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Should he have just done the time skip instead?
someone should go back and time and convince him of being a plumber instead of a writer
Yes. Many of the key characters are too young and too far from where they need to be to move into the final part of the story.
If he did the time skip, he wouldn't be able to have the teenage Daenerys walking around with one breast exposed or a child with problems grabbing the breasts of the also teenage Sansa.
>bro don't be a writer, you're going to be so rich you never have to work again and also world-famous and all your fans will hate you because you're enjoying life too much to finish your books--no wait, put down that pen!
how would that be the case
The 5 year gap wasn't even the original plan as the fan base keeps saying. It was a solution to a problem he had created in the first 3 books where chapters would take place shortly one after another and the characters ended up not aging a lot. He abandoned the thought when he realised the time gap wouldn't work for shit like Stannis at the Wall and Cersei in King's Landing, and instead devoted 2 books of interlude to somehow contain all that'd happen during the time gap and more (which is why so little actually happens).

I think it makes for better storytelling (imagine if ADWD began with telling you that Jon, Daenerys, Cersei etc had all rules for 5 years all merrily with no issues and/or Arya and Bran had mastered their OP skills) but it doesn't solve the problem which is the characters are still too young. Tommen is still like 8 years old and can't marry Margaery
he should just take the books down a different path; kill jon and get stannis wrecked, begin the saga of the golden company versus westeros, danny arrives then bran comes and kills everyone with zombies
It would've had Daenerys arriving in Westeros in book 4, so yes
The series will never recover from what AFfC did to it
no because the book's plot and narrative would've suffered. imagine coming back in TWOW (without AFFC and ADWD existing) and GRRM is like:

>yeah, Cersei ruled for 5 years no problem, lemme list you all the things that happened in one paragraph
he is such a bad writer but he was soo good before he got involved in the live action of got damn. I hope future anons forget this guy and his work ever existed.
>he is such a bad writer
>he was soo good before he got involved in the live action of got

he's never written a book since that. is that the joke?
That was never the intention. He was supposed to go through all the events in flashbacks, the characters would just be of logical age.
Yes. He should time skip to a point after people stop talking about his shitty books. That's what I wish I could do.
What would the events of Tommen, Daenerys and Stannis at the wall would be that you'd justify them just sitting on their ass for five years?
Being soft, a decent ruler for peace time, and demonstrating their victory in the war of 5 kings was pyrrhic.
Consolidating her gains on essos and putting down counter-revolutions.
Building precarious favor with the wildlings.
>Stannis spent 5+ years stationing his southron army near the northern fringes of the world just to beat the Boltons
>his army hasn't frozen off or mutinied yet, trust me bro
Simple, make the attack on the Boltons happen before the time skip. GRRM could probably even get away with writing a novella about it.

People already don't care about the fact various armies are composed of people who magically don't miss their homes after several years so you could even work in some of them going back and being replaced with wildlings.
the 5 year gap was such a band-aid solution it was obvious it wouldn't work. the other one was to tie a meereeneese knot and then try to solve it, but the best (and the most impossible one) would be to not make your main characters fucking 8 years old and then make 5 books last 1 year when they're meant to last 5-6. He should've just rewrote the age of the Stark & Lannister children when he finished AGOT and he saw it took like 2 in-universe months from start to end

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