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/lit/ - Literature

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Where to start with them? I’m thinking of either Le Morte Darthur or Le Livre du Graal, which one do you think is the better one?
Read them both and tell me, you fucking retard.
Tennyson's Idylls of the King, it's relatively short, relatively modern, and the main inspiration to a lot of modern arthurian shit, even if mostly indirectly.
Chrétien de Troyes
Read Wagner if you want to see a dramatist adapt Arthurian myths akin to how Aeschylus adapted Greek myths.
Not into nazis pieces of shit.
What's the best edition of Idylls of the King?
Fate/Stay night VN is pretty good
I'm liking it a lot.
Probably the Penguin Classics one.
Tennyson then Mallory. Avoid White, he's shit.
Genuine question, why would you bother reading Tennyson? Both the books mentioned in OP are primary sources, Tennyson is from the 19th century.
Read Chretien de Troyes
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There are no primary sources retard, Arthuriana comes from adaptations of ancient myth and folklore.
Midwit take
King arthur was real, seethe and dilate
Bulfinch's Mythology Part II
Wagner died in 1883 you uneducated dumb fuck. Was he a time traveller from the future or something?
I prefer the Vulgate Cycle myself. Malory was a great synthesiser of materials but was basically retarded and robbed a lot of the tales of their complexity and symbolic richness. The Vulgate's Grail sage is far superior. Malory's main interest was making sure his self insert Lancelot shagged every woman and beat up/cucked every man.
you start by using a fork, chopstick person
Doesn’t change the fact he was an anti-semite, dumbass.
So was every single Medieval author....
Proof? Also, what does that have to do with Wagner, a XIXth century composer?
The arthurian myth is not christian, christians self-inserted into it overtime because they can’t create anything new, the can only corrupt.
if that's a dealbreaker for you then you cannot read any literature from the 19th century or older.
Why do Asians eat rice with chopsticks? Are they crazy? Making someone eat rice with chopsticks is the kind of petty torture that a NKVD prison guard would came up with.
Their rice is glued together.
What are you talking about? Christianity became the predominant religion in Britain during the time of roman rule, so around 450 AD. The arthurian legend dates back to the 6th century and is about a king chosen by god fighting off saxon (pagan) invaders. Everyone who was literate and able to write down stories at the time of the 6th century in Britain would have been christian by default.
why do christkikes have to shit up every thread with their jew king?
Read about it, everyone says the christian stuff was a late addition, king Arthur wasn’t christian to begin with.
not always
I've seen a youtube video where the asian dude made fried rice (which is never sticky) and poked fun at white people for eating rice with a fork...
... while he used chopsticks to eat fried rice
stop shitting in the middle of the street
thank you in advance
Christians cared enough about King Arthur to write down the myths and I am pretty sure King Arthur doesn't mind; and if that's not enough, Evola also says that it's okay
Read about what? Everything that anon said is true. "Hurrr there are vague similarities to some half-known pagan poem preserved in Old Irish on a rock in Galway", oh you mean a story about a king saving his people has commonalities with other stories about kings? Go fuck yourself, Arthur is a product of Roman Britain, even his name is Latin.
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I was going to effortpost about arthurian legend, but then I read the thread. You faggots are just too retarded.
Apparently there was a big drive to make the internet cheaply available all through out South America which is, with Africa, the only place with a substantial Christian population. It’s why you see so many brown esl’s defending it.vvrk
>I was going to effortpost about arthurian legend
Please do, I'm genuinely interested in it.
do effortpost anon
Let me guess. "There are many elements of paganism that survive in the Arthurian legends, ergo they are pagan :)" No shit, there are elements of paganism all over early Christian society and especially in legends and stories. Arthur was a Latin-speaking, Romano-British warlord who fought the Godless Saxons. Let's review some evidence:
1.) The name Arthur is universally accepted to have been Latin
2.) The earliest stories about Arthur make him a historical person living at a time when he must have been Christian

Oh gee look at that, your shillpost won't work now that I've exploded it.
>Let me guess
No. If you're >>23817555, then I thought you were the only good poster in this thread until you started this tilting at windmills garbage.
Oh well write the effortpost then if you agree with me, by all means. I had a period of severe autism when I was 14 and did nothing but read Le Morte D'Arthur over summer break. Can't say I appreciated it, it was like hypnotizing myself because the stories were so formulaic and the same things happen over and over again. But I even made a map of Britain with the Arthurian kingdoms drawn in. There certainly are "pagan elements", it'd be silly to deny that, but the stories we have are also obviously deeply Christian.
You're literally retarded.
Try Mists of Avalon. Interesting look at the pagan roots of the Arthur legends.
People in this thread said he was christian.
It's impossible to download stuff from Archive these days.
Those works were written many centuries after the time of King Artur, midwit retard.
Start with the Geoffrey. (of Monmouth)
>starting with the dessert instead of chewing through 3 courses of french chansons de geste
Then why are all his myths just retellings of Celtic pagan myths? Christians are such lying retards, true to their jewish religion
Get the internet archive downloader add on
The image I had of /lit/ is all dead. It was good back in 2015 but after 2016 somehow the quality of thread got weaker and weaker. dare I say that reddit is much better place to talk about literature (one only need to ignore pseudo feminist ).
It was still good in 2016, this retardization is very recent, started around two years ago, these days this board is no different from /v/ or /pol/. The last stronghold of intellectual honesty on 4chan in /sci/ because which due to its nature inherently gatekeeps the retards out and even then some of them always try to shit it up every once in a while.
For me, it's the Last Tournament.
Mallory isn't even close to a primary source.
The first mention of King Arthur in Nennius says that "Arthur bore the image of the Holy Virgin, mother of God, upon his shoulders, and through the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the holy Mary, put the Saxons to flight, and pursued them the whole day with great slaughter"
Arthur being pagan is a retarded modern fanfiction invented by feminists and atheists like Cornwell
>Doesn't even know the definition of a primary source

At best Arthur was a warlord running around in the 6th century. Both of those books were written during the middle-ages.
> atheists like Cornwell
Whoa I didn’t know that, now I’m glad I never read him.
Good. No one wants to read your spiel about how in the end it’s all about your magical desert jew which we should all bow down and worship as a god.
Others have already said it but it's really Chrétien de Troyes.
Le Livre du Graal is excellent but it's quite long (I assume you mean the anonymous Graal). It's in prose which you seem to prefer if you're >>23814018.

The Parsifal opera is good for the music, the story is full retard in regard to Arthurian legends. Wagner used the version of Wolfram von Eschenbach as a basis because it was easier to adapt from 13th century German than from 12th century French. The problem is that Eschenbach had no idea what he was writing about in his translation-rewriting.
Almost all of the the structure of the story, plus the Christian theology and Celtic initiation myth is lost, you're left with courtly slop about muh master race guarding the Philosopher's stone.

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