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Read the Opus Postumum.


Einstein's work is a contrivance to fill the gap left open by philosophy.


The physicists were unprepared to carry out a metaphysical deduction of this sort.


Space-time is a contortion of geometry to make up for the transitional gap.

What the fuck are you talking about nigger? explain yourself, but not like a schizo, because it sounds interesting.
Hegel spent all his intellectual powers trying to do this and all he had to show for it was a schizo chapter in the phenomenology, then he reluctantly admitted that Kant was wrong about the extent to which the a priori dictates experience
>explain yourself, but not like a schizo
he can't do it because he's talking about the most schizo part of Kant. Most people think they understand what the implications of the transcendental ideality of space and time are but they really don't. If you actually read the Critique and you're not a midwit, you'll realize that the implications of Kant's premises not only directly contradict common sense, they are so insane that they are literally impossible to actually believe according to Kant's own philosophy. According to Kant himself, we know through the science of the critique that space and time are transcendentally ideal, but this fact is so difficult for our minds to grasp that we constantly lapse back into believing that they are immanently real. Kant was by far one of the most deranged philosophers to ever live precisely because he accepted the fact that his philosophy was too deranged for the mind to accept.
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What irony that the greatest thinker who ever lived denied the faculty of intellectual intuition to human beings! The Critique of Pure Reason is overflowing with intellectual intuition expressed in precise, disciplined Prussian German.

The Critique is written from the standpoint of someone who lacks intellectual intuition, or in other words, someone who fails to recognize his own thinking as intuition, i.e, direct cognition of his thoughts. Yet, the Critique itself, as a product of thinking, is a product of intellectual intuition, in fact, presupposes it. Kant, with his impeccable intelligence, could not have failed to recognize this. Thus what makes the Critique so great is its profound irony, without doubt intended deliberately by the great Architect.

The truth is Kant himself possessed intellectual intuition, but chose to write from the standpoint of one without this faculty, so that his intended audience, empiricist and rationalist philosophers could bridge the gap between themselves through the recognition that belief or not in the faculty of intellectual intuition is what lied at the boundary between them. And further those who did not believe in this faculty would come to recognize their own intellectual intuition by means of the great contradiction of the Critique, its great irony: its grandiose display of intellectual intuition to deny that selfsame intuition. A contradiction that can only be resolved, an irony that can only be understood, when the reader finally recognizes their own thinking as this mysterious intellectual intuition.

This predicate which Kant admits only to the concept of a divine understanding, shows itself to be found in the understanding of man- and thus man's understanding reveals itself to be divine understanding; the Mind of God is Mind of Man.
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He meant the Critical Philosophy merely as a thought experiment to demonstrate the logical consequences of the normie metaphysic (denial of intellectual intuition). The Critique is ultimately a reductio ad absurdum: "Look at what you get when you deny intellectual intuition, complete nonsense. Therefore intellectual intuition exists."

He does therefore believe in noumena in a postive sense: thoughts as objects of understanding, all the while tongue in cheek denying such a faculty for humans in the natural healthy state. It is by the process of progressing through transcendental critique that the human eventually grows out of this natural state and achieves the standpoint of philosophy which is the recognition of the true nature of thought, a state which transforms the human into something more than human: An Übermensch.
you don’t want to know about the gap. the blindspot. you will be sucked into it and you will never come out of it. philosophy ends in madness, silence, or poetry, which is simply a mad speech which implicates the profound silence of the gap by interrupting it.
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The normie is usually taken to be superior to the retard, autist, and schizo in normie metaphysics. However in actual metaphysics the normie can be considered engrossed in Kants empirical intuition, which is why she is adapted to the physical world. She is actually the lowest stage of human evolution. The next stage is the schizo, who is becoming engrossed in imaginal intuition and thus becomes lost in his confusion of the imaginal and the sensible. Next comes the autist who has been born with intellectual intuition and is higher or lower functioning in the sensible or physical world depending on how developed his intellectual intuitionis, with high functioning autists having a lesser developed intellectual intuition and low functiong autists having a more developed intellectual intuition culminating in the absolute retard who is so engrossed in intellectual intuition he has lost touch with physical reality. Thus as you see in the hierarchy of human being the absolute retard has the highest being and is closest to God while the normie has the lowest being and furthest from God. The normie is also known by the term of midwit.

I would like to add that autist, schizo and retard are normie terms developed by normies to understand nonnormies from within the normie metaphysic and therefore carry with them the negative connotations normies associate with these nonnormies. In actuality however these connotations are contingent overtones of the normie metaphysic which is a faulty metaphysic grounded on the lower empirical intuition as opposed to the higher intllectual intuition, giving direct knowledge of reality. But we must communicate to the normie on his terms if we are ever to communicate with him at all.
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The Phenomenology is an introduction. Hegel completes this in the Greater Logic.
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This. Caveat emptor.
Yes, but not without the propadeutic.
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Interpreted like a dark, fucked up version of Kant haha. Just a glimpse into my dark reality. A full stare into my twisted perspective would make most simply go insane lmao
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I tried so hard and got so far...
the science of logic is the science of "logic" and hegel admitted it had nothing to do with the content of perception or even with its mathematical structure
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>logic is to be understood as the system of pure reason, as the realm of pure thought. This realm is truth as it is without veil and in its own absolute nature. It can therefore be said that this content is the exposition of God as he is in his eternal essence before the creation of nature and a finite mind.
- Science of Logic dection 53
Nice. How can one know if they are normie, schizo, or autist?
Du hast Recht mein Fren. Sehr gut.
Michelson-Morley and Einstein put that one down chief. You may have erred more to the metaphysical. It happens to everyone. Best I can do is mix ethyl alcohol and sulfuric acid, you'll be philosophizing again in no time chief.
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