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what does /lit/ think of this book? I'm divided, although there is some valuable advice, I don't like how the kid doesn't counterargue with stronger examples, plus the philosopher saying that trauma doesn't exist just because you can overcome it is so retarded it's like saying hunger doesn't exist because you can eat.
Self-help is for retards.
I didn't even know it was a self-help book, I thought it was a psychology book and I picked it up out of pure curiosity.
a common theme ive noticed is a general distaste for self-help literature here. the vast majority of literature men read today is self-help, and the vast majority of this board must be men.
is it just the notion that men on lit learn these lessons from stories rather than self help books?
My gut never lies, and my gut is telling me that it's a gimmicky self-help book with a premise that can be summed up without loss of information in half a page.
"Courage to Be Disliked," written by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga, is a self-help book that explores Adlerian psychology through a dialogue between a philosopher and a young man. The book advocates for the idea that personal happiness and fulfillment come from the courage to live authentically and reject the need for external validation. It emphasizes:

1. Self-Acceptance: Embracing one's true self and taking responsibility for one's own life and choices.
2. Interpersonal Relationships: Building genuine connections by focusing on mutual respect and understanding rather than seeking approval.
3. Freedom from Past Influences: Recognizing that past experiences do not have to dictate one's future and that one can change their life by changing their mindset.

Overall, the book encourages readers to break free from societal pressures and live a life true to themselves.
Ideas that were better expressed in the Bible, as per usual.

Matthew 10:22: "You will be hated by all for My name's sake."

John 15:18: "If the world hates you, remember that it hated Me first."

Romans 5:3-4: "Not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope."
the book has little to do with what you posted, it basically regurgitates alfred adler's psychology of individuality in dialogue format.
On the part about trauma, I think the point is to take away its sense of permanence. Obviously, there are injuries which last forever but there are also injuries which heal and so at some point are no longer injuries. Trauma that can be overcome is like that. Once overcome is ceases to be trauma.
I thought it was pretty good and made sense, that said I feel like. But I think you need to be at a high level of self-sufficiency and abundance to not care what others think. Completion of your life tasks depend on the approval of other people.
To be honest I don't remember much more, I read it back in march 2022. I should re-read it, even though I'm still not anywhere near the baseline of value in society to put it's principles into practice which is also what I thought back when I read it.

It's really a primer to Adlerian psychology though the format of Socratic dialogue. And yeah the trauma thing is (kinda) dumb now, but he's summing up the psychology of a man from the mid 20th century that's pretty much saying this stuff in response to Freud slapping trauma onto everyone and everything.
I read a fair bit about Adler after too but again, don't remember much. I feel like his psychology is far more applicable and relevant, compared to Freud and Jung. Though I guess his focus is totally different from Jung. And it also depends on the person a lot. Adler is writing mainly in regards to the introverted withdrawn person, evident in how the book starts out it's focus on NEETs.

The inferiority complex talk resonated a lot with me though. Also the fictional final goal, I remember that clearly. Over-compensation, the story about that orator in greece...
I did try taking some notes and highlights actually, but that was on an old tablet and I didnt bother to figure out how to transfer it... you win physicalchads. Though I wouldn't have the book with me right now anyway even if it was physical, it would be in a different country.
It's a grift and 99% of the contents in any given self-help book are disposable. They're like the YouTube videos of books.
>trauma doesn't exist
He's right.
It's a good book. The writing style / delivery is a little weird sometimes (the fact that it's not a genuine dialog can be felt on the text), but the content is absolutely great. It's just Alfred Adler's ideas in a dialogue format though, so it's not 'groundbreaking' / original. Adler's ideas are groundbreaking however, at least it has genuinely changed me for the better, and does not just contain the same self-help bullshit that is in most of this genre. It is actually difficult to follow through, and it actually works. It made me realise tons of ways in which I was sabotaging myself and my own happiness, and made myself miserable in many social situations. I'm still using the ideas and examples in this book when I catch myself slipping.

The cover with the self-help cliches does raise red flags in a critical reader, I've almost put the book down before even starting. But the actual content is not cliche and genuinely good. Just read through it, then read Adler's books if you're interested further, e.g. Understanding Human Nature.
>books to help humans figure out themselves is bad
>...its just is ok!!!!!
emotional and childish response
Courage? I've been openly disliked since day one of kindergarten. It didn't take courage; it was simply thrust upon me. And take it from me...it's soul-draining.
Most of 4chan is depressed and don't want to admit self-help literature is actually useful because it would require actual effort to implement the advice.
It was a decent summary of Adler's ideas and nothing more. The book itself is garbage.

>the philosopher saying that trauma doesn't exist just because you can overcome it is so retarded
That's Adler, and it makes sense. Basically, Adler had a Nietzschean view of the "soul," or organism. Everything we do is out of the immanent will to power — that includes having panic attacks. A "panic attack" is actually just the ego coercing the body to do what it wants. If you have a panic attack when you go outside, it's not because you fear going outside, but because you DEEPLY WANT TO STAY INSIDE. The will to power is what motivates all action, not a will to survival, a will to safety, etc.
It's not useful. It effectively amounts to victim blaming.
>just cope with you're le problems (^;
My problems are material, and I require other people's care and assistance. God forbid THEY ever have to do anything though.
>The cover with the self-help cliches does raise red flags in a critical reader
It's quite funny how the cover says it's a Japanese phenomenon and then the literal first line of the actual book says that it's wholly western psychology
Based take.
>the philosopher saying that trauma doesn't exist just because you can overcome it

if the medical system was better it wouldn't be retarded, but they gatekeep knowledge.
>I'm divided
>The courage to be disliked

looks like the author proved his point.

copycat swagjacker retard contradicter entrapper paranoia agent deceptive angling bot spammer. It's a Japanese website and I see what you're doing. Don't turn 4chan into your anglosphere gay influence. Go away politely retard.
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My pain must be acknowledged.
My problem is I can't find a fucking job.
Alice Cooper has some advice for you in his song "Lost In America".

I can't get a girl cuz I ain't got a car
I can't get a car cuz I ain't got a job
I can't get a job cuz I ain't got a car
So I'm looking for a girl with a job and a car

All kidding aside, what are you qualified to do?
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>books to help humans figure out themselves is bad
Go back, troon.
Good book I like how it points out that people who say they have trauma are in fact retards
Hehe that sums up my life especially after graduating college
Now I can't get a job because I haven't worked for years
Most self help books are written by normie psychologists who have been solving normie problems for other normie retards who occasionally find themselves in a bind. 4chan is composed of outliers who wouldn't be able to apply this advice because they are always in a bind by virtue of being born wrong. It's almost like expecting a cripple to do cardio-- it's shallow and simplistic and ultimately vapid because it offers nothing new except shine a light on the self promotion of a psychiatric grifter who thinks they have solved human suffering by publishing a book.
/lit/ needs The Courage to be Wrong Especially When Anonymous and No One Will Know You Made a Fool of Yourself On A Balinese Shadow Puppet Forum, has anyone written that one yet?
Victim blaming is not a strictly defined behavior it could be an interpretation of any criticism that recognizes the role of the victims behavior in their outcomes.

Not all a victims behavior is caused by their agency, so I don't think it's wrong to recognize that conscious mental distortions and unconscious habits and thoughts contribute to a person's life outcomes. Especially if one can help themselves or others in avoiding poor situations in the future.
That's what happens when you get nuked and conquered by Western power.
4chan isn't full of outliers it's full of normalfags with jobs
reddit tier answer
Oh how things have changed. I remember when literal cp got posted on this site in the 2000's. Wild times.

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