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Why do female characters suck dick?
No real hardships, no real overcoming, no real character at the end of it.
Because I hate women
Because tha'ts what females do irl
Women are passive, thus having a tendency to lack personality
Greeks knew this
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Me enjoy romance novel where Grug gets many Grugetts willing to suck his mammoth trunk. Other stinky tribe men don't know how he does it. Until the chief's wifey tells him it's because he wash in cold stream every 5 days. Big chief man makes whole tribe wash in cold stream because he wants his mammoth trunk sucked too.
Women are supposed to suck dick.
Women can't afford to accept large risks while the survival of men relies on it. The woman has to be cruel and selfish while the man has to be magnanimous.
You can tell that edit was made by a salty female "author"
It’s because people don’t fundamentally expect the same things out of women as men. Nobody finds moral ambiguity compelling in a woman because nobody expects the woman to be in a situation where she has to be in some leadership role rife with ethical quandaries or to have to bad for the greater good or anything like that. Furthermore, nobody really believes that women go through the same character development that men do. Look at real life. Men with trauma and baggage often turn out to be scumbags but also often turn out to be people with a chip on their shoulder about said trauma and baggage or someone who is particularly upright when it comes to that trauma and baggage. A son of divorce loathes divorce. A boy who’s been cheated on loathes cheating. A man who’s experienced tragedy lets it make him a better person. Women? They get worse. They carry their baggage around with them like a dead weight. Everyone understands this intuitively. Women with baggage are scumbags 99% of the time. Now that’s not to say that a woman who has baggage but overcomes can’t be compelling. It’s just that the audience doesn’t expect it. If a woman in a story is a victim of rape and goes through a witchy phase you just expect her to be a BPD whore. You just do. Maybe she won’t be, but you’ll always think “eh not so realistic.” That’s why what people find in female characters is not development but a sort of permanent “more than meets the eye”. The girl with a cold exterior is actually a lovable sweetheart. The woman appears outwardly as the perfect wife harbors a dark secret. The vapid legally blonde bimbo is actually a cultured literati. These are the sort of female characters people find compelling because they resonate with our actual experience. But having women fill these sort of personality shoes in a narrative is just like writing in a character that’s a dog but also the main villain. You just don’t believe it.
I really liked a Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini for a story with solid female characters overcoming real hardships. Also its portrayal of the cultural changes Afghanistan underwent in the 70s through the 90s is super interesting.
INB4 Plebbit fuck off, any book about women is called plebbit on this board unless its Lolita or Justine.
>Thousand Splendid Suns
>Trying to convince 4channers to read another "Men are bad" book
>A son of divorce loathes divorce. A boy who’s been cheated on loathes cheating
Maybe I'm too cynical but I would think someone coming from a family torn apart by a particular vice is much more likely to commit those things themselves as adults than those who were raised in a normal family. Abusive parents raise children who will tend to become abusive themselves as adults, cheating parents raise children who will be more likely to cheat in their marriages as adults later on, etc.
I will win
My heart is burning with desire
I will go
I will vanquish anything that stands before me
Cause the male writers make them do it
There is more historical precedence for male grandiloquence and bombasticity. We're more conditioned to appreciate them because of literary traditions. There is a tradition of larger than life male characters as far back as humans have created characters.
Did you read the book or just the summary on the back?
This is more true than what the other anon said
>Why do females suck dick?
They like the taste?
bc male writers use women as plot support
that author is a Californian afghani
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>Women? They get worse. They carry their baggage around with them like a dead weight. Everyone understands this intuitively. Women with baggage are scumbags 99% of the time.
Yup. I think it has to do with the fact that men are actually held accountable. If you sit on your ass crying about le mean ex-girlfriends you WILLbe shunned and will be stunted for life, most likely. Women can get away with whining and having no introspection because some simp will always be willing to save her (until she cheats on him, obviously). The number of single moms I know that unironically post shit like
>he must be a good man, provide 100k a year, be a good dad and also love me for me!!
is a testament to how little women think about how other people perceive them.
>just like writing in a character that’s a dog but also the main villain. You just don’t believe it.
Unironically one of my stories has a dog as a villain
the hell is a hu
Hookup. Aka one night stands
all the things on the right is just gary-stu shit
>If you sit on your ass crying about le mean ex-girlfriends you WILLbe shunned and will be stunted for life, most likely
There are entire channels on Youtube dedicated to make fun of woman complaining about their ex's or shitty dates
>>he must be a good man, provide 100k a year, be a good dad and also love me for me!!
The only unreasonable thing here is earning 100k and even then, the sentiment is mostly valid given that they have to take care of a child
but that's what women are on on a civilisational level?
I can never understand why retards insist on talking about differences between sexes while absolutely refusing to educate themselves about biology and evolution. You're all brainwashed communists.
>socioeconomic reasons
fuck off

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