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What happened to all the good right-wing authors in America with an economic or philosophical stance to articulate? Nowadays, it just seems to be stupid culture-war slop (Coulter, Cernovich, Walsh, etc.), vapid self-help (Petersen, Adams, etc.), and Zionist/neocon shilling.
As opposed to the brilliant lefties?
I don't want to read lefties.
The kind of Literature that gets published is the kind that the ruling class allows.
It's an 'Americans have been philistines the last 30 years' problem, not a 'left-right' problem.
Right wing slop gets ridiculed as culture war, but the stuff Verso publishes are exactly the same thing, but with a veneer of scientism that fools the Verso Loft/Chapo retards. Ann Coulter can cite all the Macchiaveli and de Maistre she wants, but thank God she knows better than to pretend she is an academic.
Mass mob politics. Don't bother with it.
>Who are Gaddis, Pychon, Delillo?
You don't want to look at what the Ayn Rand Institue is doing https://newideal.aynrand.org/
And what are Euros wrting about politically? How to bootlick most efficiently?
Jared Taylor is a good writer
>What happened to all the good right-wing authors

The vast corpus of Ancient Greek and Latin was written a long, long time ago.
You're looking for things that don't exist anymore kid. You can go further into the past and either become a voluntary relic or learn a totem to enter a faction or tribe that is obsolete but the current crop has already made coffee and pissed in the grounds for you. At this point you really have 2 viable options kid. You can drink the kool-aid and parrot or you can leave the slop behind and move on.
Only liars have to talk
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I was going to suggest pic related, but he’s neither in nor of America
There are plenty, but since they're deliberately ignored and shunned by any organization capable of promoting them, no one hears of them.
Dan Simmons is a right wing zionist antimuslim chad
Vargas Llosa is a right wing libertarian and he is better than all of them
politics has become purely sloppified, intelligent writers don't engage in slop. a good right wing thinker might be "politically oriented" but their works will be grounded in something meaningful, divorced from partisan sloppery, like the latent psychic potential of the aryans. which of course will be disregarded as "fantastical conspiracy theory" by jewish academics so you won't hear much about it. real right wing authors are just suppressed, that's all
Literature is for losers. All leftists are losers.
Depends if you consider Clown World Chronicles right-wing
There are no good writers today, right or left. Some of the greatest writers of all time have been right-wing though, such as Wordsworth and Coleridge.
Every good author is a right wing extremist compared to contemporary sensibilities. There literally isn't a single good author who wasn't right wing when the overton window overlooks trannytown USA.

Naturally it follows there are no good modern authors, which is painfully obvious and true.
There is no right anymore
>lists off a bunch of e-celeb grifters to compare against
Point proven
Pynchon sure, but what makes you say Gaddis was a leftie? For all the social criticisms in his books he never struck me as political. Even J R which could so easily have been a Marxist rant doesn't feel like the work of a leftist.
Pychon was an overrated and retarded hack that didn't know half the shit he was talking about, or even the words he was using.
>what happened to all the good right-wing authors in America
I think the better question is "What happened to all the GOOD authors in the WORLD?" since there hasn't been a single fucking author worth reading that has popped up in the last quarter of a century.

Ann Coulter is a controlled opposition monkey, who fucks and sucks endless black cocks, literally.
It's what you said, but there is a semi-political element. To say that "the left" control publishing really isn't controversial, so anyone on "the right" wouldn't stand a chance. "The left" can smell something "right wing" because they're not as dumb as "the right" and understand the friend/enemy distinction.
But there's another issue on top of this is that these people on "the left" who are basically the gatekeepers of publishing (how many right wing agents do you think there are?) also have absolutely horrific taste when it comes for their own side.
>"The left" can smell something "right wing" because they're not as dumb as "the right" and understand the friend/enemy distinction.
Saying that the left isn't "as dumb" is clearly wrong, since the left always devolves government into an unsustainable mess, and seem have little to no economic sense, which is why their policies always fail, and right leaning governments have exceedingly strong economies and militaries. The right wing simply does not have as strong of a creativity, which is due to the fact that left wing people tend to be more "open" so it allows them to express themselves either more freely or more clearly.
Right: "I disagree with him, but he's good so I'll give him a shot."
Left: "I don't care if he's good or not, he's an enemy."
The right are idiots.
The font and picture makes me think of metal gear solid 2.
Sounds like you just explained how the left are idiots, alienating themselves through radical zealotry to the point of self-destruction.
If a group isn't ultimately for itself it'll be taken over by a group that is. The most intolerant always wins. Stop being such a fucking boomer who thinks everyone can all get along.
Who will win between nazi and communist then.
Whoever has the institutions on their side and is the most organised. Because even "the right" are against Nazis, in your little hypothetical spat it'd be the Communists.
>The most intolerant always wins. Stop being such a fucking boomer who thinks everyone can all get along.
This is laughably retarded. It doesn't really matter if you're interested in it for yourself or if your interested in it for EVERYONE else, you will inevitably fail, and die, and stagnate and come undone. The right creates a steady slope, whereas the left creates a fuck-stupid wacky roller coaster ride that results in hundreds of millions of deaths, like we have seen under socialism.

"Quit being such a fucking zoomer who thinks there's an easy answer to the inevitably cycle of society".
>If a group isn't ultimately for itself it'll be taken over by a group that is.
Gee, that worked out real well for Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany, didn't it?
Here's a question for you. Blues only breed with blues. Yellows breed with blues and yellows. Assuming they start at a 50/50 ratio, who will become the majority?

>This is laughably retarded.
It's also the way the entire world worked openly until the end of WW2, and how it still works in nations not collapsing to this day.
>It's also the way the entire world worked openly until the end of WW2, and how it still works in nations not collapsing to this day.
That's not true in the slightest. Rome conquered its regions and absorbed the gods and cultures of the region, adapting their own military based on what they saw as having worked. Eventually, after 900 years, they collapsed, which is a lot longer of an existence than any other Empire, and I would say they collapsed not because of "multiculturalism" either, but simply due to the sheer size of what they had built and it having become unmanageable, which is what allowed for high levels of corruption, civil strife in a lot of its fringe territories, along with weakened defenses across the entirety of it, and lastly the difficulty of communicating between all its different parts.

Which very much mirrors reality, both in the fact that those who can adapt to the changes in their environment best, survive, and those that can cohabitate with other organisms the best, thrive. If you have a species that's introduced to an environment that finds an equilibrium in it, it's called a "naturalized species", where-as if you have a species that does nothing but dominate the ecosystem for nothing other than itself, it causes the ecosystem to collapse, killing everything else around it, including itself.

>Here's a question for you. Blues only breed with blues. Yellows breed with blues and yellows. Assuming they start at a 50/50 ratio, who will become the majority?
Yellows, obviously, since them cross-breeding gives them a reproductive advantage.
Modern america can be summed up by the creationism arguments in the 2000s. The political and philosophical american culture today is an extension of that, and compared to actual intellectualism it’s slop. At least we got the idea of memes (the darwinistically produced and spread idea) out of that. A concept which has not been expanded much.
>Modern america can be summed up by the creationism arguments in the 2000s.
Most americans in the 2000's didn't believe in creationism....
Kek, he is a literal non-entity when compared to them.
Why the fuck are you talking about adaptation and Rome you fucking sperg? Anon is talking about doomsday cults like modern wokeism which seeks to eliminate any difference that is not adherent to the cult.
> where-as if you have a species that does nothing but dominate the ecosystem for nothing other than itself, it causes the ecosystem to collapse, killing everything else around it, including itself.
No shit faggot. Woke cult is a suicide cult.
That's exactly his point, imbecile
I don't know about America specifically, but doesn't this question strike you as sort of strange? It seems to me high literature (don't know the proper translation for this, but my language distinguishes between low and high lit) has more rightoids than any other artistic medium, and the non-right authors have more right inclinations than any people anywhere else (looking down on women, racist, justifying violence, autocratic, distrustful of consensus, nostalgic, lamenting aesthetic decline &c). Or are you specifically talking about economic and philosophical non-fiction works?
The only nominally right-wing author you named is Ann Coulter, and even she is more of just a racist liberal. There's a renaissance of right-wing thought going on now but it's banned from Amazon, Youtube, Facebook, and Google. The culture war slop is what they put in front of you so you stop looking for the real deal. You're just a lazy moron if you can't find it. Check out the publishers Antelope Hill, Counter-Currents, Clemens & Blair, and Imperium Press to start.
Paul Gottfried, Christian Kopff, Pat Buchanan, Sam Francis, George Kennan, John Flynn, HL Mencken, Russell Kirk, just to name a few.

There’s a journalist on YouTube named Auron McIntyre who just published a pretty good right wing book called The Total State.

All of these guys could be accurately described as “paleocons” or “old right” which got jettisoned by Buckley and Meyer’s fusionism of the 1950s. So while many conservative writers before the progressive era could be identified, there’s not been a huge intellectual infrastructure for patronizing these sort of writers since the 1950s. The ones mentioned above have slipped through the cracks, mostly because they ran stuck close to nationalist or libertarian circles, which did have a robust patronage network. Think tanks were keeping libertarians on the payroll but not open and out paleocons. The internet age has changed things but intellectualism isn’t exactly what pays on the internet, in case you haven’t noticed.
Vargas Llosa is still very popular in Spanish-speaking countries, whereas people like Gadddis and Pynchon remain virtually undetected in literary circles except by highly Anglophilic, Amerophilic people. I think it's more of a language-barrier issue than anything else.
t. Latin American
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>Auron McIntyre
The fact that the youngest person mentioned on your post is a biracial-looking nigga who looks like he could fix cars for a living and sell tacos outside his local parish church on Sundays is a sign of how quicklly America has decayed in the last few decades. The old America is dead.
This is a literature board so maybe you should read the book, or really any book for that matter. I almost explicitly dissed ethnonationalism in my post. You seemed to have missed it. You don’t even read, do you? You just white A10 Aryan authors? Idk what to tell you. Go back to /pol/ and ask for their suggestions I guess.
You know people not really supporting any real, organic movement when people who support mass migration and social liberalism are whiter than people who claim they support mass deportation for illegal immigrants and a return to "traditional" values.
I'm just gonna go back to reading redpilled extracts from Marx.
the same reason terrence malick dropped out of the MIT philosophy program to make movies instead
Daily Wire throws money at grifters to put out trash
Third post best post.
Why do you think Herbert added the jews to his later books in the Dune series and everything after 2000 is largely infallible girl bosses and emasculated men that can't do anything without a woman telling them how to do it.
>America with an economic or philosophical stance to articulate
They went extinct in the wake of the Reagan revolution. Anti-communism and a devotion of traitorous politicians and mega corps hollowed out their brains and filled it with culture war mush and israel worship. The entire purpose of the conservative right is to make excuses for the establishment they pretend to hate while punching down.
Have you read it? It seems like its myopic and doesn't go into real depth of the origin of the national security-mass surveillance state, and further he seems to have an axe to grind over partisan politics (democrats being bad and all) rather than more objective analysis. Also, managerialism is deeply questionable especially against "lefty" elite theory school.
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>*blocks your path*
>where are all the people we exiled from our society?
Pretending they're something else.
>What happened to all the good right-wing authors in America with an economic or philosophical stance to articulate?
WWII, the cold war, the student movements of the 60s, the rise of evangelical Christianity, and the neoliberal turn. All of these events contributed to it in one way or another. 9/11 and the war on terror have only made it worse.
That being said, there honestly aren't that many good left wing thinkers and artists in America today either.
Pychon is right wing
You just love finding reasons to lose, holy shit
You’re right and the enormous irony of the age of Twitter and Substack is that right when the ruling ideology stranglehold on publishing is broken, people completely lose interest in text because YouTube is an option.
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You could legitimately make an argument for monarchy and aristocracy based on the fact that the art produced under such systems of government is vastly superior than the art produced under our modern systems of mass democracy. Not just literature but visual art, music, dance, and more.

Democracy is simply a shit system of government for producing art. Every philosopher who cares about the arts has known this, going all the way back to Socrates. It's no coincidence that most of the modern writers who are any good live under decidedly non-democratic regimes. Pic very related.
t. target of Pynchonian satire
> What happened to all the good right-wing authors in America with an economic or philosophical stance to articulate?
Were right here, posting on 4chan
>/lit/s only completed work is call of the crocodile
List some of your personal preferences
List twenty instances of this “girl boss” phenomenon in media from the past twenty years.
An accompanying explanation of how each piece of media attempts to emasculate men would be appreciated, but not necessary.
Pynchon is not partisan in the slightest, BE is pretty much partisanship is the conspiracy. If you look at his work as a whole he would be considered a moderate with views which align with both sides. Gaddis is very much against the blind traditionalism of of the right but also against the left's embracing of pop culture, also can't be reduced to left vs right. I've never been able to finish anything by Delillo, his style seriously rubs me the wrong way and I just can not get past it, no clue about him.
Varga Llosa is certainly much better known and considered than US postmodernists here (France), although he's in the Académie Française now and has been more linked to the country.
Besides OP said American but you now he meant the USA.
He fails the physiognomy check, simple as
I don't really consider him right wing.
He's a doomer marxist
I hate this cringe faggot like you wouldn't believe.
>What happened to all the GOOD authors in the WORLD?
Cinema and Video games.
Notice how /lit/ is smaller than /tv/ and /v/?
>What happened to all the good right-wing authors
This implies that there are still good left-wing American writers still active (Pynchon is dead). Face it, it's over.
You can't reduce these authors to 'political writers.' Any significant author is way more than that. As for authors who specifically argued right-wing points in non-fiction, there are a vast number who are just sublime: Edmund Burke, Thomas Carlyle... you can go on and on. Even in our day, William Buckley wrote well, as did Roger Scruton, or (to take an extreme-right example) Edward Limonov. This applies to lefties, too. Some write very well indeed.
The right's writing's simply aren't made for the modern vapid world . There is a "grandness" inherent to the old right , it simply can't be conveyed in a fast moving world . There's a reason the right is religious and religious texts are absolute behemoths
Ann Coulter has cited de Maistre?
Because writing something intellectually challenging and engaging would require needing to read more than two sentences. This is something the modern right-wing, which celebrates baseness, would be incapable of doing. I'm surprised they don't refer to books themselves as left wing memes.
I read Corndog Zen by Wallace Mack recently and it was pretty entertaining and funny. Not like high lit or anything but better than some other stuff I’ve read. Like chuddy Vonnegut.
1. Can't get an academic position, therefore cannot get published.
2. Too busy with work which is not conducive to theory.
3. The right is generally the lower-average IQ wing now.
4. They're all sorts of fascists or nazis.
I’m not saying you necessarily have to be right wing to be smart but you are certainly stupid if you continue to believe in whatever the United States is doing at the moment.
>the persecution complex is real
Kys /pol/
So you’re saying we are to thank Ben Shapiro for the BS that the right writes today?
I’ve always hated that brat.
America needs to be gotten rid of to get things moving again. We need to end the end of history, and to do that we're going to have to get the United States out of the way. "Death to America" is not merely a terroristic chant, it has now become an absolute necessity if literature, and the arts more broadly, are to survive. If anything is to survive, really.
I can’t tell if this is a parodypost or not. Poe’s Law rules /lit/
Don't carry a pager bro
The problem is not that literature has too many words, but memes/jokes. It's a normalfag thing, you have to be concise and captivating, otherwise they don't listen and you "lose aura". Which i agree with, in regards to making jokes.
Granted, those niggers are annoying as shit.
I agree that it is not to many words that is the issue but I don't think it is the memes either. The right has pushed ideology too hard and is primarily about saying we/you are correct which is antithetical to the intellectually challenging literature that anon mentioned; being told you are correct does not challenge the intellect, it is a participation award. The big reason literature is primarily of the left these days is that the left has "I am wrong" baked into their ideology, a writer can challenge them and it gives writers a great deal more room to work in than the right's dogma. The left's strategy is far from ideal and assumes a certain about of correctness but far less than the right so most writers who actually want to do something more than preach tailor their work to the left.

Both sides are detrimental to literature but the right is almost antithetical to it at this time, I can't imagine a work like Franzen's Freedom being written for the right; 500 pages of nothing but your faults which good intentions don't come close to making up for, only destroy what is actually important.
Chuddery is never going to have a strong mainstream presence in culture because it's the ideology of the lower classes, and the lower classes never mattered when it comes to high culture like literature. Culture is inseparable from power, after all.
I'll still take it over the smug self indulgent pilpul the left does
Reading modern leftist writing is torturous
It might also be worth considering that just because authors from older times said things that sound "based", like Henry Adams loathing New York and mercantile culture, doesn't mean that their chuddery came from the same place as the modern chud's. Their chuddery came from a place of prestige, power, and aristocratic ethos, while the modern chud's chuddery is a chuddery of socioeconomic resentment and cultural loathing of those who are above him on the ladder of power, wealth, and prestige.
Libertarians* can't write.
Marxist literature's descriptive facets applies to right-wing thought, the only thing that distinguishes it from Fascist thought is their prescriptive facets. And both Fascists and Marxists hate libertarians/liberals.
Traditionally, "right wing" means a person from a culture or civilization who wants to conserve the traditions and values of that civilization. Western civilization died during WW2, replaced by American Business Ideology. Conservative Ideology became "the government shouldn't regulate businesses." So how can you write lit or produce art about that?
All the right wing literature is pre-WW2 because those were people who believed in the merits of the civilization they lived under. Once the civilization imploded, so too did these types of people
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The modern right winger never quite develops beyond the level of thought of a juvenile.
When an infant wants something, it never occurs to it to actively try and seek that treasure.
It will instead cry out and make a fuss, in the hopes of inspiring a caregiver to provide the desired item.

We can see an imitation of this reflex in the right winger
Look then to popular forms of media - video games, for instance, or film.
To be a citizen of the internet for any period of time, one will inevitably come across material which criticises "woke" media - a term of such fluidity it can range from the promotion of socialist ideals to the existence of women in a non-sexual nature. They bay for the release of more media which conforms to their views and beliefs with fervor.

These pieces come in a plethora of forms and methods of varying quality and creativity.
And yet, for all of the millions of right wingers who are vocal about their tastes in media, there is an absence of artists among their ranks.
Beyond select works as the "Moon Man" mod for Doom, and Jason Aldean's inspired hit single "Try That in a Small Town", the cultural landscape of the right is a barren place - bar that we include wojak edits in that zeitgeist.

To compare, the left is veritably sticky with creatives. Instead of crying out for someone to make them media, they've a frustrating tendency to do so themselves.
Aside from my writing exploits, I quite enjoy gay furry porn.
It makes me act up.
Instead of exclusively relying on others to provide it, I have continued to hone my talents in the fields of anatomy, shading, colour theory, and line art to better bring my depravities to life.
Regardless of one's views on the subject material, the amount of art put out by left-aligned artists is in vast excess of their counterparts.

For the sake of fairness, I will add that this is a modern phenomenon. Many of the pasts visionaries have been decidedly right-wing - The Birth of a Nation's effect on film can only be described as revolutionary.

So then, what has caused this change?
A concentrated effort by the right-wingers masters to produce the perfect consumer of the right winger.
It is a creature incapable of creating meaning, thus shackled to a litany of streaming service subscriptions and live service games from which to suckle the dregs of their creators artistic ability.
false flag post
I see what you were going for, but you just don't get it. The progressives (not the left) have been hegemonic for many generations and inoculated themselves against reactionaries of all stripes by way of the very structure of society. Most people merely have the ideology of their friends so unless someone has a particular interest in politics, they will stay out of it and stick with the hegemonic belief structure. Suppose as a gay furry porn artists, that you suddenly got an interest in fascism and the shared soul of the Volk. How would you express that in your art while keeping all of your friends? It's not really possible. It's one thing to break through conditioning, but another to get all of your friends to join you, so even if one were inclined to give right-wing thought a chance, the only way to express it is to lose your network and start over from the beginning. This results in artists only engaging with the progressive narrative, which results in more conditioning to be progressive, and on an on the cycle goes. This is the very same cycle that occurs in universities and cities.

There's also the matter of good artists being focused on their art and not who becomes president. The more costly a signal is, the less likely such a person is to engage in it. Posting a black square for BLM is not a costly signal and plenty of artists simply didn't feel like doing it. Now imagine a more costly signal like declaring your enduring love for the Third Reich. You'd have to REALLY love Hitler to torpedo your entire life for him. On the other hand, there are issues that relate to the arts that actually concern the artists themselves. Take the pro-ship and anti-ship debate. I can attest that they seem pretty evenly matched in terms of the coom artists and writers that make them up despite the pro-ship side undoubtedly being more hated by the mainstream and having barriers against them by payment processors. That's simply because the anti-ship side is so much more restrictive that the artists on the pro-ship side are willing to signal loyalty to a hated side.

Speaking of payment processors by the way, mention of them is conspicuously absent in your post. This is careless because I think a renaissance of the right wing could happen, simply due to the fact that the progressives are demanding more out of people in terms of behavior, and this is being arrested by payment processors. There was a lot of right wing content struck down by payment processors and forced to the outer reaches of the internet by Big Tech. If you think your average internet artist isn't getting the retarded opinions they clog up their timeline with from people like Vaush, Hasan, or Destiny, then I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but artists don't read anymore. They're not polymaths, the watch podcasters, and and I think you were remiss to not mention that another reason there's not as many reactionary artists nowadays is that they've been stomped out.
> meanwhile the left
> Whaahhhh whahhhahhhhh society us unequal and the right wingers hold all the power
> Whahahahahhahahhaahhaha
> Whahhahahahahha
Opinion discarded
I commend you on the quality of your post.
Your point on payment processors is a good one, and one which I did not previously consider.
In my post I viewed art as the greater sphere of creation including the recreational - as are my personal endeavours - instead of the wholly professional. To this end, I also considered the absence of amateur/recreational clearly right wing art in my view.

This was not something which I had stated in my prior argument, and thus a misstep on my end, bearing no weight upon the validity of your response, but I nonetheless include it to justify my own position.

While my prior statements were needlessly incendiary and hyperbolic in response to the wealth of vitriol that filled this thread, I nonetheless retain their core statements regarding a disproportion of artists in the right wing.
I shall rephrase my thesis to exclude insulting metaphors: Though right wingers consume art forms roughly as much as left wingers, the devaluation of art in right-wing culture results in a vastly reduced amount of art producers.

(Art as defined here refers to the greater diaspora of creative human activity instead of only the visual mediums, and is used for ease of language).

I believe it is factual to state that the right wing mindset tends to value the quantitative, most often through currency or capital, whereas art is inherently qualitative.
Due to this, art tends to be viewed - especially in its more esoteric forms - as lacking meaning or value.
The ridicule of the arts degree holder and their future career in fast food, and dismissal of modern art can both be viewed this way, with art and its creators being characterised as superfluous and lacking real world credibility.
Ergo, I would argue being submerged in this culture implants an inherent devaluation of art in the individual, and a proportional reduction in interest.
This, I then argue, is the reason for which the seeming majority of artists are progressive, as art is devalued and thus seen as unattractive across the right wing, whereas the opposite is true of left wing circles (This is not to completely dismiss the idea of leftist bias in academia, but it is not a subject in which I hold any degree of fluency).

In spite of this, right wingers nonetheless consume media at rates equivalent to left wingers (This is arguably most true of younger right-wingers of Gen Z and the Millenials, and skews to be less so with age).
The result of this is an imbalanced ratio of right wing consumers to right wing artists, and thus, a reduced amount of right wing art.

Your concept of a right wing renaissance is rather interesting.
Out of curiosity, how do you believe such a hypothetical would unfold; in terms of the type of material produced, and potential artists to lead it?

This wellspring of right-wing creativity is apt proof to my argument.
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>Western civilization died during WW2, replaced by American Business Ideology. Conservative Ideology became "the government shouldn't regulate businesses." So how can you write lit or produce art about that? All the right wing literature is pre-WW2 because those were people who believed in the merits of the civilization they lived under. Once the civilization imploded, so too did these types of people
While not exactly "high literature" (or whatever that means, who gives a shit) it's probably Tom Clancy or somebody like that. Well, he wrote solid airport novels. He actually got worse the more his characters started sounding like Rush Limbaugh though. But he's had enormous influence on the military techno-thriller genre. There was a thread recently about "what right-wing books should you read as a leftist" and vice-versa, and if I'm a leftist, on the right I'd probably want to read books about how to be successful in business or how to analyze different surface-to-air missile systems. The general level of knowledge about that stuff on the left is very low. Or maybe I want to read a novel about a badass ex-special forces guy who works as a stockbroker take on the bad guys after they hijack his office complex. Some might not consider that to be "the right" but why not be the corporate warrior? It's like Palantir-ism. Or Rainbow Six dropping radical environmentalists with 360 noscope headshots. An ideology defending "our way of life" with the most lethal force in the world. At least you might have some fun:
>What happened to all the good right-wing authors in America with an economic or philosophical stance to articulate? Nowadays, it just seems to be stupid culture-war slop (Coulter, Cernovich, Walsh, etc.), vapid self-help (Petersen, Adams, etc.), and Zionist/neocon shilling
Conservatism is just a vague "return to a better time" and conservatives are 90% of the right wing in America. They're afraid of being called racists most of the time and will often delude themselves into thinking they're living in 1984 which means they won't even write books at all since they're scared of non-existent "oppression" or "censorship" if they do.
This is only my theory though, it's much more likely conservatives are just morons who either can't or don't have any interest in writing books.
The right does what is economically viable and it might surprise you to learn that writing books does not fall under that category now.
If by right you mean neocons, there’s nothing of substance, just like neolibs. If you mean fascism, like communism, there’s a ton generated underground that the msm doesn’t air to the mainstream
Im pretty sure writing books can be economically viable but theres many things to consider.
For example ive seen many youtuber writing book and im sure it was worth it since they already had an audience.
But yea even if your book is of good quality it doesnt mean you will make money and given the stuff ive seen praised on goodreads and the like id even say you have better chance of making money if your book is mediocre since the majority of readers are themselves mediocre and anything too intelligent would go over their heads.
embarrassing you don't even know the history your countries politics neocons purged all these people long ago
Chud, like any other leftist buzzword, just means "normal person who disagree with my leftist politics"
>It will instead cry out and make a fuss, in the hopes of inspiring a caregiver to provide the desired item.
Sounds like wokeness
Political theory died when we started having actual data about people. All political philosophy writing was done by rich guys in arm chairs who didnt know anything about anything
can you?
he is japanese
They knew how to command their slaves.
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Intellectuals don't identify with the left-right tautology
whats the next step?
I cut off the last section of the meme since it's supposed to be a "brief history"
I didn't make the meme
dios mio...
the dissident right chuds and the socialist left troons are basically birds of a feather, cargo cults feeding off of pop cultural detritus.
Imo America’s cultural sterility really stems mostly from the decline in liberalism, actual liberalism i mean.
The rejection of liberalism really came to a head with millennials, and what replaced it was this spiteful, conformist crab mentality, where everything that innovates or tries something new is a tool of the capitalists or the jews… pick you poison, it’s basically the same mentality that animates both
It’s not conducive to good art. Yeah chuds and socialists have created good art in the past,
I like celine, stapledon, wells, annunzio etc
when they were the lone iconoclast weirdos rebelling against the bourgeois society around them, but now this bullshit is mainstream
ok zoomer
i’m blaming my own generation for this, the zoomers are lost, but they are merely taking after the neuroses and derangement of the worst millennials and amplifying it
According to leftists, whoever says neither right nor left is right wing.
I am not spanish speaking. I had zero idea who those three guys where before I got into the internet, but I have known who Vargas Llosa is all of my life
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