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I've been getting to reading more often, but there's something a little silly that's in the back of my mind that keeps me from getting too into it: I feel like a lot of the effort is going to waste because I know I won't remember a lot of this! It probably doesn't help that throughout college I saw and did a lot of writing that was too concise and had to be "extended" to be a more acceptable length. The details wouldn't really matter if it's just silly fiction and novels, but I've also become more interested in non-fiction and actual topics.
My thinking's that I could just take notes while reading something, and be left with like a summary once I'm done. Thing is, does anyone do that with stuff that isn't for studying? It feels somehow weird to "study" for yourself.
And what do people do when reading, anyway? Does this happen to other people?
>does anyone do that with stuff that isn't for studying
yeah, literally anytime I read a book. my comprehension is shit
I have the brain of an elementary schooler so I have to annotate and reread the same sentence 20 times
based, I'm not the only one
anyways, OP do you remember every single scene and dialogue after watching a movie? No? Then why do you feel the need to remember everything after reading a book?
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Glad I'm not alone either
>every single scene and dialogue
No, but I think I could hold on to more details than currently. Also I might remember a movie better than a book
lmao, zoomers are doomed if this is the kind of discussions you have with each other, instead of asking questions about a book's philosophy, you are here trying to remember every sentence
>Thing is, does anyone do that with stuff that isn't for studying?
No, because everything they teach you in school is trash you're going to forget and never gonna need. Same for 90% of what you do in college.

I read because I like it. Try reading books you like too.
I try to effort-read when I read and write. Practically this means to read while standing. It's kinda like work, except I get paid in wisdom, not in money.
Why does standing, or putting in extra effort in other ways, make you remember better?
you are no different from a gym bro who goes to the gym to impress women instead of loving the process of self improvement for its own sake
You know how an old song comes on, and suddenly you can recall all the lyrics and sing along? It's in there somewhere, bro... in your mind'd filing cabinet
How so?
It doesn't word-for-word, I can't cite books freely, but I imagine reading then to be a conversation, and conversations are memorable to me. The feelings that I have after reading linger, that's what I remember. If an actionable point comes up I'm more wont to take action.
I see...
Also, when I look at Jesus Christ hanging on the cross, it kinda looks like he's standing (he's not, he's hanging, I know).
Idk what to tell you man, you need to go back to school or something
>because everything they teach you in school is trash you're going to forget and never gonna need
Just because you don't use something or think about something all the time doesn't mean you "forgot" it
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I know exactly what you are talking about OP.
>For nonfiction that I might like but don't know yet:
I'm ok with getting the fuzzy picture with some memories of the book here and there while I'm just feeling about the subject matter
>For nonfiction that I want to learn for myself
Read while taking notes, make up questions of it and write an essay on notable questions. Writing small essays also helps with writing and articulation so while you are wrestling with the topics, you actually learn how to write better. This takes more time but it is more fun and the knowledge will stay with you naturally instead of you forgetting everything after taking notes.
Also, the 'Study' furniture in the videogame Old School Runescape is a lectern, a piece of furniture made for studying while standing upright, so I got some c(l)ues from there.
why is she stronk
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>write an essay on notable questions
I guess that could also help to continue figuring out and organizing the book's ideas as it goes on
You're thinking of the the value of stories wrong. If I ask you "what's more valuable $10,000 a month or $100,000 now" you don't reference the tortoise and the hair you just say "incremental and compounded improvement trumps a lump sum". Stories make you see and reason differently, if you accidentally remember tortoise and the hair as tortoise and the roadrunner it makes absolutely no difference to the value you got out of that.
Nobody gives a fuck about anything given in school.
Serious question, have you never consumed some form of media and felt something? Would going to an art gallery mean anything to you?
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Get back to reading anon. Your intellectual gains are awaiting!
part of the fun is finishing a chapter or segment and summarizing the events you read and dissecting character choices, analyzing potential foreshadowing etc... i don't do this on paper, i do it in my head, but if paper helps then so be it
Reading is an acquired pleasure. It takes some time, maybe a decade to do it so that you feel you need it. For example I've stopped watching TV or movies because they lack the depth and detail.
When you read, 90% of what you will read is a lot of shit that you will forget because is shit. But eventually you will find some book or some paragraph that will stick with you and makes you think and grow as a person. It's worth it
wtf is your picrel
How do I forge five men to fuck my girlfriend?
Read something like the Canterbury Tales (only using a translation and footnotes when absolutely necessary), I feel like it unlocked something in my brain and I started being able to understand everything I read more deeply. Try to figure out on your own what it is that Chaucer's actually saying.
Fuck her yourself, asshole
I hardly read books before I started reading out loud the past few years. I love reading books out loud now and it kind of slows me down, actually improves my pronunciation and confidence and helps me get comfortable with reading new things out loud for the first time. I'm a performer so I love pronouncing and performing. I wish someone had encouraged me to read out loud when I was younger.

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