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literature on incest?
Kek they deserved to die.
Die Walkure
Fuck off normalfag you don't belong here
It literally says in their wikipedia page that their story was the basis of John Ford's tragedy
On today's episode of "I'm a deranged 4channer, and I'd like to read literature about my base and repulsive sexual fantasies" anon outs himself as a cretinous degenerate. Stick around after the break for more pathetic attempts of reconciling his warped desires by attempting to legitimize them via literature. Here's a word from our sponsors..
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leviticus 18 and deuteronomy
The Incest Diary
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fake and gay
you need to go back
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Wagner's Walkure is almost explicitly relevant to the story of Julien and Marguerite.
Kino. True love can only exist under hardship.
That's why the moment homosexuality was accepted (far before legalization) it lost all it's dramatic weight and cultural power.
Crossdressing and a million other things too.These things should have been left as counter-culture always to be looked down upon, not accepted or even embraced. That's why there is no magic in homosexuality anymore.
specifically on the topic such as a discussion of the morals and social impact or simply featuring it?
Of the latter I know it features in a lot of fantasy novels to a minor degree
Baker's boy by JV Jones
Raymond E Feist
Katherine Kerr

I'm not particularly widely read on the topic however.
Ada or Ardor, which is Nabokov's only good book
Cocteau’s Les Enfants Terribles is an incestuous love story inspired by Greek tragedies such as Oedipus.
The late Robin Fox the anropologist used to have a syllabus and reading list on his site I read through a couple, you might find it worthwhile.

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4. Old Testament: Genesis 15-21 – The Story of Lot’s Daughters

(From the New Oxford Annotated Bible)

Start with the story of Abraham (15) to get the background.

What was Abraham’s deal with God?

Earlier (Genesis 13) it was told how Lot was the son of Abraham’s brother, and had separated from him and gone to Sodom on the plain of the Jordan to prevent strife between their followers over resources.

What happened in Sodom and Gomorrah?

What happened with Lot’s daughters?

5. Old Testament: 2 Samuel 13 – The Story of Tamar and Amnon

This is a straightforward tale easy to follow. Note that Absalom and Amnon were sons of King David, and Tamar was Absalom’s full sister and Amnon’s half sister (different mother.) Look particularly at Tamar’s reaction to her brother, and think about Absalom’s motives.
6. The Book of Jubilees Chap 4. The Children of Adam.

One of the “lost books” that didn’t make it into the bible. An account by a writer in about 150 BC who tries to make up for the contradiction in Genesis. Where did Adam’s sons get their wives? Look for how the descendants of Seth solved the problem. Whom did they marry?
The Bible
>be pregnant at 14
Flowers in the Attic
go back faggot
normal for 99% of human history, faggot
>Ada or Ardor
Do cousins count
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OP here.
Yes, I like most forms of incest but mostly sibling incest hence why the story of Julien and Marguerite strums at my heartstrings so profoundly. Mother/child and father/child incest grosses me out, though.
I prefer siblings purely because you grow up with your sibling and it's like falling for your childhood friend. And, the majority of the time (at least from experience), siblings are closer in age.
Unironically there's more incest on Reddit than 4chan.
This is true, actually. When I browsed Reddit for lulz, I found quite a decent amount of incest storytelling. 80% probably weren't true, though that's hard to say. I believe there's even an entire sub dedicated to incest, right?
4chan only has a few zones with much regular incest content from my research
imouto vs onee threads on /a/
incest threads on /h/
secret/wincest threads on /b/ + the odd /adv/ thread
these book rec threads on /lit/
momcest mental illness containment threads on /r9k/ and /h/
/gif/ but it's racemixed step siblings(?)
as far as I'm aware there are occasional threads on other boards but nothing makor

reddit on the other hand has specific dedicated subreddits for pretty much every facet of incest degeneration all the way down to age gap furry incest inbreeding macros.
even if some of them are like 3 guys spamming their badly captioned porn screenshots reddit is incredibly degenerate.
Back when the Coffin of Andy and Leyley released, /v/ was full of Andy & Leyley threads, which is an incest game. So I guess that might count?
Ah yeah I fogot the coffin threads on /v/, good catch.
I think /sci/ has occasional threads about inbreeding/outbreeding but that's not exactly incest

Only /b/ and /gif/ vaguely approach the sheer degeneracy of reddit subs like incestconfessions and out of the two I trust testimonies from 4chan more due to the only feedback being (You)s
Interesting story OP, thank you for posting.
That one Jean Cocteau film which us perhaps a book
Technically Charles Darwin since he discovered it was a problem while fucking his cousin.
Les Enfants Terribles

I mentioned it already and it isn't even a Cocteau film. Cocteau wrote the book but the film is by Jean Pierre Melville who is better known for making gangster flicks with Belmondo and Delon.
his results were pretty inconclusive though.
Fuck that’s so sad, they were too pure for this world.
They should’ve fled to England.
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All kids aged 16 have to read it in Portugal
Thank you for your knowledge reddit incest scholar
100 Years of Solitude (like 7 generations of incest blueballing until a nigga cums in his aunt and then the world ends)
And French resistance movies although I can see that being less popular outside of France.
I could never consider banging my sister as she’s a blonde and I find blondes vile compared to redheads and brunette. There’s also the whole thing about her being married and hating my guts shit too that also gets in the way.
Why does she hate you? :/
I saw the steamy, on the run film from Melville titled Magnet of Doom (French title is last of the Ferchauxs) recently. I’d recommend it. It was a decent enough drama about an old criminal man on the run in the US trying to wrangle his former boxer, bodyguard from getting in trouble.
itt: single childs
That might be accurate, but I have such an insatiable desire to be understood by someone close to me that I feel as though I'd be attracted to anyone that understands me, even if it was my sister.
Years of porn and hentai don't help lol
heh, made me laugh
Poe's story the Fall of the House of Usher is about a family line ending due to incest. The climax of the story the house (as in the actual castle of the Usher family) crumbles around the narrator which is making it akin to how the Usher family killed itself through years of inbreeding. Here is the full story:

nah. I'm not attracted to my sister or my mom but the concept of incest turns me on.
well that was disgusting
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really? then why is all the most acclaimed art these days about fags?
My grandfather was born to a 14 year old. 1 of 12
Faulkner’s Sanctuary is good. Don’t listen to what the man himself said about it.
Why are all his books about incest (homossexual incest included)?
Incest is hot to me, my sister is not to me, I figure it's the intimacy effect since people seem to rank sibling incest relationships higher..
I literally only use reddit for polandballs and the erotica value of their incest subs although sometimes it's more of a guessing game to see which is the most bullshit story.
People are fucking weird, admitedly I hesitate to call redditors people. I think there's a multiplier effect as a degenerate community feeds on its own delusions and perceptions of the world.
Honestly I've thought about writing out my thoughts on the active promotion of incest and what the possible effects and motivations behind it could be followed by the effects on society and individuals. But I'm not much of a writer and often lose interest.
I've had some good debates on the topic in /a/ threads a few times, but it inevitably triggers a janny or the scat spammer.
It's a strange subject. Human emotions and sexual drives run deep.
Enlighten us anon. I'd like to hear more.
Classic incest kino with digressions on the metaphysics of time and its passing.
Reddit is home to incest weirdos, not 4chan. OP is a tourist
Perhaps later if my mind settles enough.
Bruh it was never normal lmfao. It was relatively normal to marry cousins, like third cousins mostly. It was never normal to have sex with your sister, and out of wedlock no less. Fucking hell, dude. People are so uneducated or anti-educated on every topic it’s crazy.
>weddings are normal
there were several at least ~10 years ago when I was reading them, would also be interested in literature regarding the subject.
>be retard
>can't follow even a simple comment chain
>completely retarded post criticising anon for something he didn't say
>has obviously never read the roman era census and marriage records of egypt
>he thinks 4000 years is enough of a timeline to establish consensus
>Verification not required.
Stop spamming the kike on a stick nigger. This is an aryan board.
When I first read that 40% of egyptian men who had a sister married her, it took me a little by surprise.

on the plus side it meant the line in ovid about myrrha's love being accepted if only she were born in another land make more sense.
Because he’s writing about the South.
Not sure why the out of wedlock required particular emphasis.
if you aren't legally uniting two distinct familial lineages with their own distinct inheritance but merely continuing an already formed legal familial lineage do you even need formal marriage?

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