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/lit/ - Literature

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Are there any far-right female writers?
My diary desu
That's a biography you retard
Savitri Devi
priestess of kino
Is she the only one? Genuinely can't think of anybody else.
There you go op, just read Devi. I genuinely don't think there is another one.
In addition to Devi you have Margot , Clarissa Schnabel, Kathryn S., and Victoria Clark
Wasn't Collette pro-Nazi? Or do you mean far-right female theorists?
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There was some nazi who wrote lesbian novels
Brittany Venti
Lauren Southern
Ann Coulter
Pearl Davis
Anna Khachiyan
Honor Levy
Nina Power
Margaret Sanger.
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Nesta Webster
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Patricia Highsmith
Yockey! Lol
Didn't she end up drinking herself to death?
I don't know anything about her outside of her being a tomboy fascist
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>One of the few notable far-right females
>Obvious lesbian
Oh my sexo
Some of the Mitford sisters were fascists. Can't remember which ones though.
Diana and Unity
She's left wing, anon. Both left and right and center are anti-Israel.
>far right
>dresses like a butch lesbian feminist

she was a self-hating white woman who dressed like a pajeet. i don't see anything right-wing about her
Far-right, left and far-left is anti-Israel, center-right, center and center-left is pro-Israel.
Flannery O'Connor
She seems like another lesbian lol
>>23815199 is right
I guess she got sick of British royals kek
>>far right
>>dresses like a butch lesbian feminist
I hate to break it to you but being far right is literally the gayest thing you can do so it makes perfect sense
>self hating white woman
You just described every democrat I've ever met
A "far-right" woman would definitely not be a girlboss dyke. This is a form of sexually discharged leftoid projection.
Stop poisoning the well, you faggot.
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It depends on whether you consider them far right or not, but the leader of the AfD in Germany is a girlboss dyke.
Do you mean "far-right" as in the new slander used for the centre-right or actual far-right?
>she was a self-hating white woman

She's one of the most hardcore Euro nationalists on record. Despising the poison of christian egalitarianism doesn't change that fact in the slightest.

>who dressed like a pajeet.

She was very fond of Hinduism, because unlike christianty, its actually an Aryan religion. (trvthnvke)

>i don't see anything right-wing about her
Not a good sign of your IQ
A far-right woman is by definition damaged, so it makes sense that most of them are either dykes or pathological narcissists
please never compare Weidel to that cutie OP posted again
Weidel is cucked, and her girlfriend is genuinely fucking ugly. If you're a dyke you should atleast be dating a gorgeous woman.
>Be a decently good looking rich dyke
>Girlfriend is a 2/10 shitskin immigrant
I have zero respect for her
Honor Levy
Did AfD just make her their leader so they could be like "no we're not sexist or racist, look we have a lesbian in an interracial relationship!!"
When will people stop with this cucked bs?
QT tomboy lesbians are leaving the democratic plantation and you're complaining?
>When will people stop with this cucked bs?
Never. All far-right parties are controlled opposition.
Did she dress like that just to go out for coffee? What a LARPer..
omg sisa
Gertrude Stein is the closest I can think of.
Is she really far-right though? I couldn't make it through her stuff.
Cristina Campo
She was definitely right wing, how far right is a good question. She did support the nationalist in the Spanish Civil War and said of nice things about Petain after WWII.
Her politics were pretty surprising to me, and I think people don’t talk about them (outside of the feminism and lesbianism) because it would make the lesbians who champion her today uncomfortable.
Ellen Forest
Taylor Caldwell
People were "larpers" at the time. Anyone above working class dressed up a minimum even just to go to a dinner or a bar. It was not normal to go in a tshirt, let alone for a political and literary figures.

Gertrude Stein was based.
Where to start with Stein?
every women is eugenicist therefore every woman and book written by a woman is far right
My drunk friend once told me that women used to be stockier like in all the paintings but that men through generations made women less stocky due to selective breeding.
not far right
not writers
The making of the Americans

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