or influence or out of necessity, while fucking their maids or escorts or whatever.
>ascribe to a philosophy for adults
Adults are all pretty different where I'm from.
I agree that Roman elites and modern elites "don't give a shit who their wife is fucking." Half of them don't even like women and just want boys.

Marcus Aurelius probably couldn't keep his dick hard or get off for the concubines because, as I say, he was an opium addict with a daily habit.
read this
he was redpilled about women
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>You must confess, Camilla, that not being contented with teh Stallions of your own Nation, you entertain’d Strangers, and by that means came to the Knowledge of several Languages.
>The AEgyptians held that by the Overflowing of the Nile, certain fat clots of Earth being thrown upon the Shore, and there left, upon the Reflux of the Sun by its prolifick virtue impregnated them, and turnd them to Worms, one of which afterwards became Woman. Now your Ladiships must know, that had not this River overflowed, your Sex had never had a Being. All other Creatures have proceeded from their Mothers Bowels, except Woman only, who you see never had a Mother.

god damn
A true ideal stoic.
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People don't realize he's evil? He comes from a caste of Christians who look down upon society.
That is blatantly untrue though. Was Marcus a retard?
What's up with all the cuckposting in this thread? Does any of this has any historical basis or are you guys just shitposting for the sake of it?
I mean in theory that's nice, but if you're starving and have no food, good luck just ignoring the problem and feeling happy.
Starvation is, by definition, not external.
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You can't actually just will your subconscious mind to do what you want it to. Anyone who has ever had a phobia would understand, or anyone who has ever tried to quit an addictive substance. You can beat these things of course, but you can't just think "I don't want to drink anymore" and therefore you won't want to drink anymore. It just doesn't work like that. As far as I can tell, the only way to actually influence your subconscious mind is through repetition and exposure therapy type shit.

Instead of thinking "I don't want to drink". You literally have to just resist the urge to drink and your show your subconscious mind that you can not drink and be okay.

There may be something to hypnosis and meditation and journaling allowing you to influence your subconsious mind but these take time and repetition. Its never easy and straightforward.

I am currently walking the path of trying to make my subconscious mind serve my will and it is a difficult journey. If you faggots have any other ideas I would like to hear them.
He is right. We torture ourselves mentally for no reason all the time.

read stoic physics and you'll realize how retarded they were. everybody else like Aristotle was dunking on them constantly.
That my own peace of mind is one of the most important things I own and I shouldn't give it up for most things.
There is no difference between your subconscious and your conscious. It's the thought that there is a difference that is hurting you. Once you realize the two are in essense one and the same you will be liberated

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